Then, according to Alia's request, a farmhouse was built for her near the water source.

Her original words were to get close to the water source. If there was any danger, she could enter the water and turn into a mermaid, and her combat power would increase accordingly.

In just a dozen seconds, a farmhouse appeared in front of her!

Alia opened her mouth in disbelief, and at the same time, she believed what Chen Keke said just now that she needed to join the territory before she could build it for her.

After looking at the system prompt that Alia's sense of belonging to the territory increased by 5%, Chen Keke asked her to take a good rest first, and then go out to explore together in the afternoon.

When I returned to the thatched house, I saw Ruanruan still transforming on the table, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. What I need to think about now is which place I should explore in the afternoon.

Now the territory has been explored up and down, left and right. There is a mountain range above, which is also the source of the territory stream.

The stream below leads directly to the water source of the entire forest. There is no way to cross the turbulent river on the other side.

The left and right sides are ordinary forest areas. The area on the left was attacked by wolves before.

I think there should be no other predatory creatures around because of the wolves.

After deciding the direction of the afternoon exploration, Chen Keke began to look at the chat board.

Her words in the morning about not upgrading the territory had long gone like water without leaving any trace.

But what made her feel wrong was that no one else upgraded the territory?

But on second thought, those who can upgrade the territory at this time are nothing more than excellent adventures in all aspects, just like the guy who opened the job transfer scroll in the diamond treasure chest before.

If it were them, even if the territory was upgraded, even if they encountered any situation, they should be able to solve it easily, unlike her current situation, where the defense tower can only barely protect the territory.

In the afternoon.

Take Alia and Sass across the stream beside the territory and head to the woods on the right.

With the experience of the previous two explorations, Sass observed the surrounding conditions with ease.

On the way forward, Alia was still nervous. Although the lord had told her the basic situation before.

After all, when she was in the mermaid tribe, she had guards to patrol, and there was no need for a mermaid like her who had no ability to come out.

After a period of exploration, no danger was found, and Alia gradually let down her guard.

Because of the relationship between Sass and Alia this time, Chen Keke explored more deeply, but nothing happened.

However, when returning, she did not take the original route, but made a circle and explored back from a new route.

During this time, Alia also found that her lord would occasionally find something in the haystack or bushes.

But she could not see it at all, and the half-snake people on the side looked accustomed to it.

"What is the lord doing?" Alia did not ask Chen Keke directly, but asked Sass who was on guard on the side.

"Lord, you are a God-favored person, and you can see God's gifts that we cannot see." Sass did not give a detailed introduction, but just gave a general explanation.

After all, from what Sass knew, the other party was just a magician who temporarily joined the territory.

And it seems that he does not have a strong sense of belonging to the territory.

As the name suggests, God-favored people are people favored by God, but they also face tests.

After all, God's favor is not so easy to get.

After searching the woods on the right, there were no other creatures except a few first-level iron treasure chests.

This made Chen Keke somewhat disappointed and fortunate.

Disappointment is because if there are other creatures, it generally means that there are relatively high-level treasure chests nearby, similar to the existence of a watcher.

Fortunately, the world he came to is not full of dangers, which greatly increases the probability of his survival.

After returning to the territory, Chen Keke opened and decomposed several first-level iron treasure chests, and then began to calculate the basic resources he currently has.

Wood x220, stone x60.

The amount of wood is still slowly increasing because of the axe trade.

Although there is still a stage to upgrade the territory, with the instructions of the miracle statue before, Chen Keke still built a wooden archery tower under the territory.

Watching the formation of the defense tower, Chen Keke's anxiety calmed down a little. Sure enough, all the fear was due to insufficient firepower.

Then he exchanged some iron blocks that he didn't need at the moment.It turned into wood.

Although I didn't plan to upgrade the territory, I still had to prepare the materials.

After opening the trading section, I found that the products on it were flowing very fast. Perhaps it was because the protection period was about to end, which made people feel anxious and they were also trying their best to increase their combat power.

The chat section was also anxious. The number of people on the section decreased, and the frequency was much slower than when they first came to this place.

Looking at the peaceful and harmonious appearance in the territory, Chen Keke suddenly understood what the calm before the storm was.

However, Chen Keke has done everything he can.

At the same time, check if there is any useful information in the chat section, such as whether anyone has upgraded the territory.

[Oh my god, are the three days up? The protection period has ended, what should we do? ]

[We came at noon, and the protection period should end at noon tomorrow! This is unfair! ]

When Chen Keke saw this message, he felt his mouth twitch. There are really such naive people at all times.

There is no absolute fairness in the world. Instead of pursuing fairness, it is better to pursue fairness. The decision-making power lies in oneself.

Of course, in addition to some anxious speeches, there are also some speeches that can be regarded as confident.

[I am the king of this world! This is an opportunity given by God! ]

[I knew that my life would not be so ordinary. It turns out that it is waiting for me here! ]

[I changed my job to become a dragon knight! Brother will take you to fly! ]

[Is there anyone who wants to keep warm together? Who has positioning props? ]

Although the speech is very second-rate, confidence is a good thing, which is always better than anxiety.

However, I still haven't seen any remarks such as upgrading the territory.

Looking at the chat number in the world area, Chen Keke thought that it was okay. Even if someone upgraded the territory, he would not upgrade it.

After all, the introduction of the miracle statue is that it will give you the right guidance.

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