Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 298: Pengcheng Blitz (Part 2)

At dawn, at the camp of Yuan Shu's army south camp, general Chen Lan's camp, a group of soldiers was about to leave the camp to replace the soldiers who patrolled last night, but the scene before them made them sober for an instant!


   In the darkness that is about to disappear, the overwhelming cavalry appeared, and Joan of Arc raised the Red Dragon Banner, hunting in the morning breeze!


   "Enemy attack!"


   Arrow rain poured down, the soldiers on patrol were covered by dense arrow rain, and the whole army was wiped out!


As a horse-riding infantry, the Detachment of Women, as they approached Chen Lan’s camp, immediately dismounted, cleared the trenches and rejected horses, and provided conditions for the steady stream of cavalry from behind to break into Chen Lan’s camp!




The one thousand high-ranking heavy cavalry of   tun cavalry camp, armed with sharp horses and spears, broke into Chen Lan's camp!


  The war horse galloped, and its iron hoof broke through the enemy's camp!


   Many soldiers who were still asleep were ruthlessly trampled by heavy cavalry!


   The cavalry in the Tunqi Camp under the command of Chu Tian was extremely terrifying, like a torrent of steel. The soldiers patrolling in the camp and the soldiers hurried out of the tent to face off encountered a group of monsters with humans and armors. This group of monsters weighed more than half a ton, and once they were trampled on, it was enough to kill!


   The sharp horse pierced the armor of ordinary soldiers easily without any accident!


   Tuned the cavalry camp to open the way, tore a hole, and a steady stream of servant army cavalry, Changshui camp, and Yue cavalry camp from the rear entered Chenlan camp.


   The full-body knight with only a crack exposed, holding the knight sword, slashed in the camp.


   This unseen unit before the Eastern Han Dynasty aggravated Yuan Shu’s soldiers' panic.


   "Monster, it's a monster!"


   Many Yuan Shujun soldiers are afraid of the full-body knights.


The heavy cavalry of   tun cavalry camp still showed a face anyway, and the whole body armor knight was like an airtight iron can.


  Because the language difference is not a problem in "Lord", the knight in full body armor can't help but feel depressed when he hears the opponent calling himself a monster. Doesn’t the armor look a little strange...




   When Yuan Shu's general Chen Lan came out of the tent, the camp was already in chaos, the iron cavalry galloped, and the camp was broken!


   Chen Lan, unable to reorganize the army, chose to retreat.


   The effect of Chutian's bonus to the cavalry troops is too powerful. In front of the Tun Cavalry Camp, Changshui Camp, and Yue Cavalry Camp, the Chen Lan Army was caught off guard only by being slaughtered!


   Thousands of soldiers were killed by condescending cavalry, and corpses were everywhere in the camp!


  After the Detachment of Women destroyed the fortifications of the Chen Lan Corps, they went to attack the camp of the Lei Bo Corps and spread the war to all the camps of Yuan Shu's forces!


"Do not!"


   Chen Lan was on the run, and found that a silver-armored female warrior would catch up from behind and stabbed with the knight's sword.


   Chen Lan tried to avoid the knight's sword, but was still pierced in the armor by Jeanne's long sword!


   The high-speed charge of the war horse makes the knight sword with the ability to break armor more penetrating, and it can easily penetrate into Chen Lan's body!


   Yuan Shu, another one of the few troops defeated and died!


   Joan can't judge Chen Lan's identity, just as an officer of Yuan Shu, and kill him.


   Chen Lan fell to the ground, and the Chen Lan army that had lost its generals fell apart.


   "Everyone follow!!"


   After easily stepping through the camp of Chen Lan's regiment, Chu Tian kept his horses and turned to attack Lei Bo's regiment.


The essence of    blitzkrieg is not how much the enemy is annihilated, but the constant defeat of the enemy, making the opponent unable to organize counterattacks!


   After the collapse of the Chen Lan army, it would take a lot of time to regroup again. In other words, the Chen Lan army has lost its combat effectiveness, and Chu Tian can let go of his hands and feet to attack other camps!


