[The quality of the tenacious thorns has been improved by using troll bone meal! ]

[The territory ranking has been improved to 84th place. ]

Looking at the system prompt, Chen Keke couldn't wait to check the information about the tenacious thorns.

[Tenacious thorns (bound to the God's Blessing Territory)]

[Bone thorns: hard thorns that cause certain damage to creatures touched, but are ineffective against territory residents. ]

[Blood stains: absorbing blood will speed up the recovery of thorns. ]

[Cleanliness: resists corrosion. ]

After taking a closer look, I found that the original thorns had been replaced by bone thorns. I think it should be the quality improvement brought by the troll bone meal.

As for the blood stains, the tenacious thorns are plants after all, and they can also be regarded as a wall, so they will be damaged to a certain extent.

Although they can be restored with water, blood stains can speed up the recovery of the tenacious thorns to a greater extent.

As for the improvement of the territory rankings, Chen Keke doesn't care much about it.

After all, these false names are of no real help to her now.

"Lord, you can prepare lunch."

Just when Chen Keke was still thinking, Cuizhi came to remind her.

On the way, Cuizhi kept glancing at her lord.

Although the lord looked the same as before, this new outfit really added a lot of charm to the lord.

When she arrived at the pavilion, she found that everyone was ready.

"Let's eat. Next time you are hungry, eat first. You don't have to wait for me."

Originally, Chen Keke didn't think there was anything, but she found that they were all staring at her, so she was a little concerned.

After observing for a while, she found that they started to enjoy the food after she touched it.

Especially the butterfly people who joined the territory last night were the most obvious.

The only little girl in the butterfly people looked at the food in front of her eagerly and swallowed her saliva, but she still sat obediently without any action.

Only after everyone else had started to move did she impatiently pick up the food and enjoy it.

"How can this be possible!"

Cuihua was the first to stand up and object when she heard this.

She obviously didn't understand why the lord started eating before waiting for him.

In their understanding, the lord was the most important person in the territory, and even the lord would allocate more food.

"That's right!"

Others also started to discuss it.

"Ahem, it's like this."

After coughing twice and scanning the area, Chen Keke continued to say after making sure that they had all stopped:

"Think about it, if you eat first, will you eat faster than me?"

"In this way, you can rest faster, and even if you don't rest, you can contribute to the territory faster."

After saying that, she looked at them.


After a short silence, the others couldn't say anything, perhaps more because they didn't want to refute Chen Keke, the lord.

"Everyone is contributing to the betterment of the territory. How can I let everyone wait for me?"

After saying that, he stopped waiting for them to speak and continued:

"The stubborn thorns you saw today are the scope of the territory. People who are residents of the Shenyou territory will not be harmed by the thorns."

Sure enough, after hearing about the stubborn thorns, everyone abandoned the previous topic and turned to other discussions.

At the same time, Chen Keke also found that those who opposed her letting them eat food first were basically people who came out of the farmhouse.

And people like Alia and Sera who were absorbed from the outside, it seems that they did this because everyone else did it.

While thinking about these things, he ate food and watched the appearance of the butterfly people.

Not only was it too late last night, but also because the butterfly people were just rescued and were dirty, they couldn't see their original appearance at all.

Although they still don't look much better now, at least they look clean and energetic.

They look like normal humans, but they are much better looking than most ordinary people.

Although they can't match the high-level appearance genes of Alia or Sera.

But they can be found in the crowd, and they are not the common faces.

Their wings are not like those in the movies and TV shows I have seen before, floating on their backs.

Instead, they grow in an arc along the inside of the shoulder blades, and the wings are attached to their backs when they are not opened, which makes the shoulder blades of the butterfly people more prominent than those of ordinary people.

The butterfly people, who were already very nervous because they had just joined the territory, found that the lordThey were observing themselves, which made them eat stiffly.

Noticing their stiff movements, Chen Keke also retracted her gaze.

She didn't want them to have any misunderstandings, and what they said last night was that the butterfly people relied on physical strength to fly.

And Sera, the half-elf, relied on magic power to fly, so she was a little curious.

"Lord, do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

Sas asked after having finished lunch.

In the past, they should have set out to patrol the surroundings of the territory in the morning, but because of the night raid on the goblin territory last night, they were still sleeping in the morning.

He had already rested enough, so he wanted to ask the lord if he had any plans for the afternoon.

"What do you think?"

This was something Chen Keke hadn't considered. Originally, he thought that everyone had worked hard last night, so he wanted to stay in the territory today.

Think about it, since she just came to this place, she has been working non-stop, and she is also afraid that the people who participated in the event last night will be dissatisfied.

But if Sass had any good ideas, she would not stop him.

"No, if the Lord has no plans, I decided to lead a group of people to capture some small animals around."

Sass shook his head first, and finally expressed his thoughts.

After all, he knew that the Lord wanted to keep animals in captivity recently. He was the one who captured the earth beast last time.

More importantly, he thought this idea was very good. At the same time, whether it was the earth beast or the mud frog, their meat was very delicious.

Especially the mud frog, when he thought of the delicious meat, he couldn't help but secrete saliva in his mouth.

"Catch other small animals, and also try to see what food the mud frog is more interested in."

Thinking of the deliciousness of the mud frog, Sass quietly swallowed his saliva, and then added other uses of catching small animals.

Chen Keke, who heard this, didn't expect that Sass actually thought so deeply.

But thinking about it, the captive poultry he knew in the past were all herbivores.

But if it is a dread frog, it seems understandable to feed them at a higher cost according to the value and taste of the delicious meat...

Or, this is reasonable...

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