Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 140: Datang is fierce

   Two thousand Great Tang cavalrymen are holding spears. Although they are not strictly heavy cavalry, their armor is equally sophisticated. Riding on excellent Turkic horses, they will not hesitate to kill 10,000 Goguryeo cavalry!

   The Goguryeo cavalry was caught off guard, and was assaulted by the Tang army cavalry, and they suddenly became a mess.

   reluctantly fired two rounds of arrows, the Tang Jun cavalry armed with a war spear had already penetrated into the Goguryeo cavalry, and hundreds of Goguryeo cavalry in front were pierced by the war spear!

   A member of General Tang, holding a horse, rushed from left to right, smashed the Quartet, and stabled a dozen Goguryeo cavalry!

   The cavalry led by General Tang is full of offensive power and invincible!

   "It's a tough general."

   Chutian saw that General Tang was ferocious, and the cavalry led by him was almost broken, and he couldn't help feeling.

   Maybe this cavalry is the elite of the Tang army, but it is not Li Shimin's black armored cavalry, nor is it the Yulin army and Baiqi who served as guards.

   If it were Li Shimin’s cavalry, it would be possible for one thousand to ten thousand.

   Seeing that the lord praised the other generals, Hua Mulan couldn't help holding her head up, as if she wanted to say that she was not bad.

   Chutian saw Hua Mulan with her head high...

   Well, everything is good for others. If Hua Mulan had two thousand Tang Army cavalry on the opposite side, it was estimated that the performance would not be inferior to that Tang general.

   The Tang army cavalry on the opposite side showed the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty what is called the army of a great power.

   Two thousand Tang troops assaulted 10,000 Goguryeo cavalry, the Goguryeo cavalry was defeated!

   Seeing the situation in the Goguryeo camp was not good, they immediately sent a second team of cavalry to rescue the Goguryeo cavalry.

   "The Tang army should retreat... No, the Tang army is still attacking!"

  When the leaders of the Eastern Han District watched the battle, they saw an even more shocking scene-after the Tang Jun cavalry defeated the opposing first team of cavalry, they pursued victories and drove the defeated Goguryeo cavalry to the second team of Goguryeo cavalry!

   The Goguryeo cavalry had never seen such a brutal army before, and they broke up again and were driven back to the Goguryeo camp by two thousand Tang troops.

   Goguryeo fired a volley of bows and crossbows, forcing the Tang Army cavalry to retreat, and the Tang Army cavalry did not continue to chase.

   After a fierce battle, thousands of Goguryeo cavalry were beheaded, and there were as many as dozens of cavalry who died under Ma Li, the general of the Tang army.

   The blood stained the armor of the Datang Cavalry, and it flowed down the sharp blade of Tang Dao.

   The two sides are silent.

   The small-scale cavalry battle that took place on the East Bank did not hurt both sides, but was a test of each other.

   The morale of the Goguryeo camp was hit hard.

   The two teams of Goguryeo cavalry were nearly 20,000 men. They were repulsed by the heroic efforts of the two thousand Tang troops and chased to the edge of the camp. What a shame.

   There were a few arrows stuck in General Tang’s bright armor, but he looked like an okay person, returning with his cavalry.

   "Is he Xue Rengui?"

   "It shouldn't be. According to historical records, Xue Rengui was still a small soldier at this time, and he could not be qualified to lead two thousand Tang troops to attack. Moreover, he was still two thousand elite cavalry."

   Tang will return to the Tang Jun camp, as if he had done a trivial thing without celebrating with much fanfare.

   It is not the first time that Datang’s army fights more with less.

   The morale of the Goguryeo camp is low.

   On the first day of the national war, the two lords broke out in an encounter, and one of the lords was maimed by Chu Tian. On the third day, the Tang army and the Goguryeo cavalry made a small trial, and the Tang army won.

   This battle is simply a nightmare for Lord Goryeo.

   Although the number of people on the opposite side is small, it is Tian Khan’s cavalry.

   It was the veterans of the Tang Empire who came to attack Goguryeo.

   If it is the spirited Li Shimin, and the lineup of Sui and Tang dynasties when he was young, it is estimated that Goguryeo will be destroyed by a battle.

   Even the old generals with a few young generals are enough to make the Goguryeo army panic.

   After the small-scale confrontation, the two sides are on guard to prevent night attacks.

   Chutian summoned the lords of the Second Legion.

  The battle of Anshicheng lasted for three months. Only three days have passed. They are not in a hurry. The time for the decisive battle has not yet arrived.

   The fire in the camp was crackling, and every lord was now full of confidence in Tang Jun. Tang Jun’s performance was very strong.

"I asked the officer of the Tang army. The one who led the army to kill the enemy just now was General Tang Asnasher, who was originally a prince of the East Turks. After the fall of the East Turks, he turned to the Tang Dynasty and became a famous general in the Tang Dynasty. He was very brave in fighting. Because Li Shimin was good to him, when Li Shimin died, he also asked for suicide and burial, but he was refused."

   A lord knows the identity of General Tang.

   "A Turkic prince can only serve as a general under the Tang army."

