Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 284: Attack on Tarzan

  Lujiang County, Chaisang City, many houses destroyed by rockets in the city are still braving with black smoke. Under the premise of heavy casualties, the Beifu army violent general Liu Laozhi led the Beifu army to attack Chaisang!

   Fifty thousand low-level soldiers cling to the city wall from all directions, putting pressure on the Chaisang defenders!

   Lujiang Prefect Bronze bird holding a sword, supervises the battle under the city.

   The sky full of rockets was thrown into the city, burning down all the houses, gate towers, and arrow towers near the city wall.

   Fierce general Liu Laozhi has already boarded first, with dozens of defenders in his hand.

   The Beifu Army followed Liu Laozhi, climbed the upper city, and quickly occupied the city wall with one as five!

   "Congratulations to the lord, the city of Chaisang has been won, and the main force of the prefect of Yuzhang County was almost wiped out by our army in Chaisang."

   A military commander congratulated the bronze bird.

   "Lord, Chu Zimou sent someone to deliver the letter, please give it a name and please check it yourself."

   The bronze bird took the letter submitted by his subordinates, looking at ten lines.

   "Ask me to attack Shouchun? Chu Zimou really looks up to me."

   The Lujiang prefect copper bird received Chutian's request.

   Jiujiang County is one of the six counties in Yangzhou. Huainan is a barrier to the south of the Yangtze River. Chutian believed that Tongque would not be uninterested in Shouchun.

   During the Three Kingdoms period, Wei and Wu fought around Hefei and Shouchun for decades, and both sides had nothing to do with each other.

   Jiangdong forces want to enter the Central Plains, they must take the Huainan area, especially Shouchun and Hefei, before they can plot Xuzhou, Qingzhou, and Central Plains.

  The general asked: "Does the lord plan to continue occupying Yuzhang County, or will he attack Shouchun according to Chu Zimou's request?"

"We have already won Chaisang and have a firm foothold in Yuzhang County. We can attack and retreat. It will be a matter of time before we conquer Yuzhang County. It is better to switch to Jiujiang County, take Shouchun as a barrier, and attack Danyang County. Huan Wen, I have retained 20,000 soldiers than you. You recruit soldiers and horses in Chaisang area and wait for the opportunity to capture the entire Yuzhang County. I will take the navy to attack Shouchun."


  * Huanwen, a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, calmed down the land of Shu, three northern expeditions to the Central Plains, regained part of the lost land, and made great achievements.


   "The Lujiang prefect has responded and will personally lead the main force to attack Shouchun."

   After Chutian asked the Tongjae to attack Shouchun, he quickly got the Tongjae's response.

   "Sure enough, Shouchun is a fishbone stuck in the throat for the forces that want to develop in the Jiangdong area. If Shouchun can be taken, Jiangnan will be safer, otherwise it may be attacked by northern forces at any time."

   Chutian judged that Tongjak's power wanted to develop into the six counties of Jiangdong, then Tongjak had to consider whom Shouchun would fall into.

   If Shouchun is controlled by Chutian, the bronze bird will feel very uncomfortable.

   If he does not fight Shouchun, Chu Tian will attack Shouchun.

   This is equivalent to that after Cao Cao controlled Shouchun, Sun Quan could only continue to attack Shouchun, and then he would be dragged along with Shouchun for the rest of his life, and he would not be able to expedite the Central Plains.

   "The Beifu army that lured the bronze bird fought with Chen Qingzhi's white robe army... Shouchun City was definitely not that easy to capture. Before that, I went to Taishan County to capture Zhuge Liang alive."

   Chutian joined forces with Yanzhou Gongziwen and Yangzhou Tongque to delay Yanzhou Cao Cao and Yuzhou Yuan Shu. But Chu Tian was able to concentrate on dealing with the lord of Taishan County and the son of Qingzhou Zhao.

   "Spread the news that our army was assembled in Langya country with the purpose of attacking Beihai country."

   Chutian deliberately confused his vision.

   He recalled the Leyi Legion and the White Robe Legion to Langya, and at the same time ordered Yang Ye to command the cavalry in Guangling County to form an invincible cavalry corps and go to Xiaopei to garrison to guard against Yuan Shu.

   At the same time, Mi Fang’s 10,000 East China Sea Defense Corps stationed in Pengcheng, joined forces with Yin Li’s 15,000 Pengcheng State Defense Corps, and echoed Yang Ye’s 10,000 cavalry.

   On the surface, the main force assembled by Langya country was going to attack Qingzhou, which attracted the panic of the son of Qingzhou Zhao. He hurriedly sent additional troops to the border between Beihai and Langya, bringing the border strength to more than 40,000.

   Actually Chutian was going to attack Taishan County, and he grabbed Zhuge Liang. At the same time, he cut off the connection between Cao Cao and Zhao Gongzi and defeated them one by one.

   The forces used to attack Taishan County were three guards, Le Yi’s offensive corps, and Xue Rengui’s white robe corps, with more than 100,000 people.

