Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 142: Tang Taizong personally

   The Tang Jun cavalry with less than a thousand men inserted into the back of the Goguryeo cavalry. Two rounds of arrows shot and killed dozens of Goguryeo cavalry. Tang swords and horses stabled, and one face smashed dozens of Koguryo cavalry!

  In the Tang Army, a small soldier in white clothes moved Fang Tian's halberd with both hands. He took the lead. Unwilling to lag behind Li Guang and Di Qing, he broke into the enemy's formation. The Goguryeo cavalry on the opposite side did not have the same strength!

   No one thought that a small soldier of the Tang army could kill all quarters among the Goguryeo cavalry. Hundreds of Goguryeo cavalry around him killed two or three out of ten!

   A Goguryeo general led the personal soldiers and tried to intercept the white-clothed soldiers of the Tang army, but was personally beheaded by the white-clothed soldiers. The head was cut off by the white-clothed soldiers and hung on the saddle. It was a powerful force for Goryeo!

   Di Qing put his left hand on the back of the knife and chopped a Goguryeo cavalry.

   He was slightly surprised when he saw the white soldier rushing faster than him.

   Gao Yanshou led dozens of generals, hundreds of soldiers, and thousands of cavalry at the back of the palace. At this time, seeing the Tang Army cavalry counterattack, a member of Tang Sergeant killed less than half a mile away from him, and he was scared.

   Has the Tang army reached the point where even the small soldiers can enter and exit seven times?

   The white soldiers chased and killed them all the way, more ferocious than Li Guang and Di Qing.

   Li Guang's melee combat is really no match for this Tang Army soldier.

   The Tang army's reinforcements arrived, and Chu Tian took a group of lords, Hua Mulan and others across the river to participate in sudden battles.

   Hua Mulan is equipped with a gold-level horse that was exchanged from the Tang Army quartermaster. This is the first time she has used a heavy cavalry weapon in actual combat.

   Hua Mulan led hundreds of light cavalry from Xiacheng to chase down the Goguryeo cavalry.

   A four-meter horse can easily pierce a Goguryeo cavalry without iron armor.

   Hua Mulan flicked his wrist, and the Goguryeo cavalry who was stabbed to death by Ma Chi fell to the ground, and the horses in the rear trampled past.

   "That Tang Army soldier, isn't it Xue Rengui?"

   Chutian witnessed the Tang Jun's young soldiers showing their power with his own eyes.

   Obviously that is not an ordinary soldier.

   No matter how talented the Tang army is, it is impossible for even the tenth-tier arms to make seven entries and seven exits in the enemy army, and unscrupulously take the head of the opponent's general in the chaotic army.

   The only explanation is that this is a small soldier who may become a general.

   Chutian thought of the famous Tang Chu strong general-Xue Rengui, who had set Tianshan by Three Arrows!

   No wonder the performance is more ferocious than Li Guang and Di Qing, Xue Rengui is at the top in both close combat and archery.

   The Tang army once again drove the Koguryo cavalry back to the base camp. In this battle, the Koguryo cavalry suffered thousands of casualties, an unprecedented defeat.

   "I lost to Tang Jun for the third time. Can you solve the siege of Anshi city?"

   Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen returned to Daying, frowning.

   The performance of the small soldiers of the Tang Jun made him completely overestimate Tang Jun, thinking that all Tang Jun were heavenly soldiers.

   Chutian counted the soldiers and horses here, and the losses were few. Because of Li Guang and Hua Mulan's hard work, Chu Tian won 1,568 points of military merit.

   In addition to the military exploits gained, there were more than a dozen Korean war horses, several iron armors and dozens of other weapons captured.

   To Chu Tian's surprise, Hua Mulan also captured a Goguryeo heavy cavalry.

   "I am willing to serve you allegiance, please don't kill me."

   The Goguryeo heavy cavalry was obviously afraid of the prestige of the Tang Dynasty and easily surrendered allegiance to Chu Tian.

