Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 143: Full attack

   "There is an ambush, retreat!"

   In the north of the gorge, a Tang army came out of the trail and was ambushed by the Goguryeo army.

   Goguryeo chief Gao Huizhen personally commanded the ambush. Goguryeo general Eulji Wende led the elite archers of the Northern Legion to make a volley. The Tang army was defeated and retreated, a heavy armored infantry and crossbowmen were behind.

   "Destroy this Tang army!"

   Cui Zaishan waved his hand, and a group of Goguryeo mountain infantry pursued Tang Jun. Tang Jun dropped his helmet and abandoned his armor, and his army flags scattered all over the place.

   "Sure enough, the Tang army who came to provoke a few days ago is just their elite cavalry. The Tang army is not invincible."

   Cui Zaishan saw that the Tang army in the canyon left a lot of spoils, and immediately collected these weapons and armor. Tang Jun's equipment is undoubtedly a good thing for the Goryeo lord.

   "The Tang army who surprised the Goguryeo reinforcements was defeated!"

   The news soon reached the ears of Chu Tian and others who were on the other side of the river at this time, and the military's mind was shaken.

   "Impossible, we have reminded Li Shimin, why did he still send troops according to the original plan?"

   Chutian was a little unbelievable.

  The lords such as Prince Yan, Gongziwen, and Dahu couldn't believe that the failure of the Tang Jun's sneak attack undoubtedly gave the Goguryeo army, which had been defeated in the last few days, a booster.

   Tang Taizong Li Shimin didn't seem to listen to their suggestions at all.

   "How many casualties are the Tang army?"

   "I don't know, there are probably thousands of people."

   "If there are only a few thousand people, it will not hurt your muscles, but it will have too much impact on morale. And this way, it will not be able to defeat the opposite Goguryeo army."

   While a group of Chutian lords were discussing, Tang Jun was in a commotion again.

   "Your Majesty, the imperial driver, has arrived at Beiling!"

   The Tang army stationed in Xiling swept away the blow when he heard the news of the defeat, and instantly fell into a frenzy.

   After proclaiming the emperor, there are not many emperors who often go to war with his own car, and there are even fewer emperors who can win battles every time he goes to go.

   "Li Shimin personally dispatched."

   Chutian and others looked towards Beiling.

   Beiling is on the other side of the river. Li Shimin personally led 40,000 Tang troops and 25,000 Eastern Han troops to Beiling.

   Li Shimin led fewer people than Li Ji, but he dared to appear on the shore where the Goguryeo army was.

   The Goguryeo army also noticed the arrival of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and all soldiers and horses were on guard.

   A mysterious cavalry appeared from the horizon, and Tang Jun’s battle flag was hunting and hunting in the valley wind! The gray-haired Yuchi Jingde held Ma Li, with a high-headed horse, still in the posture of the old charge!

   "The Great Tang Xuanjia Cavalry, that's a high-level heavy cavalry."

   Chu Tian, ​​who has only one Goguryeo heavy cavalry in his hand, couldn't help but look at Li Shimin's elite.

   Compared with Li Shimin's mysterious cavalry, the Goguryeo heavy cavalry is nothing.

   "That is Tian Khan's heavy cavalry, wherever the iron hoof goes, invincible!"

  Gao Huizhen and Ulchi Wende, who had just defeated Changsun Wuji's partial division, prepared soldiers and horses to meet Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

   Great Tang Xuanjia cavalry brought them an unparalleled shock, and they had to block this elite cavalry, otherwise a heavy cavalry could defeat tens of thousands of people.

   "Set up a horse and antlers!"

   The Goguryeo army spread various fortifications to prevent the Xuanjia cavalry of the Tang army from launching an assault.

   Jiang Pang from the Jeonju Army Corps kept cold sweat on his forehead, holding a towel with his right hand trembling. He also knew that Li Shimin had an elite heavy cavalry, and no one in the field was Li Shimin's opponent.

   "We just defeated the Tang Jun of Changsun Wuji, it shows that Tang Jun is no big deal. Ulchi Wende will defeat Li Shimin!"

