Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 296: Death of Wu 3 Gui

"The long-distance raid is really torturing..."


  Le Yi followed Hua Mulan's cavalry to launch a raid. He abandoned the infantry corps with more than 30,000 people and participated in the raid, only to provide Hua Mulan's cavalry with an attack halo.


   is also because of abandoning the bloated infantry corps and using all the light cavalry to have a miraculous effect.


   The 70,000 Qingzhou Army was defeated by an attack by Hua Mulan, and the battlefield became more chaotic.


   Le Yi, as the commander of the infantry, commanded the "offensive legion" and was unfamiliar with Hua Mulan's "reconnaissance legion" and did not command at will. Even so, Hua Mulan left him two thousand light cavalry to protect Le Yi's safety, and if necessary, Le Yi would command.


   Leyi observes the battlefield. The rear army of the Qingzhou Legion is completely chaotic. There is no general to stand up and maintain the formation. Hua Mulan pursues Dorgon, and Xue Rengui flanks Dorgon and Xue Wanche, intending to kill Dorgon and Xue Wanche first.


   The Xuzhou heavy cavalry and Bai Ma Yicong led by Zhao Yun confronted Wu Sangui's Guanning cavalry and Qingzhou heavy cavalry. Wu Sangui's Guanning cavalry was expensive to build, and was swallowed up by the four thousand heavy cavalry led by Zhao Yun, almost completely annihilated. Zhao Yun's heavy cavalry also suffered heavy losses, and he just relied on the quantity advantage to consume high-level Guanning cavalry.


Zhao Yun killed more than 20 Guanning cavalry alone. When he was fighting with high-ranking heavy cavalry, he obviously felt a bit difficult. Guanning cavalry was equipped with heavy armor. The spear pierced the heavy armor. The reaction force would make Zhao Yun His wrist tingled slightly.


   Zhao Gongzi and Tai Shici gathered about 10,000 people and began to retreat. They did not know how many cavalrymen attacked the rear, and chose to retreat in order to prevent the entire army from being annihilated.


   "Drive the enemy's rout and attack the Chinese army!"


   Although Le Yi is the commander of the infantry, he also has a bonus to the cavalry. He commanded the cavalry to attack the Zhao Gongzi and Taishici army.


   Le Yi’s tactics were very insidious. He only had two thousand cavalry in his hand. His own strength was not high. He did not directly attack the Zhao Gongzi and Taishici army, but instead drove the defeated rear army and marched aggressively.


   Thousands of rout soldiers were driven by Le Yi’s cavalry. They panicked and smashed the army of Zhao Gongzi and Taishici.


   "The lord is here, the enemy is behind, why not fight!"


   Tai Shi Ci held the short halberd, protecting Zhao Gongzi, and Zhao Gongzi's soldiers to drive the rout soldiers.


   Tai Shi Ci personally killed a few rout soldiers, the rout soldiers like headless flies then calmed down, but Le Yi from the rear drove more rout soldiers, like shepherds.


   Young Master Zhao felt desperate in the face of the corrupt situation.


   Unless there is a general who has the ability to reorganize his army, he cannot turn the tide.


   With Le Yi's end, the battlefield was in chaos. The 10,000 people Zhao Gongzi and Tai Shi Ci finally gathered were broken up by thousands of people, and there were fewer than 5,000 people around.


   "Unexpectedly, we have reinforcements! All the soldiers, fight back with me!"


   Liu Sandao had already prepared for the defeat and suicide. Seeing a fire in the backyard of the Qingzhou Army Corps, he immediately organized a counterattack and bit Gongzi Zhao and Tai Shi Ci.


   "We once joined forces to suppress the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. If you surrender to our lord, you can survive!"


   Xue Rengui pointed at Xue Wanche with a Fangtian painted halberd. The two sides had fought the Yellow Turban Army in Beihai Country and were familiar with each other. Xue Rengui wanted to persuade Xue Wanche to serve his lord. Xue Rengui recognized the brave Xue Wanche from the bottom of his heart. If Xue Wanche is drawn in, Xue Wanche can become a cavalry under the command of Xuzhou Mu.