   Its speed is like the wind, its Xu is like a forest, it invades like fire, and it does not move like a mountain.

   Offensive, to be unexpected, fast, so fast that the enemy has no time to organize the defense.

   attacked Guangling County, using 70,000 troops at a time to break through the opponent's line of defense and drove straight in, forcing the Guangling prefect to surrender. This has the embryonic form of a blitzkrieg.

   Having tasted the sweetness, Chu Tian intends to take over Taishan County with a force of destruction.

   And this time, he used the captive Joan of Arc for the first time as the leader of the servant army, giving the French an illusion that their saint was already serving the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Mulan’s mansion is next to the lord’s mansion. Now Joan of Arc has also moved in and is under the surveillance of Mulan.

   "I can finally set off."

   Joan of Arc was overjoyed when he was notified of the expedition. She thought that as long as she could gain as much combat exploits as possible, she could return to France early...

   Summer Ryo is combing her long golden hair, whispering like a devil: "This time the enemy should be very weak. It's just a warm-up for you. Do your best for the lord."

   In order to Chineseize the heroes of France, Xia Liang even induced Joan of Arc to put on the long skirt of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Both Mulan and Joan of Arc are heroes of military commander type. They are not sensitive to ordinary life. Under the cool summer training, they gradually become more active.

   "The time for the expedition has been set, and it will be three days later."

   was also lured by Summer Cool to wear Mulan in a long skirt to return and inform Joan of Arc of the specific time of the expedition.

   Saint Joan of Arc seemed to think of something: "I need a battle banner to play part of my ability."

   "War Banner? How about Chilong Banner?"

"It might work."

   Joan felt complicated when she thought that she, a saint of France, would hold the banner of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "I am going to make preparations."

   "Sister Mulan, are you planning to come to the Lord's Mansion tonight?"

   Xia Liang made a look at Hua Mulan.

   Hua Mulan hesitated, but finally nodded.

   Only Joan of Arc does not know what the two people are referring to.


   The soldiers and horses gathered from all walks of life, and the Leyi Army trek back to Langya country. After only a day or two of rest, they set out to conquer Taishan County.

   Chutian assembled three guard regiments and two main force regiments, intending to destroy the lord of Taishan County in one fell swoop.

   Mulan of the Detective Legion, Joan of Arc of the Servant Legion, Le Yi of the Offensive Legion, and Xue Rengui of the White Robe Legion, four first-class heroes led their lieutenants to report to Chu Tian.

   Chutian's gaze swept across their faces, and he felt their high fighting spirit.

   These people are all heroes who are suitable for battle on the battlefield, and there is no fear of the enemy.

   Leyi and Xue Rengui had the most troops and were the main force in attacking Taishan County, totaling 65,000.

   is followed by 36,000 of the three guards.

"Taishan County's military strength is only 50,000. We doubled the force and entered Taishan County along the She River, captured Feixian County, and directly took Fenggao County, the jurisdiction of Taishan County. As long as Fenggao County is captured, Taishan County will be in our pocket sooner or later. Things."

   "The cavalry of the White Robe Corps and the Scout Corps are the vanguards. It is best if they can approach the city and make a direct descent to the Taishou Prefecture."

   Chutian reiterated his combat goal again before setting out. The cavalry quickly broke through the opponent's line of defense and occupied the Taishan County office.

   "I can lead a cavalry to participate in a raid."

   Saint Joan of Arc volunteered, and there were also many cavalry in the servant regiment, including French and Spanish knights, Indian Mughal, Arabian light cavalry.

   "Yes, you and Mulan will act together."

   Chutian did not worry about the rebellion of Joan of Arc, she could not escape without anyone she knew in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   More than 100,000 people left Xiacheng, and Li Xiuning's maiden army stayed in Xiacheng.

  Chu Tian personally commanded the fifth Northern Army Academy. He caught a glimpse of Joan of Arc, a French hero holding the Dragon Banner of the Eastern Han Dynasty as a battle flag. He always felt a little strange.

   But over time, it's no surprise.

   Young Master Zhao of the North Sea State was pacing uneasy. According to the information he received, Chu Zimou had assembled more than 100,000 troops in Langya State, and the purpose of the offensive was likely to be the North Sea State.

   "Master Prefect, the army assembled in Langya Kingdom has left Xiacheng!"

   "Is their marching direction north?"

   "No, it's Taishan County in the northwest!"

   "Why would he go to attack Taishan County!?"

   Gongzi Zhao immediately checked the tiled map.

   He thought that Chutian was going to attack Qingzhou, but he did not expect that Chutian's strategic intention was Taishan County in Yanzhou.

   "He intends to bring Taishan County into his sphere of influence and cut off the ties between Qingzhou and Yanzhou?"

   Gongzi Zhao convened Taishici, Xue Wanche and others to discuss how to deal with the changes.

   Chutian's actions were too unexpected.

   "Immediately go south to attack Langya Country, otherwise once Chu Zi seeks to capture Taishan County, we will be Beihai Country next."