   Choi Jae Sun appeared with Ulji Bunduk, and he handed over almost all the troops of the Goryeo lord to Ulji Bunduk's command. The commander-in-chief of Ulchi Mundeok can give bonuses to more than 100,000 troops, and he is one of the few top heroes in the civilized area of ​​Korea.

  The only weakness is that the arms of the Lord of the Goryeo Kingdom cannot compete with Li Shimin’s Tang army.

   Tang Taizong Li Shimin blatantly appeared in Beiling with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and he was horns with Li Ji's one hundred thousand Tang army, and he was not afraid of Goguryeo's one million army.

   The Tang army continued to send the Turkic prince Asnasher to provoke Goguryeo. The Goguryeo army was highly nervous and did not continue to be recruited.

   Li Shimin is stationed in Beiling.

   On the seventh day of the National War, the two sides still confronted each other.

   "What is Li Shimin thinking?"

   Chutian and others have been waiting patiently, and Li Shimin hadn't moved around for a day when he arrived in Beiling.

   On the evening of the seventh day, a team of Tang Jun sergeants came to Chutian’s camp and found Chutian who had been disarmed and rested: "The British call for you."

   Chutian followed the Tang army sergeant to Li Ji's camp. The commander of the Third Army, Mingguan, was also summoned by Li Ji.

   This is the second time Chutian has seen Datang British Public Liji.

   "Today kill pigs and chickens, reward the whole army, and fight tomorrow."

   Li Ji’s words are also very simple. He informs Chutian and Mingguan to fight against the Goguryeo army tomorrow.

   Other than this, there are no other orders.

   "Tang Jun is still confident in himself as always. After Changsun Wuji was defeated, he still fought the Goguryeo army casually."

   "Could it be another arrangement?"

   Chutian and others can only trust Li Shimin.

   The Second Army and the Third Army of the Eastern Han Dynasty slaughtered pigs and chickens to reward soldiers and soldiers.

   Generally speaking, before the decisive battle, the soldiers will have a good meal to inspire morale, and even if they die in battle, they can be a dead man.

   "Tomorrow's decisive battle, everyone must pay attention to safety. Soldiers can be recruited after they die. If the lord dies in battle, it may have an impact on future national wars."

   Chu Tian looked around at his nine lords and ten guild leaders. Tomorrow's decisive battle might last a long time, but there are a million troops on the opposite side.

   "At that time, Zhou Yafu, Pang Juan, and Li Guang will be the main forces, and Di Qing and Hua Mulan will each lead a team of cavalry, waiting for the opportunity."

  He simply deployed.

   In a battle, there may be 90% of the time to test each other, and it only takes one or two days to decide the winner.

   Tomorrow will be a battle related to the outcome of the Tang Jun and Goguryeo army.

   Everyone feels a little heavy.

   The Tang army was not invincible, but Changsun Wuji's partial division was repelled by the Goguryeo army.

  On the eighth day of the National War, 40,000 Tang troops and 25,000 Han troops from Beiling marched out.

   One hundred thousand Tang army and fifty thousand Han army from Xiling Liji left the camp to prepare to fight across the river.

   The Goguryeo army realized that the Tang army was about to start a battle, and also went out to fight, and completely destroyed the Tang army while defeating Changsun Wuji and the morale was high.

   For the sake of safety, the Goguryeo army deployed a large number of repelling horses and antlers around the phalanx, fearing the Tang army’s iron hoof assault.

   The Second Army of Chutian and the Third Army of Mingguan were regarded as reserve teams by Li Ji, and the main force of the real assault was the Tang Army.

   "Wait until the middle and late stages, maybe we can become the main force."

   Chutian knew that the soldiers and horses of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty were not qualified to serve as the main force in front of the Tang army.

   When the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty recruited Iron Eagle Scouts, Wei Wuzu, Qin Ruishi, and Liaodong Iron Cavaliers, they might be qualified to claim that they were the same main force as the Tang Army.

   Li Shimin’s Xuanjia cavalry was not listed at the forefront. Instead, the Tang Army heavy infantry was armed with a six-foot infantry.

   Compared with the cavalry leader Chutian exchanged for Hua Mulan, this infantry is much cheaper.

   What Chutian exchanged for Hua Mulan was a gold-level cavalry, which was actually a luxury.

