But in terms of the frequency of decline, it is much less than before the protection shield ended.

But it is also true that the surviving players have a certain ability to fight against the beasts.

Except for a few who went out to die or encountered powerful enemies, the rest who had no will to survive had already perished before or when the protection period ended.

But Chen Keke just sighed and didn't pay too much attention.

Although I know that each number represents a living person, what can I do?

What's more, the people I care about are gone.

After looking for a while, I found that there was no useful information.

Among the messy information, there were even a few discussions about the Shenyou Territory.

[How should the sense of belonging to the territory be improved? I almost regard them as lords! ]

[The above wants to replicate the Shenyou Territory? I don't even know if there are any rewards? ]

[By the way, when will the beast come tonight? ]

[Are you so sure that it is the beast that comes? ]

[Is there a recharge entrance for this game? I am a rich second generation! ]

[Yes! ]

[! ! ! ]

[Where? ]

[Where? ]

[Where are the people! ? ]

When Chen Keke saw this, she was also a little excited. But after waiting for a long time, there was still no response.

Some people in the world chat also reacted and realized that this person was fishing here.

Then the world chat turned into a scolding.

There was no choice, Chen Keke had to go to the next area to chat.

[This broken forest is really big! ]

[Guess why the forest is called a forest instead of a forest? ]

[Speaking of which, this is called the Magic Forest. Have you ever seen any magic? ]

[I haven't seen magic, but I have an attribute called magic value. ]

[Magic value? What profession did the above person change his job to? Mine is a warrior, there is no such thing as magic value! ]

[My profession is very similar to yours, a wizard. ]

[! ! ! ]


[Looks like your grandma's legs! ?]

[Warrior and wizard, don't you look alike from your side! ?]

[Wizard boss, where are you? Take me with you! You can ask me to do anything, whatever you want!]

[Add me, I have a positioning tool.]

[Choose me, choose me! I'm a man, I can be used as a woman! One is worth two!]

A wizard blew up a bunch of his brothers...

Watching this scene, Chen Keke also knew that there was no possibility of other important information in the regional chat section.

However, the profession of wizard sounded like a powerful profession, at least it sounded much stronger than the witch herself.

However, I remember that someone opened a professional transfer scroll in a diamond treasure chest before.

My witch professional transfer to Princess was opened in a third-level silver treasure chest, which should not be comparable to others.

But it's good enough that I got it, wouldn't those who didn't get it be even worse...

Sure enough, when you are unfortunate, just think about the misfortune of others, and you will instantly feel that you are still okay.

The beasts attacked at night much faster than Chen Keke imagined.

Yesterday's beasts attacked at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, after the novice protection period ended.

But this is also good, at least you don't have to stay up late every day...

Thinking like this, Chen Keke immediately followed the iron sheep who came to report the news.

When he came to the open space, Chen Keke found that Sass had arranged everything in place.

After finding that there were no other problems, Chen Keke said that he would act according to what Sass said.

In the stream, he could only rely on Alia alone.

After all, Alia's combat power in the mermaid form doubled directly, and in places with water, the power of water magicians can be maximized.

Before preparing for the battle, Chen Keke sheltered them all.

The others began to fight back as they sensed the situation in their bodies and approached the peak.

They still remembered what the half-snake general Sass said, that the blessing would not last long, so they had to fight quickly and decisively.

Today, there were five more fighters in the territory, which gave Chen Keke more time to observe the surrounding situation and the source of the beasts.

Suddenly, among the many chaotic colors, she caught a glimpse of green.

It turned out to be a toad-like kappa.

The kappa seemed to be observing the battlefield, usually staying far away and not moving forward, just watching everything.

After observing for a while, there was really nothing unusual. Chen Keke aimed directly at the kappa and fired the magic-breaking arrow with a fully drawn bow.As the arrow gradually approached, the blue flame was not bright, but it was enough to make Kappa notice its existence.

The next second after looking at the arrow, Kappa hurriedly turned his head, but was hit by the arrow on the cheek.

Before the webbed hand touched his burning cheek, a burst of soft moonlight suddenly burst out above his head.

Before he could react to what happened, he fell down with the disappearance of the moonlight.

It must be said that the probability of lunar eclipse has reached 40% when it doubles at night, which is quite high.

Although it may be much worse than the wizards I have seen before, it also makes up for the defect of insufficient attack power.

"It seems that I have to upgrade the shelter and lunar eclipse skills first..."

Although he muttered like this, Chen Keke did not stop pulling the silver moon bow in his hand.

This time the beast attack was quickly wiped out. After that, Sass arranged for the people who joined the battle to rest, while he himself patrolled around to see if there were any remaining beasts.

Chen Keke asked the people of Cuizhi and Cuiye to gather the corpses of the beasts in one place so that he could decompose them all at once.

"Lord, Lord, don't bother so much, just leave it to me."

After hearing the lord instructing others, Sera came to Chen Keke.

Before the other party asked, Sera suddenly touched the ground with both hands. Then two vines quickly grew from the land in front of him!

Then the two vines grew rapidly, and the corpses touched by the vines would circle around and hook them, and finally all pulled to the open space in the territory at once.

"Sera, your ability is really good." Chen Keke praised generously when he saw this.

Although due to the range problem, there are still corpses in other places that have not been pulled over.

But with Sera's ability, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

"No, no! This is thanks to the blessing of the lord, otherwise I would not have so much magic power to cast vines."

Sera said and waved her hands quickly.

"You need to have the ability to have magic points, don't be modest." Chen Keke said as she began to decompose the animal corpses on the ground.

She didn't expect that Sera was still a timid person.

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