Seeing Xiao Shaxiang like this, even though she was still a child, Cuihua could understand her feelings to some extent.

After all, she was the same at the beginning.

For someone like her who has no magic and no other abilities, it is already very envious to be able to see such a thing, not to mention that she can control it.

"Let's go, Xiao Shaxiang. Sayana is still waiting for you..."

Recalling the past, and giving Xiao Shaxiang some time to react, Cuihua took Xiao Shaxiang's hand and walked out of the Scholars Hall.

"Don't be too anxious, otherwise you will be mentally exhausted."

Although she had said it yesterday, Cuihua still reminded her again.


Hearing the words of concern for her again, Xiao Shaxiang nodded heavily.

"Come here quickly, prepare for dinner."

Looking at Xiao Shaxiang who came back with Cuihua, Sayana was really relieved.

In the past, when she was in the Butterfly Tribe, Xiao Shaxiang rarely left her side.

What's more, it was the first time that she left him for a long time after so many changes.

This made Sayana nervous for the whole morning when she woke up and found that her daughter was not there.

"Well, here I come~"

Although the process of accumulating knowledge was very novel, Xiao Shaxiang was still very happy after seeing her mother, and hurried forward holding Cuihua's hand.

Other butterfly people seemed to want to ask Xiao Shaxiang something, but when they saw the existence of Cuihua and others, they all shut their mouths again.

After breakfast, it was Cuihua's turn to go to the Scholar Hall to accumulate knowledge.

And Xiao Shaxiang also returned to her mother's side and followed the other butterfly people.

In fact, their main purpose now is to cultivate the precious seeds given to them by the lord.

However, it doesn't take so many people, and the main thing is that Sayana is responsible.

Because of her previous behavior, Sayana now has the position of a speaker among the butterfly people.

First, a few people were arranged to accompany the people in the garment workshop to pick plants later, and if they saw other flower species, they could also transplant them.

After all, they still have to brew nectar.

After making arrangements, they asked Xiao Shaxiang about her situation in the Scholars Hall.

"I learned in there..."

Before Xiao Shaxiang finished speaking, she was interrupted by others.

"Wait a minute! Can you tell me this?"

A member of the Butterfly Clan suddenly said.

And the others seemed to have just reacted and hurriedly dissuaded her.

"Yes, this is the knowledge accumulated in the Scholars Hall. Is it really okay to tell us casually like this?"

"Yes, if the lord knows about it, will Xiao Shaxiang lose the opportunity!?"

"That's right, the opportunity is so rare. And the knowledge accumulation is yours, so it's better not to share it."

Although they said so, they actually wanted to get the information very much.

But they were afraid of being blamed, and they were also afraid that Xiao Shaxiang would lose such a precious opportunity. After all, if it were them, they would never share it.

"No way! The Lord will not blame us!"

Listening to the chatter of her people, Xiao Shaxiang shouted loudly.

This sudden voice made them all shut up.

But they couldn't believe their ears.

Seeing that everyone was quiet and looking at her, Xiao Shaxiang was a little timid, but she still stood up and said:

"Cuihua said that when I was accumulating knowledge, my mother and everyone were doing their own things and doing my part by the way."

"Similarly, after I accumulate knowledge, I should share it with you."

The people who heard this looked at each other, obviously still a little unconvinced.

Even Sayana didn't believe it, although she had been in contact with Cuihua before.

She had also heard Cuihua and Tieniu share some knowledge.

But because they were new, and the parts they heard were very fragmented.

Even Cuihua and Tieniu didn't say these words to them, but scattered.

This led to the fact that although Sayana had heard about this, she never really believed it.

It was like someone told you that one day he picked up a great treasure while walking, and even became a messenger of God.

Such words were obviously unbelievable, just listen to them.

But now her daughter also said so.

This made her not know what to do for a while.

"I'll go ask Cuihua!"

Although she believed it half in her heart, she still needed to be more cautious.

"Mother, don't you believe me?"

Seeing the situation become like this, Xiao Shaxiang couldn't help but's self-doubt.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but I have to be cautious about this matter."

After touching Xiao Shaxiang's head, Sayana didn't say anything more and went out directly.

When she came back again, Sayana was a little dazed.

Seeing this, the others hurried forward to help her.

"How is it?"

"What did Cuihua say!?"

Looking at the expectant eyes of the tribesmen around.

"Cuihua said that the lord once said that everyone is for this territory."

When she said this, Sayana also slowed down a little at this time, and said with more confidence:

"So she accumulated knowledge about growing food for other people in the territory, and others also helped Cuihua to share the affairs that they should have done. Everyone is the same.

Cuihua also said that when Xiao Shaxiang handed over the knowledge accumulation to us, we can help Xiao Shaxiang share it!"

When she said this, Sayana's face was unconsciously covered with smiles.


"I never thought that Shenyou Territory would be so good!"

"That's right, this is something I never dared to dream of before!"

"Woo woo woo..."

"Why are you crying for such a happy thing? Really!"

"You're right, you can't cry!"

As Sayana finished speaking, the other butterfly people also reacted. They discussed it all at once, but for a moment they forgot to ask Xiao Shaxiang to tell them about the knowledge accumulation.


It was almost noon.

At this time, Chen Keke and the people who had taken action last night woke up one after another.

Rubbing his slightly sore eyes.

While ravaging Ruanruan, he put the magic fruit on the trading board.

Going out to check the magic fruit tree that had been watered, there was still no other difference from the past.

Standing at the door and watching for a while, Chen Keke thought about it and decided to go to the blacksmith shop first.

If a large iron basin is manufactured, it can not only handle the inevitable waste in the territory, but also improve Ruanruan's strength.

Ruanruan's strength improvement is equivalent to the strength improvement of his own territory, and the improvement of strength is also the top priority at present.

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