After all, she was the first to follow after defeating the trolls, and she was also the first half-human to join the territory after arriving.

Chen Keke had always thought that this half-elf was a relatively courageous person with his own judgment.

Unexpectedly, he was such a timid person, but it was good this way. It was easier to get along with him, and it was easier to increase the sense of belonging to the territory.

Thinking this way, Chen Keke checked the sense of belonging of these five people in the territory while waiting for Sera to pull the next batch of corpses after decomposing this batch.

When they joined the territory, their sense of belonging was only about 20%, and now it has reached 23%~25%.

And Sera's sense of belonging to the territory has soared by 5% after the communication with him just now. , Now it has reached 30%.

It seems that his guess was right. The next second, Sera controlled the corpses brought by the vines and piled up in front of him again.

"Look, thanks to you, everyone has saved a lot of trouble."

Seeing the possibility of increasing the sense of belonging to Sera's territory, Chen Keke praised directly.

"Yes, Tieyang and I worked for a long time yesterday."

"Yes, it's much faster with you!"

"This is all thanks to you!"

"No, it's also thanks to you."

Faced with everyone's praise, Sera's reaction seemed a little awkward.

Although Chen Keke didn't know what happened in Sera's life, the real growth of data will not lie.

It's no wonder. Looking at her current appearance, she should not have lived a good life before, at least not as comfortable as now.

No wonder Sera left so unhesitatingly when she proposed to let them follow her back to the territory after defeating the trolls...

Afterwards, Chen Keke came to the warehouse and prepared to put some of the decomposed items in the warehouse.

Basic materials such as stone or wood are relatively good, and wood can be directly piled up in the lumberyard.

Stones can be placed in your backpack, and I don't know if there is a corresponding quarry.

The rest is meat, but there are many types of meat, such as rabbit, tiger and wolf. There are also classified furs, and these items will be distinguished by different names in different backpack grids.

With this calculation, even if there are 50 backpack grids, it is not enough, and there are crops harvested today in the warehouse.

It seems that I have to upgrade the warehouse first...

[First-level warehouse: can store items and increase their shelf life. Can be upgraded to second-level, required materials: wood x200, stone x50, first-level ice stone x1. 】

Ice stone is required to upgrade from a first-level warehouse to a second-level warehouse, which Chen Keke did not expect.

But thinking about it, it seems quite reasonable. This principle is like a refrigerator. Low temperature can increase the shelf life of food.

Fortunately, I decomposed the gem treasure chest before and got 10 ice stone fragments, otherwise I might not be able to upgrade now.

When clicking to confirm the upgrade, the virtual image of the warehouse appears. At this time, Chen Keke discovered that the building can be moved when upgrading.

Originally, when confirming the materials for the defense tower upgrade, the phantom that appeared was just that the defense tower became taller and bigger. I didn't expect that it could be moved after confirming the upgrade.

However, in this way, there is no need to worry about planning problems.

Even if the building is really unreasonable at that time, it can be moved when upgrading.

After confirming the location, a layer of phantom appeared around the original warehouse, and the warehouse slowly expanded like an animation until it completely overlapped with the phantom.

As soon as you enter it, you can really feel different from before.

At the moment of entering, even the surrounding air seems to be a little cooler.

However, it does not make people feel cold and uncomfortable, but a refreshing feeling as if the whole body is clean.

If this is not a warehouse, Chen Keke really wants to live here. It's like a sweaty summer, and returning home to blow the cool comfort of air conditioning.

It's not cold, but with a hint of coolness.

Finally, all the decomposed fur and meat items were thrown into the warehouse. Cuizhi and Cuiye would naturally sort them out after seeing them.

Cuihua had reported before that the crops had basically grown a lot taller after one night by using bone powder for fertilizer.

It seems that we have to store these bone powders first and let Cuihua and others not use them anymore, but they can be used for the magic fruit tree...

Back in the cabin, looking at the remaining items. Only then did I realize that there was actually a first-level iron treasure chest.

After opening it, there were some basic resources, but it gave me a worn-out staff.

[Worn-out staff: Intelligence +2, magic value +5. No matter how broken or rotten it is, it is still a staff! 】

Although the attributes are very suitable for me, my only means of attack is the magic-breaking arrow...

"By the way, the magic-breaking arrow is magic, right? It is a skill anyway..."

Muttering like this, Chen Keke took the old staff and came to the territory, and fired a magic-breaking arrow into the jungle.

The magic-breaking arrow condensed directly from the staff, and then shot into the bushes like a bow and arrow.

It was no different from when Chen Keke used the Silver Moon Bow.

But after thinking about it, she still planned to give the staff to Aria.

A staff is something used by a magician. If it is given to Aria, it may play a greater role.

And more importantly, the passive of the Silver Moon Bow is very suitable for me. Although there is no other attribute bonus...

After sorting it out, I looked at the chat section again, wanting to see if others have any discoveries.

[Do you feel that the beast this time is stronger than the last time? ]

[I suffered heavy losses and several warriors died! ]

[That's because you are too weak! ]

[That is, today's beasts are weaker than yesterday's, right? ]

[When I decomposed the beast today, a treasure chest appeared! ]

[I decomposed it yesterday, isn't it always there? ]

[Just because I am too dark! ]

[Today, the beasts attacked, and I saw gnolls! ]

[I was on the island, and I saw fishmen! ]


It seems that everyone has encountered many races that don't look friendly.

I don't know where those beasts came from. If we can figure out the source, maybe there will be a way to deal with them.

However, Chen Keke didn't feel much about the enhancement of the beasts.

The most important thing is that the combat power here has been strengthened a lot. On the contrary, she feels that today's battle is much easier than yesterday's.

On the contrary, some people are mocking that others are too weak, so they think today's beasts are too strong.

But no matter what, Chen Keke still feels that she should pay more attention to this issue.

It is always better to think that the enemy is too powerful than to think that he is too weak.

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