Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 122: The upper limit of the ability of the little naughty

"That girl, haven't you caught yet?"

Magneto Erik looked at the members of his Brotherhood.

This time the girl is almost an indispensable part of the plan!

Otherwise, Magneto can only use his own life to go to the top, but it is obviously impossible for Magneto to do so

"The X-Men were clearly aware of our plan, that girl went to Mutant Academy and never came out again!"

Mystique Raven has been monitoring the Mutant Academy, and with her shapeshifting ability, she is clearly the best spy.

"The meeting is about to start! This is our best chance! As long as all those important government officials are converted into Mutants! The Mutant bill will not continue to be promoted! We can also walk on the road with integrity!"

The goal that Magneto has worked for almost his entire life is about to be achieved! At this time, he will not allow anyone to mess up!

"You go get more Mutants! Be sure to get that girl out of the Mutant Academy!"

Magneto is on fire! The plan is in progress, and there is no time left.


Brotherhood members also know that this time the plan is important!

So everyone is holding back!

And in the Mutant Academy, there was also an accident!

Xiaotao 08 accidentally touched Logan's body! Almost completely absorbed Logan's Self-healing Ability!

This caused everyone to look at the little naughty with fear in their eyes.

I am afraid that one day I will inadvertently come into contact with the little naughty, and I will let myself die.

"What's the matter, kid, you don't look very happy!

Della saw the little naughty sitting alone on the lawn.

"Della, are you saying I shouldn't be here anymore, my presence seems to be unfortunate for everyone. 99

The little naughty looked down.

This is not the first time she has hurt someone unintentionally.

But she couldn't control her power.

"In theory, yes!"

Della said to the little naughty rudely.

Although her Ability is very powerful, the price is also very high! The naughty Ability is more inclined to deprive!

As long as someone comes into contact with the little naughty, then the other party's Mutant Ability will be deprived.

And it is Ability to connect vitality together!

This is undoubtedly a very strong Ability!

If you are touched by a little naughty, the other party will instantly lose the ability to act! It can only become a tool for the little naughty to obtain Ability!

In theory! As long as the little naughty develops this Ability to its peak! She is a pseudo-invincible state.

As long as the little naughty can master her power, she can be whoever she wants to be!

"Do you even think so?

When the little naughty heard Della's words, she almost cried.

Could it be that the shelter that I have finally found is about to be lost again?

"I can teach you how to control your powers!""

Della said to the little naughty.

The reason why the other party can't control his own power is difficult and simple.

Not trained!

Because the person who is contacted by the little naughty is either dead or disabled, where can they still contact?


The little naughty looked at Della in disbelief.


Della put her finger in front of the little naughty.

Signal the other person to touch you.

"But I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

The little naughty looked at Della's fingers, and his face was hesitation.

She has hurt a lot of people, and she doesn't want to hurt a friend who is good to herself.

Della rudely took off the little naughty glove and touched the other's finger.

"Why are you alright!"

Little Naughty's eyes widened! After Ability Awakening, this was the first time someone touched her without being hurt.

"Because I'm strong, you can't hurt me.

Della then slowly released his power.

The main reason is that he is afraid that his strength is too strong, and he cannot control his little naughty, and he will burst himself.

"What is this! 9

Little Naughty feels the power from Della's fingertips!

Warm, Peaceful, Tranquil!

And his body can't help but yearn for this kind of power!

"How? Can you adapt to this power?

Della looked naughty.


The little naughty nodded excitedly.

"Then try, how much can you absorb!"

Della let go of his powers.

A powerful and suffocating force rises in the little naughty body!

The unintentional release of divine power has shocked many people!

"what happened?"

"She touched someone else!"

Academy students and X-Men saw this scene!

"This majestic power! Sure enough, it is not an ordinary person!

Charles also saw the power flowing between Della and the little naughty!!

That kind of power gave Charles the illusion that he was facing Phoenix force at first!

This reminds Charles of the method Della said to control Phoenix force before, maybe the other party can really do it!

"No way! My body tells me that this is the limit!

The little naughty face was rosy! She felt a force in her body that was beyond words!

"Is that the limit?"

Della felt the power absorbed by the little naughty, at most the level of the fourth level of Mutant!

In other words, the naughty Ability is at most the same level as Magneto Erik, Professor X Charles.

This leaves Della slightly disappointed.

Sure enough, not every Mutant has the Iceman Poppy potential!

"Can you control the power within yourself?"

Della looked naughty.

"Let me try!

The little naughty begins to try to control the power in his body!

A blue light rose slowly in the little mischievous hand.


The abundant strength in the body makes the little naughty feel like there is nowhere to vent! He just punched the ground directly!!

With the blessing of Della's divine power, the little naughty punch directly overturned all the surrounding tens of meters of ground! Leaving a huge amount of potholes.

"Oooh! Little girl! Stop moving!"

As soon as Wolverine came out, she saw the scene of the little naughty overturning the earth!

It is estimated that few people can stand this punch.

"Look, as long as you use it well, she will be a very strong helper!"

Della said to Charles.

Although Charles knew, it was all Della's strength.

However, he was also extremely surprised by the upper limit of the ability of the little naughty.

Charles can feel that the power of the little naughty At the moment has reached the same level as himself!

And what kind of power he has, Charles knows all too well.

"So she hurts because no one has enough power to feed the little naughty!

Charles thought.

So what's Magneto's purpose for looking for a little naughty? Could it also need a little naughty as a substitute?

Charles thought of the 293 kinds of people who have been chasing the little naughty Brotherhood!

"The power of the piano can also meet the needs of the little naughty! It's just that the Phoenix force has its own consciousness, so the little naughty can't absorb the Phoenix force. 39

Della affirmed Charles' statement.

"Even so, a little naughty is very dangerous. 39

Although Charles knows the upper limit of the ability of the little naughty.

But there are very few people who can meet this condition.

If you want the little naughty to fully exert his power, even Charles himself will be absorbed by the little naughty of all his life energy.

"So her strength needs to be exercised! It doesn't have to be to absorb all human life energy and supernatural powers, but it can also be controlled! For example, Logan! His life energy is almost infinite, so even if half of it is absorbed by the little naughty, It won't have any effect."5

"In other words! When one day your X-Men suffers casualties, the little naughty can borrow the power of others and return it when it is used up.

Della expressed his vision for the Little Naughty Ability.

"So you're going to help her?"

Charles looked at Della.

"When you are bored, you have to find something to do for yourself! Otherwise, it is easy to have mental problems.

Della did not deny Charles' claims.

It will take at least ten years for the time line to reverse the future.

Although it is nothing for Della's long life, it is difficult to do nothing for ten years.

Always have some entertainment to pass the time to Della.

In Della's opinion, what better way to pass the time than to participate in the original story?

In Avengers' multi-universe, Della does the same!

When you can't achieve your goal by hard work alone, it's better to take a break, there may be unexpected gains!

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