After becoming a first-class natural creature, Ruanruan began to have his own ideas, but at this time, he was like a blank sheet of paper.

"Of course."

Chen Keke would not refuse this small request.

Moreover, bringing Ruanruan out also meant that he could kill monsters and level up.

In the current territory, besides the buildings, only Ruanruan has a class.


He let the other party rub against him.

"Go, remember to block the hole, and then wrap them up in your body. I'll wait for you here."

Chen Keke put Ruanruan at the hole.

After turning around and looking at his master, Ruanruan took his soft steps. As his master said, he expanded his body and blocked the hole.

Seeing his lord being so friendly with his pet was something that Sass had not expected.

In his impression, the attitude of Vanodia continent towards pets was not bad, but he had never seen anyone bargaining with his master like this.

"Is the lord too kind to pets?"

After thinking about it, Sass said it out. After all, his lord was a god-favored person and was not very clear about the things on the Vanodia continent.


Hearing this, Chen Keke turned around and showed a puzzled expression.

"In my opinion, pets do not have the right to bargain with their masters. Pets are just a helper for their masters, but their status is higher than that of slaves."

Seeing this, Sass also said what he knew.

After hearing this, Chen Keke thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

In his own opinion, the definition of a pet is to accompany himself.

As the master of the other party, he should bear the corresponding responsibilities, and in the Vanodia continent, the definition of master and pet is more literal.

The master has absolute power and can define the ownership and even life of the pet.

According to what Sass said, only people with higher status can afford to keep pets, and these people usually have slaves.

As the saying goes, you have to look at the owner before you beat the dog, so the positioning of pets really needs to be one level higher than these slaves.

"Although Ruanruan is just my pet, it is also a life after all. I may have many pets in my life, but most pets can only have one owner."

"Although it is a bit inappropriate, it's like there is only one lord in our territory. And I have many people, I hope everyone can do what they want to do to the greatest extent."

As she spoke, Chen Keke suddenly laughed. In fact, she also felt that her idea was a bit ridiculous.

But in the previous world of rules and regulations, she was pushed forward by many things and many impossible things.

Or she was bound in the same place and could never move forward.

She hoped to live as much as she wanted in this world of infinite possibilities.

Although there are still rules and regulations that bind her, and there are also responsibilities that the lord should have.

But she knows that everything is for herself and for a better future.

She never forgot what she wanted. It was impossible for her to let her grandmother live in anxiety after she resurrected her.

Facing the answer of her lord, Sass was a little confused.

"Do what you want to do to the greatest extent?"

This was something he had never thought of before. He was a general.

In addition to leading troops and fighting, he didn't know much about other things. In his previous life, apart from these, he worked hard to make himself stronger.

But why did he become stronger? What will happen after becoming stronger?

These are questions he has never considered.

"Puchi, Puchi~"

At this time, the soft voice recalled the thoughts of both of them.

With some subtle sounds, the soft body squirmed, and the body became larger because of the swallowing of objects.

When the first half came out, Chen Keke couldn't help but take a few steps back.

In the almost transparent body of the soft body, there were several black unknown creatures squirming constantly.

Before she could wonder, the whole body of the soft body squirmed out of the hole.

At this time, Chen Keke also noticed what creatures were in the transparent body.

They were several centipedes as thick as three fingers!

Under the black body were many red feet, which also explained why the footprints seen before were so strange.

These centipedes made Ruanruan's body, which was originally the size of a fist, as big as his head.

The centipede kept wriggling and struggling in it, but it seemed a little slow, probably because it was restricted.

Although he had experienced the Black Panther's attack, the bite of the venomous snake.

But when seeing this scene, Chen Keke couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body.

"Can this thing be eaten?"

Chen Keke couldn't help asking when seeing this scene.

Sass, who also saw this scene, was silent.

He was not scared, but he didn't know whether this thing could be eaten.

"Ruanruan, spit one out first."

After asking, Chen Keke realized that he had the ability to decompose.

Whether it can be eaten, just decompose it and see if there is meat.


While making a sound to indicate understanding, a centipede was crawling to the surface of Ruanruan.

Then the head of the centipede slowly drilled out through the skin on the surface of the slime.

The centipede's feet just touched the ground, and a small part of its body was still in the slime, so it wanted to pull it out as soon as possible.

Just as it started to exert force, Chen Keke next to it used the magic-breaking arrow to kill it directly.

[The player kills a level 2 Black Armored Centipede and gains 2 experience points. ]

Looking at the information prompt, Chen Keke remembered that the level 2 Goblin he killed before also seemed to gain 2 experience points.

It seems that the experience points gained are linked to the level. The higher your level, the lower the opponent's level, and the less experience points you gain.

On the contrary, if you kill a higher level, the experience points you gain will increase accordingly.

When the beasts first attacked, they were all level 1, but yesterday's beasts seemed to have appeared at level 2, and the Frightening Mud Frog was even level 3.

Fortunately, all the experience points gained by the defense tower will be returned to you, otherwise it would be really difficult for you to upgrade.

Although because of the low level, the experience points gained are also relatively small.

But fortunately, there are many, and it is okay if a little accumulates into a lot.

[Decomposition Obtained: Fertilizer x1. ]

[Fertilizer: Some waste that can be made into nutrients. ]

Chen Keke: "..."

"Ruanruan, these are all yours, eat them."

It's all fertilizer anyway, it's better to give it to Ruanruan when he is alive. This is more fresh...

After saying this, he looked at Sass and signaled him to continue looking for traces of other animals.

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