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Thousands of defenders were killed in the Battle of Luntai City, and the battle between the Expeditionary Forces of the Han Empire and the Allied Forces of Temujin and Chagatai broke out on the edge of the desert east of Luntai City!

The Mongolian cavalry and the Huarazimian cavalry launched a tentative attack, trying to shake the formation of the Han army!

Chu Tian looked in the direction of Luntai City and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It seems that some generals died in the battle.

The war between the Han empire and the Mongol empire was too tragic.

This national war may be the most deadly of the Han Empire's famous generals.

In the past national wars, the Warring States was unfavorable, and you can still withdraw from the battlefield, but this time the national war broke out in the main world, and the division of land must be struck.


Joan of Arc carefully reminded Chu Tian who was distracted.

Chu Tian is the head coach in this decisive battle with the Temujin and Chagatai coalition forces. If the opportunity is missed because of distraction, the Han army may be defeated.

"Luntai City is holding on, we can't hold back."

Chu Tian focused on the front battlefield.

On the frontal battlefield, the total strength of the two sides reached 500,000, and they saw the wasteland.

Temujin was not all on the offensive either. Chagatai from Central Asia used the camel city tactics-lying on the ground with a camel bound to the hoof, carrying a wooden box, covered with wet felt, forming a camel city to protect the two wings.

Then Temujin attacked the Han army with cavalry, trying to shake the Han army's formation.

Both sides are elite divisions, and the battlefield is extremely stalemate.

The Han army planned to carry out an assault on the flanks, but Camel City in Chagatai blocked the Han army's offensive.

The military vehicles of the Han army had the same defensive effect as the Camel City. The Mongolian cavalry was difficult to break through the military vehicles, and the Han army was also helpless with the Camel City. The fighting between the two sides was inextricably difficult to understand from the afternoon until sunset.


Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun led the white-robed army to the front of the Camel City. The Mongolian cavalry who fleeed in the future would not be able to kill them. The archers and crossbowmen ambush behind the Camel City fired all their arrows.

Fang Tian painted a halberd and a gentian bright silver spear, hitting the flying arrows, and countless arrows splashed around!

Dozens of white-robed cavalry could not withstand the dense arrow rain and fell under the chaotic arrows.

"You must find a way to break through the Camel City, otherwise it will be difficult for the two wings to break through."

Chu Tian faced the tactics of the Central Asian cavalry for the first time.

The city wall made up of camels is as defensively as military vehicles.

Sun Bin said: "It may be a miracle to concentrate the twenty war elephants brought by Muke girl."

"War elephant?"

Chu Tian thought that Mu Ke had also brought such a behemoth, which seemed to be the key to breaking the game.

"In addition to the war elephant, I also borrowed the bones from Mu Ke."

Chu Tian thought that a fierce general as tall as a camel might be able to use the power of a fierce general to forcefully break through the camel city!

"General, Miss Xia asked to attack the Camel City with the Shenji Camp, and break it!"

When Chu Tian discussed with Sun Bin to deal with Camel City in Chahetai, Xialiang's Shenjiying requested to attack the Camel City on the left.

"Shenji Camp...I understand, and then ask Mu Ke of the Chinese Army to ask Qin Liangyu's white soldiers. We need an infantry to capture Camel City."

Chu Tian was going to leave a lot of elite soldiers from Mu Ke, and then said to Dian Wei, "Dian Wei, you lead the tiger guard and go to the left army to help."


With a sound of anger, Dian Wei led a team of tiger guards to the left army.

"Military division, when will the time come?"

Chu Tian has been waiting for the opportunity.

Sun Bin said: "It's coming soon. Before that, we need to break the Camel City."

Chu Tian could only choose to believe in what Sun Bin said, patience and Temujin saw.

Both sides are very calm. Even Temujin no longer tries to push forward, because Temujin found that it is difficult for his cavalry to break through the Han army, so he chose to consume it with the Han army.

Yelv Chucai said to Tie Muzhen: "According to the marching route of the Han army, they don't have much water. As long as the delay continues, the winner will be profusely."

