Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 297: Pengcheng Blitz (Part 1)

"My Yuan Gonglu is not afraid of Yang Wudi, so I dare not attack Xiaopei, but Pengcheng is more valuable to attack."


   The commander-in-chief of Yuan Shu moved to Pengcheng with more than 100,000 troops, intending to conquer the city held by Mi Fang and Yin Li.


   Yuan Shu’s generals did not dare to be an enemy of Yang Ye. Since Yuan Shu wanted to fight Pengcheng and bypass Yang Ye, they were happy to do so.


   The prefect of Jiujiang led Chen Qingzhi and Hou Jing to meet Yuan Shu, and gave Yuan Shu face to his feet, and still regarded Yuan Shu as his lord.


   "There are two generals under his command, who can command the cavalry, and let the generals Ji Ling, Zhang Xun, Chen Lan, and Lei Bo command the infantry and archers. Although Xuzhou Mu has a large army, there is nothing to fear."


   The prefect of Jiujiang deliberately praised Yuan Shu in order to make Yuan Shu follow his advice.


   Yuan Shu received assistance from the Jiujiang Prefect, and he was helped by two cavalry generals to restore confidence: "I want Zhang Xun to lead the army to attack the city, and the rest of the troops to block the enemy. What do you think?"


   A number of generals replied: "It's so good."


   "Lord, Xiao Pei defender Yang Wudi is less than twenty miles away from our army's north camp!"


   Yuan Shu was planning to feast on the officials, but it turned out that Yang Wudi's spirit was still there and the wine bottle almost fell.


   Yang Wudi, Yang Wudi again!


   The name made Yuan Shu and the generals of Yuan Shu's forces panic.


   The prefect of Jiujiang didn’t know the prestige of Yuan Shu and his generals that frightened the enemy generals, and couldn’t help wondering: “How many people are there in Yang Ye? Why should you be afraid?”


   Yuan Shu trembled and said: "Yang Wudi is unparalleled in the world by force. Although he has only ten thousand riders under his command, he is invincible when he has ten thousand."


   "But 10,000 rides..."


   The prefect of Jiujiang couldn't help but contempt Yuan Shu.


   Yang Ye had ten thousand cavalry, and he was not a special cavalry. Yuan Shu had more than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and he was intimidated by Yang Ye's ten thousand cavalry.


   "If the lord uses these two cavalry vassals under his men, they will cooperate with each other, even if it is two Yang Ye."


   The Jiujiang prefect continued to recommend Chen Qingzhi and Hou Jing to Yuan Shu.


   Yuan Shu hesitantly looked at the two below: "Can they really match Yang Wudi?"


   "No problem."


   "I will hand over 30,000 cavalry to them and fight against Yang Wudi."


   Yuan Shu had no choice but to help Yang Ye, so he had to count on Chen Qingzhi and Hou Jing to play a role.


   "Lead the life!"


   Chen Qing divided Yuan Shu 20,000 cavalrymen, while Hou Jing divided 10,000. They were stationed in Beiying, ready to meet Yang Ye.


   Yang Ye is aggressive, always thinking of capturing Yuan Shu alive in the army of 100,000.


   But he has been battle-tested and has a keen intuition for danger. When Chen Qingzhi's white robe army and a large number of light cavalry appeared, Yang Ye's intuition let him escape.


   Yang Ye's army began to retreat.


   Yuan Shu saw that Yang Wudi didn't dare to challenge, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Finally someone can restrain Yang Wudi!


   "Zhang Xun, you prepared siege equipment and captured Pengcheng in one fell swoop. Chen Lan and Lei Bo, you two formed a southern camp to guard against reinforcements that might come from the Lower Pi Kingdom. Ji Ling and I are in the army."


   Yuan Shu divides the army into the north camp to block Yang Wudi; the south camp, to guard against the army of the Pi Kingdom; the siege camp, to prepare for the siege affairs; the middle camp, to sit in the town personally to support all parties.


   Yuan Shu's deployment seemed to be dripping, and no one raised objections from the various alien lords and doormen.


   "Nanying's defense is weak, I am afraid that the lord will be garrisoned himself."


   Guo Jia privately proposed to the prefect of Jiujiang.


   His current status is not high, he is only an assistant to Yuan Shu's subordinates, and he cannot speak directly to Yuan Shu.


   "Please rest assured, military division, I have already sent scout cavalry to survey 30 miles south. Once the army of the Lower Pirate country arrives, they will detect it as soon as possible. The middle camp will immediately support the south camp."


   "Even so, you can't be careless, Pengcheng and Pingchuan are no more suitable for cavalry marching."


   "I will go to remind Chen Lan and Lei Bo to set up antlers and refuse horses to prevent them from being assaulted by the Xuzhou cavalry."


   The prefect of Jiujiang knew that most of Guo Jia's suggestions were effective, and he would not aimlessly. It is better to be careful.


   Pengcheng, Mi Fang saw the densely packed Yuan Shu army under the city, and he was immediately persuaded that he had planned to capture Yuan Shu alive.