  The cavalry led by Chutian was extremely capable of breaking through the camp. After quickly destroying the Chen Lan army, the Detachment Army had basically cleared the obstacles in the Leibo army camp, and Chutian's cavalry was able to drive straight ahead!


   iron hoofs and horses neigh, once again stepped through the camp of the thunder thin army!


   was blocked by the Chen Lan army, Lei Bo's reaction time was longer, he chose to take his soldiers out of the camp.


   He turned his head to look at the shattered camp, feeling lingering. This cavalry was like thunder, fast and fast, and it was impossible to stop him.


   Chen Lan and Lei Bo’s Nanying camp had about 30,000 horses. Thousands of people were killed by Chutian’s cavalry, and more than 20,000 soldiers fled.


   "Assault north!"


   Chutian was in a tragic battlefield. Although he did not commit suicide, his consciousness was affected by the fighting around him. He knew that the cavalry he led only needed to attack, attack, and attack again!


  The 13,000 assault troops were affected by the blood of the main general and the battlefield, and became a tiger and wolf division!


   Although their number is small, they are the hunters, and Yuan Shujun is the prey!


   Yuan Shu’s middle camp and siege battalion had the largest number of people. When they heard the screams of killing in the south camp, they understood that the south camp was attacked and hurriedly prepared for battle.


   "Could it be that Yang Wudi is here again?!"


   Yuan Shu came out of the tent, holding a knife and a shield. Ever since he was attacked by Yang Ye several times, Yuan Shu had nothing but a soldier, his saber and shield had never left his body. At this time, he was attacked, but he could react in time.


   Long history Yang Hong and General Ji Ling came to see Yuan Shu: "Nanying was attacked."


   "How could it be Nanying? Did Yang Wudi bypass Beiying and Zhongying and attack Nanying directly?"


   Yuan Shu was afraid of Yang Ye, and the enemy he thought of now was Yang Ye: "Ji Ling, you led 20,000 soldiers to rescue the South Camp. You must drive Yang Wudi away!"


   Yuan Shu thinks that Ji Ling can still block Yang Ye with superior force.


   Even if Yang Ye is better than Ji Ling, there are 30,000 people in the Nanying camp, plus the 20,000 people Ji Ling went to assist, 10,000 cavalry can't compete with 50,000 soldiers.


   "Lead the life!"


   Ji Ling wanted to remove 20,000 soldiers, but the Yuan Shujun regiment who had been attacked now was panicked. Ji Ling was ordered to dispatch troops and horses when he was in danger, and the chaos was aggravated.


   "It's already late, lord, it's better to return to Shouchun and look at the general trend of the world..."


   The camp of the Jiujiang County Legion, Guo Jia can already see the cavalry rushing towards the Chinese army.


  According to his judgment...The Yuan Shujun regiment, where the generals are still summoning soldiers, will suffer most of the casualties!


   Jiujiang prefect is not reconciled: "We still have soldiers and horses, and we can resist!"


   "But... that cavalry has already arrived!"


   Chutian led the cavalry to drive away the defeated soldiers in the southern camp, and charged Yuan Shu's center camp!


   He can't tell which camp Yuan Shu is in, he only knows to attack!


   More than 20,000 collapsed soldiers smashed the obstacles set by Yuan Shuzhong's army, the corpses filled the trenches, and Chutian's cavalry could go unimpeded!


The heavy cavalry from   tun cavalry camp galloped past and broke another camp!


   The alien lord of this camp was deeply trapped and unable to get out. He was trampled to death by the heavy cavalry in the camp.


  Since he chose the road of hegemony, he must bear the price of defeat and death.


   Even Chutian must prepare for death before every battle, and even consider Xia Liang as his heir without an heir.


   Tun cavalry camp broke one battalion, Yue cavalry camp broke one battalion, Changshui camp broke one battalion, servant cavalry broke two battalions!


Not to be outdone, the Detachment of Women formed a phalanx to attack the enemy camp on foot, and they broke through several camps one after another!


