Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 157 The transaction with Kang

Della and Wanda are in a hidden space, watching the battle of the Avengers below!

"Thor's strength is not strong, and now I'm afraid he can't even reach the first echelon under the Level Sub-God Father!

Watching Thor wielding Mjolnir amidst the army of Ultron robots, Wanda groans.

To know that in their universe, when Ultron appeared, Thor's strength had reached Level Sub-God Father!

In contrast, Thor of the Holy Timeline can be said to be weak and pitiful!

"Don't underestimate the Divine Timeline! The water here is very deep! And the Divine Timeline is one of the few universes that can directly connect to the eternal universe of the Creator God!"

Della doesn't know why the Divine Timeline is so special, guarded by the gods!

But the depth of the divine timeline, that's for sure!

Moreover, the gods in the sacred timeline are also much stronger than other single universes!!

Although the entire multi-universe is an experimental field beyond the Protoss, the special timeline is only the universe of the divine timeline!

Della is very suspicious, maybe the Infinite Gems, the body of Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis, exists in this universe!

"Interesting! You found us so quickly!

Della perception to the fluctuation of time!

The only explanation is that Kang has discovered the two outsiders!

Already have the Timekeeper come to them!

"Is it someone from the Time Variation Administration?"

Wanda is very smart, and can guess the person in a sentence of information.

Soon, several time guards in black armor walked out of the void.

"Let's go and see which conqueror!"

Della and Wanda did not resist, but were directly escorted by the time guards and entered the Time Variation Administration.

"You are not from the Holy Timeline! Travel through the universe at will! It is a felony, don't you know?"

Mobius looked at Della and Wanda.

“Interesting, this place is really interesting!”

Coming to the Time Variation Authority, Della's eyes lit up!

Even Della was shocked by the wisdom of Conqueror Kang!

An ordinary person can actually command the time as a mortal!

In the Time Mutation Authority, only time is the only power!

Except for time, all power will be invalid here in 08!

Including Infinite Gems' Ability and Wanda's Chaos force!

"Your Highness, my Ability is limited!"

Wanda was also a little surprised, it was the first time she encountered that her ability was limited!

"do not worry!

Della is here to feel the power of time!

The Time Variation Authority is simply the perfect place for Della to practice her ninth sense!

Because the power of time is everywhere here!

These time guards also use some props to play with time superbly!

"I didn't expect such a harvest! 99

Della calmly opened her eyes!

This trip to the Time Variation Administration is not a loss! At least it saves Della's hundreds of years of hard work!

You know, time is quite mysterious! There are not many people who can understand time to the level of Kang!

Although the gods can play with time at will, but only on the understanding of time! I am afraid that Kang is invincible under the almighty universe!

"We are indeed not people of the sacred time line, we are just curious, come and see."

Della answered Mobius' words.

Della also admires this ordinary person! After all, Mobius' understanding of time surpasses that of most people.

Otherwise Kang wouldn't let Mobius serve in the Time Variation Authority.

"Interfering with the progress of the sacred timeline is a felony!"

The time guard's squad leader came to the two Della!

Prepare to take the two to be tried by the judge of time.

Out of curiosity, Della did not resist, but followed the other party to the Time Court.

"How is that possible! The multi-universe doesn't even exist without you! 35

The Judge of Time looked at Della in disbelief!

Turn over the entire document! In all the timelines, there is no Della!

"Who the hell are you?"

The time judge is a little nervous!

Served in the Time Mutation Authority for so many years! Tried countless time prisoners!

Never encountered a checked existence.

"I'm not a multi-universe like you, just out of curiosity, just come and see!"

Della ignores the nervousness of the time judge, but observes everything around her!

Such an opportunity is rare.

"I can't judge you! You need to meet the Timekeeper with me!

The Judge of Time looked at Della with a complicated expression!

The other party can traverse the timeline and multi-universe at will! Needless to say, the other party knows that the other party is a powerful god!

With such an existence, can the Time Variation Administration really subdue each other?

Although Della showed no hostility from beginning to end, she also cooperated with the actions of the Time Variation Authority throughout!

But the more Della cooperates, the more confident the other party is!

Maybe the other party is not afraid of the Time Variation Administration at all!

"Is this what you call the Time Keeper?"

Della looked at the judge of time, and then looked at the three people sitting on the throne.

"You can't disrespect the timekeepers!

Although the judge of time is afraid of Della, but seeing Della so presumptuous, he can't help but scold!

"Timekeeper? Isn't that just three robots?"

As soon as Della raised his hand, he easily took off the heads of the three time guardians!

The three heads with sparkling sparks flickered in Della's hands!

"how is this possible?

The judge of time looked at the head in Della's hand in despair, with disbelief in his eyes!

"Just a puppet! Right? Kang!"

Della has the perception that someone is spying on him!

After Kang's name was called, the entire Temporal Mutation Authority ceased to function!

Everyone was stopped!

"I didn't expect you, a mortal, to be able to play with time like this!""

Feeling the power of time, Della couldn't help but praise Kang.

"Your Highness! This guy is a mortal!"

Wanda was behind Della and saw Kang who suddenly appeared!

No matter how you look at it, there is not the slightest strength in the opponent's body!

And the body is weak! How to look, how to look like an ordinary person!

"He's just an ordinary person! It's just because he's an ordinary person that it's surprising! Because he has done things that even the gods can't do!

Della looked at Kang!

"During the time I predicted, you didn't exist! Who are you?

Kang has seen the existence of Della through the power of time!

But like Judge of Time, Kang can't see Della's existence in countless timelines!

As the master of time, Kang has conquered countless universes.

Governs the timeline of countless universes!

Kang doesn't care about how other cosmic timelines evolve, but the sacred timeline! It is the one that Kang values ​​most, and Kang must ask about it.

