In this comparison, it seems that the buildings produced by the system have a higher cost-effectiveness.

However, most of the buildings that want to be built by the system require blueprints, which are hard to come by.

Blueprints are scarce in the trading section...

It seems that the buildings to be built in the future still need more consideration.

However, for things like farmhouses, Chen Keke is still willing to use the system to build them.

At least they can be upgraded and increase the energy value of the territory.

Chen Keke returned to the cabin and began to read the information on the chat section and the forum section.

[What happened afterwards? ]

[Was he seriously injured? ]

[How is it possible? I see his magic fruit is still hanging on the trading section. ]

[That is, the magic fruit can not only increase the upper limit of health and magic value, but also restore health and magic value. ]

Originally, when Chen Keke saw the previous information, she was still a little confused.

As a result, she found that the protagonist was actually herself.

After reading a little more and finding something about myself on the forum, I finally understood.

It turned out that because of the global announcement last night, now basically everyone knows that I have eliminated the accomplice of pollution.

In addition, now that I have been on the territory rankings, my name has become

【Chen Keke-Shenyou Territory】

So everyone is asking her how she did it, and some are asking what rewards she got, and some want to join her territory.

This is something she didn't expect. Knowing that she was on the list will cause a certain response.

But this response lasted from morning to afternoon, isn't it a bit too long?

However, after a little thought, you can also know that others want to copy your successful route to annihilate those goblins or other accomplices of pollution.

In this way, the damage to your territory by wild beasts can be reduced. After all, the global announcement yesterday said that the number of wild beasts in the Magic Forest will be reduced.

After thinking about it, Chen Keke decided to post a post and wrote a general description of her experience last night.

It's nothing more than a night raid, and make full preparations while they are away.

Finally, Chen Keke left a special message:

[Warning: Different races have different habits, and their number is huge! ]

She still remembers that some people did not upgrade their territories because of her words, so they saved their lives.

Although she didn't have to worry about these people, now Shenyou Territory and Chen Keke have appeared in front of others.

She really didn't want her reputation to be affected by these things.

Now she has been on the territory rankings, and the magic fruit has become a specialty of Shenyou Territory.

Doing so not only avoids her own troubles, but also improves her reputation in disguise.

At that time, if the same item is sold, under the same conditions, the other party will most likely choose her with a good reputation.

At least Chen Keke believes that she will choose a brand that she has heard of and has a good reputation at the same price.

After the post was sent, Chen Keke also told them about this in the world channel.

[Finally appeared! ]

[What is the reward? ]

[How did you do it? ]

[Big brother, look at me. I want to join your territory. You can ask me to do anything you want me to do!]

[The smart people have already gone to the forum to read the post, but you are still here nagging...]

[You should share your secrets for free, give the rewards to more important people, and contribute to all mankind!]

[The above is a great righteousness!]

The chat section, which was originally in the same direction, suddenly changed its tone.

Everyone started to morally blackmail the Shenyou territory in order to get a share of the unwarranted profit.

Chen Keke, who saw this, was speechless.

[That's right, give the rewards to other people who need it more, and everyone will thank you.]

[This moral blackmail should not be too obvious...]

Although there are normal people who think they are mentally ill, more people are just watching.

Although I know that no matter what I say, they will not feel anything.

But Chen Keke still felt that it was necessary to say a few words, otherwise the reputation he had just begun to build would soon be put on the moral high ground and swept away.

Chen Keke - Shenyou Territory:

[You are too great, unlike me, who is more selfish. Since you are so righteous, why not sacrifice your own interests for the greater good and contribute your own territory? ]

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the world channel that was still swiping the screen frantically seemed to freeze for a second, and thenIt has been restored to its original state.

[I think what Lord Shenyou said makes sense! ]

[That's right, this is called leading by example! ]

[Hurry up, I'm waiting for you, sacrificing the small self to achieve the greater self! ]

And the people who were originally blackmailing by morality disappeared without a trace at this moment.

For them, this is not a big deal.

But if they can get rewards by just making a few simple remarks, they are still very happy to do it.

After taking a look and finding that there were no jumping clowns, Chen Keke had nothing to watch and turned to the forum section to check the posts she had posted.

At this time, the post was very popular and had been pushed to the top.

[Night attack? No wonder the global announcement was in the middle of the night! ]

[I said at the time that I was sleeping at night, and the boss was working hard at night... I didn't expect that I would only sleep at night, and the boss would actually use his brain at night! ]

[This post is very clear. Don't go and give yourself away without preparation...]

[But Lord Shenyou didn't seem to say what method he used, right?]

[Didn't he say to use fire?]

[He didn't say how to use fire. I'm also from the Magic Forest. It's raining heavily here. How to use fire in this situation?]

[In fact, Lord Shenyou only provided a way of thinking. After all, the extreme weather in different places is different, and the pollution accomplices they face are also different.]

"Sure enough, the people in the post are still quite well-mannered... But this is also likely to be afraid of being blocked by themselves..."

After taking a look, Chen Keke couldn't help but sigh.


Ruanruan, who heard the voice, looked at her master in confusion.

"It's okay, it just means that you are very good."

Speaking, Chen Keke hugged Ruanruan, who was lying beside her bed, again.


Suddenly, he was praised by his master and became soft. He seemed very excited and kept squirming in his arms.

Time passed quietly.

I don't know if it was because of the rankings or because everyone now has extra energy.

Today's magic fruit was auctioned for 984 energy points, which is higher than the first time the magic fruit was sold.

He was happy but also a little worried.

He was happy about the premium of the magic fruit, but worried that Sass and his men had not returned to the territory yet.

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