   Yuan Shu’s middle camp had no time to organize a defense. Although they had obtained time to prepare when the southern camp was attacked, the mobilization of 100,000 people was extremely clumsy and many camps were broken!


   The brazier was dumped and the tent in the camp was lit. The tent was covered by a raging fire and black smoke billowed!


   Soldiers are everywhere, even if Chutian orders the cavalry to stop cutting and killing the enemy, it is estimated that the enemy will trample on themselves, and thousands of people will be killed and injured.


   Chutian's cavalry aggravated the chaos in Yuan Shuzhong's camp.


   It is rare for Chu Tian to bend his bow and shoot arrows to kill a soldier of Yuan Shu.


   In order to express loyalty, Zheng Zhilong followed Chu Tian with a shield in his hand.


   Lu Su drew his sword and wanted to step forward to kill the enemy, but Chu Tian stopped him.


   The extent to which Chu Tian allowed Lu Su to take risks, at best, was the same as him, shooting a dark arrow from a distance, not allowing him to charge into the battle.


   Lu Su's impulse is also understandable.


   Everywhere in front of him were the defeated soldiers of the Yuan Shujun regiment, falling under Chutian's butcher knife like a mustache.


   He has never seen a one-sided battlefield.


   This is not so much a war as a unilateral massacre.


   The Yuan Shujun regiment, which was assaulted by the Chutian cavalry, exposed the nature of being strong in the outside world and being in chaos.


  Chutian only needs to rush to attack one camp after another, and he can break all the camps!


   "Yuan Gonglu is nothing but that!"


   Li Xiuning, as a hero of the female middle school, holds a longbow and shoots through an enemy soldier, unstoppable.


   Under her encouragement, the morale of the Detachment of Women and the friendly troops around the Detachment of Women soared, their combat effectiveness was restored to their peak, and Yuan Shu was swooped!


   Saint Joan of Arc held the knight's sword and slashed, blood splattering her armor.


   As a foreign general captured by Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian actually doesn't pay much attention to her life and death, so he can let her lead the cavalry charge.


   Under her leadership, the servant army cavalry is more motivated, like crazy, pushing forward regardless of casualties!


   "For the flange..."


   Saint Joan of Arc originally planned to shout slogans to inspire the soldiers, but after another thought, it seemed that this was not France, and most of the cavalry she led were not French.


   "For the Lord and glory, dye the red flag with the blood of the enemy!"


   Joan of Arc had to change her words.


   Soon the cavalry has broken through half of the center camp of Yuan Shujun!


  The only one with combat effectiveness is the soldiers and horses brought by the prefect of Jiujiang from Shouchun.


   The bowmen of the Jiujiang Corps used their crossbows to shoot a large number of the Changshui Camp cavalry who attacked their camp. More than one hundred Changshui Camp cavalry were killed by the intensive rain of arrows and suffered heavy losses.


   Xia Liang, according to Chutian's request, only assisted Li Xiuning in commanding the Women's Army in the rear, and Li Xiuning left a thousand women's army to give Xia Liang direct command.


   She noticed that the resistance of the Jiujiang Legion was very threatening, so she ordered the Thousand Women's Army to drive a large number of Yuan Shurui troops to the camp of the Jiujiang Legion.


   Jiujiang Legion's bows and crossbows were fired, but the soldiers shot and killed were the soldiers of Yuan Shu Legion.


The rout soldiers driven by Xia Liang attracted the attention of the Jiujiang Legion, and Li Xiuning cooperated with Xia Liang and led the four thousand women's army back to the rear of the Jiujiang Legion. The two flanked them. In addition, the Changshui Camp cavalry suffered heavy casualties and angrily attacked the Jiujiang Army. The Jiujiang Legion broke!


   The prefect of Jiujiang had to give up and start to evacuate the battlefield.


  Chen Qingzhi and Hou Jing were transferred to deal with Yang Ye. The Jiujiang Legion lacked core generals. Unexpectedly, the Jiujiang prefect who would be attacked suffered a big loss and was defeated by a corps with fewer people than him.


