Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 97 Achieving Taoism And Ascension, Luck Godhead, Topographical Map Of Yongzhou

SSS-level quality arms unit.

Whether it is the growth of the information attribute, or the skills it carries, etc., it is a terrifying existence that is enough to make people astonished.

"With the skill of Star Power, as a long-range attack range, the Royal Star Officer has the ability to attack multiple times."

"In this way there is no need to fear, a large number of enemies."

"As for the power of the skill Falling Stars from the Sky..."

Yang Chuan was a little curious.

However, at this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky above Chaoge City.

And when Yang Chuan looked up.

The speed of the light was so fast that it was like a meteor falling from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it had already appeared above Chaoge City.



There was just an explosion that shook the sky.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Chaoge City is large enough, and the buildings built at this time only occupy one area.

Hence the area where the stars fell from the sky.

It is an empty area in Chaoge City.

"Lord Lord."

"I'm curious...so I used the skill, Stars from the Sky."

Elder sister Mu Chengxue came out shyly.

Behind him is the pale Mu Rushuang, who looks very weak.


The person who tested the skill of falling stars from the sky was not his sister Mu Chengxue, but his sister Mu Rushuang.

Just as a sister.

Mu Chengxue is very responsible and chose to take the blame for her sister.

"It's okay, it won't have much impact on Chaoge City."

"Use once, how long will it be in a weak state?"

After Yang Chuan finished speaking disapprovingly, he looked at Mu Rushuang.

"1 hour."

Mu Rushuang lowered her head, like a little girl who did something wrong, biting her nails.

"Within 1 hour, reduce attribute information by 80%."

The sequelae of the weak state, the impact is still quite large.

However, looking at the nearly two-meter deep pit that was smashed by the stars from the sky, the impact force even affected the range of more than ten meters.

Its power can be imagined.

"My lord, can you not blame my sister, she is really the power of curious skills"~.

Seeing Yang Chuan staring at Mu Rushuang intently.

Mu Chengshuang pursed his lips and spoke again.

There was a little pleading in the tone, and the brows were tightly wrinkled together on the handsome face.

Another day passed quickly.

next morning.

It was the time when the sun was rising.

Before Yang Chuan woke up, the reminder message appeared on time again like an alarm clock,

[Hint]: The Yuezhi tribe contributed a topographic map of Yongzhou to Chaoge City.

[Reminder]: The vassal force Yanyun Tribe raised the level of the Yanyun Wolf Cavalry Barracks to level 2.

[Reminder]: The vassal force Yanyun tribe has increased the number of Yanyun wolf cavalry to 1,000.

[Special reminder]: Thoroughly absorb the inheritance of the emperor's luck, and condense the godhead of luck.

[Special Reminder]: After being blessed with the effect of the lord's skill————Huangdi Neijing, the quality of Qi Luck Godhead is SSS.

This night, because it was already late at night when they returned to Chaoge City, and because they punished Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang, the two twin sisters.

So when Yang Chuan fell asleep.

It was almost morning time.

But when he was woken up by the reminder message, he didn't feel sleepy at all, and he was even refreshed.

Could it be the effect of Huangdi Neijing?

With mythical lord skills, the changes in leadership are indeed obvious.

Compared with the previous Dawei Tianlong.

After comprehending the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, Yang Chuan's gestures and gestures reveal a spirit of calmness, majesty, and righteousness.

With doubts in his heart, Yang Chuan first opened his own information template, intending to find out.

【Lord】: Yang Chuan

Identity: Lord of Chaoge City

Name: Dumb King

Territory: Chaoge City (first-class town)

Subject: Yanyun tribe, Yuezhi tribe

National Fortune Points: 21600

Luck Points: 3600 points

Lord Skill: Great Power Tianlong (S-level) Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic (Mythic-level)

Simulated Development: Reset after 59 hours

【Luck Godhead】

Three thousand royal daughters (mythic level)

God Rank: First-order Godhead

Effect: 3000 royal daughters, ascended to the road

Introduction: After each trigger of the godhead effect, the physique is greatly enhanced.

"It's still a big change."

"Especially after condensing the spirit of luck, it's no wonder that after sleeping for such a short time, I feel refreshed."

"In the future, the effect will get better and better."

Yang Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

next moment.

The Xuanyuan sword on the side suddenly began to shake slightly, as if endless power burst out from it.

[Special Note]: If you are satisfied with the level of luck, Xuanyuan Sword will unlock new effects.

[Special Note]: If you are satisfied with the qi fortune god rank, the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic will unlock new effects.

【Xuanyuan Sword】

Effect 3: Can break any field, enchantment, and seal.

Effect 4: The level of the god of luck is insufficient!

【Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor】

Effect 3: The effect of the 3,000 goddesses of the royal daughter is increased by a hundred times.

Effect 4: The level of the god of luck is insufficient!

々It turns out that if you want to exert the full power of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon and Xuanyuan Sword, you need to upgrade the level of the Godhead of Qi Luck. "

"This makes the seemingly useless luck points even more important."

After thinking about this.

Under the service of the twin sisters, Yang Chuan dressed and washed, picked up the Xuanyuan sword, and walked out of the house.

After this.

Lin Shu also came towards him, his expression full of anxiety, as if there was something important that Yang Chuan needed to deal with.

"Lord Lord."

"I was in Chaoge City and found you all morning."

"You were here."

First, after a rant.

Lin Shu also took out a map-like item and handed it to Yang Chuan.

"This is the topographic map of Yongzhou."

"In the morning, the Yuezhi tribe contributed to Chaoge City."

"Through this topographic map, you can view all ethnic tribes, wild forces, and the Centaur Dynasty in the Yongzhou area.

Listen to Lin Shuyi's explanation.

(Li Wangzhao) Yang Chuan slowly opened the topographic map of Yongzhou.

I saw countless dense red dots appearing on it.

Just like the original topographic map of Montenegro.

through this map.

Yang Chuan can clearly see the specific location of each force except the lord.


The Centaur Dynasty is the most dazzling.

and displayed on the map.

At this moment, the red dot of the Centaur Dynasty was divided into four parts.

Inside the red dots everywhere.

There were tens of thousands of centaur creatures gathered there before.

Even among the most numerous red dots.

The number of centaur creatures was as high as several hundred thousand.

"A million centaurs.

"If you want to increase the progress of the tasks in the Yongzhou area to 35%, you need to kill 350,000 centaurs???"

Yang Chuan involuntarily took a deep breath.

Its difficulty is not too big.

He can be forced to sign a gambling agreement, and he has to improve the progress of the regional mission. .

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