   Xue Rengui had already suppressed Xue Wanche. Xue Wanche's mouth was numb, and it was almost impossible to hold Ma Jian.


   "I already have a master, how can I easily betray the master!"


   Xue Wanche is also a loyal man, he will not betray easily if he has a lord.


   "Then there is only a dead end!"


   Xue Rengui and Xue Wanche are their masters, life and death on the battlefield are unpredictable.


   He moved Fang Tian's halberd and stab Xue Wanche!


   A cold arrow flew, Xue Rengui had to change the trajectory of Fang Tian's halberd to block the dark arrow.


   "Don't do anything, go back!"


   Dorgon came to support Xue Wanche and rescued Xue Wanche.


   He sacrificed the insignificant ordinary cavalry and ordered them to stop Xue Rengui, who was beginning to exhaust himself.


   Xue Rengui continued to chase, and all the light cavalry along the way were killed by him!


   Dorgon and Xue Wanche went to find Zhao Gongzi and Tai Shici to break through.


   Xue Rengui, Hua Mulan, and Le Yi flanked.


   There were a large number of defeated soldiers between the two sides, and the entire battlefield was in a mess.


   "The lord is following us, I will wait to protect you!"


   Tai Shici and Xue Wanche, two fierce generals, are willing to give up their lives to protect the son of Zhao, behead the surrounding Xuzhou soldiers and Qingzhou soldiers, and blaze a trail.


   "Catch Young Master Zhao alive!"


  Le Yi knew that if the lord of the Qingzhou Army could be captured in this melee, half of Qingzhou would be controlled by Xuzhou Mu.


   Xue Rengui and Hua Mulan once again attacked Zhao Gongzi's peripheral troops and defeated him.


   Tai Shici and Xue Wanche will die. Their armor is dark red, and they do their best to protect their lord from breaking through.


   They still own half of Qingzhou and have a chance to turn defeat into victory, so they are not reconciled to surrender.


   Xue Rengui and Hua Mulan's offensive was even more fierce, among which Xue Rengui was only less than two hundred meters away from Zhao Gongzi!


  Dorgun kept shooting arrows at Xue Rengui in the rebellion, and at the same time dispatched cavalry to prevent Xue Rengui from pursuing. He knew that Chu Zimou would not necessarily let him go, only if he followed Zhao Gongzi could he survive.


   Xue Rengui is holding Fang Tian's painted halberd with the enemy rider in close combat. He hates the emperor who keeps shooting cold arrows and smashes his horse to Dorgon!


   Hundreds of Datang Archers followed Xue Rengui, using bows and arrows to support.


  Dorgun was regarded as the target by Xue Rengui. He couldn't help being frightened and didn't continue to release cold arrows. After arranging hundreds of cavalry to intercept Xue Rengui, he then withdrew.


   Behind Dorgon Palace, Xue Wanche and Tai Shici opened their way in front. Hua Mulan shot out of the slope, but was stopped by Xue Wanche.


   Hua Mulan had no advantage in facing Xue Wanche, so she had to use the shooting to delay the retreat of the Qingzhou Army.


   The number of the Qingzhou Army is getting smaller and smaller, whether Zhao Gongzi and his generals can break through the encirclement becomes a question.


   Le Yi’s two thousand cavalry are still watching.


   Unexpected changes are not within the battlefield, but outside the battlefield. A Yellow Turban army came to meet the Qingzhou Army!


   "Can't let them have any chance to fight back!"


  Le Yi immediately threw two thousand cavalry into the battlefield, and attacked the coming Yellow Turban army!


   This 10,000-person Yellow Turban Army sent by Guanhai to support was suddenly attacked by Le Yi's two thousand cavalry.


   The unlucky Yellow Turban Army attracted Le Yi's attention and provided opportunities for Zhao Gongzi, Tai Shici, Xue Wanche, and Dorgon to break through the encirclement, because Le Yi's cavalry had already been engaged in the battle against the Yellow Turban Army.


