Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter Fifty-Eight The War Has Been Lost

It worked.

Military Master Skill-Sparkling a Prairie, successfully launched.

It's just that the success rate this time has dropped by 2% compared to the last time it was used.

This also means that in Heifengzhai, there are also heroic units of the intelligence type.

well known.

The power of military master skills is very terrifying.

Especially for units of arms, once the military division skill is successfully launched, there will definitely be a large-scale casualty situation.

Therefore, in the case of both the enemy and the enemy, there are heroic units of intelligence type.

Unless there is an intellectual crushing situation.

Otherwise, the success rate of launching Military Master Skills will be much lower.

And even if it finally succeeds in launching the Military Master Skill.

The power of military master skills will also decrease accordingly.

But it's obvious.

When Cai Wenji launched the spark to start a prairie fire, she had a 98% success rate.

Under such circumstances, Cai Wenji's intelligence attribute was definitely easily crushed by the military advisor hiding in Heifengzhai.

Therefore, with the ignition of the spark, it turned into a prairie prairie of raging flames.


Countless bandits ran out of the wooden houses.

The entire Heifeng Village was plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

The raging flames ignited everything around.

Looking from a distance, when the smoke was billowing, the Heifeng Village was filled with flames.

Although before launching Spark Fire, he did not know where the bandits in Heifengzhai were ambushing.

Therefore, it is impossible to pose a fatal threat to the force of the bandits.

But with the launch of a spark.

How could it be possible to block the power of the fire attack in the Heifeng Village, which was almost all wooden buildings.

and this.

It was Zhao Feiyan's plan.

Now, with Zhao Feiyan's plan succeeded.

I saw the black bandit force, one by one was forced out.

There were even some bandits who didn't flee in time, but at this time they had already caught fire, and the surging flames engulfed them in an instant.


The picture of the sea of ​​​​fire like hell on earth is the description of Heifengzhai.

"Sparkling prairie fire?"

"In this crusade team of Chaoge Village, there are even heroes who know the skills of military teachers."

at the same time.

The white-faced scholar, who was confident before, turned pale at this moment.

Unpredictable battle situation.

It has exceeded his expectations.

In other words, the appearance of Cai Wenji caught the white-faced scholar by surprise.

"military adviser?"

"Master Chief, there is only one battle at the moment, I hope to persist until support arrives and form a siege situation.

After all, this is the plan.

heard here.

The mountain sculpture understands.

This is the big B when I am.

However, this can't blame the white-faced scholar. In fact, his plan is vicious enough. Once the implementation is successful, the final outcome is likely to change.

But the white-faced scholars are invaluable.

In the end he made a fatal mistake.

That is to underestimate the combat power of Chaoge Village, and did not expect the Dragon Guard to kill the enemy at a distance of thousands of meters.

He didn't even expect that Cai Wenji, who went out with the team for the first time, would be able to start a spark.

a time.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are.

He directly raised the knife and swung the blue dragon sword in his hand, beheading the white-faced scholar.


The mountain sculpture no longer waited, and strode out of the cottage hall.

However, at this time, what was left to him was the Black Wind Village, which had long been submerged by the endless sea of ​​fire.

And the bandits who fled everywhere and have no morale.

But that's not the most frustrating thing.

See at the same time.

A beautiful woman, who led the way into Heifengzhai Bing.


There were also 50 women's soldiers in heavy armor and armed with black iron spears.


"Not one left!"

Li Xiuning finally got the chance to lead the attack, and after entering the Black Wind Stronghold, he showed no mercy.

Any enemy who approached her, without exception, was killed by a single shot.

Iron cavalry of the Women's Army.

It even turned into the scythe of death, and wherever it went, countless bandits fell to the ground and died.

Howls of despair.

The roaring sea of ​​fire scene.

Zuo Shandiao instantly fell into a state of bewilderment.

That's right.

In the absence of a direct war.

Black Wind Village has already lost!

Could it be that this is the gap between military divisions?

Chaoge Village only used 40 dragon guards to break through the fortifications of Heifengzhai.

Immediately after.

Cai Wenji mobilized the military division technique to start a prairie fire, and the bandit force of 1,500 people was defeated without a fight.

In contrast, the performance of Heifengzhai.

Because I obeyed the arrangement of the white-faced scholar.

Choose not to fight behind closed doors and retain our troops.

Waiting for the support of the reinforcements, forming a situation of encirclement.

But now before the reinforcements came, Heifengzhai had already suffered a crushing defeat.

"Heifengzhai still has a chance."

"As long as you persist until the reinforcements arrive, you will surely defeat Chaoge Village."

After thinking of this, Zuo Shandiao tightly shook the green dragon sword in his hand, intending to make a final resistance.


Before he could react.

A sudden figure appeared beside him.

Li Xiuning didn't say anything.

Coming up is to use the black iron spear to launch a long-distance attack.


The collision of the weapons and the powerful impact directly made Zuo Shandiao take a few steps back before gradually stabilizing his figure.

".々 Didn't die?"

Li Xiuning was a little surprised.

The same is true for the mountain sculpture.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful woman in front of him has such terrifying force.

"You are the leader of this Black Wind Village.

"Come again."

Li Xiuning was a little excited, finally someone was able to retreat from her attack.

And this time, the black iron spear in his hand was covered by Qi Jin Youlong.

General skills!

Although it is unbelievable, after seeing this scene, the cottage has fallen into despair.

The battle just now.

He already knew in his heart that he was no match for the peerless beauty in front of him.

But now, the activation of the military commander skill can be regarded as the last straw that crushed Zuo Shandiao.

Yet at this moment.

Another figure of two peerless beauties slowly appeared in the Black Wind Village.

"Feiyan, add (Nuo De Zhao) oil!"

Cai Wenji said calmly.


Zhao Feiyan stared at the mountain eagle expressionlessly.

Three women who are all over the country and the city surround it. Under such circumstances, there is no way for the mountain eagle to retreat.

Even more terrifying.

He couldn't defeat any of the three women present.

The dignified leader of the one hundred and eight villages in Heishan.

At this time, I can only wait for death in despair.

next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of the iron hooves of the Dragonriders of Northern Xinjiang.

Between lightning and flint.

Li Xiuning's dark iron spear once again accurately pierced Zuo Shandiao's chest.

"Hint: Successfully kill the mountain eagle, +5000 experience points.

"Reminder: Li Xiuning's level has been raised to level 3."

[Wanzu Announcement]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge Village, who successfully killed the bandit leader Zuo Shandiao, broke through Heifeng Village, and completed the special trial task.

[Trial Reward]: The architectural blueprint of Prayer Terrace.

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