"Not only Ashina Sheer, but also Ge ​​Shuhan, Gao Xianzhi, Heifang Changzhi, Yuchi Jingde and other generals who fought for the Tang Dynasty. However, Fan generals also came out of Anlu Mountain. Only Li Shimin can hold them down. Once Li Shimin dies, they may be dissatisfied. It is hard to say that Ge Shuhan fought against Anlu Mountain for Datang and died in battle."

  The people present marveled at the Tang Jun’s powerful generals, and Tian Khan's veritable name.

   "I don't know how the fighting in Anshicheng and Baijiangkou is?"

   "Trust Tang Jun and our companions."

   Besides choosing to believe in the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chutian and the others have no other choice.

   "We are located in the upper reaches of the canyon river. Is it possible to poison the Goguryeo army below the river and die?"

   "You have seen too much. With the runoff of this river, how many tons of poison do you have to cast to ensure downstream poisoning?"

   "Then use sandbags to block the water upstream, and then flood the Goguryeo army."

   "It doesn't work. When the other party sees the decrease in the river downstream, they will soon realize that we want to use the water attack."

   A group of lords wanted to break the enemy, and they came up with various methods such as water attack and poisoning, but in the end they thought it was not feasible.

   This is a tough battle, and there are not many tricks. The opposing lord is careful to take precautions, and to catch the opponent's flaws, the opponent must be exposed.

   After dividing the patrol mission, Chu Tian returned to his camp, Zhou Yafu, Li Guang, and Hua Mulan took turns in charge of the guards.

   On the other side of the river is the Goguryeo army, they may lead their troops across the river to attack the Tang army barracks.

   Therefore, several teams of Tang and Han troops patrolled the river with torches in hand to prevent the other side from secretly building floating bridges and crossing the river.

   A group of cavalry passed by the camp of the Second Army where Chu Tian was located. One cavalry held a Fang Tian painted halberd, with a bow at his waist, and deliberately or unconsciously glanced at the camp of the Second Army.

   In his opinion, the army of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty still cannot be compared with the Tang army at its peak.

   This Tang army was the elite who fought the world in the late Sui Dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin wanted to rely on the elite to help the future generations to quell the troubles of Goguryeo in the last years.

   Chutian didn't know that the Tang Jun cavalry passed by, but was sleeping peacefully in the camp.

At the Goguryeo camp opposite   , the Goryeo lords who were frightened by the two thousand Tang army could not sleep at night.

   One hundred thousand Tang army and fifty thousand Han army went south to confront them, and there were 300,000 Tang army and 200,000 Han army outside Anshi city. Their movements are really disturbing.

   Li Ji’s Tang Jun went south not only to provoke the Goguryeo army, but also cut off the view of the Goguryeo army. Millions of reinforcements piled up in the southern part of the canyon, but they didn't know how the battle was going on in Anshi City.

   The Goguryeo army has another disadvantage-the more people, the more food it needs.

   "Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen put pressure on us. They must attack Tang Jun as soon as possible, otherwise they will be cut off."

   Choi Jae-sun scanned the Goryeo lord who was present. He planned to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, but he misjudged the food problem of the Goguryeo army.

   The number of the Goguryeo army is as high as 1.5 million, and the logistical pressure is greater than that of the Tang army. It is destined that the Goguryeo army will have to launch an offensive.

   "Can we...can win?"

   Lord Goryeo saw the power of Tang Jun during the day, and he was a little bit frightened.

   "It is the elite cavalry of the Tang army who come to provoke the Goguryeo army during the day, not ordinary soldiers, so why be afraid."

   Choi Jae-shan faced a group of teammates who were sometimes arrogant and sometimes timid, with sharp eyes, forcing them to obey his orders.

"According to the original battle of Anshicheng, Tang Taizong Li Shimin will send Zhang Sun Wuji to lead a mountain road that is based on Beiling to attack the back of the Goguryeo army and carry out a pincer attack. We can count on the plan and set up an ambush at the exit of the mountain road. Tell the two generals Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen that they have agreed. As long as the Tang Jun appears, the 300,000 ambushing army will wipe them out."

   The Baekje Nation's Xiongjin River, Liu Rengui led the Datang Navy and the Tang Army cavalry on land and water.

  The players of the Eastern Han Dynasty led thousands of small boats behind the Datang navy division in Liu Rengui, vast and mighty, and the boats covered the surface of the river.

   Compared with the long battle in Anshi, the navy battle is easier to solve, and it is often a one-time battle.

   The boats of the Datang Navy are dozens of meters long, and hundreds of huge boats line up, majestic and majestic. Around the building, there are small and medium-sized warships such as battleships, sea falcons, sterns, and walkers.

The lords of   Jing, Yang, and Jiaozhou mostly used walking scorpions, with only a few scorpions.

   "With Datang navy as the main force, we can definitely win. With such a navy, I dare to go south to attack the Great Vietnam in Annan District."

  Jiao Guang, the lord of Jiaozhou, saw the grandeur of the Datang navy on his ship, and he was shocked.

   If he were given a navy like this, he might not dare to go south to conquer the Great Vietnam.

