Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 283: Powerful enemy, the real white robe!

   "I can appoint you as a school lieutenant and form a new cavalry corps, known as "Invincible". The organization is tentatively scheduled to be 10,000 low-level light cavalry, and the source of troops comes from the cavalry of Guangling County."

   After Chutian got Yang Ye, he immediately used Yang Ye with 85 loyalty to form the fifth main army-the Invincible Cavalry Army.

   At present, two of the four main army regiments in Xuzhou are cavalry regiments, namely "White Robe" and "Xiliang". Yang Ye's cavalry regiment is codenamed "Invincible" and is taken from Yang Ye's nickname.

   If there is a chance to recruit Yang Yanzhao and Mu Guiying in the future, they can be incorporated into the "Invincible" Cavalry Corps.

   "Master State Shepherd trusts the end general?"

   Yang Ye was directly appointed as the school lieutenant, commanding 10,000 light cavalry. This is a kind of trust for a surrender who has just surrendered.

   "I believe in what you are, and I also believe in your abilities. This cavalry corps will be even bigger in the future. I hope that under your command, this cavalry corps can be truly invincible."

   Chutian's tone was full of expectation, but he secretly said in his heart that if you even doubt the loyalty of the generals of the Yang family, then there are few military commanders you can trust.

   Yang Ye was very moved, his loyalty rose from 85 to 87.

  Shi died for the confidant.

  His old master has ceded him to the new master, and the new master can provide him with a broader space to play!

   With Yang Ye joining and forming the Invincible Cavalry Corps, the number of professional soldiers in Xuzhou increased from 272,000 to 282,000.

   Chutian did not recruit Bianzhou wolf ride for Yang Ye.

   In order to build a huge army of 272,000 people, Chu Tian almost went bankrupt. He has no budget to buy new war horses, let alone go to Bingzhou to recruit suitable troops.

   The horses of low-level light cavalry can be raised in Xuzhou by themselves. The cost of ordinary horses is relatively low, so the pressure of forming low-level light cavalry is not great. Good horses can only be purchased in Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou.

   It is also useful for Yang Ye to command the low-level light cavalry. The light cavalry added by Yang Ye is stronger than the average light cavalry.

   After the resettlement of Yang Ye, Chu Tian made people register credit for Le Yi, Xue Rengui, Chen Deng, and Mi Fang.

   After the national war and the two battles against Guangling County, Le Yi ran into the generals and gained the trust of the generals. Le Yi's loyalty to Chutian reached 89.

   "If Master Zhou Mu gives me twice the force, I can lay down the entire Jiangdong for Master Zhou Mu!"

   Mi Fang was awarded the credit for the capture of Guangling County, with great enthusiasm, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, and ambition to annex Jiangdong.

   "Lieutenant Mi will definitely be a general in the future."

   Chutian comforts Mi Fang.

   He knew that Xia Liang had deliberately let Mi Fang gain some military exploits in order to repay the kindness of the Mi family.

  As for sending Mi Fang to conquer Jiangdong...

   Unless Chu Tian's mind is caught by the door, Mi Fang's troops will be given to Jiangdong.

   With Chu Tian's current strength, Chu Tian did not dare to say that he could annex the six counties of Jiangdong. There are many powerful lords in the six counties of Jiangdong, and the role of cavalry is quite limited. They are unfamiliar with their lives and have many difficulties.

   Not to mention giving Mi Fang 140,000 troops, even if we give Mi Fang 400,000 troops, now the whole army will be wiped out when going south to Jiangdong.

   "Chen Yuanlong, the internal affairs and military affairs of Guangling County are left to you. If the Lujiang prefect Tongque sends the Beifu army to attack, you will clear the wall and ask for help immediately, and you cannot go out of the city to fight."

  Chutian warned Chen Deng, who was about to become prefect of Guangling County.

   Chen Deng’s threat to defend comes from two places, Jiangdong and Huainan.

   Chu Tian was not worried about the lord in the area south of the Yangtze River. He was worried about the Lujiang prefect copper bird.

   Chutian, who had already begun to pay attention to collecting intelligence, knew that the Lujiang Prefect Tongque had the powerful Beifu army in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which threatened Guangling County even more.

   "Subordinates will be careful."

   Chen Deng heard about the prestige of the Beifu Army more than once, and he was reminded by Chu Tian again that he remembered the name of the Beifu Army in his heart.

   "Except for the Guangling County Defensive Corps to stay in Guangling, the remaining legions are stationed in Langya Country. Our next offensive is centered on Langya Country."

   On the premise of ensuring that Cao Cao could not expand, Chutian began to clean up the vassals south of the Yellow River and north of the Yangtze River, who might join forces with Cao Cao.

   Cao Cao may be the most miserable prince. He didn't have many opportunities for development and was constantly consumed.

   Chutian focused his energy on Yanzhou Cao Cao and Qingzhou Zhao Gongzi. The prefect of Guangling County has surrendered. His enemies are not only Cao Cao and Young Master Zhao, but also Yuan Shu from Yuzhou, but Yuan Shu is not very jealous of Chu Tian.

