But mentioning this gave her a new idea.

"It's a very good idea."

Just when Sass thought that the Lord agreed to his proposal, he heard:

"By the way, how are the three snakes?"

Although the topic change was a bit sudden and inexplicable.

"They are in my farmhouse, and the current condition is still good."

Without too much doubt, Sass answered truthfully.

"I want you to place the three snakes around the territory of the goblins we attacked yesterday.

"Check whether the kappa will appear at night, and then let the snakes track them."

This is what Chen Keke just thought of.

You can't just stay away from the goblin's territory, right?

What's more, she left in a hurry yesterday because she was afraid of causing trouble.

If she hadn't been busy until too late last night, she would have wanted to search again in the morning.

"Then I'll go there later. "

After listening to what the lord said, Sass felt that this was indeed necessary, so he did not refute it.

"No, you take Felix, Ongde and Sera with you later."

Although he was very confident in the strength of General Sass, it was always good to have an extra guarantee.

When the time came, Ongde would carry Felix, and the speed would not be too far behind Sera and Sass.

Take some reserve food prepared last night, and when there is danger, you can directly hide in the cellar that has been prepared to survive the crisis.

After listening to what the lord said, Sass fell into deep thought.

He didn't think it through enough...

When the others heard this, their faces were filled with happy smiles.

Even the sense of belonging to the territory has increased to varying degrees.

Among them, the one with the biggest reaction and the complete opposite is the Butterfly People.

For their own people They had never seen such a thoughtful lord before.

Originally, this should be something to be happy about, but yesterday they were prisoners of the goblins and were sacrificed.

This huge gap between heaven and hell in a short period of time made them start to waver.

However, looking at other people, although they were also happy, they were not too excited, as if this was a very common thing.

This made the Butterfly People feel a little relieved, but the sense of belonging to the territory increased only a little.

"By the way, I will give you shelter before departure, and Alia, please increase their water swimming state. "

Seeing that Sass and others had no objection to her idea, Chen Keke arranged the following related matters.

After Sass and others went to the Goblin territory, she would also take people to capture some small animals for breeding.

Originally, she was still worried that the captive animals would be harmed by the attacks of wild beasts.

But now the tenacious thorns have erected a thorn fence more than one meter high in the entire territory, so we just need to find a corner for protection.

That's right...

Looking at Sass and others climbing out of the fence, Chen Keke couldn't help but feel fortunate that the people who joined the territory would not be pricked by the thorns of the tenacious thorns.

However, Wend and Sera did not climb. Wend ran with assistance and then jumped to the other side like a hurdle.

And Sera consumed her magic power and flapped the diamond-shaped wings that were not connected to her back and flew over.

Because she also had to set out to capture small animals, Chen Keke climbed the tenacious thorns again.

As soon as she touched the thorns, she noticed something different.

The last time she climbed the thorns When she touched the thorns, she could still feel the obvious toughness.

This time, the stubborn thorns were obviously much stronger. At least this time, she couldn't bend the thorns and then step over them like last time.

After she touched the thorns, they were like soft hairs and could not cause any harm at all.

To the people in the territory, it looked like thorns.

But it felt more like smooth vines, but now these vines have become a little hard.

After climbing over the vines, Chen Keke gave protection to everyone present, including Ruanruan. effect.

With the blessing of the Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers Set, she now has enough magic power to support.

Feeling the magic power on her body constantly surging, Alia immediately added the swimming state to everyone present.

Although the magic power loss was only a momentary one, Alia shook her body a little uncomfortably.

However, under the effect of the aura and protection, the timely replenishment of magic power allowed her to alleviate this not-so-wonderful experience.

Afterwards, Sass and his party headed to the left side of the territory and headed for the Goblin territory.Towards.

Chen Keke took Alia and Feili to the jungle on the right to look for other creatures that could be kept in captivity.

Olik and Kola stayed in the territory for patrol.

She came to the place where she caught the earth beast and the ghost-faced rat again and used natural affinity to sense it.

In fact, she could do it alone, but if she had Alia and Feili, she could let go of her mind and sense natural affinity more completely.

In the end, with the help of natural affinity and Ruanruan, they also captured several creatures.

There were not only earth beasts that were already kept in captivity, but also ghost-faced rats and black-armored centipedes.

The former was for captivity, and the latter was to try the food that the fear mud frog might like.

In Chen Keke's impression, frogs all like to eat insects.

Although I don't know if the fear mud frog is a frog, it looks like one.

And it's so big, it seems that it's not impossible to eat some mice...

After returning to the territory, I climbed over the thorns again, and the small wooden house that Tie Niu tried to make before was completed.

Although it looks a bit crude, it is completely sufficient for keeping animals.

Several small spaces have been separated inside, but Chen Keke only plans to put the Turu beast in.

As for the black-armored centipede and the ghost-faced rat, she will consider keeping them in captivity only when the Terror Mud Frog really likes to eat them.

If they are placed in the backpack, they will die if they are not fed for a long time.

However, this is not within Chen Keke's consideration...

Put the Turu beast in an empty small compartment, and Cuihua will naturally deal with it when she sees it.

After leaving the room, Chen Keke began to use the system's ability to check this building that was completely built by manpower, whether he could see any information or upgrade it.

The result was that nothing was displayed. It seems that buildings that are not produced by the system cannot see relevant information, nor can they be upgraded or repaired.

If it is damaged, it can only be maintained by manpower like it was repaired by manpower.

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