   The influence of Li Shimin Tian Khan was extraordinary, and later there were even many famous Goguryeo generals in the Tang army.

   Chutian didn't expect that in "Lord", soldiers of other civilizations could be recruited directly-if the soldiers of the other side wanted to.

   I don’t know how to hate the country.

   Chutian checked the attributes of the Goguryeo heavy cavalry, and wanted to understand the opponent's arms.

   [arms]: Goguryeo heavy cavalry

  【Order】:Fourth order

   [Level]: Level 50

   [Description]: Ancient heavy cavalry active in Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula.

   [Salary]: 2 taels of silver (original salary 4 taels of silver, foreigners only need to give half of the salary)

   Chutian temporarily put the Goguryeo heavy cavalry under house arrest.

   The first heavy cavalry in his territory was from Goguryeo, or a Tier 4 army.

   And because of the alien cavalry, only half of the salary...

   But that’s right. Isn’t it normal to deduct the wages of foreign races and let them work on the front line, while the landlord’s master enjoys the blessing in the back?

   "In the future, it is necessary to learn from Tang Jun, recruit a team of cannon fodder, charge into battle, and only need to pay half of the salary. But loyalty is a problem."

   Chutian believes that unless he is the same as Li Shimin, he can overwhelm other civilizations, otherwise he will be easily betrayed by foreign troops.

   This is a double-edged sword, it depends on how to use it.

   The Tang army pursued and killed for a while, and then retreated. The white-robed Tang army soldier carried the head of the Goguryeo general to claim the credit, and was summoned by Li Ji.

   And Chutian and Prince Yan each awarded 1,000 military merits for Li Guang and Di Qing.

   "Unfortunately, my general, Pang Juan, is an infantry general, and sometimes he suffers."

   Gong Ziwen, the lord of East County, was a little depressed. The heavy infantry didn't react fast enough in such a fast battle, and could not get much military merit. Generally speaking, cavalry can expand the results.

   Nine original lord Dahu led eight hundred combined state cavalry into the enemy's formation, killing hundreds of enemies, and obtained a lot of combat exploits, which is considered a ruthless man.

"It is now the fifth day. It seems that we are winning continuously, but it is not. Killing hundreds or thousands of people is of little importance to the Goguryeo army of millions. If you don't defeat the opponent's reinforcements as soon as possible, you will not be able to concentrate all your forces to attack Anshi City. ."

  Chu Tian, ​​they returned to the camp with the spoils, but Fang Xuanling and Zhou Yafu, who stood by the camp, thought the situation was not optimistic.

  The attack on Anshi city was the most difficult stage of this battle. The Tang army was really not afraid of the millions of Goguryeo reinforcements on the opposite side.

   "After all, it depends on how Emperor Taizong Li Shimin defeated the opposing Goguryeo army as quickly as possible."

   Chutian was unable to order Tang Jun to attack, he had tried his best to speak to Li Shimin, and could only look at Li Shimin's strategy.

   Chutian re-divided the organization of the Second Army, and Zhou Yafu and Pang Juan commanded the 10,000 infantrymen of the Second Army, Li Guang commanded 5,000 archers, and Di Qing and Hua Mulan commanded 5,000 cavalry.

   As for the 5000 free players, appoint a guild president as the commander in command, and Xueyue as the deputy, as a surprise soldier and reserve team.

   Chutian did not dare to let the army of free players fight head-on, otherwise it would easily collapse, and it would be a huge loss for the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Outside the city of An, the elderly Li Shimin turned on his horse, and Yuchi Jingde personally helped him.

   "Jingde, you and I are already old."

   When Li Shimin saw the gray-haired Yuchi Jingde, he was not as brave as he was in the past, and then he thought of the death and old age of the civil servants who followed him to fight the world, and he couldn't help but sigh.

   "Your Majesty has not yet known the destiny, and the final general is in sixties, but it is still easy to deal with the mere Goguryeo."

