Lord of the People of Online Games

Chapter 589: Strong wind!

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The banner of the Han army was hunting.

Chu Tian glanced at the banner of the Han army and found that the banner was pointing in the direction of the Temujin and Chagatai coalition forces.

The last time the Cheshi Kingdom battle was also a gale.

Only this time, the Han army occupied Tianshi!

The dust was flying, everyone looked in the direction of the wind, and the Han army was in the upper wind!

Temujin's face was pale.

Not only Temujin, but Yelv Chucai, Ali Hague, Mu Huali and others around him were all pale.

They all know what the wind direction means at this time.

The Han army is about to attack!

"The whole army stands firmly and cannot retreat. Those who retreat without authorization, cut!"

Temujin noticed a change in the direction of the wind and immediately organized his troops for defense.

Last time he was taken advantage of by Temujin, but this time, Sun Bin talked with the locals, and roughly inferred that Tianshi gave the Han army the upper hand!

"Across the board!"

Of course Chu Tian would not let go of this good opportunity, and was rushed by Temujin with the strong wind in Cheshi Nation. This time, Sun Bin noticed the change of wind direction here, and the Han army had the upper hand, and it was entirely possible to use the wind and dust to organize an all-out attack.

The Han army waved its flag and issued an offensive order to the three armies.

At this time, Cao Gui activates the effect of "one blast", and Joan of Arc triggers the effect of restoring morale and fanaticism. The morale of the Han army was boosted, and the Le Yi army used for the frontal attack fell into a frenzy, and its combat power quickly increased.

There is a time limit for the fanaticism. During this time limit, the Le Yi Legion must attack with all its strength, otherwise, it may be overturned by Temujin!

Not only Joan of Arc, Liang Hongyu and Li Xiuning also launched the effect of restoring morale. The morale of the Han army was restored to its peak, and morale was like a rainbow!

When Wang Xuance was on the right army, when the wind direction changed, he said, "The time for counterattack has arrived!"

"The general ordered me to detour, Li Siye and Wang Xuance, you two led the army to attack from the front."

Huo Qubing prancing with a gun excitedly.

The order he received was to attack Temujin's flank in a roundabout way and take Temujin directly!

Hundreds of Han imperial horses followed Yu Huo Qubing around.

They are Tier 9 light cavalry. On this battlefield, with Huo Qubing's bonus, no light cavalry can match them!

In addition to the Han Empire's hussars, there were about 3,000 light cavalry who followed Huo Qubing to attack. Using the cover of sand and dust, they could have unexpected effects.

"Fight back across the board!"

Le Yi drew his sword, pointed forward, swallow armor holding a shield and halberd, and attacked forward!

The fighting between the left armies has entered a fever pitch.

Monk Wanyan Chen led the Zhongxiao Army and the Heli Army to attack Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun and other heroes of the Han Empire.

There were loyal cavalry in all directions, and spears stabbed from all directions. Xue Rengui clamped a few spears and broke them and killed a loyal cavalry.

Monk Wanyanchen stared at Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Dianwei and others who were fighting hard. He was waiting for the best time to go forward and kill the generals of the Han Empire.

However, he noticed that the wind and sand were everywhere, the Han army was in the upper hand, and the white robe army of the left army had launched an offensive.

"not good……"

Wanyan Chen's heart sank.

The Shenji Camp was still shooting Camel City violently, and the dense arquebuses finally suppressed the trembling Camel City archers.

Qin Liangyu's white soldiers then attacked, surpassed Camel City, and fought against the Chagatai Khanate army in the rear!

The white soldiers belong to the mountain infantry, and they can easily pass the camel city!

The white gun was like a pear flower in Qin Liangyu's hands, where the shadow of the gun was covered, the enemy soldiers killed it!

Behind the white-armed soldiers is the vine armor. The vine armor of the vine armor can effectively resist the bows of the Mongolian archers.

If Mongolian archers change into rockets, they may burn the vine armor to death.

However, Mongolian archers have never seen this kind of vine armor, especially the Khwarazmo cavalry from Central Asia, and have never seen special infantry from the southern and central regions.

The Han army took advantage of the wind to fully attack the Mongolian army's front, and the Mongolian army's front quickly shrank.

