Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 72: Field Resource Points, Lingshi Mine, Various Racial Forces (17)

【Gold Medal List】

1st place: Yongzhou, Yang Chuan, 200 points

Second: Jingzhou, Sun Ziyu, point

By checking the merit list, Yang Chuan learned Sun Ziyu's final choice.

He did not follow Xun Lao's advice.

After all, Sun Ziyu was still cautious and chose Jingzhou, where the difficulty of the regional task is only 1 star.

It can only be said that personal aspirations, other people's suggestions, are only suggestions after all, and cannot completely control a person's choice.

Moreover, Jingzhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

If Sun Ziyu entered Jingzhou ahead of schedule, he would definitely have the opportunity to seize the opportunity, so even if the introversion started, it should not have much impact.

For Yang Chuan, there is one less powerful competitor.

"That might be the best option."

"However, in the next period of time, some lords will enter the third stage of the newcomer trial ahead of schedule."

"I have to speed up to get ahead."

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan walked into the town hall.

After the territorial scale level has been upgraded, the environment in the town hall has also changed a lot.

Before the town hall was a village fortress.

Yang Chuan used this place as a warehouse for the territory, and all the items that are not needed now are sold through the trading platform.

What the town hall looks like now.

On the contrary, it is more extravagant and solemn than Tongquetai, revealing a majestic atmosphere.

And after walking in.

At first glance, the hall looks like the hall of the imperial palace.

The highest dragon throne is like a dragon chair, and the screen behind it is engraved with the pattern of Nine Dragons Playing Pearls.

face such a scene.

In Yang Chuan's mind, a scene about the battle of the dragon chair appeared.

The woman in red allures the country.


Maybe if you have time, you can try it yourself.

With the passing of time.

at the same time.

Zhao Feiyan led the team and cleaned up all the centaur teams they encountered along the way.

"The number of these centaur monsters is so large."

"One wave does not settle, another wave rises."

"It seems that the current situation is not optimistic."

with the end of the battle.

Next to the Women's Army, the corpses of centaur warriors were scattered all over the floor.

No wonder the Centaur Dynasty was able to occupy most of Yongzhou.

On the one hand, half of Yongzhou's area is open grassland, which is like a duck to water for centaur monsters.

On the other hand, these centaur monsters, both in number and combat power, are very impressive.

Only within the distance from Chaoge City to Montenegro.

The team led by Zhao Feiyan met several teams of centaur warriors.

Fortunately, among these squads, there were only twenty or thirty centaur warriors.

For the Women's Army and the Dragon Guard, it does not pose any threat.

But as a vassal of Chaoge City.

The bandit cottage located in the Black Mountains, the situation at this time may be another matter.


At the end of the battle, Zhao Feiyan accelerated the marching speed of the team.

Another ten minutes passed.

Under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan, the mighty team arrived at the bandit cottage closest to Chaoge City.

Thick soil village.

The first bandit cottage loyal to Chaoge City.

It is also a third-level bandit cottage.

The leader of the bandit was Zhang Niujiao.

This moment.

Zhang Niujiao was very worried, and his brows were only wrinkled together on the rough and folded face.

"Congratulations, Lord Feiyan."

With the appearance of Zhao Feiyan, Zhang Niujiao seems to have found a life-saving straw.

Greeted with a smile.

"What's the current situation in Montenegro? Is there any unknown ethnic forces appearing?"

Zhao Feiyan didn't beat around the bush, she just explained her reason for coming.

Hearing this, Zhang Niujiao immediately burst into joy.


Since Yang Chuan chose Yongzhou as the area of ​​Chaoge City.

These bandit cottages located in Montenegro, as vassals of Chaoge City, the situation is not optimistic.

But Zhang Niujiao didn't answer Zhao Feiyan's question directly, instead he took out a map.

Look around.

There is almost no difference between this map and the topographic map of Montenegro.

But slightly differently.

In this map, in addition to marking the location of the bandit village in Montenegro, there are more than a dozen red dots, large and small.

And above each red dot, there are some detailed introductions.

【Race Tribe】: Kobold Tribe

【Tribal Level】: Level 3

【Race tribe】: Goblin tribe

【Tribal Level】: Level 3

【Race tribe】:Tauren tribe

【Tribal Level】: Level 5

"These unknown racial forces have already launched several attacks tentatively."

"However, they are not united, and they can still resist at present, but if they launch a large-scale attack, the result will be another matter."

Zhang Niujiao opened his mouth slowly.

According to his description.

Zhao Feiyan learned about the origins of these racial forces.

Yongzhou has a vast territory.

It is the largest area among Kyushu.

Therefore, there are many unknown racial forces entrenched here.

The centaur dynasty is just one of them, and it is also the strongest racial force.

And these ethnic forces located near Montenegro are not as powerful as the Centaur Dynasty.

They can only hide in dark, barren areas.

Now the sudden appearance of Montenegro is an attractive cake for these weak 180% ethnic forces.

"In addition, we also discovered a special resource in Montenegro.

Zhang Niujiao pointed to the central area of ​​the map.

All I saw was a white light spot exuding a faint aura.

However, when Zhao Feiyan looked over, another information introduction appeared in front of his eyes.

【Resource Point】: Spirit Stone Mine

【Occupation Status】: None

[Resource output]: 100/1 day

In the face of such a situation.

Although Zhao Feiyan was still expressionless, she was a little happy in her heart.

With the beginning of the third stage of the newcomer trial.

Or in other words,

With the size and level of the territory, it will be upgraded to after the town.

The basic resources such as wood and stone that can be seen everywhere before are no longer as important as before.

Whether it is to increase the scale of the territory.

Or upgrade special buildings.

Nowadays, it is necessary to consume spirit stone resources. In this way, the value of spirit stone resources is naturally reflected.

and this,

It is also the change in the third stage of the newcomer trial.

Thank you book friend [White Deer Flying Snow] for the monthly pass.

Thank you book friend [13308..] for the monthly pass.

Thanks for the monthly ticket of the book friend [Read Hundreds of Thousands of Novels]. .

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