   "My 70,000 professional soldiers were destroyed once..."


   Young Master Zhao looked to the rear, the ruined soldier was still being chased by the opposing cavalry, but he was of no avail. Currently there are only a few thousand people around him.


   The first time he suffered such a big defeat, he couldn't help being discouraged.


   "Lord, it's only one failure, what's the point! We still have a chance, Chu Zimou will always show flaws! We returned to Qingzhou, and we will come back to life!"


  Dorgun, as an extreme main fighter, persuaded Zhao Gongzi to regroup.


   "What you said is very true. We still have three counties and can reorganize the army soon. What about Wu Sangui?"


   Zhao Gongzi sacrificed 10,000 Yellow Turban Army as bait, escaped from birth, counted his generals, but found that Wu Sangui was missing.


  Dorgon said: "Wu Sangui and Chu Zimou have a deep vengeance, so it is very likely that they will kill him and fail to retreat in time. I led a team of cavalry to support him."




   In the chaotic battlefield, Wu Sangui's army is still seeing Zhao Yun's army.


   "Our army has been defeated, should I, Wu Sangui, lose to Chu Zimou forever? I am not reconciled!"


   Wu Sangui was almost hysterical facing the one-sided situation. The Guan Ning cavalry beside him was killed and wounded, and the three-eyed fire blunt as a blunt weapon was deformed by hitting the armor of the Xuzhou heavy cavalry and fell to the ground.


   Guanning cavalry achieved great results before the entire army was annihilated. In order to eliminate Wu Sangui's main cavalry, Zhao Yun sacrificed a large number of ordinary heavy cavalry.


  The red-eyed Wu Sangui looked around, only to find that his lord and other generals had already withdrawn from the battlefield one after another, only Wu Sangui who was fighting hard remained.


   Wu Sangui came back to his senses, sweating, he continued to stay on the battlefield, he might die at any time!


   Zhao Yun chases and kills Wu Sangui in the chaos army, intensifying Wu Sangui's thoughts of fleeing.




   Finally, Wu Sangui could not bear the tremendous psychological pressure, and led more than a thousand light cavalry, avoiding Zhao Yun, and ran away.


   "The enemy will leave!"


   Zhao Yun broke out from the chaos army, followed by Bai Ma Yicong, chasing Wu Sangui all the way!


   Zhao Yun's silver armor and white robe was stained red with blood, and his armor was dented. It was injured by Guan Ning's three-eyed blunt weapon.


   Guanning cavalry is indeed brave in combat, but Zhao Yun still led a large number of ordinary heavy cavalry to annihilate the seven hundred Guanning cavalry, chasing and killing Wu Sangui.


   The cavalry led by Wu Sangui kept falling behind and was shot by Baima Yicong.


   "No one can kill me Wu Sangui! I have been defeated by Chu Zimou many times, but he can never kill me once!"


  Wu Sangui, who has been defeated many times, is gradually crazy. This is his last pride. Chu Zimou can defeat him, but he cannot kill him!


   Wu Sangui used the left light cavalry to interfere with Zhao Yun's pursuit.


   Not far away, Dorgon led three hundred Eight Banners cavalry to meet him. As long as he met with Dorgon, Wu Sangui believed that he was basically safe.


   "Dorgon, die!"


   Zhao Yun couldn't help being annoyed when he saw the Zhengbaiqi cavalry led by Dorgon. When Dorgon was serving in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, he once killed Zhao Yun's old master. Zhao Yun repeatedly attacked Dorgon and tried to avenge him.


   Now that the two enemies meet, Zhao Yun immediately abandons Wu Sangui and turns to Dolgun!


"you again?"


  Dorgon was also impressed by Zhao Yun, who had raided him many times in Qingzhou before. He was afraid of Zhao Yun, and when he saw Zhao Yun coming, he immediately led the Eight Banners Cavalry to retreat.


