After Felix's popular science, Chen Keke finally understood.

The magic used by magicians is varied, but most of them are natural elements.

As for the Earth Stone, he didn't hear about it, but he knew about elemental crystals such as water, fire, thunder and ice.

After understanding it, Chen Keke took Felix directly to find Cuihua.

Because of the recent bad weather, the Scholar Hall is usually used by Tieniu.

"What does the Lord want to see me for?"

Seeing Chen Keke, Cuihua saluted him and didn't ask much about the stranger who suddenly appeared.

"This is Felix, the magic apprentice in the territory. He is good at using earth magic. Let him do digging or other things related to this."

From Felix's explanation just now, Chen Keke also understood that magicians do not necessarily use a certain skill.

Instead, they can use materials that match their attributes to consume magic points to control them.

Skills are not the product of practice makes perfect, but a set of formulas and skills learned by accident or specially.

Moreover, the magic power consumed by the skills is fixed, and the casting process will not be accelerated by itself.

Originally, Chen Keke was still thinking about what the earth magician could do, but since it is to control matter, he can be regarded as a miserable life.

Compared with manpower, it is definitely much easier for magicians to do these jobs, and magic power is a tool.

"That's great, with you, other people in the territory will be much easier!"

Cuihua, who was still looking at Felix, now has a smile on her face.

Looking at their figures going away, Chen Keke plans to find Alia and Sera to tell them that the magic temple has been built in the territory.

"Magic Temple, it's great!"

Alia seemed very happy to know that there was already a magic temple in the territory. The magic temple can be said to be a building that has an attraction to all magicians.

Looking at Alia's excitement, Chen Keke couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, mood can be transmitted, and smiles can be contagious.

When I found Sera with the good mood that was contagious, the other party was marking the attack range of the defense tower.

Those were some vines buried under the soil and flush with the ground. If you don't pay attention, you can't detect them at all.

However, after Sera did all this, she told other people in the territory to pay attention on their own.

"Lord, I'm not a magician..."

After listening to the words of the lord, Sera said a little embarrassedly.

She also knew that it was her ability to promote plant growth that made the lord mistakenly think that she was a magician.

"Then do you want to be a magician?"

Although it was a bit unexpected, Sera was a suitable candidate to become a magician at present.

Her ability is not big or small, and it is more inclined to be an auxiliary positioning.

It's just that her self-protection ability is a little weak. If she is given the profession of a magician, it may be able to make up for this defect.

More importantly, she is the one with the highest sense of belonging to the territory among the half-humans who joined the territory.

Anyway, they are all about to become one of us, so it is not a bad idea to give some benefits.

"Become a magician?!" Saira said in disbelief.

"Yes, the current Magic Temple has the qualifications to make people become magicians, but there is only one quota."

Chen Keke stood quietly on the side without rushing the other party to make a decision.

First of all, there is time now, and secondly, she wants to gain the other party's sense of belonging to the territory.

Of course, the fact that there is only one quota is both a fact and something she deliberately said.

"There is only one quota, wouldn't it be better to give it to Cuihua?"

Although she was a little moved, Saira still had her own doubts.

Although this territory is very good, she was bullied in her own territory before, and it was not uncommon for people to be nice to her first and then trick her into a place to be bullied.

This only occupies a small part of her doubts, and more of it is just puzzlement, why did she choose her?

"Because it's more needed than you and Cuihua. Cuihua needs our protection in the territory. Only when you become stronger, Cuihua and the others will be safer."

This is true. Among all the combatants, even the magic apprentice Felix that Chen Keke has just met is stronger than Sera.

"Of course, this doesn't mean that you are not strong. Just like Cuihua and Tieniu each have their own responsibilities, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses."

"It's just that I hope you can become stronger so that you can better protect the territory. Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you."

Because Sera's territoryThe growth rate of her sense of belonging to the territory was a bit abnormal, so Chen Keke was a little concerned.

Later, she found that she would smile because of some kindness shown to her by people in the territory, and even return more kindness.

Every time at this time, Sera's sense of belonging to the territory would increase.

And when she affirmed or praised the other party's behavior or speech, her sense of belonging to the territory would still increase.

Although she couldn't be sure, Chen Keke could probably think that Sera might not have lived well in her previous territory.

Hearing this, Sera couldn't help but think of what happened last night.

Last night, she was too incompetent, causing some of the defense towers in the territory to be destroyed.

If the lord and others hadn't arrived in time, she might have been seriously injured.

Later, Cuihua told her that perhaps what she did was insignificant, but it was definitely for the same goal.

"Lord, I want to be a magician!"

Sera, who didn't want to be dragged down because of her weak strength, said firmly.

"Of course, come with me."

Looking at Sera's slightly red and wet eyes, although it looks like she is crying, the voice is saying that I can...

Take Sera to the center of the Magic Temple.

Although the Magic Temple is now at the second level, it is still empty inside.

Chen Keke had seen the internal facilities before. The Magic Temple is empty, but it should be a place for meditation.

I thought it was the spire of the iconic building before, and this is also the center of the Magic Temple. Looking up, there is a colorful crystal above the spire.

After letting Sera stand in the middle, Chen Keke's mind moved and the information panel about the Magic Temple appeared in front of him.

Choose to convert the magician's physique.

Then the crystal above began to rotate faster, and a dazzling light shone directly on Sera like lightning.

And Sera also closed her eyes and floated in the air half a meter high.

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