Chen Keke, who had been thinking about this and that, did not eat the meat in his hand.

"Looking at their appearance, it should taste good..."

Thinking this way, Chen Keke also tore off a little meat in his hand and stuffed it into the soft body on his shoulder.

Slime doesn't know where the mouth is, but fortunately it seems that it doesn't need to excrete...

He stuffed the remaining earth beast meat into his mouth.

Because he had just eaten a full meal, it was more like slowly tasting the food than eating.

After entering the mouth, it was like a smooth and tender meat slice thickened with starch. Although there was less seasoning because there was less seasoning, it was still possible to taste that the meat itself did not have any strange taste.

Before biting it, I thought it would be slightly tough, but after biting it. The meat was directly crushed, but there were still some connections and it was not completely disconnected.

This made the meat taste as fresh and smooth as fish, and it also had the satisfaction of eating ordinary meat.

Not to mention it tastes really good…

Of course, it still can’t compare to the meat of the Frog.

It’s just that I was just filling my stomach and ate too fast, so I didn’t taste it carefully.

“Cuihua, this meat is from the Turu beast, which is the 5 animals I gave you.”

After everyone tasted it, Chen Keke asked the question that she hadn’t answered just now.

“Is it really okay to give such a precious Turu beast to me?”

Originally, without knowing what it was and without trying it, Cuihua thought it was the one Cuizhi said when she gave it to her, and it was really an animal for practice.

“It’s okay, Cuihua, don’t feel psychologically burdened. Even if it dies, as long as it’s not poisoned, we can still eat it.”

“Learn a lesson after it dies, and continue to raise it next time. This time, just try to practice, after all, this is not like plants.”

First comforted the other party, and finally explained the difference between raising animals and plants this time.

After all, plants can be considered as food that can be sown on a large scale. Even if one piece withers, another piece can be cultivated.

Animals cannot do this. Once they die, they are really gone. Moreover, the reproduction speed will greatly increase the time compared to plants.

However, I think the time span should not be too long, after all, the plants here have accelerated their growth.

If animals also need several months to reproduce as she knows, then these plants should not grow to the point where they can't even walk on the road?

"I understand, Lord."

Although the Lord's words made her feel at ease, Cuihua did not dare to slack off.

After all, she had only raised crops in her life. Although she could occasionally get some meat, she could only eat meat a few times.

Especially after tasting the deliciousness of this earth beast, but fortunately, the Lord also said that this was just an attempt.

This made Cuihua bolder. In her eyes, the ones she had raised before were just flowers and plants.

When a living creature that truly possessed life and was alive and kicking appeared before her, she would have been a little afraid to start if it had not been for the Lord's guarantee.

After receiving the guarantee, Cuihua hurried back to her farmhouse to look after the local beasts.

"By the way, Tieniu. If you have time, build one or two small houses for one person to live in."

She had not forgotten her previous thoughts. If it was a resident of the territory, could the buildings built use the system's capabilities to upgrade or view information.

"Lord, I don't think I have the ability to build a house for people to live in..."

Tieniu, who said this, was obviously a little embarrassed, and still lacked confidence.

Now he had just finished making a tool, which was a four-wheeled cart.

The building was at most this pavilion that everyone had built together.

It was still leaking on all four sides, and at most some measures were added to the top.

This sudden leap to a house for people to live in really made him a little afraid to agree.

"It's okay. Just try it like Cuihua did. Remember to discuss with Cuihua first and choose a good place."

"The house we build later will be used to keep the earth beasts. They live underground all year round and don't like sunlight."

Looking at Tieniu's embarrassed look, Chen Keke remembered the difficulty of building a house.

He can indeed use the system to build a farmhouse in just a dozen seconds.

Others in the territory need to use their own hands, and it will take at least several hours to barely build a shelter.

"Okay, Lord."

Tieniu was relieved when he heard that it was not a house for people to live in, but a house for keeping earth beasts.

Although bothIt's a house, but it always feels more upscale.

After thinking about it for a while and finding nothing else to do, Chen Keke returned to the cabin.

Although other people can't see her when she's using the system panel. But she doesn't want others to see her eyes rolling around in a strange way while she's in a daze.

Originally, I wanted to see if there was anything useful in the forum section.

More people will see it, and more popular posts will be pushed to the top.

As a result, the post pushed to the top was the one that taught others to block...

[I've learned it! ]

[They spray theirs, and I block mine. ]

[Although they didn't pay anything, it's great that they can't buy my items or get my information. ]

[That's right, it's a matter of life and death, and they're still disgusting! ]

[Do you think they need your information? ]

[Brothers and sisters, there's someone here, come and block him! ]


"Sure enough..."

Although at this time, their own interests are paramount, but everyone hates the same person.


Ruanruan was a little confused about her master's mumbling.

"Was the meat delicious before?"

He rubbed Ruanruan's bouncy body and did not answer the slime's doubts.


Thinking back to what he had eaten before, it was indeed different from what he usually ate.

However, as a first-level natural creature, it could not feel the taste very well.

Although he heard the answer that it was delicious, Chen Keke still knew Ruanruan's situation through the contract space.

While stroking the slime's body, he continued to read the content of the forum section.

After the world announcement was issued at noon today, his territory, Changzheng and Jiuyou were all hot topics of discussion.

Some people also went out to explore in the afternoon and made some discoveries.

It can be seen that basically every territory has news about other alien tribes.

And judging from the current situation, these alien races are basically their enemies.

And all kinds of bad weather are means they use in conjunction with other races.

And some people who are not capable enough or dare not go out, have discussed these three territories.

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