"It can put us on a half-defensive position. This Han army is no small thing."

Temujin recognized the strength of Chutian's expeditionary force.

Few legions allowed Temujin and others to defend while attacking.

After some discussions, Temujin and Chagatai decided to block the Han army in the wasteland, exhaust the water and arrows of the Han army, and attack again and destroy the expeditionary army.

If it was just a normal opponent, Temujin would not be allowed to use procrastination tactics. A wave-like impact is enough to break through the enemy formation.

The camel and camel city tactics brought by Chagatai from Central Asia effectively protected the flanks of Temujin and Chagatai's coalition forces, making the tactics of the Han army's breakthrough from the flanks invalid.

The Han army was eager to relieve the siege of Luntai City, and the supplies were limited, while the Mongolian army hoarded a batch of grain, grass and water resources here.

Although the way of winning was somewhat inconsistent with Temuzhen's expectations, he could annihilate this new force of the Han Empire. Temujin didn't mind using this tactic.

"Qin Liangyu, Wu Tu Gu, we will go to the Left Army! The fifth Northern Army Academy will succeed us!"

Mu Ke took Wutugu and Qin Liangyu to the left army, and took away twenty elephants as the reserve team.

Dianwei, Yuchigong, Cheng Yaojin, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Tai Shici gathered in the Zuojun. When Qin Liangyu and Wu Tugu arrived, they found that these people were extremely powerful.

Chutian intends to gather the fierce generals together and break through the camel city!

The existence of Camel City has seriously hindered the offensive of the Han army and must be broken!

"With the heavy infantry armored as a cover, the Shenji Battalion fired and broke through from the middle to cut the Camel City into two sections."

Xia Liang is in the front line of the Zuo Army in specific command.

As the head coach, Chu Tian not only mobilized the soldiers and horses of the left army, but also issued military orders to the right army, asking Huo Qubing to prepare for an attack.

In the left army, Mu Guiying led the heavy infantry to form a dense phalanx, attacking Camel City, and behind the heavy infantry, the Shenji Battalion advanced forward.

"The Han army intends to attack Camel City!"

"Monk Wanyan Chen, your loyal army, go and stop the Han army!"

Temujin discovered the intention of the Han army, and the Han army obviously wanted to tear down the camel city that blocked them!

Monk Wanyan Chen led the Zhongxiao Army and Heli Army to support Tuocheng.

Behind the Camel City, tens of thousands of crossbowmen throwing arrows at the Han army, even the Shenjiying camp will be shot!


After Shenjiying approached Tuocheng, thousands of arquebuses fired volleys, and the white gunpowder was filled with smoke.

The few archers who came up were shot by lead bullets!

"The Shenji camp of the Han army, even if the sweaty Xue Jun has suffered a lot from his men, but the number of the Shenji camp is small, my Camel City will not fail!"

Chagatai personally defended Camel City, led the archers behind the Camel City, and used arrow rain to cover the attacking Han Shenji battalion and heavy infantry!

The matchlock of Shenjiying, even with strong armor-breaking ability, cannot penetrate the camel.

Moreover, there were not many people in the Shenji Camp, and it was impossible to suppress it in the face of several times the number of archers in the Shenji Camp.

Behind the Camel City, there are still cavalry gathering.

"Do you think the matchlock is only used to suppress the archer? It can also block the field of vision."

Xia Liang urged Shenjiying in the rear, but would not rush to the front.

When Shenjiying’s matchlock gun fired, the smoke from the burning of black powder blocked the sight of the enemy on the opposite side.

The twenty-headed huge iron-clad war elephant, driven by the elephant slave, used the smoke of the gunpowder to launch an assault on Camel City!

Wu Tu Gu, Dian Wei, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Tai Shi Ci and others followed behind the armored war elephant, and then rushed in!

In the rear, Qin Liangyu's white **** and vine armor pawn!

Further to the rear, the black armor army of Yuchigong and Cheng Yaojin, the knight army of Altria, and the white robe army of Chen Qingzhi are waiting to break through the opposite camel city, and then the battle will be determined!