   The infantry of the Tang army covered the crossbowmen and pressed forward against the Goguryeo army, and the Goguryeo army stepped back nervously.

   "Everyone, don't panic!"

   The two generals Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen worked hard to maintain the army.

   Although the number of the Tang army is small, the pressure it brings is great.

   After ten times the area of ​​the canyon, the space is still small. The advantage of Goguryeo's millions of troops cannot be used, and there are only tens of thousands of people in the front.

   Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was in the plateau of Beiling, looking to the south.

   "Wuji, how could it be so easy to fail?"

   "Your Majesty, there is dust on the south side."

   "Order, the whole army to attack!"

   The vigorous horns and war drums sounded, and the Tang army launched an offensive across the board!

  The shimmering Tang army kept advancing, and the Tang Xuanjia army looked forward to it.

   As long as the Tang Army infantry in front destroys the antlers, the Xuanjia Army will attack.

   "The back of the Goguryeo army seems to be in chaos!"

   was observing the lord from a high place and shouted.

   Chutian hurried to the high ground. As expected, the sand was rolling behind the Goguryeo army, seeming to be fighting a soldier and horse.

   "Didn't Jangsun Wuji's partial teacher be repelled? Who attacked the army of Goguryeo?"

   Chutian was quite surprised.

   It just doesn’t matter who attacked the Goguryeo army, because the back of the Goguryeo army was attacked, and the time to win has arrived!

   Ten thousand arrows were sent out, Tang Jun’s arrow rain was like a black cloud covering the sky!

   Hundreds of Goguryeo infantry and archers were shot dead by a rain of arrows!

   The Goguryeo archer fought back, and tens of thousands of arrows drew a parabola in the air and landed on Tang Jun’s shield.

   The two armies clashed, and the Tang Army infantry tried to remove the antlers and clear the obstacles for the cavalry.

  The sharp infantry pierced the wooden shield of the Goguryeo infantry and killed the Goguryeo infantry on the opposite side!

   Rows of heavy infantrymen of the Tang Army kept marching forward, trying to break down the front of Goguryeo!

   "A Tang Army appeared behind us!"

   "The heavy infantry of the Tang army is destroying our formation, and no less than ten generals in the front have been killed!"

   "Tang Jun on the other side of the river is urgently laying a pontoon bridge, preparing to cross the river!"

   "The cavalry of the Tang Army is ready to attack!"

  The Goguryeo army was in chaos and was attacked by Li Shimin, Li Ji, and Changsun Wuji at the same time!

   "Ulji Bundoku, you lead the army to block the army from attacking the rear!"

   Choi is in hysterical, giving hope to the famous general Ulji Bundoku.

   Ulchi Wende gritted his teeth, he only had the low-level arms put together by the Lord of Goryeo in his hand, facing the elite Tang army, he had the intention to kill thieves and was unable to return to heaven.

   Changsun Wuji led the strange soldiers out from the rear at this time. He followed Li Shimin for a long time in the north and south wars, and it was easy for him to attack the back of Goguryeo with a single soldier and horse alone.

   Goguryeo lacked a refusal in the rear, and the Tang army cavalry stormed the panicked Goguryeo army in the rear, killing and injuring countless!

   Tang will kill Xue Wanche with a spear, and smash a Goguryeo stepper along the way!

   "Remove the pontoon bridge of the Goguryeo army and destroy a million Goguryeo army!"

   A team of Tang troops dismantled the floating bridge behind the Goguryeo army and cut off its retreat.

   "Li Hu, you led the Xiliang cavalry on an assault!"

   Xu Fengnian, the commander of the Sixth Army of the Eastern Han Dynasty, ordered Li Hu of the Western Wei Dynasty to lead the Xiliang cavalry and other cavalry in the army to charge.

   As Li Shimin's ancestor, Li Hu is a family of generals who are good at cavalry operations. Under his leadership, the Xiliang cavalry is full of aggression!

  Xu Fengnian possesses Tier 3 Xiliang cavalry, but with the support of historical military commander Li Hu, as a pioneer, a thousand Xiliang cavalry is like a sharp spearhead, breaking through the Goguryeo army!

   Li Hu held a ring-head knife in his hand, and kept slashing the Goguryeo soldiers ahead!

