Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 158 Eternity!

"When these six Infinite Gems are collected, they truly possess the power to destroy the entire ten-dimensional multi-universe in a single thought. Even the five Great Gods of Creation will not be the opponents of the holders of Infinite Gems!

The Infinite Gems before breaking the rules are so defiant and powerful!

Hearing Della's words, Wanda wants to see the power of these Infinite Gems too!

Definitely, Della has another purpose! Meet Nemesis, Nemesis!!

Maybe you can hear some news that Della cares about from the other party's mouth, for example, the court of life! Or the first firmament!

The strength of these creation-level gods in the Marvel universe has always been fascinating!

In the past life, many people argued about this, but there was no definite concept!

For example, eternity! Positioning is the strength of the multi-universe level!

But eternal fragments, or eternal creations, can easily create a powerhouse far beyond eternity!

This makes the position of the multi-universe level of Eternity ambiguous!

Now, the only ancient god that Della has the chance to contact and get the news is Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis!

The others are either lunatics or are preparing to destroy the world, Della has a headache just thinking about it!

Fortunately, Molecular Man hasn't appeared yet!

If Molecular Man appears, it means that the layout beyond the Protoss has begun!

And the guy who opened up the transcendence will also appear!

Della doesn't want to be dragged into a secret war by the transcendence!

Hit the world to destruction!

But if transcendence really has the power of Almighty Universe Level!

Then Della is really powerless to resist!

After all, those guys in the Lightless Universe are the perverts who can slaughter the Court of Life!

But what Della doesn't know is that the molecular man Owen is already on his way!

Buried in all multi-universe bombs as Beyond Protoss!

The birth process of molecular man is almost exactly the same!

And Della, still in the universe of the divine timeline!

He is going to the end of the universe and see eternity!

Came here! Della saw a lot of statues of life!

It is said that as long as you see eternity, eternity will satisfy each other's wish!

Using the power of Bifrost, Della opened the door of eternity with ease!

"You are waiting for me outside! 99

Della motioned to Wanda to wait for her outside!

Wanda nodded and watched Della enter the eternal space!

As soon as he opened his eyes, Della came to a space where the sea and the sky line up!

Eternal Avatar sits in it!

There is no specific body in eternity, and the illusionary body is also entangled with all things in the universe!


In Della's perception, the eternal strength is multi-universe! But his personality is surprisingly high!

This situation is a bit like the Kaiwang God in Dragon Ball!

It is obviously a god created by the director! It is also the highest priesthood in a single universe, but it can't beat a magician creation!

He was beaten by the Saiyans!

It just goes to show that personality has nothing to do with power!

"Della Odinson, I don't think you have any wishes that I need to help you achieve!

Eternity definitely meet Della!

The battle between the other party and Galactus makes Della still fresh in his memory!

That was a rare multi-universe battle!

And seeing it again, Eternal is sure that Della's power has surpassed himself!

Reached the level of Super Universe Level!

"No! I have! 9

Della countered the words of eternity.

Although I don't know what Della is going to do, Eternity still lets Della say what she wants!

"I want to know where are the seven Infinite Gems incarnated by Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis! 35

Della stared at eternity.

Hearing Della's words, Eternal also fell silent.

"Why do you know about Nemesis?"

asked eternally suspiciously.

Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis, was the first gods at the beginning of the universe!

Because I was tired of my infinite lifespan, I turned into seven Infinite Gems!

These seven Infinite Gems are not the mass-produced gems of the Tenjin group! Those are super artifacts that can really affect the multi-universe and even the almighty universe!

But even the gods don't know much about this!

Even the present eternity has only been heard!

How did Della know about this?

"You don't care how I know, I just want the whereabouts of these seven Infinite Gems!

Della did not answer the eternal question.

"I don't know 々"!"

The eternal answer disappointed Della, although Della had little hope at first.

But it was a pity to hear Yong Yong say that he didn't know.

"The Infinite Gems transformed by Nemesis are extremely special! As far as I know, one or two seems to be in the hands of the Almighty God of the Universe!

But that's not an area you can touch!"

Hearing the words of eternity, Della nodded, the almighty cosmic god group! That is indeed not something I can participate in! Because that group of gods is the first generation of color gods! It is also called the betrayer!

That group of gods is the existence of the Almighty Universe Level! Although it is not the top, but it is also the existence of the top!

The first firmament was shattered by these guys!

So there is today's multi-universe.

And today's lightless universe, and beyond the gods, are the creations of the first generation of color gods!

