As a result, he found himself in a small stream, and there was a strange object made of stones beside him.

He looked up and found that there was a crystal floating on the stone!

While he was still shocked, he heard a voice.

"You are awake, do you want to eat something?"

Because of the mermaid, Chen Keke deliberately brought the food within 10 meters of the mermaid.

It was for the natural affinity to be able to find the mermaid awakening in time.

After hearing the voice, Alia immediately turned around and made a defensive posture.

"Is this your attitude towards your savior?" Chen Keke raised his eyebrows, took out the Silver Moon Bow from his backpack, and pulled it to the full bow.

At the same time, Alia not only felt the threat from the person in front of her, but even the crystal she had just seen on the side also burst out with infinite crisis.

"Sorry, I didn't understand the situation."

At this moment, Alia knew clearly that if the other party really wanted to do something, she would not be able to survive now.

Hearing this, Chen Keke canceled the spell.

"Then let's get to know each other again. I am the lord of this Shenyou territory."

If possible, Chen Keke didn't want to be an enemy of the other party.

"Hello, Lord, I am Alia from the mermaid tribe. Thank you very much for saving me from the evil kappa!"

Without the previous vigilance, Alia bowed to the other party.

"Would you like to eat something? Eat and talk?"

Without paying attention to whether Alia agreed or not, Chen Keke walked back to the side of Sass's people who were eating.

Looking at the people around the campfire farther away, Alia knew that she had no choice, at least this so-called lord did not intend to be an enemy of her.

"These are Sass, Tie Niu, Tie Yang, Tie Ma and Cui Hua."

After introducing a few people to Alia, Chen Keke turned around and introduced Alia to others: "This is Alia from the mermaid tribe."

After hearing that it was the mermaid tribe, everyone except Sass was more or less shocked.

"Cuihua, bring some food to Alia."

After another two seconds, when everyone reacted, Cuihua was allowed to contact her.

"Please enjoy, Alia." Cuihua walked towards Alia with the food that the lord asked her to prepare today.

Originally, Cuihua didn't know the identity of the girl in front of her, but now that she knew that she was a mermaid, she was a little timid.

"Thank you, Cuihua." After thanking her, Alia immediately stuffed the food into her mouth.

She woke up because of the aroma of the food before, and her stomach was very hungry.

Chen Keke waited for Alia to finish her meal, while the others finished their lunch very attentively and went to do their own things.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, Lord. I wonder if I can stay in your territory for a while?"

While eating, Alia also thought a lot.

She understood that the other lord would not let her stay in the territory for no reason unless she joined the territory.

But if I leave this territory, I might meet Kappa again.

I am weak now, and if the other party needs me to join this territory, I have no choice.

"Of course, but you have to show the corresponding value."

Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, Chen Keke knew that Alia did not want to join her territory.

"Even if you are a resident of my territory, you have to pay for the territory, not to mention that you are not."

Chen Keke's words are reasonable and well-founded. Alia also understands this truth and doesn't know what to do for a while: "Then what can I do?"

"Alia, this should be asked by me, what can you do? Or what will you do?"

Finally asked the question I wanted, but if the other party really can't do anything, then I have to consider whether to keep this mermaid.

"I am a water magician, with some water attack magic and a little healing magic." Alia quickly said her value.

This is what Chen Keke didn't expect that she was actually a magician!

But it's good this way. When the protection period ends, it will be an extra layer of protection.

After detailed inquiries, Chen Keke also roughly understood Aria's information and abilities.

Mermaids can move on land, but they are stronger and more flexible in the water than on land.

When walking on land for a long time, there will be no symptoms such as dehydration.

The reason why the legs turn into a tail when touching water is because Aria's body will choose a more powerful posture when she is unconscious before.

At the same time, Aria's water magic not onlyPossessing attack skills, she also possesses water-based healing magic.

At the same time, according to her, mermaids are the highest-level race in the sea.

Recently, the mermaids are not peaceful, and there are often mermaids who go out and disappear because they are alone.

She went out to look for her best friend because she was also missing, and was finally attacked by Kappa.

Before, Chen Keke thought that she might have encountered something, or was alone, but she didn't expect that she was simply out of her mind and came out to die...

"Alia, you can actually join my territory first. You can leave when you want to, and I won't restrict you."

Although she knew that the other party didn't want to join the territory, Chen Keke thought she could still give it a try.

A magician joining the territory is equivalent to strengthening the strength of the territory, so the energy value obtained should also increase accordingly.


Alia hesitated a little, after all, it seemed that there was no big difference between joining the territory or not.

"I know that joining the territory or not seems to make no difference to you, but only if you join the territory can I build a place for you to live."

Speaking of this, Chen Keke explained to Alia that she was a god-favored person and had the ability to build buildings instantly.

"Okay, but if I want to leave, I may leave the territory."

Although she was not very willing, Alia still compromised and said that she might leave the territory. By the way, she also wanted to see how this lord built buildings instantly.

At this time, Chen Keke also received a prompt from the system.

[Mermaid Alia joined the territory. ]

At the same time, Chen Keke could also see some information about Alia.

[Race: Mermaid-Alia]

[Territory: God's Blessing Territory (sense of belonging 20%)]

This was a little surprising to Chen Keke.

She remembered that Sass had no sense of belonging to the territory, but directly belonged to the God's Blessing Territory.

But there is no time to think too much. Now he should build a farmhouse for Alia to realize his dream.

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