During the crusade against Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shu attacked Yuzhou governor Kongyou and replaced him as the new Yuzhou governor. On the advice of players in the Yuan Shu camp, Yuan Shu took Xuchang as the center and ruled Yingchuan County, Runan County, Nanyang County, Jiujiang County, etc. This large county is currently one of the top princes, with more people ruling than Xuzhou.

   However, Yuan Shu's power also has great hidden dangers. He reuses a group of strangers who have made great contributions to his power, and even makes them prefects. Without the help of foreigners, or the strength of foreigners, Yuan Shu's power could not be greater than Chutian.

   It can be said that Yuan Shu has many independent lords who piece together to become Yuan Shu's forces. The alien lord wanted to use Yuan Shu's reputation, so he attached himself to Yuan Shu.

  Yangdi, Yingchuan County, a stranger from Yuan Shu's forces led a team of white-robed cavalry to visit a family.

   This counselor is only about twenty years old, still young.

   "Bong Xiao, I have come here three times in a row to invite you out of the mountain. Before you were young, but now you are about to reach your crown, you should come out of the mountain, make immortal achievements, and seal all households."

   The alien lord tried to persuade the young counselor Guo Jia who was about to reach his crown to come out of the mountain.

   At this time, Guo Jia has not reached the peak state, but is already a first-class counselor.

   If Guo Jia's allegiance can be obtained, there will be a candidate for the position of the master in the future.

   Guo Jia carefully looked at the alien lord in front of him, and the other person visited the thatched cottage three times, which is not sincere. Moreover, the other party has several generals and talents, more worthy of refuge than Yuan Shu.

   Finally, Guo Jia said to the alien lord who was attached to Yuan Shu's forces: "Feng Xiao is willing to be loyal."

"it is good!"

   The alien lord received the allegiance of Guo Jia, one of the top advisers of the Three Kingdoms, and was overjoyed, not in vain to visit the cottage.

   Guo Jia had been targeted by him when he was young, so that Guo Jia could directly recruit when he was born.

   "Fengxiao, please pack up your parcels. We will go to Huainan for development soon."

   "Why did the lord choose Huainan?"

"East County prefect Cao Mengde asked all prefects to besiege Xuzhou Muchu Zimou. Yuan Shu sent a lord to Jiujiang, one to Peiguo, one to Liangguo, and one to Runan. All he did was to seize Xuzhou. I was sent by Yuan Shu. Lord of Jiujiang County."

   "The subordinates heard that Xuzhou Muchuzi was seeking a strong army, and I am afraid Yuan Gonglu is not his opponent."

   "Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. No matter how strong Chu Zimou is, it is impossible to face the forces of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou. He is lacking in skill."

   "The subordinates thought, did the lord have the meaning of self-reliance?"

"Hahaha, I really can't hide it from you. Shouchun is far away from Yuan Shu's control area, and at the same time, at the intersection of north and south. To the south can see the Jiangdong, and the north can see the Qing Xu, and it can become a great cause! I also have a few famous generals under my command, and I get Fengxiao's allegiance, why do you need to bend your knees under Yuan Shu's command?"

  The lord of the alien was appointed by Yuan Shu as the prefect of Jiujiang County. The goal has been achieved and the power has been established. There is no need to stay with the power of Yuan Shu to wait for dispatch.

   "In Shouchun, we waited for the opportunity to attack Xuzhou and Qingzhou, replacing Chu Zimou as Xuzhou herd."

   This alien lord is obviously ambitious.

  The ambitious lord is more likely to gain the trust of counsellors. Since Guo Jia decided to work for the other party, he packed up his package and prepared to go to Shouchun.

   Outside the door, a group of white-robed cavalry waited for the lord to come out.

   "Fortunately, I have already targeted Guo Jia in advance, otherwise Guo Jia will be snatched away by players from Cao Cao's forces. With Guo Jia as a military officer, I will dominate Huainan."

   The lord said to himself.

  Having a top-level adviser and not having a top-level adviser is crucial to the development of a power.

   Not everyone is as extravagant as Chu Tian, ​​with two counselors Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, and a large number of ministers of the interior who are no less than counsellors.

  The weak-bodied general in white robe asked: "Lord Lord, did Guo Fengxiao decide to be loyal?"

"He has made up his mind, Ziyun, three days later, we will go to Shouchun, quickly sweep and take over Jiujiang County, and wait for an opportunity to attack Xuzhou. Xuzhou Muchu Zimou will focus on dealing with Yanzhou Cao Cao and Qingzhou Zhao Gongzi. There will still be a small person like me. After all, I am just a general of the humble prince Yuan Shu, even more inconspicuous. Who would have thought that I had a general like Ziyun? And, I have more than just you."

   The alien lord is eager to try.

   If Chu Zimou fights Yanzhou Cao Cao and Qingzhou Zhao Gongzi, he will attack Xiaopei or Xiapi from Shouchun, and Xuzhou will fall into his hands.