"Khan, Chagatai asks for help again!"

"Krasu, you lead the Roman legion to support."


Although Krasu was somewhat reluctant, he led the Roman legions to the direction of the Chagatai Khanate army.

Everyone’s focus was on the direction of the left army of the Han empire. The fierce generals of the Han Empire attacked the army of the Chagatai Khanate in the left army!

The Shenjiying made a three-stage attack, and the white smoke filled the Camel City of Chagatai.

Not only did the war elephants break through the gaps, more Han troops broke through the walls of camels, and a steady stream of Han troops broke in through several gaps.

Chen Qingzhi led the White-robed Army to tear through another gap. The White-robed Army’s ring-headed knife slashed, cutting down the oncoming Khalizim Cavalry, and each of them fell on the white-robed army’s ring-headed knife. under.

King Arthur Altorina led the Cavaliers to tear through the gap from the other direction. Western plate-armored knights assaulted all the way, with their full-body plate armor, shaking the Khalizim cavalry!

The holy sword was glowing with cold light, and a Khwarizmo cavalry had not reacted yet, and was beheaded by the holy sword. The Khwarizmo cavalry fell from the horseback, and the blood splashed on the expressionless face of King Arthur.

When the western knight commander drove straight in, Chi Laowen led the Qi Xue Jun to the battlefield of the Chagatai army, and it happened to meet the knight army led by King Arthur.

King Arthur's holy sword struck Chi Lao Wen's spear diagonally, Chi Lao Wen blocked it, and the spear in his hand was almost cut off by the holy sword.

The Western knights fought against the Eastern Qi Xue Jun, and Qi Xue Jun had the upper hand!

Among the Western knights currently commanded by King Arthur, there are all types of knights in Western civilization. If it is the Knights of the Round Table, the individual combat power is stronger than Xue Jun, but King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table have been exhausted in the previous battle.

Overall, Xue Jun faintly suppressed mixed Western knights. King Arthur fell into a bitter battle, but King Arthur's force was higher, suppressing Chi Laowen, and wanted to kill Chi Laowen.

"I have worked for a lot of sweat for many years, how can you kill me?!"

Chi Lao Wen leads Qi Xue Jun to death!

Xue Jun and Chi Lao Wen fought side by side, and King Arthur also faced the offensive of Chi Lao Wen and Chi Lao Wen!

The number of Western knights around King Arthur is decreasing.

At this moment, with a bang, the sound of a familiar gunshot that made Xue Jun fear frightened, Shenjiying once again fired at Xue Jun!

The Shenji battalion is protected by heavy infantry and Detachment Army, so it dares to face the Xue Jun.

Among the continuously defeating Chagatai Khanate cavalry, there was a thousand Mongolian households who fought bravely and killed hundreds of vine armor soldiers.

There are only one thousand cavalry under this thousand Mongolian households.

He saw Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army rushing back and forth among the cavalry in Chagatai, so he led his Mongolian cavalry to assault Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army from the flanks!

"The time of day is really good for us, the first battle can determine the outcome!"

Chen Qingzhi witnessed the defeat of the army of the Chagatai Khanate. He knew that this time the Han army had a very high winning rate!

Suddenly, a thousand-man Mongolian cavalry charged against Chen Qingzhi's white robe army.

The Mongolian cavalry pierced Chen Qingzhi's cavalry from the flanks, beheading more than a hundred cavalry!

The combat effectiveness of this Mongolian cavalry is actually higher than that of the cavalry led by other Mongolian generals!

The cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate generally received the bonus directly from Chagatai, but this cavalry seemed to benefit from the bonus of this young thousand households!

Could it be that the bonus given to the cavalry by this young thousand households is higher than the bonus given by Chagatai to the cavalry?

Seeing the bravery of the young cavalry in front of him, Chen Qingzhi came with interest and led the white robe army to besiege the young cavalry.

Chen Qingzhi wants to capture this hero alive. In Chen Qingzhi's view, he is not an ordinary Mongolian household.

Thousands of white-robed soldiers attacked the Mongolian cavalry led by the young thousand households, raising their swords high.

The young thousand households seemed not afraid, but led the cavalry to countercharge and attack Chen Qingzhi's white robe army!

This cavalry is the elite of the Han army!

