It took about the same amount of time as the building. After more than ten seconds, the light emitted by the crystal slowly converged, as if it was absorbed by Sera's body.

When the light gradually dissipated, Sera slowly landed.

"How do you feel?"

Seeing Sera's surprised and unbelievable look, Chen Keke asked cautiously.

"Thank you very much, Lord! I feel great now!"

Feeling that the control of the wood element in the body is more handy, this feeling is something Sera has never experienced before.

At the same time, Chen Keke also received a prompt from the system that Sera's sense of belonging to the territory has reached 98%.

The higher the sense of belonging to the territory, the greater the difficulty of improving it will be.

Although 98% of the sense of belonging to the territory cannot make Sera and the territory coexist, it is almost there.

"What is your magic attribute?"

I talked about this issue with Felix before, so Chen Keke also cares about the magic attribute.

"It's to control the wood element!"

At this moment, Sera was still a little excited and couldn't control her trembling voice.

"Can't you control it yourself?"

This time it was Chen Keke's turn to be confused. Although when Sera said that she was not a magician, she thought that it might be the talent of being a fairy.

But if this talent is the same as magic, wouldn't it be a bit useless?

"No, no!"

Fearing that her lord would think that it was a waste to give her the qualifications of a magician, Sera shook her hands and her head together, and hurriedly explained the reason.

It turns out that fairies are born with the blessing of nature.

They can control various elements at birth. Sera's mother is a forest fairy who can control plants.

However, this cannot be achieved by using various skills like a magician, or changing the nature of plants to make them lethal.

Although Sera inherited the abilities of the forest fairy, because she is a half-fairy, her abilities are very low, and her appearance is also different from that of a real fairy.

Although living in the territory of fairies, they are often bullied for these reasons.

"Lord, this will not be wasted."

After explaining, Sara lowered her head again, as if waiting for the lord's judgment.

"What waste? I'm just a little curious. I'm a god-favored person and I don't know much about some things on the Vanodia continent."

While explaining, Chen Keke was also thinking about what to waste?

Waste the qualification to become a magician's physique?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Keke continued:

"In that case, if fairies have magician's physique, wouldn't it be very powerful?"

After saying this, Chen Keke covered her mouth and pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, it's to make ordinary magicians more powerful..."

Because she misunderstood the lord's meaning, Sera said with some stammering.

After talking to Sera again, while raising Sera's sense of belonging to the territory to 99%, Chen Keke also obtained some information about fairies.

The talent of fairies is to manipulate natural substances related to their own attributes.

But in the same way, even if they are favored, there must be some defects.

The talent of elves cannot be compared with that of magicians, and elves are not very talented in magic.

But correspondingly, if an elf has magic qualifications, then the talent will be qualitatively improved.

It is equivalent to complementing each other. The fairy queens of all generations are fairies with magic qualifications.

It sounds very powerful, but this is like saying that the boss of the whole server is the best in the novice village.

"Practice well, you are still a magic apprentice now. If you don’t understand something, you can ask the new Felix or Alia."

"If you meditate in the magic temple, it will speed up the recovery of magic value and slowly increase your strength."

As she spoke, Chen Keke realized that she didn’t seem to see Alia.

Before, she told her that there was a magic temple, and she was quite happy...

Just then Alia walked in from outside.

"Greetings, Lord."

Although the Lord was surprised for a moment, Alia quickly reacted and saluted.

Although Chen Keke said it was not necessary, everyone would bow slightly to show respect in normal times.

"What are you doing? If you come faster, you can see the process of Sera's transformation into a magician's physique."

When Alia came closer, Chen Keke realized that she seemed a little weak.

"I went to release my magic power, in order to meditate better, transform... what Sera transformed into a magician's physique?!"

Subconsciously answered the Lord's questionAlia, who was a little late, realized that she had grasped the key point of this sentence.

"Yes, Sera is still a magic apprentice now, you have to guide her more."

Chen Keke said with a smile, and then she realized that she didn't know what level of magician Alia was now.

When you just start to become a magician without classes, you are an apprentice, even other professions are divided in the same way.

When you accumulate a certain amount of strength, you will break through the bottleneck and become a first-level magician. After that, you will be a second-level magician, until you become the top of the world of the ninth level.

"I am still a magician apprentice now, but I feel that I am about to break through the bottleneck and become a first-level magician!"

This is also the reason why Alia was so happy after hearing that the magic temple was built in the territory.

Although she knew that the magic temple would only increase the power minimally, she used to meditate in the magic temple of the Mermaid Kingdom.

It was only after coming to the Shenyou territory that she gradually reached the bottleneck of the magic apprentice because of the tempering of the beasts.

Chen Keke was shocked when she heard this answer, but then she was relieved immediately.

She was able to come out alone to find her missing friend, and was captured by Kappa. It would be a miracle if she was strong...

"Keep it up!"

After saying this, Chen Keke walked out of the Magic Temple.

Then she found Cuihua, who was directing Felix to dig two ditches beside the stream so that it would be easier to divert water.

Seeing that the lord had something to ask, Cuihua handed the task to Tiewa next to her and came to the stream with Chen Keke.

"Cuihua, I want to dig a small pond on the other side of the stream. What do you think?"

Tell Cuihua that it was not only because she was now in charge of the agricultural production in the territory, but also because she was in charge of some plans.

"What does the lord want this small pond for?"

It was not that Cuihua questioned her lord. After all, if the water in the pond was dirty, it would definitely have to be changed. It would be a troublesome matter at that time, and she would make a decision after asking clearly.

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