Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 59 Accept Allegiance, No. 1 On The Ranking List!

[Hint]: Successfully kill the mountain eagle and capture Heifengzhai

[One hundred and eight villages in Heishan will be disbanded automatically, your influence will increase, and the deterrent power of Chaoge Village will be greatly increased. 】

[Reminder]: Houtu Village chooses to serve Chaoge Village, please make a choice.

[Reminder]: Huang Yunzhai chooses to serve Chaoge Village, please make a choice.

[Reminder]: Feihuazhai chooses to serve Chaoge Village, please make a choice.

With the capture of Heifengzhai.

All of a sudden, countless reminder messages appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

"Is this the impact of capturing Heifengzhai?"

Yang Chuan took a deep breath.

He originally thought that Heifeng Village was just the only fifth-level bandit village.

But what I didn't expect was.

One hundred and eight villages in Heishan is just a bandit alliance. As the leader of this bandit alliance, Zuo Shandiao died.

Attracted the loyalty of countless bandit cottages.

At present, apart from the bandit village that was captured by Zhao Feiyan a few days ago, there are only 4th-level bandit villages left, and they have not chosen to be loyal to Yang Chuan.

"In this case."

"The next bandit villages that really need to be eliminated are only seven fourth-level bandit villages. y

"As for the other bandit cottages below the fourth level, there is actually no need to keep them."

187 Yang Chuan fell into deep thought.

According to the current situation.

There are actually seven of the remaining four-level bandit cottages, including those of Liu Mazi and Feng Feilong.

But there are only five seats that are truly capable of fighting.

Because of the invasion of Chaoge Village in the morning.

Liu Dazi's Yingmen village.

And Feng Feilong's cruelty.

Now there are not many bandit troops left.

Therefore, as long as all the remaining four-level bandit villages are wiped out, the entire Heishan 108 villages will no longer pose any threat to Chaoge Village.


Yang Chuan is currently thinking about what to do with the remaining bandit cottages.

Bandit cottages below the fourth level choose to be loyal to Yang Chuan and choose to join Chaoge Village.

The changes brought about by this are obviously good and bad.

The benefits are obvious.

With the addition of a large number of bandit villages, Yang Chuan's combat effectiveness has been improved again, and it is no longer limited to the surroundings of Chaoge Village.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

These bandit cottages are not sincerely loyal to Yang Chuan, but are forced by the fighting power of Chaoge Village.

Just like the Black Wind Village before.

Once something unexpected happens in Chaoge Village, these bandit cottages are likely to turn against them again, and even bite Yang Chuan back.

"So even if you accept the allegiance of this bandit cottage, you must always be on guard."

"But if you really want to analyze the pros and cons."

"Accepting the allegiance of this group of bandit cottages will allow them to do many things for me."

"In short, the good comes from the bad."

Although the bandits and cottages are wild forces that adapt to the wind, although their combat effectiveness is average.

But as long as Chaoge Village can maintain its current deterrent power, there will be no surprises.

After thinking about this.

In Yang Chuan's heart, he naturally had the answer.

And made a choice without hesitation.

"Accept Allegiance"

[Hint]: Houtu Village has become a vassal of Chaoge Village.

[Obtain]: Trial treasure chest, 10,000 units of basic resources.

[Hint]: Feihua Village has become a vassal of Chaoge Village.

[Obtain]: Trial treasure chest, 10,000 units of basic resources.

That's right.

Conquering these bandit strongholds is also a way to complete the trial of newcomers.

The prompt message appears.

For Yang Chuan, who didn't know it, there were also some surprises.

But in this way.

It also saves a lot of time, and there is no need to hunt down these bandit cottages.

However, in addition to this, what is more important is Yang's ranking on the trial leaderboard.

at this time.

Instantly promoted to first place.

【Trial Ranking】

1st place: Chaoge Village, Yang Chuan, 101 Defeated Enemies

2nd: Gusu Village, Sun Ziyu, 41 Defeated Enemies

Third: Handan Village, Li Mu, defeated 39 enemies

How does this play?

Yang Chuan once again returned to the first place in the trial rankings with an absolute advantage.


In the chat forum, I fell into madness.

"This (bdbi) is over?"

"Visually this should be the case."

"It took less than three hours from the announcement of the Wanzu announcement to the capture of the Black Wind Village by Yang Chuan!"

"It turns out that as long as the Heifeng Village is captured, the remaining bandit villages will automatically surrender and learn."

"I've learned it too, but it's useless."

"That's right, with the combat power of my current territory, it shouldn't be a problem to take down the third-level bandit cottage, but the fifth-level bandit cottage can't even think about it."

"It's actually cheaper for Li Mu's son."

"@Li Mu Xiaoer, learn more."

"It is estimated that in the next period of time, other bigwigs will also start preparing to fight the fifth-level bandit cottage.

"If this is the case, the gap between us and these bigwigs will be further widened.

"It can only be said that Yang Chuan has made the game more difficult."

Some are happy and some are worried.


At present, the content in the chat forum is no longer discussed. It will be the lord who will receive the final mysterious reward.

It's like unanimous default.

Yang Chuan is the strongest lord, and Chaoge Village is the strongest territory.

Therefore, this mysterious reward for taking the lead in completing the second stage of the rookie trial must be none other than Yang Chuan.

"Heifeng Fortress was captured so quickly."

"Why is the gap between me and him so out of reach? In just a few days, I basically completed the second-stage rookie trial."

This moment.

Inside a fourth-level bandit cottage.

Sun Ziyu paid close attention to the trial rankings.

Until Yang Chuan instantly broke the enemy and raised it to 101, he fell into confusion.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Yang Chuan.

again and again.

Even if Yang Chuan's ranking disappeared from the trial rankings, it would take only two or three days to regain the first place in the trial rankings with an absolute advantage.


The halberd warriors under Sun Ziyu's command are the same as the Dragon Guards [both are S-level units.

And so far, the number of Giant Halberds has exceeded one hundred.

But even so.

Sun Ziyu, who has 100 S-rank troops, still has no intention of attacking the fifth-rank bandit cottage.

If not for the sudden return of Yang Chuan.

I am afraid that at this time, Sun Ziyu is still crusades the first-level and second-level bandit cottages step by step.

according to his plan.

In order to ensure that there will be no casualties among the troops.


It is the safest plan to start the crusade from the first-level and second-level bandit cottages.

In contrast, Yang Chuan.

The first is to attack the third-level bandit cottage.

Subsequently, capture the fourth-level bandit cottage.

Up to now, the fifth-level bandit cottage has also been captured by Yang Chuan.

As if for Yang Chuan,

If you don't die every day, if you don't challenge the difficulty, life will be boring and boring.

"Maybe that's the difference between me and him."

"I'm always full of apprehensions and fear of losing, so I don't take risks."

thought here.

Sun Ziyu seemed to have realized something.

His eyes immediately turned to the fifth-level bandit cottage,

at the same time.

The old man on the side finally showed a satisfied smile and said, "Will be willing, willing, without giving up, how come!"

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