And beyond the three ivory kings of the Protoss, you can kill the Court of Life!

And the positioning of the Life Court is the Almighty Universe Level!

It is known as the strongest existence under OAA! But this is the strongest, but it is often slaughtered by people! Beyond the Protoss is one of them!

Through these comparisons, it is conceivable how powerful the first generation of color gods is!

The entire Marvel universe can be said to win the first generation of color gods, only OAA above all things, and his opposite OBA!

Except for these two, no one in the entire Marvel universe dares to say that they can win the first generation of the color gods!

Thanos, who definitely won the heart of the universe, may be able to compete with the original color god group.

"So where are the remaining Infinite Gems, you don't know, right!"

Della knows the location of one or two of the original Infinite Gems, but what's the difference between that and not knowing?

"Not so sure, but in the sixth universe, the original time Infinite Gems appeared! You can ask Galactus! Maybe he knows. 99

Eternal is a little speechless! I didn't expect Della to ask himself all the questions he didn't know.

"Understood, your eternity really doesn't live up to its name!

Before Della left, she did not forget to complain!

The eternity of the seventh universe can be said to be the weakest in all dynasties!

As long as someone has an idea for eternity, and then has a little bit of strength, and takes action, it will definitely succeed!

The most typical is Dormammu!

The Dormammu of the later generations really defeated Eternity and seized the power of Eternity, which is outrageous!

Della doesn't know how Dormammu, a Level God Father dimension, Mephista, beats Eternity!

Hearing Della's complaints, Eternal is a little speechless! I am a creation god, but I am not worthy of the name by others!

Out of the space where eternity is, Della is ready to take Wanda to find Galactus!

As long as you can get the original Time Gem! Della believes that he can reach the peak of the ninth sense in the shortest time!

At that time, you can borrow the particularity of the Aesir Protoss to speed up your time and let the divine power break through!

Use the breakthrough of divine power to drive the small universe and realize the ultimate power! The limit of the small universe! Omega!

As long as you can reach the Omega! Della can step on the Almighty Universe Level!

Then the whole universe! Except for OAA and OBA, there will be no rivals!

The last step is to combine the magical universe! Completely detached from the Marvel universe! Become a more powerful existence than OAA!

That's Della's goal!

"Come on, let's find Galactus!"

Della leaves the divine timeline with Wanda!

After Galactus was resurrected by Della, he stayed in the fifth dimension and never left.

So Della wants to find Galactus, it is relatively easy!

"Della Odinson? What are you doing with me?"

Galactus didn't expect Della to come to him suddenly!

Is it for a fight?

But with Della's current strength, Galactus doesn't think he can last long.

"I've seen Eternity! Asked him about the original Infinite Gems! Eternity told me that the original Time Gem once appeared in Universe Six, true or false?"5

Della knew that Galactus was from the sixth universe.

The sixth universe was destroyed artificially, and Galactus is the survivor of the sixth universe.

"The original Time Gem? He did appear in Universe Six, but now it should be in the hands of Black Winter!

Galactus knows the original Time Gem! The sixth universe was also destroyed by Black Winter because of this gem.

"Black Winter!

Della didn't expect Galactus to actually be the whereabouts of the original Time Gem!

Black Winter, Della definitely knows each other!

That is a super fierce man who destroyed a Level Universe with his own hands!

At least the strength above the Super Universe Level!

You must know that those who destroy the seventh universe are eternal, but those who surpass the Protoss!

Thus, those original Infinite Gems are collected by some of the most powerful people in the Marvel Universe!

"Yes, if you want the original Time Gem, you have to beat Black Winter!99

"Della, although your current strength has surpassed the multi-universe level, I don't think you will be the opponent of Black Winter! That guy is really too strong!"5

Galactus looked at Della seriously!

Della is arguably one of his rare friends.

Galactus doesn't want Della to be impulsive and die!

Galactus always wants revenge and wants to destroy the black winter!

But unfortunately, the strength is not enough! Even in the heyday of being full, it is only a multi-universe level of strength!

It's simply not enough for Black Winter to beat with one hand!

"Don't worry, if you are not sure, I will not shoot! 35

Hearing Galactus' warning, Della knew that the other party cared about him, so Della didn't care what Galactus said.

With information from the original Time Gem, Della didn't stop at Galactus too much.

"His Royal Highness Della, why don't I know who you are talking about?

Wanda was at a loss when he heard Della and Galactus talking.

"The more I know, the more I feel small! Just like me!