   Mi Fang thought that Yang Ye led ten thousand cavalry to attack Yuan Shu's army three times, and he could almost capture Yuan Shu's deeds alive. But in fact, even if they saw Yuan Shu's army that couldn't see the end at a glance, not many people would dare to have such an idea.


   "There are only more than 20,000 soldiers in the city, how to hold on?"


  Taishan thief general Yin Li was sent to Pengcheng to assist in defense. He couldn't help being afraid when he saw the large number of Yuan Shujun regiments.


   Yuan Shu IV San Gong, plus sitting on a vast territory, has a lot of troops, at least the momentum looks very scary.


   "Yuan Gonglu is such a thing, I have never heard of him winning battles. He was **** off at Hulao Pass. Didn't our lord drive Dong Zhuo to Chang'an? In summary, Yuan Gonglu is just a shit."


   Mi Fang was carefree, but on the contrary, it stimulated the morale of the defenders.


   Although Yuan Shu has a large number of soldiers and horses, he has not heard of any victory. He only replaced it by attacking Yuzhou Governor.


   "Master Mi, since Yuan Shu is so unbearable, when can the city be released?"


   "This..." Mi Fang faced the enquiry of a group of captains and army Sima. Now that he has put down his cruel words, he might as well blow up the cowhide. "Without three or five days, Yuan Shu will definitely withdraw his troops."


   The corners of Yin Li's eyes twitched while listening to Mi Fang's boasting. Mi Fang also dared to brag. There were 180,000 troops outside the city. Let alone three to five days, the withdrawal of troops in ten days and a half is a miracle.


   But the soldiers believed Mi Fang's words and their morale was high. After all, Yuan Shu would withdraw his troops in three or five days. In three or five days, Yuan Shu couldn't capture Pengcheng, which was defended by a large army.


   The Chutian Legion, one hundred miles away from Pengcheng, has a total of 18,000 people, but it follows the Jiujiang Legion far away, without rushing closer.


   The opponent has a large number of scouts, and once they get close, they are easy to detect.


   Chutian was followed by two soldiers, Fang Xuanling and Lu Su, who wanted to determine the tactics to destroy Yuan Shu's army.


   Yuan Shu is too threatening to Xuzhou. Even if Yang Ye defeated Yuan Shu four times, making Yuan Shu feel terrified, the damage to Yuan Shu's army was actually limited. Soon Yuan Shu gathered the remnants and was able to regroup. His strength is too much.


   Under the premise that the various regiments in Xuzhou were restrained by Cao Cao and Zhao Gongzi, Chutian could only win more with less.


   "Pengcheng is located in the plains, with no danger to defend. It is suitable for large-scale cavalry marches. If the lord is willing to take risks, he can achieve unexpected results."


   "Military division means to lead the cavalry to march forcibly, and attack for hundreds of miles?"


   "That's it. Although it is risky, the outcome can be determined by one battle."


   "Adventure? Which marching battle is not an adventure? It is so decided. Order the soldiers to eat and drink to rest, set off tonight, and be sure to arrive in Pengcheng before dawn."


   "Please let Zijing go to the battlefield."


   In order to better integrate into the Xuzhou forces, Lu Su took the initiative to ask for the battle.


   Lu Su seems a little bit of force...


   Chutian agreed: "Zijing doesn't need to kill the enemy, just follow me."


   Chutian led the cavalry to make a surprise attack, it does not mean that Chutian must kill himself by himself.


   He is more of a cavalry commander.


  Chen Qingzhi, Xu Rong and others will personally lead the cavalry to fight, but they will not rush in front, the cavalry will work hard for them and drive them.


   Chutian took Zheng Zhilong and let Zheng Zhilong serve as the guard. At the same time, Chutian possessed 70 force of force and the probability of being beheaded by the enemy was very low.


   Intelligence shows that Yuan Shu’s army does not have a general with a force of more than 90, and it is impossible to take the leader of Chutian from the army.


   "This raid is an adventure. I, Zheng Zhilong, and Joan of Arc, led one thousand tun cavalry camps, one thousand vietnam cavalry camps, one thousand Changshui camps, and four thousand servants cavalry, traveling hundreds of miles at night to break the enemy!"


   Chutian only uses seven thousand rides.


   Although only seven thousand cavalry, these seven thousand cavalry are not ordinary cavalry, but high-level cavalry.


   Tun Cavalry Camp, Yueqi Camp, and Changshui Camp are Tier 6 cavalry in the fifth school of the Northern Army.


The cavalry of Joan of Arc is a high-ranking foreign cavalry captured by Chutian during the National War. Among them, the full-body armor noble knights are more than seven-tier arms, because the price of the full-body plate armor is too expensive, and the Teutonic Knights are also There are only more than one hundred full-length armor knights.


   In addition to this, there are Tier 5 Rajput cavalry of the Mughal Empire in India, the Arabian Empire cavalry, the Korean cavalry...


   Although the servant army cavalry is pieced together by various civilizations, under the control of Joan of Arc's fanatic ability, it can exert unexpected effects.


"The number of seven thousand cavalry is too small... After the Battle of Xuzhou, the Detachment Army has learned the lesson of insufficient mobility, and has generally equipped horses for transportation. Lord Lord, let the Detachment Army and his subordinates fight together. Lord Lord should really need his subordinates. ……Ability."


