Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 141: Li Guang and Di Qing in trouble

   "The Tang Army cavalry is coming again!"

   On the fifth day of the Anshicheng battlefield, the Turkic prince Ashinasheer led the Tang Army cavalry for three days in a row against the Goguryeo army.

   Except for the battle on the first day and killing thousands of Goguryeo cavalry, Goguryeo did not dare to fight, and simply could not stand firm.

   "Goguryeo is already timid. If Qin Qiong is still alive, Cheng Zhijie and Yuchi Jingde are young and strong, and their performance is estimated to be better than that of the Turkic prince Ashinasheer."

   Chutian saw that Ashina Sheer relied on the great Tang cavalry, and couldn't help but want to step forward and make a battle.

   He also has two military commanders in his hands, and his performance is not necessarily worse than that of the Turkic prince.

   "Li Guang, you take a dozen cavalry who are good at shooting and riding across the river to provoke."

   Chutian sent Li Guang, the most powerful man, to learn from Tang Jun to provoke Goguryeo.

   "The last general will lead!"

   Li Guang selected thirteen cavalry who are good at shooting and took them across the river from the pontoon upstream to challenge them.

   "Di Qing, you go too."

   Prince Yan saw that Chutian had sent Li Guang, and was unwilling to do so, so he sent the famous Song Dynasty general Di Qing.

   Di Qing followed Li Guang with a dozen Youzhou cavalry.

   and lords such as Chutian and Prince Yan were watching the battle across the river.

  The two generals under their command are confident that they dare to let them play.

   Li Guang riding a Turkic war horse exchanged from the quartermaster of the Tang army, holding a longbow in his hand, dazzled in front of the Goguryeo army.

   Di Qing put on a bronze mask, disheveled his hair, and held a big knife in his hand.

   This time it was not Tang Jun who was to provoke him, but was replaced by the generals of the Eastern Han Lords.

   "Korea Stick, come out to challenge!"

   Under Chutian's instruction, Li Guang used words that could provoke the Lord of Goryeo to insult.

   There are different civilizations in "Lord", with hundreds of languages, so there is an auxiliary system. Although the other party can't speak Chinese, he can understand it.

   The lord of Goryeo Kingdom heard Li Guang insulting them as sticks, and was immediately annoyed.

   The Turkic prince brought two thousand Tang troops to the battle, but the two young generals of the opposing lord brought only a dozen cavalry to insult.

   "You dare to scold us and kill them!"

   Finally, the Goryeo lord couldn't help but sent hundreds of cavalry out to chase Li Guang and Di Qing.

   This time the ratio between the two sides is twenty to one, how can it be impossible to lose?

   A Koryo cavalry general wielded a big sword, and the tiger was alive: "I am the Koryo General Song Rulong!"

   "Admiral Song Rulong goes out, and the opponent is bound to lose. Their lord dared to underestimate our Goryeo, it is tolerable."

   The Goryeo lord clenched his fists, and the lord of the East Han District on the opposite side despised them too much, and simply did not put them in his eyes.

   Goryeo is also a thousand-year civilization, and has experienced several complete kingdoms.

   Goryeo Admiral Song Rulong clamped the horse's belly. There were four hundred Goryeo cavalry beside and behind him. Facing the black cloud-like Goryeo cavalry, the opponent should turn around and flee.

   However, Song Rulong was taken aback by the fact that Li Guang and Di Qing not only did not go, they bent their bows and arrows almost at the same time, shooting at the cavalry generals on the opposite side!

   Two sharp arrows one after another hit Song Rulong.

   Di Qing's arrow pierced Song Rulong's shoulder, and the impact made his shoulder sway, and Li Guang's arrow had already penetrated Song Rulong's throat!

   Song Rulong fell from the horse, and the four hundred Korean cavalry were shocked.

   Li Guang continued to bend his bow, shooting sharp arrows in succession, and two more cavalrymen were shot.