   Gongzi Zhao realized Chutian's strategic intentions.

   Tai Shici said: "Dorgun and Wu Sangui are still attacking Linzi in Qi State. Without their strength, we may not be able to capture Langya State. Zang Ba and Sun Guan have tens of thousands of troops to defend Zhucheng."

   "I have to put pressure on Langya country at this time, it is better than doing nothing. You led 30,000 people to attack the counties south."

   Gongzi Zhao sent Tai Shici to pressure Zang Ba and Sun Guan, forcing Chu Tian to return to his teacher.


   Fei County, Taishan County, the lord of the alien is hosting a banquet to entertain the heroes of Fei County. As one of the three lords of Taishan County, he participated in the coalition that besieged Langya.

   In Feixian, he can be the emperor of the land, saying one thing, and life is nourishing. Many tycoons also took the initiative to ask for marriage.

   Taishan County is still in a three-legged situation. The three lords attack each other, but no one can do anything about it.

  Various princes were busy fighting against it, but Taishan County, located between Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, was not cared about. It is not that no princes want to take down Taishan County, but no princes can free up their hands to attack Taishan County.

   A player army Sima rushed to find the lord of Feixian County: "It's not good, Xuzhou Muchuzimou aggressively attacked Taishan County and came straight to our Fei County!"

   The lord of Fei County trembles with his hands, the wine bottle falls on the counter, and the drink is spilled all over the place: "Chu Zimou is not going to attack Young Master Zhao in Qingzhou? Why did he come to attack Taishan County?"

  The tycoons of Fei County were also panicked when they heard this. Xuzhou Mu, all his troops in Xuzhou, came to attack Taishan County. How could they resist Fei County?

"You don't need to panic, we just need to stick to Feixian County. Young Master Zhao in Qingzhou will not ignore Chu Zi's attack on Taishan County. I also heard that Yuan Shu is gathering forces in Peiguo to attack Xiaopei and Xiapi. Keeping Feixian County for a month or two, Zhao Gongzi and Yuan Shu will cause Chu Zimou a headache."

   The lord of Fei County suppressed the fear in his heart, thinking that he would have reinforcements, which made him a little relieved.

   He knew he was not Chu Tian’s opponent, but he still had hope. As long as he waits for reinforcements, he can still retain his current power and status.

   occupies Feixian County, possesses power, status, money, and women. He does not want to lose all of this. Not to mention that he participated in the anti-Chutian alliance organized by Cao Bao at that time and had hatred with Chutian. If he was captured by Chutian, he would definitely not survive.

   Fei County tycoons looked at each other, it was hard for them to imagine that they could stop Xuzhou Mu's army.

   However, the Lord Feixian who is determined to resist has the power of the army. He gathered about 15,000 people to defend Feixian County and forced the powerful to defend the city together.

   In a field battle, he is definitely not Chu Tian’s opponent. He thinks that defending the city can hold on for a month or two.

   "We must hold Feixian County, and can't let Chu Zimou take everything from me!"

   Despite his firm determination, the Lord Feixian still trembles in the face of the most terrifying existence in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The players living in Feixian heard that the Xuzhou animal husbandry army was coming, they immediately fled, and fled to other counties to take refuge.

   Chutian, as the first state shepherd and one of the biggest vassals in the Eastern Han Dynasty, attracted much attention for his every move. News of the Xuzhou army's attack on Taishan County of Yanzhou spread quickly.

   Xuzhou Muchu Tian is full of martial arts, and once the national war is over~www.readwn.com~ Swallowing Guangling in the south, attacking Mount Tai in the north, and powerful!

   "Taishan County, how could he attack Taishan County?"

   Cao Cao couldn't help feeling desperate when he heard the news.

  Once Taishan County is occupied by Chutian, his power and Zhao Gongzi's power will be divided. Chu Tian could send one or two generals to recruit troops in Taishan County, and then attack the Jibei Kingdom and East County occupied by Cao Cao's forces, and continue to compress Cao Cao's living space.

   "Yu Wenze, you are from Taishan County, familiar with the terrain of Taishan County, and you lead the soldiers and horses of Jibei to assist Taishan County's prefect."

   Cao Cao couldn't sit back and watch Chutian annex a big county in Yanzhou. He wanted to fight Zhou Yafu himself in Dongping. He could only send Yu Jin, one of the five good generals, and his Qingzhou army to support Taishan County.

   Taishan County's prefect is an alien lord, not in the sphere of influence of Cao Cao.

   "Using Yuan Gonglu to attack Xiaopei as soon as possible, Zhao Gongzi attacking Langya country, otherwise we will all become prisoners of Chu Zimou."

   Cao Cao sent people to urge Yuan Shu and Zhao Gongzi, they could threaten Xuzhou from two directions.

   "Yuan Gonglu led an army of fifty thousand from Xuchang, and raised fifty thousand troops from various places, a total of one hundred thousand. It will take a long time to reach Pei County."

   "Who did Chu Zimou send to block Yuan Gonglu?"

   "Yang Wudi."

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