Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 73 Non-My Race, Their Hearts Must Be Different (27)

The second stage is different from the first stage of the new man's trial.

The third stage of the new man's trial.

All lords must choose the region to which the territory belongs.

Although the environment around the territory seems to have not changed.


After experiencing meteorites falling from the sky and dividing the earth into five continents,

Every lord who has entered the third stage, his territory, including his vassals, has gone to the Ten Thousand Races Continent to merge.

Under such circumstances.

Although he has not completed the rookie trial, he has not obtained the qualification to compete for hegemony among all races.

But it has already begun, contact with unknown racial forces, but the contact units are limited to Kyushu.

Racial forces outside Kyushu.

You need to wait until you have obtained the qualifications for the hegemony of all races before you have the opportunity to make contact.

"Give me a map."

"I will deal with all the surrounding racial forces, this resource point must be won.

"You know what to do!"

Zhao Feiyan spoke softly, and under her enchanting and charming appearance, her tone was very firm.

Looking up at Zhang Niujiao's eyes, there is also an unquestionable attitude.

"Little understands."

Zhang Niujiao nodded heavily: "Inform the other leaders now, and swear to guard this resource point.

After this.

Zhao Feiyan left Wang Kang with a map without any ink.

Watching the mighty team leave.

Zhang Niujiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I was honest and didn't swallow this resource point privately.

"Sure enough."

"Master Feiyan's aura is indeed more terrifying than the legendary killing god Bai Qi.

"And the murderous Women's Army, worthy of the troops that captured Heifengzhai."

As the leader of a bandit cottage.

One look from Zhao Feiyan was enough to shock Zhang Niujiao.

As you can imagine.

After experiencing countless battles, Zhao Feiyan's aura had already undergone earth-shaking changes invisibly.

after all.

The entire 108 villages of Montenegro fell in three days, which was a real record.

So what about even women.

On the battlefield, there is no distinction between men and women, young and old, only the difference between winners and losers.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Niujiao quickly arranged for his bandit elites to go to inform the leaders of other bandit cottages.

This is the first task received outside of becoming a vassal of Chaoge City.

Zhang Niujiao did not dare to neglect.

You must win the resource point of Lingshi Mine to show your loyalty.

After this.

After leaving Houtuzhai, Zhao Feiyan set off again with a mighty team.

The purpose of their trip was the ethnic forces around Montenegro.

Same for her.

This is also a battle that can only be won, not lost.

After all, this is related to Chaoge City's deterrent power.

If it fails.

The bandit cottage in Montenegro will definitely have two hearts, and there is even the possibility of defecting to Chaoge City.


Either a triumphant return.

Either the horse leather is wrapped on the battlefield.

But it is obvious that, whether it is the Dragon Guard or the Women's Army, the combat effectiveness of the two teams is quite good.

And in the fleeting moment of time.

The first racial force located near Montenegro soon appeared not far from Zhao Feiyan.


This is a small racial power.

Most of the creatures in it are green-skinned creatures.

They are armed with maces as weapons, and they are small and do not seem to have much fighting power.

On the other hand, the fortifications of this tribe are not even as good as a bandit cottage, with no city walls, no arrow towers, and only dozens of thatched houses.

In the midst of the tribe, the raging fire burns,

Around, there are hundreds of green-skinned creatures.

"Racial Creatures: Goblin Warfare. 々"

"Iso-Order: Third-Order"

"Quality: Class D"

"Attack Power: 65"

"Defense: 40"

"Possessed Skill: Double Slash"


Compared to the centaur warriors, this group of goblin warriors is indeed weak.

But for the bandits in the bandit cottage, the fighting power of this group of goblin warriors is superior to that of the bandits.

"Go ahead."

"Quick fight.

Zhao Feiyan gave an order and sounded the thunderous drums.

When the drums thumped loudly, it caught the attention of the goblin warriors.

When they followed the sound and turned around to find out, they saw that Ji Tuning had already come over.

After that, Qin Yu led the Women's Army team.

Teng Teng Teng!

Under the trampling of the iron cavalry of the Northern Xinjiang, the earth shook slightly, completing the dusty grand occasion.

"Destroy this goblin tribe."

"Clear all enemies and leave no one behind.

Adhering to the choice of cutting weeds without rooting out the roots, blowing the wind and regenerating.

Every battle in Chaoge City was the result of being completely killed.

Just listening to Li Xiuning's melodious cry, her figure, like a thunderbolt, had already entered the goblin tribe.

The black yao long spear in his hand, covered with energy, turned into a silver light dragon, and roamed above the spear blade.



The goblin warriors in the tribe made an unknown cry, which seemed to be the language unique to this race.

They started waving mace, trying to stop Li Xiuning's advance.


The sharpness of Hei Yao's spear exceeded the expectations of the goblin warriors.

I saw Li Xiuning gently flicking the Hei Yao long spear, triggering a sweeping attack, and the nearest goblin fighter immediately fell to the ground and died.



After just one attack, five goblin warriors were easily stabbed by Hei Yao's spear.

"Humble racial creature."

"Is this all your fighting power?"

After this.

The arrival of the Women's Army can almost declare the victory of the battle.

Under ruthless crushing.

This is (Wang Hao) a one-sided battle.

For the Women's Army, it was more like a killing feast.

Ruthless iron hoofs charged forward.

The dwarf goblin warrior had no power to fight back at this time.

Every sweeping attack of Hei Yao's spear is like the scythe of the god of death.

a time.

Among the entire Goblin tribe.

Full of roaring wailing.

After just one round of charging, a large number of goblin warriors had already died.

The remaining Goblin warriors who survived by chance chose to give up their resistance and stopped struggling to kneel down to beg for mercy.

【Hint】: Conquering the Goblin tribe, will it be accepted as a vassal man?

【Yes or no】

next moment,

The prompt message appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

Although somewhat unexpected.

But Yang Chuan still did not hesitate and made the choice decisively.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!".

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