  Di Qing saw that his archery skills were not as good as Li Guang, so he simply picked up a curved knife. This long-handled large knife has a sharp front and a wide back. It is somewhat similar to a Yanyue knife.


   Di Qing led more than a dozen Youzhou cavalrymen to attack, not retreating but advancing!

  Youzhou cavalry plunged into the Goryeo cavalry. Di Qing spread out with disheveled heads. The bronze mask was extremely ferocious, like a ghost from hell. The Korean cavalry came on to death!

   The morale of the Goryeo cavalry was hit hard, and they fell into chaos, while Li Guang still calmly shot the Goryeo cavalry on the opposite side.

   "Once Di Qing initiates a charge, the morale of the opponent will decrease."

  Di Qing's lord, Prince Yan, saw that his tribe was brave, and he knew Di Qing's abilities very well.

   "It just happened to cooperate with Li Guang."

   Chutian thought that Li Guang could reduce the morale of the alien race and increase the damage to the alien race. Fighting side by side with Di Qing, the morale of the opposing team was hit.

   In ancient battles, brave generals and soldiers can indeed make the enemy frightened.

   Facing these elites, the opponent's uncontested army's heart has been shaken.

  Sometimes, just a prestige is enough.

   "Li Guang's archery is better."

   Prince Yan and other lords found that Li Guang shot dozens of arrows in one breath, hitting more than 70%, and they were shocked.

   Li Guang led a dozen hussars while walking and shooting, while Di Qing rushed back and forth in the enemy's formation, cutting down more than ten cavalry, unstoppable!

   Two Korean cavalry armed with spears simultaneously stabbed Di Qing, who was killing all around.

   Di Qing avoided two spears, clamped the spear with his right arm, and the knife took advantage of the situation and chopped down a Korean cavalry company with a horse!

   Soldiers are in chaos, and the 400 Korean cavalry has a tendency to collapse.

   Di Qing dashed from left to right in the chaos army, a long spear pierced the tie armor of his back, blood oozing out.

   Another sharp arrow hit Di Qing, but it was blocked by Zhajia and hung on Di Qing. Di Qing was still very proud and cut off the head of a war horse with a single knife!

   is really cruel...

   Chutian saw Di Qing's fierce performance, this guy saw people cut people, saw horses cut horses, he was a Titan, but there were not many opportunities to perform in history.

   Chutian was shocked by Di Qing's performance, while the other lords were surprised by Li Guang's archery skills.

   Li Guang has shot and killed more than 20 Korean cavalry.

   Li Guang was not injured at all, and with his bow and arrow he was almost at the level of a hundred people.

   Four hundred Goryeo cavalry chiefs were shot to death, coupled with Li Guang and Di Qing's majesty to kill each other, morale collapsed completely.

   "Ulji Wende, lead the cavalry to support."

   Goryeo lord Choi Jae-sun sent Goguryeo military commander Ulji Mundeok who defeated the Sui army.

   A young military commander was ordered to attack, and a thousand Korean cavalry rushed out of the Goguryeo army.

   "The momentum of this Goryeo cavalry seems a little different."

   Chutian, Prince Yan, Gongziwen, Xueyue and others on the other side of the river noticed that the temperament of the Korean cavalry had changed completely.

   The aura of the army is invisible, but it can give people a sense of oppression. With a sense of oppression, you can roughly judge whether the opponent is a mob or an elite teacher.

   There is a Korean cavalry led by a historical military commander. There is a big difference in both the momentum and the military discipline.

   "Mingjin retreats."

   Chutian didn't dare to risk Li Guang this time, so he retreated across the river with gold.

   Li Guang bullying a small group of cavalry is not a problem, but if the opponent is chased by thousands of cavalry, and the opponent has a historical general, then Li Guang may be captured.

   Li Guang heard Ming Jin’s order to retreat, and saw that Di Qing was still trapped in the enemy's formation. He drew the ring-saw from his waist and rushed into the Korean cavalry to rescue Di Qing.

