"Do you remember the delicious meat we had at noon?"

Without waiting for Cuihua to answer, Chen Keke continued:

"That's the meat of the mud frog. If we want to keep eating it, we can only keep them."

"It's the same as planting, except that one doesn't move in the soil, and the other is more noisy and troublesome to run on the ground."

Not only planning, Chen Keke also wants Cuihua to accumulate knowledge in this area.

Wait until the people around Cuihua are familiar with it, and then assign other tasks.

Although knowledge accumulation is not like giving answers to others like a textbook, it is more like drawing results from practice, although everyone has limited time.

But through this spirit of "I am the territory, the territory is me", Cuihua and Tieniu spread knowledge when they accumulate knowledge like a teacher teaching students.

Then these students will manage what they are doing, so that Tieniu and Cuihua can have more time to accumulate knowledge.

"But Lord, will I be unable to manage it?"

Without waiting for Chen Keke to say anything, Cuihua also wanted to contribute to the territory, and she really thought the meat was delicious.

It would be great if she could eat it all the time.

"Assign a few people to manage the crops. Now it's just for you to accumulate knowledge."

"Don't worry even if there is heavy rain. You can even take some precautions."

Facing Cuihua who looked a little hesitant, Chen Keke comforted her warmly.

"If that's the case, I think there's no problem."

After hearing this, Cuihua was relieved. She also wanted to contribute as much as possible to the territory.

But if she had to manage many things in the territory while accumulating knowledge, she would be a little overwhelmed.

"Even if you raise some animals in captivity, you will need to pass on what you have learned to others."

"Just like now, you will feel more relaxed when they learn it, but you will have to work harder to accumulate knowledge and teach them."

Seeing Cuihua agreed, Chen Keke did not forget to comfort her.

"What are you talking about, Lord! Being able to accumulate knowledge is itself a desirable thing!"

"What's more, you once said that I am doing it for others after accumulating knowledge."

"And the people in the territory gave me the opportunity to accumulate knowledge, and they also did a good job in the territory, so that I don't have to worry about the future."

"Everyone is doing it for me, so of course I have to do it for everyone!"

Cuihua said this as a matter of course, which made Chen Keke, who subconsciously wanted to say something nice, think that the other party was brainwashed.

But on second thought, it seemed that it was she who brainwashed the other party...

Anyway, the result was just as she wanted.

Fortunately, the data is reliable. Otherwise, she, a person who knows nothing, would not be able to manage a so-called territory.

After all, whether it is work or life, she is more often disciplined by others than disciplined.

As the residents in the territory have a stronger sense of belonging to the territory, Chen Keke gradually does not need to do anything herself.

And now, after patrolling around the territory, there are basically no wild animals that can harm people.

This is also the first time Chen Keke feels at ease after coming to this world.

This is different from the sense of security brought by the defense tower.

Ask Sass to take Ruanruan to the surrounding area to see if there are any animals that can be raised.

Although Cuihua has not accumulated knowledge in this area yet, it is better to try some animals.

Because it is around the territory, and if Sass is asked to do some physical work, it is really a waste of talent.

At least he can know the traces of wild animals. In this regard, Chen Keke knows nothing.

On the way here, Sass also knew the purpose of this trip, so he watched for signs of wild animals along the way.

Fortunately, the heavy rain in the past few days made the soil unusually moist, and the signs of wild animals were more obvious on it. Even if the soil was dry, there were footprints one after another.

Along with Sass's movements, Chen Keke also saw these footprints.

But these footprints seemed to her to be messy and disorderly, and even looked like a branch poking small holes in the soil.

But after watching for a while, she wondered why the kappa didn't call for heavy rain today.

Thinking about it, Chen Keke also told Sass about her discovery.

No matter how one person's ideas are, they can't beat the thinking of two people.

"The lord may have some misunderstandings about this aspect. For example, large-scale prayers such as praying for rain are not worth it.The consumption required for the ability to influence the model is also huge. "

Although he didn't finish his words, Chen Keke also understood the meaning.

If Goblin and Kappa really have such huge energy and can maintain bad weather all the time, why bother to summon wild beasts?

But it seems that there is no need to worry at night. I think the wild beasts should attack after the rain.

After thinking about it, Chen Keke quickly posted a message in the forum section. At the same time, he also posted a message in the world chat channel and the regional chat channel.

[When bad weather comes at night, it is likely that wild beasts will attack!]

Then, regardless of other people's reactions, just about to close the system interface, he suddenly thought of Kurufu, who had a transaction with him.

Without thinking too much, he also sent a message to the other party. Anyway, it was a matter of thought, and he didn't need to type it out.

After doing all this, Chen Keke quickly caught up with Sass, who had walked a short distance.

Watching Sass continue to move forward following the traces until he came to a bush, the traces disappeared.

"It seems that it should be nearby. "

After saying that, Sass looked at his lord.


Nodding, he didn't say anything. Chen Keke closed his eyes and carefully sensed the surrounding situation.

Soon, he found a tree hole extending downwards a few meters away.

After signaling Sass to follow, he walked to the vicinity of the sensing place.

From the perception, the hole is quite deep.

"Ruanruan, go in and catch the creature inside. Don't secrete venom, and don't digest it."

After rubbing Ruanruan, Chen Keke said warmly.

"Puji, Puji?"

After understanding the meaning, Ruanruan did not act immediately, but asked if he could take some to eat.

In its view, everything can be eaten, but most living things can enhance their strength if eaten.

Its owner must have the same idea, but if the owner disagrees, it will do it.

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