Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 96: The Realm Of The Holy Path, The Royal Star Official

This moment.


In Gu Su City, hundreds of troops gathered here, after a whole day of fighting, they were already very tired.

But because of this, the progress of the Jingzhou regional task has been increased to 23%, and only 12% of the progress is left from the gambling agreement.

this time tomorrow,

Sun Ziyu will be able to complete the gambling agreement and officially replace Yang Chuan as the strongest lord.


The Wanzu announcement that suddenly appeared just now made Sun Ziyu, who was originally secretly proud, suddenly froze in place.

Other lords of the surrounding Moshang Alliance.

This is also the case.

They would never have imagined that after being forced to sign the VAM agreement, Yang Chuan did not give any explanation.

Even now.

Yongzhou's regional mission is less than 1% of the progress.

It seems that Yang Chuan has broken the pot.

In fact, it is doing more important things.

The Wanzu announcements that appeared one after another were like thunder on the ground, and all the lords of the Moshang Alliance were stunned.

"As expected of the strongest lord, this Yang Chuan can always give people an unexpected performance at the most critical time."

"What should I do, Brother Yu!" 13

"Aren't we going to lose this time, with Xuanyuan Sword, how can we defeat Yang Chuan.

"That's right, I said at the beginning that we should pick soft persimmons and pinch them, but now it's fine, and it's hit the iron plate."

a time.

All kinds of complaints sounded in the Gusu City. Regarding the Wanzu announcement just now, it obviously made them fall into despair.

Sun Ziyu's face was even paler at this time.

The signers of the VAM agreement are he and Yang Chuan.

So when it fails,

In the end, his National Luck Points and Qi Luck Points will be deducted and given to Chang'er as a reward.

"What are you arguing about?"

"Even if it fails, I will pay the punishment, not you.

Sun Ziyu shouted loudly.

The scene was temporarily quiet.

All the lords present also reacted belatedly at this time.


It was Sun Ziyu who opposed Yang Chuan, not himself. Even if he failed in the end, it was the result of Sun Ziyu's own death.

at the same time.

Accompanied by the moonlight as bright as jade.

Yang Chuan returned to Chaoge City with four peerless beauties and his troops.

However, the moment he stepped into Chaoge City.

The grand occasion of the holy light suddenly appeared.

look up.

Like a golden shield, it completely enveloped Chaoge City.

[Holy Dao Domain, Heaven and Earth Order!]

Effect: After opening, the territory can enter an invincible state, which lasts for 1 day.

Consumption: According to the size and level of the territory. (currently: 10,000 luck points)

This is the Huangdi Neijing, one of the effects of this lord's skill.


very powerful.

After checking it out, Yang Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

But this is only one of the harvests of the God-given Dragon Vein.

"Use the unit token of Yutian Star Officer."

"You can upgrade the S-level arms to SSS-level arms.

"Currently, the Detachment of Women itself is an S-level unit, but it can be promoted to an SSS-level Wushan Goddess through accumulating military merits."

Arrange for the disbandment of arms units in situ.

Yang Chuan has no plans to enter Tongque Terrace.

The reason why he signed a gambling agreement with Sun Ziyu, so when the sun rises tomorrow.

It is necessary to face up to the centaur dynasty.

So take advantage of it.

Yang Chuan must maximize the harvest of the dragon veins bestowed by the gods to improve the combat power of Chaoge City.

Therefore, after a short period of contemplation, Yang Chuan's figure appeared next to the military camp of the Dragon Guard.

At present, there are only two military camp buildings in Chaoge City, and you only need to choose one of the two.

Naturally, the answer is very clear, the Dragon Guard is the best choice to be promoted to the Imperial Star Officer.

First of all, the Royal Star Officer is a long-range attack unit, and the Dragon Guard also has the ability to attack from a long distance, and in the past battles, it has always played the role of long-range output.

Secondly, every Dragon Guard has the talent of Hou Yi, and the effect of range +1000 is undoubtedly the best choice.

[Tips]: Whether to use special arms tokens to upgrade the Dragon Guard camp to the Royal Sky Camp.

【Yes】or 【Apricot】


Yang Chuan made his choice decisively.

In an instant, the radiant starlight shone brightly and gathered above the Dragon Guard barracks.

Like a dragon and a tiger.

Like flowers and trees.

The stars are extremely bright, and the changes are even more numerous.

It lasted for a few minutes before it was completely over, but the starlight did not disappear, but fell gently and dotted around the Yutian Camp.

Yang Chuan focused his eyes and checked.

Enter the eye.

After being upgraded to the Royal Sky Camp, the Dragon Guard Barracks was decorated with stars and was as bright as the Moon Palace.

【Special Building】: Yutian Camp

[Building quality]: SSS grade

[Building Level]: Level 1

【Architectural function】: Training the Royal Star Officer

【Architectural effect】

Effect 1: Unleash the power of stars to attack and invade the enemy.

[Can deal damage to 99 enemies at the same time]

[Current attack power: 1000 points]

Effect 2: Absorb the rays of starlight and condense the divine water of the stars. (Current progress: 1/999)

Effect 3: The Eye of the Stars makes enemies with stealth ability lose their stealth status.

Effect 4: Insufficient level.

[Upgrade requirements]: One million aura

After all, it is a special building of the SSS level.

The appearance of the architectural effect makes the Yutian Battalion not only has the function of training Yutianxing officers and arms 860, but also can be used as a defensive fortification.

1000 initial attack power.

Attacks 99 invading enemies, and also has the function of seeing through stealth.


The appearance of Yutian Camp will definitely increase the ability of Chaoge City to defend against the enemy to a great extent.

More importantly, with the completion of the upgrade of Yutian Camp, countless stars and beams of light appeared in Chaoge City.

【Hint】: The people turned into snow at dusk. After the blessing of the power of the stars, they were promoted to the Imperial Star Officer.

【Twilight Chengxue】

Status: Soldier

Occupation: Royal Star Officer (SSS level)

Equal order: fifth order

Bloodline: Houyi's

Talent: Arrows Without Missing Hair

Skills: Power of the Stars, Stars Falling from the Sky, Star Moon Halo


Attack Power: 350X5 (Growth: 20X2)

Defense: 350 (Growth: 20X2)


Cumulative military merit: 56800


Star Power (SSS level): When attacking an enemy, it can multi-attack 9 enemies, and will surely deal critical damage.

Stars Falling from the Sky (SSS Level): Summons the stars falling from the sky and falls to the ground, causing huge damage to enemies within a certain range.

Star Moon Halo (SSS level): Increases the attack power of surrounding allies by 500%.

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