The sound of matchlock guns from Shenjiying came one after another, and Temujin felt inexplicably irritable when he heard familiar sounds.

Not long ago, it was the camp of Shenji who shot and killed many cavalrymen of the Qixue Army, and even the general of the Qixue Army, Borhu, was killed in the First Battle of Cheshiguo.

Temujin was extra careful in places where Shenjiying came and went.

"White smoke filled the eyes, blocking the sight!"

Temujin discovered the direction of Shenjiying, because the smoke from the burning of black powder blocked his vision, it was difficult to judge for a while.

"Chi Lao Wen and Borhu, support the Xue Jun Xue and tell Chagatai that you must be careful of the Han army launching a surprise attack!"

For some reason, Temujin was terrified by the unknown offensive of the Han army in the smoke.

Xue Jun mobilized immediately!

However, it was too late.

In the smoke and dense fog produced by the Shenji Camp, twenty iron-clad war elephants gathered and launched an impact on Camel City from a distance of less than 100 meters!

Mu Ke seems to have the ability to cause violent war elephants. Twenty iron-clad war elephants braved the arrow rain of the Mongolian army. After sacrificing two war elephants, they slammed into the camel city!

The camel blocking the front was hit by the war elephant, and the war elephant broke through the camel city like a fortress!

The Mongolian cavalry in the rear was stunned for a while, and the remaining eighteen violent war elephants smashed into a rampage, causing a **** storm among the Mongolian cavalry. At least dozens of cavalry were too late to react and were trampled to death by the war elephants!

"Close the gap!"

Chagatai discovered that Camel City was assaulted by a violent iron-clad war elephant. After a gap appeared, his face was pale.

This gap is located in the middle of Tuocheng. Once the gap is enlarged, the Han army can cut Tuocheng into two parts!

The huge umbo bones held a wooden stick in their hands, followed the armored war elephant, and entered the gap in the camel city. The wooden stick fell, directly smashing a war horse to death!

Wutu bones are like giants!

Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun rushed into the gap, followed by Dianwei and Tiger Guards!

Chagatai became more panicked and ordered thousands of cavalry to attack the Han army who broke into the gap!

He knew that the gap in Camel City could not continue to be widened, otherwise the Han army would drive in and break his Chagatai Khanate army!

Thousands of cavalry in Hua Lazimo, armed with spears, launched an assault on Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Dianwei and others!

These fierce generals and hundreds of tiger guards faced the impact of tens of thousands of cavalry and fell into a hard fight!

Yuchigong and Cheng Yaojin led the Xuanjia Army to support!

On the side of the army of the Chagatai Khanate, the loyal and filial army of the monk Wanyan Chen and the Heli Army appeared, which made Chagatai a little relieved.

Monk Wanyan Chen and his loyal and filial army caused headaches for the Han army.

Xue Rengui slashed hundreds of cavalry soldiers, and Zhao Yun did the same. Dian Wei shook his horses and cavalry on foot without fear.

When the Zhongxiao Army and the Heli Army were assembled ~ www.readwn.com ~ ready to charge Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun, they had to treat them with caution.

However, it seems that Monk Wanyanchen does not intend to directly charge, but wants to use the Huarazimo cavalry to consume the physical strength of Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Dianwei and others.

Monk Wanyan Chen obviously also learned to preserve his strength, knowing that the Zhongxiao Army and the Heli Army charged ahead and would suffer heavy losses in front of the Han army.

Monk Wanyan Chen's eyes looked at several Han soldiers, as if waiting for the opportunity.

Fang Tian painted a halberd to slay dozens of cavalry, and the gentian's bright silver spear stabbed the general of Hua Lazimo to death.

Thousands of Hualazimo cavalry died under the offensives of Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Dianwei and other fierce generals. Dianwei's tiger guard suffered heavy casualties, and the Xuanjia Army and the Knight Army began to break into it!

"The loyal and filial army, the united army, charge with me!"

Monk Wanyan Chen caught the fighter, and led thousands of high-ranking cavalry to charge the exhausted Han soldiers!

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