This time, Chen Keke drove the natural affinity all the way, although the range of 10 meters was a bit large for her.

But it was obviously a bit small for the habitat of creatures.

After a few days of exploration and use, Chen Keke also found that if she put most of her perception on natural affinity, she could perceive the surrounding conditions more clearly.

If she put most of her perception on the surrounding conditions, she would largely ignore her own situation.

This would make the action less efficient, at least walking would be much slower than usual.

If she closed her eyes, she would put all her senses within the ten-meter range of natural affinity.

After leaving the centipede's nest for a distance, Sass found some footprints again.

Although she still didn't know what animal's footprints were, at least they looked like mammals.

There were two cat ears on the circular pit in the middle, which looked a bit like Mickey with cat ears.

The footprints were about the size of a coin, or even smaller, so they should be small mammals.

After checking around, it still disappeared in the bushes.

Close your eyes again and use natural affinity. Now Chen Keke can basically control herself to be calm unless there is an unexpected situation.

Soon, Chen Keke closed her eyes, and the surrounding situation information emerged in her mind.

Five or six meters away from here, there is a hole leading to the underground.

After arriving at the hole, use natural affinity again to clearly feel that there are unknown creatures in the hole.

The size makes Chen Keke think it is very likely a rabbit.

When she thought of the rabbit, she immediately thought of the cunning rabbit has three burrows, and quickly spread most of her perception to the surroundings to look for other caves.

Unexpectedly, she really found another hole.

Fortunately, there are only two holes in total. After letting Sass block the other hole, she let Ruanruan enter the cave as before.

The only difference from the last time is that this time Chen Keke let him go all the way to the end and come out directly from another exit.

Not long after Ruanruan went down, there was some movement from the underground.

Following a few subtle shouts, Sass blocked the hole with stones, making a soft "puff" sound.

After quickly moving away, Ruanruan stretched out her body and came out of the hole as before.

This time, Ruanruan was much bigger than before, and looked as big as two basketballs.

If it weren't for the fact that Ruanruan was fine through the contract space, Chen Keke would have thought that it was about to burst...

At this time, she also saw clearly the creature inside Ruanruan.

This is a creature that looks like a piglet, with a long body and four legs. It has no ears and no hair.

In addition, because of the pink color, it looks like a piglet that has just been born.

"This seems to be a turu beast."

After observing for a while, Sass said hesitantly.

"Turu beast? What is it for?"

Although Chen Keke can check the information of the item by herself, it will only show the name, and there will be no particularly detailed information.

"Turu beast is an animal that is particularly good at digging holes. Because it often stays underground, it only moves at night. As a result, it has no hair or scales, and cannot resist direct sunlight."

"Although it is not big, it tastes good. It is just that it often stays underground and is not easy to catch."

After saying this, Sasden paused and continued:

"But I don't know if this is a Turu beast. It looks a bit like what I heard."

For unclear things, it is still necessary to clarify. After all, in military intelligence, if you speculate yourself, it is very likely to lead to the destruction of the entire army.

Therefore, Sas didn't dare to be completely sure. After all, what you hear and what you see may be two different things.

"Ruanruan, get one out."

All of them were piled up in Ruanruan's body. Chen Keke couldn't tell how many there were at the moment.

With a "puff", the pink piglet in Ruanruan's body was slowly pulled out...

The same operation as before, perhaps because of the low level, or because it was aimed at the head.

After a magic-breaking arrow, the creature in front of him stopped moving, and Chen Keke also sensed that the system had a new prompt.

[The player killed a level 2 earth beast and gained 2 experience points. ]

[Decomposition: earth beast meat x3, earth beast skin x1. ]

Looking at the content obtained, Chen Keke was a little confused.

According to the items obtained by decomposition in the past, only useful itemsOnly the products will be classified by the system.

The meat decomposed from the beast is complete meat, and they all look exactly the same. Parts like noses and eyes that occupy a small part will be completely ignored by the system.

Bones and the like cannot be ignored and will be retained. Even the centipede just now is all shells except for the shell, which will be decomposed into fertilizer.

It seems that this skin should have some use, but the skin is probably used to make clothes or some cloth.

These are the only two uses she can think of.

But no matter what, it looks like an edible animal at least.

"Ruanruan, release another one."

This time, Chen Keke wanted to try to put the Turu beast into the backpack.

After trying it, I didn't expect it to be successful. It seems that just like the last wolf cub, as long as it is your own trophy, everything should be put into the backpack.

There are a total of 7 Turu beasts. After shooting one, there are still 6 left. One of them is left for Ruanruan, and Chen Keke put the other 5 into the backpack.

"I wonder if Ruanruan can be put into the backpack?"

Thinking this way, Chen Keke tried it, but was prompted that species with a certain degree of intelligence could not be put into the backpack.

It seems that not everything can be put into the backpack...

However, on the way back, Chen Keke began to consider where to put these earth beasts.

The crops planted before were basically within the defense range of the territory, but even so, one or two beasts would step in, causing some losses.

But this only made the crops grow worse, and there was no great harm.

But the earth beasts are different, they are living creatures. If they are attacked by a beast, they may be killed on the spot.

It seems that more defense towers must be built in specific areas.

After thinking about it, Chen Keke finally felt that it was due to insufficient firepower.

After returning to the territory, he wanted to find Cuihua to hand over the earth beasts to her, but was told that Cuihua was accumulating knowledge.

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