However, it seems that it will not appear directly in the main city of humans, or in tribes like elves.

After all, no one has ever mentioned this matter.

Perhaps there are such people, but it is very likely that they fell into eternal sleep as soon as they landed.

Facing unknown and dangerous things, the simplest way is to destroy them directly.

"Ruanruan, come here, let's go home."

Calling Ruanruan, who was still decomposing the corpse, Chen Keke pretended to leave this place.


Hearing this, Ruanruan squirmed his body and moved towards his master, but when he moved halfway, he spit a digestive fluid at the corpse behind him, and then continued to move forward.

And those who had already woken up looked over when they heard this.

Seeing that the people who rescued them were about to leave, they looked at each other and finally chose to shut up.

The other party had no obligation to take them in...

It was already the best thing to let them go when dealing with goblins and kappas, and even not let them fend for themselves.

Looking at the people who were about to leave, they all lowered their heads, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Oh, right. If you have nowhere to go, do you want to join my territory?"

Originally, Chen Keke thought that these people would not be able to help but follow or ask.

Unexpectedly, they did not buy it...

It seems that the corporate culture before the time travel cannot be brought here.

It seems that the initiative is only after the other party makes a request. It does not seem to be applicable here.

After asking, the answer is still silence.

In this regard, Chen Keke is a little helpless but continues to move forward.

Although the population in the territory is not large now, according to the trend, the more people the better.

Although it is possible to directly summon the human race by building a farmhouse, and even because of the existence of the magic temple, it is possible to directly summon people with magician physique.

But these people have to learn everything from scratch.

If other races are absorbed, they can have the technology of brewing nectar like the butterfly people.

She also planned to let the half-snake warriors and the centaur warriors learn each other's fighting skills.

Although the two races are different and their body structures are different, there are always things worth learning.

What needs to be done is to integrate them.

If she only relies on the farmhouse for summoning, she will not be able to give them fighting skills.

More of them need to explore on their own, which is time-consuming and has the cost of continuous trial and error.

The ability between races such as the butterfly people brewing nectar is likely to be a means that other races cannot learn.

If the other party is not willing to join her territory, forget it.

She has spent too much thought on the sense of belonging to the territory for Cuihua and the first batch of half-human races who joined the territory.

Now the new people who join the territory will only give Cuihua and them, so that they can get used to the territory and be assimilated.

If you encounter a thorn or force someone to join, I am afraid it will break this harmony.

After all, new people have just joined the territory and they have not been assimilated yet.

Moreover, there are at least 20 or 30 lizardmen in this group. Maybe their territory will be assimilated by then...

Chen Keke, who had only taken two steps, began to use natural affinity to sense the surrounding situation, and soon found something wrong.

From what natural affinity sensed.

The lizardmen before seemed to stay in place to pick up something, and then all followed behind him.

After a pause, Chen Keke pretended that nothing had happened and continued to move forward.

But the speed slowed down a bit, and the corners of his mouth could not help but bend upwards.

Feeling the slowdown of the people in front, the people who were saved were relieved again.

I didn't expect that the person who was about to become their new lord would be so kind.

They knew that if they stayed now, they would definitely die.

The original territory had been destroyed, and the forest was very dangerous, not to mention that there would be wild beasts coming from nowhere at night.

In addition, the goblins and kappas would capture them.

Although I don't know why, when I heard that they were sacrifices for the ceremony, I couldn't help but imagine something.

As Chen Keke's speed slowed down and the distance ahead increased.

The distance between the two groups became shorter and shorter, until finally Chen Keke led the way in front, and the others followed behind.


The sun was rising.

The originally cold and gloomy atmosphere disappeared quietly under the gradually brightening sky.

Cuihua and most people had already gotten up at this time.

Last nightSince she had not received any news that the Lord and his men were going out, she did not help Cuizhi and Cuiye prepare breakfast.

After coming to the warehouse to get some bone meal, she prepared to water the magic fruit tree.

When she saw the Lord's cabin, her feet had habitually moved lightly, for fear of disturbing her Lord's rest.

This was what she had to do every morning after waking up.

After all, her Lord was very caring about this magic fruit tree, so she also paid special attention to it.

After doing all this, she carefully withdrew from the cabin.

Then she found Cuilan, Tieli and others, and together with them, she moved the water to the room where the earth beasts and other small creatures were raised.

Since she discovered through knowledge accumulation that this water had a certain effect not only on plants, but also on the animals kept in captivity.

The Lord asked Alia and Felix to use magic to drill a hole from the bottom of the pond in the cabin.

In this way, the pond was not destroyed, and the water in it could flow to other places.

After that, Felix built a few more earthen platforms, and water would flow out directly as long as the plug was pulled out.

I don’t know how my lord came up with this idea, but it must be said that it is very convenient.

These two days, he even said that this water can enhance their physical fitness, and asked them to use the spring water here in the future instead of the water in the stream.

"Cuihua, do you think this water can really enhance our physical fitness?"

In fact, Cuilan didn’t really understand what strengthening physical fitness meant?

But she probably knew that it meant getting better physically.

"Of course, when I was accumulating knowledge, I often used this spring water to irrigate crops and feed animals."

Cuihua didn’t feel any emotion when she heard this question, she knew that Cuilan had just arrived.

Then she continued to explain:

"But we didn't use this spring water much at first. It was only these two days that the lord said that this spring water was blessed by God, so we started using it.

And even the lord himself is using this spring water."

After hearing this, not only Cuilan but also the people around her looked at the water with a different look.

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