Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 30 Level 3 Village, Little Famous

"Architectural Drawings: Imperial Dining Room"

"Building Class: Class B"

"Architectural roles: processing food, holding ceremonies, etc."

"Construction consumption: 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone"


Ah this!

In the golden trial treasure chest, the architectural drawings of the imperial kitchen were actually opened.

Could it be that this is the so-called wish come true?

In the past few days of coming to the battlefield of ten thousand clans, although Zhang Mingyue, this beautiful girl, has good cooking skills, in Chaoge Village, after all, there is no kitchen.

Nowadays, the appearance of the architectural drawings of the imperial kitchen can be regarded as improving the food situation of Chaoge Village.

"Master, this architectural drawing does not seem to be of much help to the development of Chaoge Village."

Looking at the result after opening the trial treasure chest, Zhao Feiyan apologised slightly.

"Why didn't it help."

"Man is iron, and rice is steel. How to fight if you don't have enough to eat, and how to work if you don't have enough to eat."

"I think it's a good result."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Chuan directly greeted Lin Shuyi and asked her to arrange for the people to build the imperial kitchen.

Right now.

With the appearance of Lin Shuyi, Yang Chuan also got another good news.

"Lord Lord."

"At present, the basic resources in the territory have exceeded 100,000 units, which meets the upgrade requirements of the territory."

"Do you need to upgrade the level of the territory?"

The efficiency of collecting resources is so fast!

Hearing Lin Shuyi's report, Yang Chuan had some surprises at first.

But after thinking about it, the people of the territory have a 10-fold increase in collection.

In addition, killing the invading thieves before is the basic resource for harvesting.

In the case of various accumulations, it is quite normal to accumulate 10 units of basic resources.

"Then let's do it simultaneously."

Yang Chuan made arrangements without hesitation.

Now that the requirements for upgrading the territory have been met, the level of the territory must be upgraded.

There is no doubt about that.

Although it is not yet confirmed, after the territory level is upgraded again, will the scale be upgraded from villages to townships.

But with the improvement of the territory.

The first is that the number of refugees refreshed every day will also increase accordingly.

The second is the area of ​​the territory, which will expand again as the level of the territory increases.

The summary is one point.

There are many benefits to improving the level of the territory. It is not an expansion to describe it as Baili harmless.

Immediately after.

After Lin Shuan got Yang Chuan's reply, the efficiency of his work was still very fast.

didn't wait too long,

Yang Chuan received a prompt message from the system.

"Hint: Start building the imperial kitchen."


"Hint: To meet the requirements for upgrading the territory, do you want to upgrade the level of the territory?"

"Yes or no"



Without rushing, Yang Chuan made a choice.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light appeared in Chaoge Village, covering the entire village fortress.

The golden light is dazzling, as bright as the scorching sun.

And it continued until the village was upgraded, and the golden light disappeared.

"Look, master, we have a wide square in Chaoge Village."

"And there's an extra river."

After the upgrade, Chaoge Village has changed a lot.

The first is the area of ​​the territory, which has tripled again compared to before.

In addition to this, there is an additional river, passing through the east side of Chaoge Village.

As well as around Chaoge Village, the number of basic resources has also increased a lot with the upgrade of the territory.

"Hint: After the construction of the imperial dining room was completed, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect was triggered, and the imperial dining room was upgraded to the House of Internal Affairs."


"Hint: The village level increases, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect is triggered, and the first-level village is upgraded to the third-level village."


"Territory Building: House of Internal Affairs"

"Building Quality: Class A"

"Architectural Effect 1: Make food, hold ceremonies."

"Building effect 2: Improve the work efficiency of the people of the territory."


"The level of the territory has been directly increased by two levels!"

"After the imperial kitchen was completed, it was upgraded to become the House of Internal Affairs?"

Yang Chuan looked at the prompt message that appeared in front of him, and froze in place with a stunned expression.

According to Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect.

Each time a building is constructed, the quality will increase by one level.

For example, the imperial dining room, which originally had only a B-grade quality, was upgraded to an A-grade building of the House of Internal Affairs after the completion of the construction.

This all seems reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it.

But what Yang Chuan didn't expect was.

When a first-level village is upgraded to a second-level village, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect can be triggered, and it can be directly upgraded to a third-level village.

Roughly saved 200,000 basic resources for Yang Chuan.

Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect is like a bug.

"Next, you only need to accumulate 300,000 units of wood and 300,000 units of stone to upgrade a third-level village to a fifth-level village."

"No wonder everyone wants to get stuck."

Yang Chuan suddenly felt in a good mood.

But after that, the system announcement appeared in front of Yang Chuan again.

It's the same as when the initial wooden house was upgraded to a village fortress for the first time, but the content of the system announcement has undergone some changes.

[System Announcement]: With the upgrade of Chaoge Village to a third-level village, as a lord, your influence in the battlefield of all ethnic groups has increased to a small reputation.

[Tips]: The number of basic resources around Chaoge Village has increased, and the number of rare resources has increased.

[Tips]: Business travelers and black market merchants begin to pay attention to Chaoge Village.



Thanks to the book friend [Empty Fantasy ~ Extinction] for the reward.

Thanks to the book friend【frich..】for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Wind Wind] for the monthly pass.

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