   Xia Liang brought Li Xiuning to request to play. She has an army aura.


   According to reason, if you take her, Chutian's cavalry will be more powerful.


   "It is because of the need for you that I cannot let you play."


   Chu Tian directly removed the words behind, Xia Liang Jiao's body was slightly shaken.


   "But if the lord is in trouble, his subordinates may not be able to live alone. And Xiuning has the ability to inspire morale. A hundred-mile raid will have a great impact on morale. If the soldiers do not have enough morale, it is like the end of a strong crossbow.


   Xia Liang's proposal made Chu Tian's heart moved. If you take Xia Liang and Li Xiuning, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry can indeed reach its peak.


   Not to mention the aura of the whole army that Xialiang comes with, morale is sluggish after the overnight march, Li Xiuning's motivational ability as the princess of Binh Duong is very important.


   Chutian has always been the supremacy of pragmatism, this time he was struggling somewhat, and finally said: "Well, you are participating in the raid. But you can only be in the rear."




   Summer Ryo and Li Xiuning were able to participate in the raid and were eager to try.


   Lu Su saw that there was some complicated relationship between these people.


   For Chu Tian, ​​it may be a subordinate or one of the few strangers that he often comes into contact with, ensuring that Chu Tian always maintains the thinking ahead of the times.


   In addition to the seven thousand cavalry and five thousand women's army (with horses instead of foot), the infantry battalion and the shooting battalion followed. Once Chutian is in a bitter battle ahead, the infantry battalion and the shooting battalion will play a role.


   13,000 people feasted and prepared for the hard march.


   These elite soldiers understand that if the food in the army becomes better, it means that they are going to die next.


   When you die, you have to be a ghost!


   All the soldiers sat on the ground, the battle was immediately, regardless of each other.


   "Xuzhou Mu's staff is full of talents. In contrast, the courage I brought to support is just a mob."


  Lu Su saw that Chu Tian, ​​an elite soldier, was strong and strong, and compared with the seven hundred courage he had brought, he immediately felt ashamed.


   Xiangyong is only Xiangyong after all. Compared with professional soldiers, there is a gap, not to mention that what Chutian used for the Baili raid was the elite of the elite.


   In addition to the early days of Chutian, there are few commanders in war.


   Most of the founding kings had to fight for their lives in person, and rarely escaped from death a few times, and they were embarrassed to say they were the founding kings. For Liu Bang to fight, even his family was captured by Xiang Yu, and Liu Bei's family was also captured by Cao Cao.


   has no military merits himself, it is difficult to suppress a group of civil servants and generals.


   No one in the Xuzhou forces dare to underestimate Xia Liang, because she has military merits.


   "Don't drink alcohol."


   Although Chutian let the soldiers eat a good meal before they fought hard, it doesn't mean that they can get drunk, so they can't fight.


   Saint Joan of Arc is also sitting on the ground, she has become accustomed to the behavior of Eastern cavalry.


   Just as the prairie tribes were greatly influenced by the agricultural civilization, the Central Plains cavalry was also greatly influenced by the prairie cavalry, so the Hufu cavalry and shooting reforms were introduced.


   Eastern cavalry come and go like the wind, rushing and turning around is common. The heavy cavalry is also not bad.


   "Aren't we going to fight Cao Mengde? Who is this Yuan Gongdao?"


   Saint Joan of Arc was tricked into fighting. She didn't know much about the princes around and could only passively obey orders.


   First hit Taishan County, and then went south to fight Yuan Shu. She didn't know what she was doing, only knew that she would fight with Chu Tian. It seemed that her way back to France was getting more and more difficult...


   The cavalry of the Servants Legion was lost in the Eastern Han Dynasty~www.readwn.com~ and could not return to their respective civilizations. They were somewhat similar to mercenaries. Their demanding lords are only willing to pay half of their military salary, but for some reason, it is difficult for them to betray. Compared with mercenaries, they are more like servants.


   Fang Xuanling was left by Chutian to command the infantry battalion and the shooting battalion, responsible for the post-breaking support.


   13,000 people took a break. When night fell, Chu Tian opened his eyes and saw that Li Xiuning in armor was ready, knowing that the time for the surprise attack had arrived.


   "Get on the horse, ready to fight!"


   Chutian turned on his horse, carrying a horn bow behind him, and placing twenty arrows in his quiver.


   The fierce big pirate Zheng Zhilong followed Chu Tian, ​​his weapon was a spear and a waist knife. Although Zheng Zhilong prefers to use knives, he immediately fights. After all, one inch is strong.


  The young Lu Su's saber around his waist, because he first went to the battlefield, the battlefield in the true sense, couldn't help but boil with enthusiasm.


  Why don’t men bring Wu hook and charge Guanshan Fifty States!


   Please go to Lingyan Pavilion temporarily, like a scholar!


"set off!"


   13,000 cavalry soldiers left the camp, with the help of the cover of night, a hundred li raid on Pengcheng!


   A long time ago, a person dared to play like this. That person was named Xiang Yu. 30,000 cavalry assaulted Liu Bang's 560,000 army!

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