   "Emperor Yang has repeatedly defeated Goguryeo to no avail. If this country is not eradicated as soon as possible, it will definitely become the scourge of the Tang Dynasty. Before you and Zhen enter the soil, it will be destroyed."

   Li Shimin's vicissitudes of life gradually sharpened, and the sharpness that had dominated the country at that time reappeared. Even though he was old, he still wanted to eliminate the threat for Datang before he died. Goguryeo, which dominates Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula, is not an ordinary nomadic tribe, but a powerful border power that threatens the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Therefore, Yang Guangcai, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, repeatedly defeated Goguryeo.

   However, Yang Guang made a lot of mistakes in the crusade against Goguryeo.

"Let Jiang Xia supervise the accumulation of dirt mountains, pile up the four dirt mountains as soon as possible, and defend the army out of the city to occupy the territory. The group of alien lords may be right. The difficulty is not to defeat the million reinforcements, but to conquer the strong Anshi City. If the heart of the people is available, there are hundreds of thousands of troops that cannot be removed."

   Li Shimin spoke to the army, which was recorded by a civil official, and passed to the Jiangxia king Li Daozong.

   Jiang Xia Wang Li Daozong led 100,000 Tang army and 125,000 Han army to carry out civil work outside the city of Anshi, and four hills rose from the ground.

Anshi city relies on the mountains and is in danger of terrain. It is a mountain city. Because the number of soldiers on both sides has increased tenfold, Anshi city is also stronger. The wall is eight meters high. In addition to the mountains, the Tang army needs to attack the mountain city. Force can't do much.

   field battle, at this time the Tang army was almost invincible in the world, but the siege was subject to the terrain.

  赳赳 Lao Qin personally carried the basket to transport the soil blocks, and led the soldiers to pile up the soil. Assisting Tang Jun to complete the pile of soil mountains can also gain military merit.

   He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Anshicheng was more difficult to attack than he thought.

   There are very few records about the topography of Anshi city in history. Only when I personally arrive at the city of Anshi can I know how steep the mountain city is.

   "The earth mountain must be at least 20 or 30 meters high to have a bird's eye view of the city."

   "There may be more than one hundred thousand defenders in the city. With the help of the terrain, the Datang cavalry cannot give full play to their advantages. They can only rely on the infantry to attack, which will cause countless casualties."

   "The Tang army is preparing siege equipment. We suggest that Li Shimin prepare one hundred large trebuchets so that the defenders of Anshi City will know what Tianwei is."

   The Han army was piling up dirt hills, and the Tang army was making siege equipment.

   Siege towers, crash cars, catapults, ladder cars, pallets, all kinds of siege equipment are quickly manufactured in ten units.

  An city city lord Yang Wanchun led a group of Goryeo lords, observing the movements of the Tang and Han troops below the city wall, facing the Tang and Han troops who were fully prepared to attack the city, they were helpless.

   He did not dare to go out of the city to destroy the hills and burn down the Tang army’s siege equipment. The Tang army general Li Daozong led 30,000 Tang army cavalry to watch outside the city.

   The Tang army was anxious that the defenders of Anshicheng would leave the city.

   What Yang Wanchun can do is to continuously strengthen and heighten the city wall and prepare for the defense of the city.

  Koryo lord Kim Ik-jung's Xijing army and Lee Min-chul's Kaijing army were born in the city of Anshi and joined forces with Yang Wanchun.

   They faced the Tang army and the Han army like walking on thin ice.

   The only thing that makes them feel safe is the city walls of Anshi City.

   "The earth mountain of the Tang army is built, it will be a disaster. Once the earth mountain is built, you can see all the reality in the city, stand up high, distribute the crossbowmen, and the arrows are like rain."

   Yang Wanchun saw that the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty did not rush to attack the city, but built the earth mountain, and he was even more worried.

   "City Lord, how should I deal with the soil outside the city?"