   The ring first knife slashed on the shield, the iron piece of the shield was hit by the ring first knife, making a violent collision sound, sparks splashing everywhere!

   Xu Fengnian can see that his military merits are increasing.

   Sneak attack from behind to get more military exploits!

   Only Xu Fengnian knows what happened during that period.

   Changsun Wuji’s previous sneak attack was indeed ambushed by the Goguryeo army, but the Eastern Han soldiers who put on the Tang army’s armor and equipment were defeated, giving Goguryeo the illusion that the Tang army was defeated.

   However, the real main force of the Tang army took the second trail, went further to the rear, and successfully attacked the Goguryeo army.

   The low-level soldiers of the Eastern Han lords became decoys. In return, their lords could gain more combat exploits.

   "That Korean army has appeared again!"

   Xu Fengnian ordered Li Hu to lead the cavalry and followed the Tang army general Xue Wanche to assault. He watched the battle from the rear. After the defeat of Goguryeo's rear army, the Goryeo lord's coalition came under the leadership of Ulchi Wende and barely blocked the assaulting Tang army.

   "This is the Goryeo army again."

   Xu Fengnian can see Li Hu and Xue Wanche's cavalry gradually losing their impact, and can't help frowning.

   The Goryeo coalition led by Ulji Wende was much stronger than the ordinary Goguryeo army, which brought huge resistance to the Tang army.

   On the frontal battlefield, the Tang Army’s infantry had already met with the Koguryo armored soldiers, and crossbowmen were shooting.

   The resistance and antlers of the Goguryeo army were destroyed.

   "Xuanjia cavalry, let the Goguryeo people see the Tianwei of the Tang Dynasty."

   Li Shimin finally joined the elite Datang Xuanjia cavalry!

  The veteran general Wei Chi Jingde led a heavy cavalry with iron armor on all men and horses into the battlefield. This cavalry held a horse with a black armor and launched an attack.

   "Crush the Goguryeo people and drive them to the river to feed the fish!"

  Wei Chi Jingde took the lead and charged the mysterious cavalry!

  The heavy horseshoes made the ground roar, and the Black Cavalry of the Tang Dynasty attracted everyone's attention. This black cavalry was flying fast and the dust was flying!


   Wei Chi Jingde easily stabs the oncoming Goguryeo cavalry!


   Great Tang Xuanjia cavalry horses are rolling, wherever they go, people turn on their backs!

   In the face of the high-ranking heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, the Goguryeo army, which was dismantled from the horse, had no ability to resist.

   "Your Majesty, Bi Guogong requests to lead the Turkic cavalry!"


   Li Shimin looked down at the vast battlefield, Yuchi Jingde’s Xuanjia army had torn the Goguryeo army, and the Turkic prince and Bi Guogong Asnasheer led the Turkic cavalry.

   Li Ji’s 100,000 Tang Army quickly erected three pontoons ~www.readwn.com~ to attack the flank of the Goguryeo army.

   Suddenly, Li Shimin saw a small soldier in white riding a war horse in the Goguryeo army seven in and out, killing dozens of Goguryeo soldiers in a row.

"who's that person?"

   "I don't know, it should be a soldier under the head of Guoguo."

   "If he is alive in this battle, summon him to see me, he will be rewarded many times."


   The Tang Army attacked across the board, and the 2nd and 3rd Army Corps of the Eastern Han Dynasty, as reserves, went into battle.

   "Li Chengliang, Zu Dashou, our Liaodong cavalry should launch an attack!"

   Mingguan led two generals into the battle.

   The cavalry from Liaodong County followed the Tang army and smashed all directions.

   "Capture the Goguryeo heavy cavalry as much as possible!"

   What Chutian is jealous of now is not military merit, but trying to catch Goguryeo's heavy cavalry alive.

   Goguryeo heavy cavalry is not very loyal to Goguryeo, and there are excellent war horses, iron armor, and horse armor. The standard of armor is almost the same as that of the Central Plains.

   In other words, capturing a heavy cavalry is worth tens of taels of silver or even hundreds of taels of silver!

   For Chutian who lacks heavy cavalry, Goguryeo heavy cavalry is a small vault that can walk.

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