  Although Li Guang often played with the longbow, as a parachutist of the Han Dynasty, the ring first sword in the Han Dynasty made him superb. The thick and long arm wielded the ring first sword, and one sword made a Korean cavalry.

   The Korean cavalry evaded one after another. Li Guang and Di Qing joined, and the two broke out, leading the cavalry to retreat.

   "The opponent is a historical general of the Eastern Han Dynasty, kill them, they will be greatly injured!"

   Lord Goryeo can't care about fairness at this time. Li Guang and Di Qing's performance made them realize that this is a good opportunity to kill the heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty.


   Thousands of Korean cavalry came out. Li Guang and Di Qing stabbed a hornet's nest and were hunted down by the Korean cavalry.

  Ulji Wende’s cavalry took the lead, and under the command of Uchi Wende, they circled left and right, trying to outflank Li Guang and Di Qing.

   "Let's go and support!"

   Chutian found that he was playing big, and the Lord of Goryeo had limited patience. He was repeatedly provoked and had the opportunity to kill the heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty. They wanted to kill Li Guang and Di Qing in one fell swoop regardless of how much.

   Li Guang and Di Qing have to reach the floating bridge upstream to escape.

   "What happened?"

   One hundred thousand Tang Army commander Li Ji was patrolling the camp, only to find a noise on the other side.

   "General, there are lords who go to provoke Goguryeo's army, and there are at least tens of thousands of cavalry in Goguryeo."

   "Oh? The Goguryeo army insisted on not fighting yesterday. I didn't expect it to be provoked by the helper lord."

   "The lord only sent dozens of cavalry across the river, and he was being chased by the opponent."

   "Let Zhang Shigui send a team of cavalry to support."


   Chutian didn't expect that he would learn from the Turkic prince Ashinasheer to provoke the Goguryeo army, which would cause such a big disturbance.

   Tens of thousands of Korean cavalry came out, vast and mighty, for several miles.

   This was an unexpected event that no one thought of. There were only three thousand Tang Jun guarding the pontoon on the other side of the river.

   The Tang army began to reinforce the position of the floating bridge upstream.

   Chutian led a team of cavalry to the pontoon position urgently to meet Li Guang and Di Qing.

   The left-leading general of the Tang army, Zhang Shigui, the prince of Guoguo, was on the other side of the river, leading three thousand Tang troops to camp. When he saw Li Guang and Di Qing lead tens of thousands of Korean cavalry, he wanted to curse inexplicably.

   The Tang Army’s strong field capability does not mean that it can always respond to the impact of tens of thousands of Korean cavalry.


   Zhang Shigui commanded the Tang Jun to form a moon formation with his back leaning on the river. The sharp infantry pointed towards the periphery, and Tang Jun’s crossbowmen were behind him.

   There is also a Tang Army cavalry guarding on the flanks.

   "The front is Tang Jun's phalanx, what should we do?"

   "Kill the past and destroy the Tang Jun floating bridge!"

   Ulchi Wende judged the situation and judged the situation. Seeing that it was done, the morale of the Korean army was soaring because of being provoked, so they simply did nothing and launched an offensive against the Tang army on the other side of the river.

   The Tang army sent thousands of crossbows together, the Korean cavalry fell down hundreds of people, but more and more Korean cavalry emerged in the rear, like a black cloud about to swallow three thousand Tang troops.

   Zhang Shigui was caught in a bitter battle, and the Korean cavalry was full of arrows, and the arrows fell on the shield of the Tang army! Occasionally, advantageous arrows shot into Tang Jun's large formation from the gap of the shield formation!

   A Tang Jun **** hit an arrow and fell, and the **** in the back row immediately made up for it.

   Facing the cavalry, if there is a flaw in the phalanx, it will soon be broken.

   The Tang Army’s crossbows were more ferocious than the opponent’s cavalry, and they shot down the opposing cavalry one after another.

