With the help of the Eclipse skill, the large goblin fell to the ground and died in a short while.

At this time, several other goblins of higher levels also reacted and began to chase Chen Keke.


Seeing her master being chased, Ruan Ruan quickly climbed onto one of the goblins and continued to corrode the other.

Seeing that the goblin was about to approach, she quickly looked at her magic value, which had recovered to thousands.

Chen Keke used the butterfly summoning skill without hesitation and transformed into 10 butterflies with a faint red light.

At the same time, she was also weak due to the instant consumption of magic value, and her legs were weak and she staggered to the ground.

After reacting, she quickly rolled to the side.

But before she stopped rolling, there was a "bang bang bang" explosion on the side.

When she looked over, she saw that the original goblins were already lying on the ground dying.

Seeing this, Chen Keke did not hesitate. After standing up, she immediately used the magic-breaking arrows and shot one arrow each.

[Player kills Goblin Soldier lv9, and gains 20 experience points. ]

[Player kills...]

Looking at the system prompt, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Ruanruan, who also killed a Goblin Soldier, saw her master gasping for breath, thinking that he was injured, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"I'm fine..."

Chen Keke, who was concerned, responded with a faint smile unconsciously.

After kneading it twice, she let it absorb the bodies of the Goblins.

And she herself decomposed the bodies of the Goblin Soldier.

[Goblin's canine teeth x8, strange eyeballs x2, fire stone fragments x2, ice stone fragments x1. 】

[Goblin's canine: The canine of a large goblin, you definitely don't want to know what he has chewed...]

[Strange eyeball: Look at this eyeball, it's so strange...]

Chen Keke: "..."

What a weird introduction...

Thinking like this, she also observed the eyeball in her hand, which felt like a round silicone product.

It looked like a toy, and it felt fleshy when pinched.

The whole thing was white, and there were no bloodstains or blood vessels as the name suggested.

And the eyeball was not just an eyeball, it was more like an entire eye.

But the back of this eyeball was completely exposed in front of her eyes, and the pupil and the white of the eye were hidden under the single eyelid.

At this moment, the pupil that was originally looking at it suddenly turned!

This scared Chen Keke, and the eyeball fell to the ground with a start.

I have to say that the description of this item is sometimes quite realistic...

She quickly picked up the eyeball that fell on the ground and threw it into the system's backpack.

At this time, she also remembered the people who were caught by Kappa and Goblin to be used as sacrifices.

She turned around and found that they were all piled together, as if they had not yet come to their senses.

None of them escaped, not only that, but their eyes were also empty.

As if they were not worried about the fate they would suffer next.

After observing for a while, Chen Keke found a clue. These people's eyes were very scattered.

There was not even sadness.

Logically speaking, they had just experienced the destruction of their families, and it was impossible for them to be so calm and numb.

Could it be that they were drugged?

Although she thought so, she couldn't help but feel lucky.

This also gave her enough time to restore her own magic value.

In any case, it is always right to increase her own way out.

When the shelter skill ended, the magic value was restored to nearly half.

The group of captives were still in a daze, and Chen Keke was able to observe them.

Although they had bodies similar to humans.

However, they looked very different.

Although Sass and the others were half snakes and centaurs, their human parts were basically the same as humans.

There were only some differences in appearance, and their bodies were usually stronger than ordinary humans.

The body of the person in front of him seemed to be covered with scales, which looked both weird and somewhat discordant.

Not only the body, but also the face did not look like a human.

Could it be a lizard man?

Looking at the skin that looked like scales and had a bit of dark green, Chen Keke guessed.

But these lizard men were still in a daze, which made her feel a little helpless.

They couldn't just take them back to the territory like this, right?


By the way, there wouldn't be treasure chests in their territory, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Keke couldn't wait. Let Ruanruan stay to protect them, and then start searching on your own.

While using naturalHe scanned the territory in a wide range, walking and stopping, looking for the lord's room.

He just walked around the territory and found nothing.

Could it be that because he didn't kill it himself, there would be no treasure chest?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Keke walked back a little disappointed.

Originally, he wanted to decompose the corpse of the lizardman to see if he could decompose anything useful.

But unexpectedly, these goblins and kappas were like locusts passing through without leaving a single piece of armor.


Looking at these attractive people in front of him, Chen Keke stepped forward and slapped him.

She remembered that this state of unconsciousness or drugged state required external pain and stimulation to make the other party sober.

It's just that the lizardman's face is a little rough...

But the dull eyes instantly turned into confusion.

But, it turned into pain and struggle in a flash.

"Wake up your people."

Without giving him time to feel sad, Chen Keke said lightly.

He still had some impressions of what happened during this period.

Although there were not many, the remaining images could still clearly show that it was the man in front of him who defeated the kappa and the goblin.


A not-so-crisp slap sounded.

One after another, although many lizardmen were sad for two seconds like at the beginning.

However, with the slap sound, one spread to two, two spread to four and they woke up soon.

Looking at this scene, Chen Keke opened his mouth in surprise, but soon closed it again.

It seems that the lizardmen had a certain degree of consciousness during the period of being controlled. It can't be that they have some telepathy, so they slap each other in the face?

I have to say that this kind of medicine is really poisonous!

The soul and consciousness are imprisoned in the flesh and cannot resist. It's scary to think about it.

After all the lizardmen woke up, Chen Keke looked at the system map.

It was found that the distance from here to the territory was farther than the kappa territory with the source of pollution before.

Thinking about the ruined territory core that I picked up before, it seems that the location of each person and the locations of other indigenous territories are random.

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