  Bronze, the leader of the Eastern Han Dynasty Navy, holds a chart in his hand, which shows the outline of the Xiongjin River and the nearby sea area.

   Historically, the navy of the Tang Army led by Liu Rengui met with the navy of the Japanese Army supporting Baekje at the mouth of the Ungjin River, and the Battle of Baijiangkou broke out.

   In other words, as long as their navy arrives at the mouth of the river, it is very likely that they will encounter the Japanese navy and a great battle will break out.

   "It's very close to the Baijiangkou. I didn't expect to fight with the Japanese navy so soon. Raise the flag and prepare for the battle!"

   The bronze sparrow’s swan raised the banner of preparation.

   All the lords felt tight, making all the navy soldiers with halberds and crossbows ready for battle.

  East Han District and Dongying District have had grievances for many years.

   The battle of Baijiangkou was won by the Tang Jun, and the lord of Dongying would definitely try to avoid such an ending.

  Tang navy general Liu Rengui was over sixty years old at this time, and the ship was a tall ship with hundreds of elite Datang navy soldiers on board.

   "Prepare for war!"

   Liu Rengui has been reminded by players that they are likely to encounter Dongying Navy at Baijiangkou, so Datang Navy prepares for battle.

   Datang navy and the three major navy camps of the Eastern Han Dynasty gradually approached the mouth of the Baijiang River, and everyone's breathing was a little short.

  As long as you see the warship of Dongying, the boat will rush up, and the battle will be solved by the archer and the armor.

   To deal with Dongying’s wooden ships, the lords of Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhou mostly used rockets.

"It was this time that the battle of Baijiangkou, the Japanese kingdom was defeated by Datang, let them know the terrible suzerain state. However, the Japanese people are very good at learning, they immediately sent Tang ambassadors to Datang to learn the technology and system of the Tang Dynasty, formed a more powerful The country. In a sense, they are much better than the Goryeo sticks. Just the samurai of Kyushu Island has caused great damage to Goryeo. Goryeo cannot beat the Wa country."

   The bronze bird mentioned this to the other lords who were on the ship, which relieved everyone’s nervousness.

  The navy was close to the Baijiangkou, but the same dense Japanese navy did not appear.

"How is this going?"

   Everyone was stunned, the naval battle that should have occurred at Baijiangkou was actually avoided by players in the Dongying District!

   The bronze bird immediately opened the chart, considering where the disappeared Japanese army fleet had gone.

"The minds of these lords of Dongying are better than the Korean sticks. Although the Korean civilization in arms and weapons is more similar to our civilization in the Central Plains, the lords of Dongying have really learned the essence of our art of war. They do not intend to turn the tide in Baijiangkou because of the difficulty. Too big! Their idea is..."

   "To give up the Baijiangkou decisive battle completely, they choose another battlefield, and now they have the initiative to fight together!"

   The bronze bird quickly judged the intention of the lord of Dongying.

  The lord of Dongying estimated that the battle of Baijiangkou would be lost no matter how he fought, so he simply avoided the edge of the Datang Navy and chose a place to fight again.

   "What should we do next? Are we going to chase the Japanese navy along the tortuous coastline of the peninsula?"

   "Encounter battles become chase battles. If you are not careful, you will be ambushed. Most of the lords of Dongying are like this."

   The lords of the three major naval battalions of the Eastern Han Dynasty gathered on the battleship of the Tongque~www.readwn.com~ talking about it, the current situation is a bit out of control.

"Calm down, calm down!" Tongque drank the panic-stricken lords, "We have the Datang navy, as long as we don’t ambush, we are basically invincible. The next goal is to find the disappeared Japanese navy and then defeat them. To win."

   The lord of the three major navy camps was a little calmer now.

   As the leader, the bronze bird personally boarded the ship of the Datang navy commander Liu Rengui and discussed the marching route with Liu Rengui.

   "The Japanese army is in the south, chasing south, Xing may catch up."

   Liu Rengui listened to the report of the player lord, and finally decided to order the pursuit.

  If the Japanese navy is still in the peninsula, it can be completely wiped out.

   If the Japanese navy left the peninsula waters, they would have actually lost.

   To the south of the Baijiangkou, tens of thousands of small warships from the East are scattered all over the sea, sailing along the coastline of the peninsula.

  The Japanese generals Azuhirov and Abehirov were persuaded by the lord of Dongying to give up fighting against the Tang army at Baijiangkou and go south instead.

   "The navy of Datang is really indestructible? We are four times the enemy, why should we give in?"

   Although An Tan Hirafu gave up a head-on confrontation with Tang Jun, he had never fought against Datang, who thought it was a sign of weakness.

"Please trust our judgment. Datang navy owns a large ship and a giant ship. Once it launches an assault, it can easily crash our boat. For the present plan, we can only lead them to the narrow strait where the big ship cannot display its superiority and the water conditions are complicated. Can win."

   A Kyushu lord with a samurai sword hanging from his waist carefully negotiated with the Japanese general.

   "Where is the strait you said?"

   "Mingliang Strait."

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