   Goryeo cavalry, led by Ulchi Wende, did not use light cavalry to attack the Tang army's tight phalanx. Instead, they avoided the Tang army’s phalanx and used the arrow rain formed by cavalry to attack the Tang army.

   Although the Korean cavalry suffered heavy losses, it was worthwhile to sacrifice three or four Korean cavalry for a Tang army.

   "Call the heavy cavalry!"

   Goguryeo general Gao Yanshou was alarmed and came to join the war in person.

  He is also a famous historical hero in Goguryeo, except that he met Li Shimin, the Khan of Heaven.

   The elite cavalry of the Goguryeo army was thrown into the battlefield, planning to win or lose in the first battle.

   Five thousand heavy cavalry came afterwards, planning a heavy cavalry assault on the Tang Army soldiers defending the pontoon.

   This heavy cavalry is wearing heavy armor, which is somewhat similar to the armor system of the Central Plains cavalry, but there are subtle differences.

   The appearance of the Koguryo heavy cavalry made Zhang Shigui's face even more unsightly.

   Three thousand Tang troops can't force the five thousand heavy cavalry and tens of thousands of light cavalry.

   If there is something to say, Li Shimin’s Xuanjia Army, Li Siye’s Modao Team and some special Datang arms can do it... but not Zhang Shigui.

   "It's really unwilling to let me use heavy cavalry with just three thousand Great Tang horses."

   Goguryeo General Gao Yanshou, under the protection of a group of elite soldiers, personally commanded the siege of the three thousand Tang army.

   There are at least dozens of generals and hundreds of soldiers with hundreds of battles around him, so he is not afraid of the Tang army.

   Tang Army's fierce general Qin Qiong has died of illness, military **** Li Jing is critically ill, Cheng Zhijie stays in Chang'an, Yuchi Jingde is more than sixtieth year old, gray hair, and the only one who can charge forward is a group of young teenagers.

   Five thousand Goguryeo heavy cavalry appeared on the battlefield, which means that the decisive battle of Goguryeo against the Tang Army crossing the river has begun.

   Part of the Goguryeo cavalry dismounted and used longbows to shoot the Tang army.

   As long as someone in the Tang army is slack or timid, and someone turns to flee and destroy the formation, then the heavy cavalry can completely defeat the Tang army.

   However, to the surprise of the Goguryeo army, despite the small number of Tang army ~www.readwn.com~ they still maintained a spear, bow, crossbow, and carriage formation, no one fled back to the other side of the river without authorization.

   The main force of the Tang army on the other side of the river is stepping across the pontoon to support Zhang Shigui.

   A thousand cavalry under Zhang Shigui are ready to counterattack the large number of Goguryeo cavalry.

   "You join my cavalry!"

  The elderly Zhang Shigui invited Li Guang and Di Qing.

   His age does not allow him to charge for the battle himself, but Li Guang and Di Qing can serve as the pioneers of the Datang Cavalry.

   Li Guang and Di Qing stabbed the hornet's nest and fled back to the Tang Army's phalanx. When Zhang Shigui had a move, they immediately joined the Tang Army cavalry.

   Among the cavalrymen of the Tang Army, a soldier of the Tang dynasty in white is holding a Fangtian painted halberd and carrying a double bow on his waist.

   He saw the majestic Li Guang and Di Qing, and he was eager to try.

   It was Li Guang and Di Qing who angered the Goguryeo army just now. The two men were very powerful, and even General Zhang Shigui decided to temporarily use them as vanguards.

The main force of the Tang army on the opposite bank of the    River reinforces with the aid of the floating bridge, and the opportunity for the Goguryeo army to make a decisive victory disappears and gradually becomes uneasy.


   Gao Yanshou saw nothing to do, so he ordered the Goguryeo army to evacuate from here.

   At this time, a small number of Tang Jun cavalry took the initiative to counterattack under the leadership of Li Guang and Di Qing!

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