The moment Young Thousand Households confronted the White-robed Army, they knew that the White-robed Army was nothing ordinary cavalry.

In the entire battlefield, only the hussars of the Han Empire were of higher rank than the white robe army.

However, the White-robed Army had a weakness. After Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun went to kill the enemy, the White-robed Army commander Chen Qingzhi's force was not high. This was the breakthrough for the White-robed Army.

Realizing this, this young thousand households launched an assault on Chen Qingzhi, the coach of the White-robed Army!

Young Qianhu held a spear in his hand, and the white-robed army cavalry who blocked him along the way died under his spear.

However, the white robe army's ring sword also cut him.

One cavalry fell in front of him, and then he did not feel sorry for his cavalry, but rushed to Chen Qingzhi desperately!

Even though they were injured, thousands of Mongolian households still killed Chen Qingzhi, getting closer and closer to Chen Qingzhi.

This person was extraordinary, and Chen Qingzhi became more certain that this was not an ordinary hero.

However, this thousand households still underestimated the combat power and willpower of the White-robed Army.

The white-robed army, with Chen Qingzhi as the commander, worked hard to protect Chen Qingzhi. Each white-robed army cavalry regarded death as home, attacking the brave thousands of households in front of them, trying to kill them.

Although Chen Qingzhi wanted to capture this thousand households alive, he could not sacrifice his white-robed army cavalry as a price.

"Kill it!"

Chen Qing gave the order to kill these thousand households.

The white-robed army cavalry used horse-shooting and sabers to attack thousands of Mongolian households, wanting to avoid future troubles forever!

Chen Qingzhi is hard to kill!

The Mongolian thousand households realized that it was impossible to kill Chen Qingzhi among the thousand army, at least his force could not do it. If he had an elite cavalry, maybe he could succeed. But he didn't.


Thousands of Mongolian households led the remaining Mongolian cavalry to break through the encirclement, and even broke out of the thousands of white-robed troops.

Because of his adventurous behavior, his cavalry is very few left.

He looked back at the entire battlefield and found that yellow sand filled the sky, the Han army attacked the Mongolian army on three fronts, and the Mongolian army continued to shrink its forces and was suppressed everywhere.

"Has it been defeated like this?"

The young Qianhu could not imagine that the Mongol Empire and the Chagatai Khanate to which he belonged would be defeated by an expeditionary army of the Han Empire.

Chen Qingzhi was even more surprised after the thousand households broke through.

This person cannot stay, he must be killed!

Chen Qingzhi led the white robe army to hunt down this thousand households. Chen Qingzhi had a hunch that if he didn't kill this person, he might become a huge threat in the future.

However, when Chen Qingzhi pursued and killed this person, Xia Liang asked Chen Qingzhi's white robe army to support Altria. Altria fell into a bitter battle with Qi Xuejun, and the Western knights were suppressed by the Eastern Qi Xuejun.

Xia Xia Liang didn't know that Chen Qingzhi was hunting down a man who threatened the future of the Han Empire. She believes that we should take the lead in annihilating the Qi Xuejun in front of her.

In the eyes of all the generals of the Han Empire ~www.readwn.com~ Tiemuzhen was timid. Xue Jun was the greatest threat to the Han Empire and must be completely hit.

Chen Qingzhi was silent for a while, and found that the thousands of cavalry had disappeared among the more than 100,000 cavalry of the Chagatai Khanate.

This person was also cunning and successfully escaped Chen Qingzhi's pursuit.

In the battle of the left army, the Han Empire had the upper hand, while Huo Qubing, the right army, led the light cavalry in a roundabout assault, bypassing the Camel City and assaulting the rear of Temuzhen.

When Huo Qubing led the Han Empire hussars to emerge from the dust, the Mongolian cavalry panicked.

Huo Qubing fought the Mongolian cavalry for a long time and was already familiar with their tactics.

Huo Qubing assaulted the handsome flag of Temuzhen, wanting to catch Temujin alive!

Tiemuzhen was afraid of Xue Jun and went to support Chagatai. At this time, he only had horse-detecting red cavalry in his hands.

Facing the assault of the Han Empire's hussars, Temujin could only order Tan Ma to step forward to meet Huo Qubing.

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