Della sighed! The strength is still too far behind!

Although it has reached the Super Universe Level, there are still many big guys above!

"No, I believe that His Royal Highness Della is the strongest!"

Wanda looked at Della's mood a little disappointed, and quickly encouraged her!

"Hahahaha! I borrowed your auspicious words!

When Della heard Wanda's clumsy encouragement, she laughed out loud, and she felt much better!

"Where are we going next?"

Wanda looked at Della curiously.

"Go find the Dark Book of the Other Timeline and you of the other Timeline first!""

Della is ready to train Wanda!

Among all the people Della has contacted at present, only Wanda has the strength to help him in the late game!

Wanda in the HOM era! That's an existence that can reach the Almighty Universe Level!

As long as you help Wanda a little, I dare not say that reaching the Almighty Universe Level, at least helping Wanda reach the Super Universe Level, there is absolutely no problem!

Two super universe level powerhouses, Della believes that such power is enough to face the black winter!

After all, in the time line of the afterlife.

Black Winter lost to Thor!

Della doesn't believe she can be worse than Thor!

The goal is set! Della takes Wanda to travel the timelines of various universes, trying to find all the dark books!

Then let Wanda devour it!

The power of the god of the underworld is very powerful. As long as Wanda swallows the opponent, he can definitely reach the peak of the multi-universe level!

Combining the power of Wanda in other universes can definitely push Wanda to the Super Universe Level!

But unfortunately, neither Della nor Wanda found any trace of the Dark Book!

As if the other party has discovered something and hid in advance!

If the dimension lord really wants to hide himself! It's really not easy to find!

Although the Dark Book was not found, Della and Wanda sensed the breath of old acquaintances!

"`" This breath, is Thanos?"

Wanda is very familiar with the breath of Thanos! Because the other party still carries the Chaos force left behind when Wanda was sealed!

"If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!"

Della was also a little surprised. I didn't expect Thanos' luck to be so bad!

Soon, Della brought Wanda to Thanos!

At the moment, Thanos, has hit the earth of this universe! At war with those superhero!

The figures of the two Thanos looked a bit special.

"I didn't expect that even if you changed the universe, you would still be immortal!

Wanda was the first to speak.

"Della Odinson!""

Thanos didn't expect that he would see the person he least wanted to see in another universe!

"Long time no see, Thanos!"

Della looked at the two Thanos in front of her and guessed what the other was thinking!

Maybe want to pull up a multi-universe Thanos army!

But unfortunately, the plan was just started when Della and Wanda bumped into it!

"Stop talking nonsense, Wanda, kill him!

Della doesn't want to talk nonsense with Thanos! Just let (good enough) Wanda do it!

Wanda, who has reached the mid-level multi-universe, and has learned the Dark God Book, is already very powerful!

In addition, after reaching the multi-universe level, Wanda did not make a full shot!

Seeing the enemy now is like finding a target to vent!

Chaos force skyrocketed! Overwhelmed the entire universe in an instant!

Scarlet Chaos force, full of oppression!

"This is impossible!

Thanos feels the power of Wanda!

It's only been so long! The other party has reached the multi-universe level!

And the strength is beyond oneself!

This makes Thanos a little unacceptable!

The power that he had acquired in his life of nine deaths was surpassed so easily!

"I said! Thanos army turned into nothingness!"

Wanda, with full firepower, wiped out the Thanos army in this universe in one sentence! The billions of troops in the Qitarui army, all disappeared under Wanda's word!

"What power is this!

Thanos is also stunned! The other party wiped out billions of troops with a single word?

"I said! The end of Thanos' life!"

As Wanda's voice fell, Thanos instantly felt a fatal crisis!

Can't escape, can't escape! It seems to act directly in the depths of the soul!


Thanos is not reconciled! He mustered all the supernatural powers in his body!

A multi-universe level of power counters Wanda's eloquence!

"I say! Thanos' power is gone!

Looking at Thanos who mustered his supernatural power, Wanda added another sentence!

This sentence directly wiped out Thanos's divine power!

For those who are weaker than himself, Wanda's Ability is a crushing existence!

Thanos, who lost his divine power, slowly disappeared in his unwilling eyes!

Thanos, die!

"I didn't expect Chaos force to be so powerful!

Seeing Chaos force in real power for the first time, Della was a little surprised!

Now if you want to fight with Wanda, you must be stronger than Wanda!

The power of Chaos force Alter Reality has begun to manifest in Wanda!

ps: There are two more that will be later.

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