Outside the blacksmith shop.

As soon as Chen Keke entered, she heard a rustling sound coming from inside.

Not only that, but even the temperature around seemed to have risen a lot.

Although she had no experience in this area, Chen Keke understood from the sound that it should be because it was not done yet.

Come to think of it, if it is used to deal with waste, the volume cannot be too small.

The smelting step takes a certain amount of time, not to mention the finalization of the shape, and now plus yesterday, it has only been a few hours.

She did not move forward, and she wanted to find Sass to discuss something first.

Now most of the things in the territory have basically settled down, and with the existence of the stubborn thorns, the safety of the territory is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

She wanted to ask the other party for his opinion on this.

"Then this time we take Onde, as well as Feili, Kola and Felix?"

After listening to what his lord said, Sass thought seriously before answering.

"Well, let's talk after lunch."

Chen Keke said as she walked to the upper right of the territory.

The territory had a certain degree of security, and she began to plan other things.

Especially the breeding of the Frog, such delicious food may become a strategic resource.

And then maybe she will meet other big races and trade with them.

From a distance, Chen Keke saw a beautiful figure lying on the edge of the wall that Sera had surrounded with vines.

With the experience of the last time, Chen Keke guessed it was Aria at once.

Sure enough, when she got closer, she saw the faint blue color.

"Ah? It turned out to be the Lord!"

Aria, who turned around after noticing someone, was a little surprised.

After all, when she came here, Cuihua was the most popular person besides herself.

Occasionally, other people in the territory would come to watch, but she had never seen the Lord.

"I'm here to see the situation of the mud frogs."

Without asking Alia why she was here, and without waiting for her to ask, Chen Keke directly stated her purpose.

Looking at the mud frogs below, they were all squatting by the wall, and they looked a little depressed.

This made her frown unconsciously.

"I've been here to see that the mud frogs don't seem to be in good condition, and they only get a little better at night."

Without seeing the expression of her lord, Alia simply talked about what she had seen in the past few days.

"At night?"

Listening to what Alia said, Chen Keke couldn't help but start thinking.

He looked at the big frog in captivity again.

"Go find Sera and Felix and ask them to improve the living environment of the mud frogs."

Chen Keke, who was originally a little worried, remembered that it seemed to be an amphibian after seeing the frogs, and it couldn't live without water.

She had told Cuihua before that she wanted to dig a pond, but she was busy with security issues in the territory, so she let it go.

"Okay, Lord. I'll go right away!"

When she heard the first half of the sentence, Alia was still a little confused.

But after knowing that it was about the mud frog, she immediately became excited.

Although she didn't know much about the captive breeding, she could still tell whether these creatures were happy or not.

While Alia was looking for people, Chen Keke also planned this place.

The main thing is to see the demand for water sources for the mud frog first, and try it out as an experiment.

This will also lay a good foundation for large-scale breeding in the future.

Alia came back with Sera and Felix soon.

Seeing this, Chen Keke also quickly expressed her ideas.

First, let Felix divide the habitat of the mud frog into two halves.

Dig a small pit in the other half, and then let Sera grow vines to cover it a little on top of this half to reduce the exposure to sunlight.

Hearing this, Felix directly mobilized the magic power in his body, and soon the lower half of the area began to slowly sink downwards.

"It's done, so I'll grow vines?"

Seeing that the bottom was done, Sera had to ask because she really didn't know what her lord was thinking.

"Wait, we have to fill the pit with water, Ali..."

But before Chen Keke finished speaking, Ali had already run away.

"Wait a minute, lord, I'll bring the water over right away!"

When Ali heard that water was to be added to the pit, she knew it was time for her to appear, and she ran directly to the stream before she finished listening.

When she returned again, there was an extra person beside her.The bubble, but it is full of water, and now it looks more like a water ball.

After filling the pit at the bottom, Chen Keke asked Sera to grow vines on it.

And the three mud frogs started to move after the water came in.

"It really works!"

Alia, who had been paying attention to them, pointed excitedly.

When everyone looked over, they found that the three mud frogs were already soaked in the water, and they didn't look bitter like before.

"Okay, Cuihua and the others should have prepared lunch. Let's go over there quickly so that they don't have to wait for a long time."

Speaking of this, Chen Keke took the lead and walked towards the interior of the territory.

"It's amazing. I've been watching them here for several days. This is the first time that the Frogs have such obvious changes besides eating."

"When I first saw them, they were all listless."

"The Lord is really amazing. He knows what the problem is after just one look!"


The three people following their Lord began to discuss in a whisper.


After lunch.

The people who had eaten and drunk enough were resting in the pavilion of the territory.

At this time, Sass also announced the afternoon's action and directly drafted the personnel.

Originally, Sira and Alia also wanted to follow, but in the end only Alia was taken.

The main reason was that Chen Keke suddenly remembered that Alia was a mermaid, and there happened to be a river where they were going, so they could let her go down to investigate.

The journey during the day is always much faster than at night.

Soon they arrived at the river where the snake was placed last night.

Looking at this slightly familiar scene, Sass began to capture the information of the snake.

The others took advantage of this time to start exploring the surroundings.

"Alia, go to the water, be careful."

The road here is separated by a river, and the search range is only on the side where they are standing, so there is no need for so many people to search together.

"Don't worry, Lord!"

After saying that, Alia dived into the river.

There was only a splash, and there was no time to see the ripples of the water. The water surface was once again swept by the turbulent river, as if nothing had happened just now.

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