But this does not prevent me from being stingy.

Chen Keke did not dare to believe the credibility of the information released by such people.

It is better to let the other party cut off my source of information. The unknown is the source of all fear.

As this post was sent out, it immediately received praise from many people.

But there are also people who are not afraid and say that it doesn't matter if there is no information from them.

But more people are just afraid or even apologize. After all, there are things that others know, but you don't know, then you are eliminated.

What's more, elimination means disappearance in this world.

However, Chen Keke did not pay too much attention. He took a quick look and went to the direction close to the crops to prepare to build a defense tower.

Anyway, the building can be moved when it is upgraded next time, so there is no need to worry about it being placed randomly now.

40 wood units were consumed to build two first-level wooden archer towers, and then 100 wood units were used to upgrade them respectively.

As the two defense towers gradually took shape and became the appearance in the phantom, Chen Keke's heart was also settled.

The reason why we chose to build here is because it rained yesterday and there were attacks by wild beasts. It made the others a little overwhelmed. Although they ran a little far, fortunately the defense tower was powerful enough.

But so far, the beasts seem to be targeting the territory, but if they encounter people, they will change their attack targets.

But we can't guess that the beasts' target should be their cabin. After all, if they want to destroy a territory, the core of the territory is the best choice.

It seems that I have to add more protection around my cabin in the future, but I saw someone proposed to form an alliance before.

In that case, it should be equivalent to abandoning my territory, and I don't know how it is now.

Only within the scope of my territory can I use the system's ability to build a defense tower.

It seems that even if the core of the territory is destroyed, the lord himself will not be hurt.

Thinking of this, Chen Keke remembered that he sold magic fruit last time, and then he did something stupid. Let me donate magic fruit and agree to join the territory.

Although the other party is not weak in the rankings.

In this world where opportunities and risks coexist, everyone has the same start. Although it is impossible to be truly fair and just, everyone is at least equal.

Choosing to surrender at this time is equivalent to giving up the space for one's own advancement and being willing to be inferior to others.

After all, the one who owns the core of the territory is the lord, and the others are just the people of the territory after all.

In the previous life, when there were relevant executive units, it was not necessarily possible to solve these interest distribution issues smoothly.

Not to mention in this world of the survival of the fittest?

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Keke has told her that besides herself, grandma is the most important.


At night.

Looking at Felix, who has basically known everyone in the territory at dinner time, it seems that the people in the territory are still friendly.

At least until now, Chen Keke has not been troubled by the interpersonal affairs between the territories.

"Lord, what are the five animals you asked someone to give me today?"

For a period of time after dinner, everyone will sit together. Cuihua saw that the lord of the family had finished eating, so she asked her doubts.

"Let's roast these two pieces of meat first. Share them and tell us how they taste."

After Cuihua's reminder, Chen Keke remembered that there was still some meat in her backpack that she got from decomposing the earth beast.

While Cuihua was still a little confused about the lord's failure to answer her question, Cuizhi and Cuiye, who had been busy with the territory's meals recently, had already taken the meat.

The earth beast meat was roasted quickly.

It was just smeared with a little seasoning, and no other processing was done.

Because there was not much meat, everyone only got a little. But Chen Keke may have clearly noticed that his meat was the largest piece.

Then came the combatants such as Sass and Alia.

But it was just a little more, not even a bite.

"This is because the lord has to fight against the beast at night, and eating more will give him strength."

Cuihua, who noticed Chen Keke's gaze, immediately responded to her lord's doubts.

"Yeah, we can't help much in the territory."

Cuizhi and Cuiye, who had reacted, also said quickly.

"Well, everyone has worked hard. But you are also important, don't starve yourself."

After thinking about these things for a while, Chen Keke was able to understand.

If everyone gets the same thing, then why take risks?

But it's goodFor people in the territory, this behavior is spontaneous, so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

Tiewa and Cuizhiben, who were summoned later, also had a sense of belonging to the territory because of Chen Keke's words.

They were touched and protected at the same time. Hunger often accompanies danger in the Novadiya continent.

They dare not go out to find food or get food because of the danger, and they are unable to survive in danger because of hunger.

This is a vicious cycle.

In other territories, if you want to survive in them, you have to give certain benefits or materials. Others can't protect you for nothing.

Chen Keke, who saw the prompt, didn't expect that a few words of comfort could also give a sense of belonging to the territory.

However, except for the half-human race in the territory, the sense of belonging to the territory has basically reached more than 95%.

At this value, Chen Keke basically won't deliberately improve their sense of belonging to the territory.

I think there will be no other rewards except Cuihua's time, otherwise she would not have heard the sound of the world announcement.

After all, after he and the other two territories were announced at noon today, there were many more posts asking for advice on the forum, and many more people actively looking for information.

Everyone finished the meal quickly after taking a bite or two, and gave their opinions one after another.

"Although it has been roasted, it still feels very soft."

"I feel a little sweet, I don't know if it's my illusion."

"I think so too, especially the slightly burnt edges, it feels crispy and a little sweet when you bite it."

"I've heard that the taste of the earth beast is good before, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Sas was also a little surprised by the taste of the earth beast. Although he had heard of it before, he had never eaten it.

"Although it's not as delicious as the last time's terrifying mud frog meat, it's also very good."

Alia, who had a good life in the mermaid country before, was not so surprised, but just stated the facts calmly.

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