   In Dorgon's view, killing a lord is not a big deal. The Qingzhou lords destroyed by the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou are not tens of thousands, and there are thousands, so they will not be chased by Zhao Yun all the way.


   "Dorgun has attracted the attention of the enemy, and I can survive. Chu Zimou, wait for me, even if I lose all battles, I will have revenge!"


   There are only a dozen cavalry around Wu Sangui, and he can't count how many times this is the first time he has been defeated by Chu Zimou and his generals.


   But he never gave up defeating Chu Zimou.


   "General, watch out!"


   Just when Wu Sangui thought he could survive, the cavalry around him reminded him anxiously.


   A figure galloped forward, bending the bow and shooting arrows, and the sharp arrow pierced Wu Sangui's throat!


   Wu Sangui covered his throat with both hands and looked at the arrow shaft exposed outside in disbelief.


   shot Wu Sangui directly with an arrow that hit the key!


   Wu Sangui fell from his horse unwillingly. Before he died, he looked at the general who shot him, as if he had seen him somewhere.


   "I told the lord before that I would kill you for him, and now I have fulfilled my promise."


   Hua Mulan put down her bow and arrow, drew out Tang Dao, and made up Wu Sangui two more knives to make sure that he could not die again.


   The lord said, to make up the knife.


   Wu Sangui, who once caused a lot of trouble to Chutian, finally died, and it was Mulan who first confronted Wu Sangui who shot Wu Sangui.


   At that time, Wu Sangui used the decapitation tactic to attack Chutian, but was blocked by Hua Mulan, and this time Wu Sangui died directly in the hands of Hua Mulan.


   A diamond-level military commander fell.


   The guard cavalry around Wu Sangui saw that the master was dead, and the birds and beasts scattered.


   It took one day for the Xuzhou Legion to calm the battlefield, destroy the 10,000 main force of the Qingzhou Legion and take more than 10,000 prisoners. There are still 40,000 Qingzhou troops who fled, and it is estimated that most of them will regroup under Zhao Gongzi, or escape back to the hometown.


   Qingzhou Army Corps damaged a general Wu Sangui, and lost more than 20,000 main force, morale is low. Zhao Gongzi merged with Guan Hai’s Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, resolved the siege of Zhucheng by himself, and withdrew to Beihai. Morale is low, and continuing to fight is just a waste of troops.


   "Wu Sangui and Guan Ning's cavalry were annihilated~www.readwn.com~ The Guanning cavalry I built with great difficulty..."


   Young Master Zhao knew that he would never be able to form Guan Ning cavalry again.


   When Wu Sangui died, he had no generals who possessed a Tier 7 heavy cavalry unit like Guanning Iron Cavalry. At present, only Mingguan, the prefect of Liaodong, has the ability to recruit Guanning cavalry. Guan Ning Tieqi is more powerful under Li Chengliang and Zu Dashou.


  Dorgon valued Wu Sangui very much. He felt heavy when he witnessed Wu Sangui being shot and said, "The lord can turn to the defensive position and consume the opponent's forces. As long as Chu Zimou is dragged down, it is our chance."


   "We still have to fight with Chu Zimou? If we continue to fight, where is our chance of winning?"


   Young Master Zhao weighed in his heart that he lost the opportunity to become the master of Xuzhou, and there will probably not be such a good opportunity in the future.


   On the other side, the White Robe Legion and the Scout Legion swept the battlefield and entered Zhucheng to join Zang Ba and Sun Guan. Zang Ba and Sun Guan were surprised to hear that Wu Sangui was shot by Hua Mulan.


   They have completed the most basic goal-to remove the Qingzhou Army's threat to the northern part of Langya.


   "What should we do next? Continue to defend, or take the initiative to attack Qingzhou?"


   Le Yi thought for a while, and said: "My infantry regiment is still marching slowly in Taishan County...Looking at the battle situation on the lord's side, we then decide to attack Beihai Country northward, or go south to support the lord."

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