   Challenge the first lord, this action is extremely risky.

   But he has the advantage-he is so inconspicuous, no one can imagine that an alien division of Yuan Shu will recruit Chen Qingzhi, a famous general in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

  Famous teacher general Mo Zilao, a thousand troops to avoid the white robe!

   Chen Qingzhi’s white-robed cavalry is the real white-robed army!

   "Xuzhou Mu has a cavalry unit equipped with white horses and white robes, named the white robe army. But they are not to be afraid of your cavalry. Your white robe army is the real white robe army."

  The alien lord dared to go to Shouchun to participate in the fight against Muchu Zimou in Xuzhou on behalf of Yuan Shu's forces. The confidence comes from Chen Qingzhi and Guo Jia!

   Chen Qingzhi pondered: "There are other white-robed soldiers? If you can fight against them, it would be a blessing."

   "We don't need to confront it head-on. As long as Chu Zimou's main force dares to leave Xuzhou, it is our chance to occupy Xuzhou."

   Three days later, this alien lord led an army of about 30,000 soldiers and horses to leave Yingchuan County for Shouchun. Among the 20,000 soldiers and horses, there is a small group of white-robed cavalry, whose morale is far from ordinary cavalry.

   "The enemy is the young Xuzhou Mu Chu Zimou?"

   Guo Jia followed the alien lord and Chen Qingzhi's white robe army to Shouchun south. He took refuge in this alien lord, and an important consideration was that the famous general Chen Qingzhi and several generals of the alien lord.

   In addition to dispatching foreign lords to garrison everywhere, Yuan Shu also personally assembled a large army to prepare to retake Pei County and Feng County, and capture Pengcheng.

  Pei County and Feng County are two counties in Peiguo, Yuzhou. In summer Liang, in order to open up the channel for Xuzhou to assist the prefect of Jiyin County, Zhou Yafu was sent to capture Pei County and Feng County.

   Yuan Shu felt threatened, and at the same time, in order to capture Xuzhou, he planned to defeat the powerful Xuzhou Muchu Zimou, and then attack Cao Cao.

   In Yuan Shu's view, Chu Zimou's threat is greater than Cao Cao's.

   At present, there are no more great princes in the Central Plains and Huainan area than the great princes of Chu Tian, ​​Cao Cao, Zhao Gongzi, Yuan Shu, and Gongziwen.

   Yuan Shu has the largest population, but because of the loose power inside and Yuan Shu’s worrisome character, no matter Cao Cao, Chu Tian, ​​or Zhao Gongzi, they all kept despising Yuan Shu.


   Chutian still collected some information on Yuan Shu.

   The last time he suffered from insufficient intelligence, Chu Tian became cautious. When Yuan Shu sent troops and horses to plot Xuzhou, Chu Tian had already collected a lot of information.

   "Why is Yuan Shu coming to join in the fun?"

   Chutian heard Yuan Shubing's score and planned to attack Xuzhou, frowning.

   If only Yuan Shu in history, he now owns Xuzhou, he can completely despise Yuan Shu and not regard it as a threat.

   But Yuan Shu of "Lord" has many foreign lords attached.

   The reason for their attachment to Yuan Shu is also very simple. Before he became emperor, Yuan Shu had a lot of fame, which could effectively attract talents and population and expand rapidly.

   When their wings are full, they can stand on their own.

   One of the alien lords who asked Shouchun to help Yuan Shu open up the territory and land, attracted his attention.

   Chutian’s intelligence agency has already obtained a lot of information about this lord~www.readwn.com~ One piece of information attracted Chutian’s attention.

   "The lord has a 90% chance of gaining the allegiance of the ghost talent Guo Jia and the white horse army **** Chen Qingzhi..."

   Although Chutian attaches great importance to intelligence collection this time, how to deal with the information obtained is also a troublesome matter.

   The white-robed cavalry corps that he gathered Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun together to form, this time he encountered the real white-robed army led by Chen Qingzhi!

   "I have to find a way to capture Chen Qingzhi, the white cavalry regiment I set up is the real white cavalry regiment."

   Facing a powerful enemy like Chen Qingzhi means that if you capture Chen Qingzhi, you are also strengthening your strength.

   Chutian must try to calculate Chen Qingzhi on the premise that the opponent has Guo Jia. The difficulty is the same.

   Chutian considered that there is no time to fight for Shouchun, he must try to contain Chen Qingzhi: "I want to see the bronze bird, the Lujiang prefect, and ask him to contain the enemy in the direction of Shouchun. I think he should be interested in Shouchun City and Chen Qingzhi."

   Cao Cao is trying to form a siege net against Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian is also trying to contact other lords to break the siege net.

   He knew the bronze bird, the Lujiang prefect, but the two sides had not cooperated. This time he planned to use the bronze bird's Beifu army to contain Chen Qingzhi's white robe army.

   "Isn't it just being together? Who wouldn't."

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