   "Use a catapult."

   "Then let's build a catapult quickly."

   "There are so many soldiers outside the city, I really don't know if the catapult can stop them from building the dirt mountain."

  Yang Wanchun’s Goguryeo defenders were also nervously building catapults. Their purpose was to destroy the soil hills of the Tang army—I can’t imagine how the 30-meter-high hills would put pressure on Anshi city.

   "Has Changsun Wuji set off?"

   Li Shimin retracted his gaze from the fortified city of Anshi and asked Yuchi Jingde.

   "Master Jangsun has led a 120,000 army and 50,000 Eastern Han army to attack the back of the Goguryeo army. As long as your Majesty comes in person, the north and the south will attack, and you will win. The last will ask to be the vanguard!"

   Even though Wei Chi Jingde was in sixties, he was still brave and asked Li Shimin to play.

   "It's wrong. I have lost Qin Shubao, and I cannot lose Qing again."

   Li Shimin gently shook his head, Datang’s veteran used one less than one, no longer the young and energetic group of people who were fighting the world.

   "Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Yuan Cong Forbidden Army, Hundred Cavalry, go with me, let Goguryeo see what a real cavalry is!"

   Li Shimin holds three elite teams and heads south to conquer Goguryeo's millions of reinforcements!

   Wei Chi Jingde held his arm, riding a horse in the forefront of the Xuanjia Army.

   As one of the Xuanjia army generals, he once again found the heroic sentiment when leading the Xuanjia army to fight for Li Shimin.

   Wherever the Tang Xuanjia cavalry goes, they are invincible!

  Countless enemies fell under the iron hoof of this heavy cavalry!

   The high-ranking heavy cavalry, the trump card in the hand of Li Shimin, the envy of countless Eastern Han lords, finally dispatched at this time.

   Ordering the Xuanjia Army to participate in the battle shows that Li Shimin has moved true.

   Yuan from the Forbidden Army, this was the earliest forbidden army set up by Li Yuan, guarding the Xuanwu Gate, and at this time followed Li Shimin to crusade against Liaodong.

There is also the "Hundred Horses~www.readwn.com~" that Chutian saw near Li Shimin’s camp. The number of hundred horses is very small, but they are the elite of the elite. After all the battles, they are responsible for following Li Shimin. Of combat power.

   Whether it is the Xuanjia Army, the Yuan Cong Forbidden Army, and the Hundred Cavalry, they belong to high-level arms. In addition, there are a large number of middle and low-level Tang Army soldiers. Although they are middle and low-level arms, they are very high-level and are at their peak.

   The Tenth Army of the Eastern Han Dynasty was ordered to go south with Li Shimin. When they saw Li Shimin's Xuanjia Army, Yuan Cong Forbidden Army, and Baiqi, they couldn't help but jealous.

   If there is a lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty who can have such an elite division, it will be easy to become a prince. How can Tang Taizong Li Shimin's arms be underestimated?

   The Xuanjia Army of the Tang Dynasty will definitely have the top three among the cavalry in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The heavy cavalry is generally higher in rank than the light cavalry and is also more expensive.

   Li Shimin divided the Tang army into four teams, and the king of Jiangxia Li Daozong surrounded Anshi city and prepared to attack the city. The British Gong Li Ji attracted the attention of the Goguryeo reinforcements. Changsun Wuji made a detour to attack the rear of the Goguryeo reinforcements, and Li Shimin personally served as one of the main forces in the reserve and decisive battle.

   "Come on, Tang Taizong Li Shimin, if you dare to send a surprise attack to our rear, you will surely let them come back."

   Goguryeo camp. Cui Jae-sun, who was frustrated by Xue Rengui, Li Guang, Di Qing and others, was not discouraged, but waited for the surprise team sent by Li Shimin to take the bait.

   If the ambush succeeds and kills Changsun Wuji, he can gain a lot of military exploits.

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