   When the Women's Army and the Changshui Camp defeated the Jiujiang Legion, the Tun Cavalry Camp, the Yue Cavalry Camp, and the Servant Army cavalry went straight to Yuan Shu!


   Chu Tian hated Yuan Shu, so Chu Tian didn't plan to catch it alive.


   As for the impact of Yuan Shu, who killed the fourth generation and the third master, Chu Tian did not consider.


   Isn’t it the fourth generation and the third male? Chu Tian was also from the background of the fourth generation and the three males.


   "Xuzhou Mu and An Dong General Chu Zimou are here, to capture Runan Yuan Gonglu alive, reward one thousand, and kill Yuan Gonglu three thousand taels!"


  Since Yuan Shu still had a large number of soldiers around him, in order to destroy Yuan Shu's morale, Chu Tian ordered his cavalry to shout.


   Yuan Shu heard the earth-shaking shouts, as if embarrassed on all sides, his liver and gallbladder split.


   Only one thousand taels of gold was used to capture him alive, but three thousand taels of gold to kill him. Chu Zimou wanted him to die!


   "Lord, let the generals go to kill Chu Zimou!"


   Ji Ling took the initiative to fight!


  Everyone here is waiting, only Ji Ling's force is acceptable.


   "The general situation is over, Chu Zi is trying to win the three armies bravely. The force is unstoppable and cannot be an enemy. We should withdraw as soon as possible and fight again in the future..."


   Yuan Shu was frightened by the reputation of Xuzhou Muchu Zimou, and he wanted to go first.


   After Yang Wudi, this is the second person to make Yuan Shu talk about tigers!


  Who would have thought that Xuzhou Muchu Zimou himself was also a fierce cavalry commander?


   "The enemy has less than five hundred steps!"


   When Yuan Shu was about to retreat, he found that a dozen full-armored knights led by Joan of Arc had rushed to a distance of only 500 steps!


   The surrounding guards faced the full-body armored knights, whose ordinary swords were difficult to break, and the iron canned cavalry who had never seen them collapsed.


   Saint Joan of Arc assaulted head-on, like a broken bamboo!


   "Get out!"


   Yuan Shu was frightened and fled on horseback with the help of Ji Ling and other generals.


   The civil servants including Yang Hong didn't even care about the army, one could escape.


   "Yueqiying detours to intercept ~www.readwn.com~Don't let Yuan Shu go!"


   As Yuan Shuzhong's camp broke down, Chu Tian's appetite was even greater. He wanted to capture or kill Yuan Shu directly and let Yuan Shu's power fall apart!


   The remaining hundreds of cavalrymen in the Yue Cavalry Camp made a detour to intercept Yuan Shu who had escaped!


   Yuan Shu's soul flew away, but fortunately, Ji Ling and other troops struggled to stop Yueqi Camp, and Yuan Shu was not killed.


   Zheng Zhilong was sent by Chu Tian to hunt down Yuan Shu. His archery was second to third-rate, and he shot Yuan Shu's horse with one arrow.


   Yuan Shu was caught off guard and fell off his horse. He rolled on the ground for a few laps, bleeding and dusty.


   He got up from the ground with difficulty, dizzy, Zheng Zhilong and Yueqiying behind were still fighting fiercely, he was terrified. If he is overtaken by Yueqiying, he will die forever!


   He hurriedly looked around and saw that a donkey man was driving a donkey cart with food to flee for his life. At this time, he couldn't save face and grabbed the donkey cart.


   "Get down!"


   Yuan Shu kicked the donkey husband and took the reins himself.




   Facts have proved that human potential is infinite when facing death. Yuan Shu drove the donkey cart fast, and the donkey cart was bumpy, like driving a swift wind.


   Zheng Zhilong was stunned. He had planned to chase Yuan Shu, but Ji Ling had already watched him, so he had to face Ji Ling with a sword and shield, and let Yuan Shu go away.

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