"By the way, are the people of your Richards family so smart?

Della sighed.

MR.Fantastic Reed Richards is rumored to be Kang's descendant, the gene of this family is against the sky!

"You actually know my real name!! 35

Kang was really shocked this time!

Since Kang established the Time Variation Administration, he has used the power of time to erase his existence in the timelines of each universe!

The name Nathaniel Richards, Kang has been out of use for a long time!

If it wasn't for Della! Kang couldn't even remember the name!

"I'm not a person of this dimension, you can't find me, it's normal! 35

Della looked at Kang's terrified look, a little funny.

"Impossible! As long as it's a multi-universe! There's nothing I don't know about!

After speaking, Condon stopped and looked at Della with disbelief.

Obviously, after saying this, Kang also realized that Della is likely to come from another parallel multi-universe!

"There is such a thing!

Kang thought he had already conquered all the universes! He is the strongest existence in the multi-universe!

But seeing Della, Kang knew that he was still sitting there watching the sky!

"Don't worry, we have no interest in your sacred timeline! Anyway, your sacred timeline will eventually collapse! 99

Della's words brought Kang back to his senses!

The fact that the sacred time line he built himself will collapse, Kang definitely knows, this is still planned by him!

"In the end, you're nothing but a test for the gods!

But this sentence from Della made Kang difficult to accept!

Since the establishment of the Time Variation Administration! Even those gods can only move forward in the future that they have planned!

Kang couldn't believe that he would be the test object of the gods!

Della is definitely not lying!

The entire almighty universe dimension is an experimental field beyond the Protoss! Including Della himself!!

Definitely, the current Beyond Protoss hasn't gone crazy yet!

When Beyond Protoss goes crazy, the entire almighty universe dimension will fall into a huge amount of crisis!

"Make a deal! Let's live in the sacred timeline! We don't interfere with your timeline management either!

Della's words left Kang brooding!

Because of Della's strength, Kang really can't see through!

Not only cannot be seen in the timeline, but even the time cannot affect Della!

Because in Kang's eyes, time can be seen!

But those times actually bypassed Della!

This shows that Della's strength has reached a level that time cannot affect!

To a certain extent, Della's control of time is stronger than Kang!

"I don't want to be an enemy of the Time Mutation Authority! Just out of curiosity, so come and see! After all, I know who you are, and I know that you are really difficult to kill, so I have no intention of being an enemy of you!" "

Della's words brought back the distracted Kang!

In the multi-universe of the tenth dimension, killing Kang is really not an easy task! Even Della can't do it easily!

Because Kang holds the power of time, he can appear at any point in the timeline!

That is to say, all the universes in the tenth dimension! There are traces of Kang's activities in the timelines!

If you want to kill Kang completely, you must destroy Kang in all timelines in an instant! Only in this way can Kang be unable to resurrect!

This is also the key point why Kang was able to establish the Time Variation Administration and master the fate of countless gods with a mortal body!

Although his strength is not strong, in a sense, Kang is more difficult to deal with than a multi-universe-level enemy!

Because this guy can't be killed!

"I agree to your deal!

Kang thought for a moment! Agreed to the Della deal!

The purpose of establishing a sacred time line by yourself is to avoid the branch of time and lead to a multi-universe war!

But Della's words made Kang understand what he meant!

Time is not static! The planned time will eventually go to destruction! The self who is trapped in the sacred timeline has lost the possibility of gaining stronger power!

This is also one of the reasons why Kang was deliberately killed by Hillville and caused the collapse of the Time Variation Administration!

Della, who made a deal with Kang, walked out of the Time Mutation Authority and returned to the sacred timeline.

"His Royal Highness Della, which Conqueror Kang really agreed to the transaction like this?"

Wanda didn't understand why the other party worked so hard to maintain the existence of the Divine Timeline, but gave up the Divine Timeline so easily.

"Time is a very mysterious thing. When you play with time, time will play with you! Even the gods have not fully grasped the power of time! Although Kang has a strong control over time, it does not mean He can't go wrong! Even if he doesn't trade with us! He will eventually lose his power over time!

Della is talking about the future generations of Kang!

Kang also realized that it was wrong to stick to the sacred timeline. The evolution of multi-universe is not the best choice that can be evolved by being prescribed!

Therefore, the superhero of the divine timeline is almost weaker than the superhero of other timelines!

Kang knew that he continued to stick to the sacred time line, and finally came back with a fiasco! So he completely gave up the sacred time line that he had been operating for many years.

The arrival of Della just brought some different changes to the sacred timeline!

This is what Kang wants to see too!

What if new possibilities emerge?

And there are countless Kangs in the multi-universe! In addition to the Lord Zun Kang, 310 also has a Kang Council composed of Kangs, which covers almost all the Kangs of the parallel universe!

And Kang will often have wars with himself! So Kang will also want to gain more power!

Della, who reached a deal, also took Wanda out of the Time Variation Authority

Although I didn't stay in the time mutation management for a long time, when I returned to the sacred time line, the time node had already reached the civil war!

Wanda of the Divine Timeline is feeling guilty for killing a civilian by mistake!

But Vision came to Wanda's room and comforted Wanda.

"Look, there are always infinite possibilities for the evolution of the multi-universe, and you can have a crush on a robot!

Looking at the ambiguous atmosphere between Wanda and Vision in the sacred timeline, Della couldn't help but tease.

"How is that possible! Why am I falling in love with a robot!"

Wanda didn't expect the other self to show a good impression of a robot in front of Della!

This makes Wanda embarrassed and nowhere to hide! I can't wait to dig a hole in place and bury myself!

"It's not surprising! You in this universe also have Chaos force! But like you, this force is activated by the Mind Gem! So you are naturally sensitive to the Mind Gem! If it weren't for the Mind Gem in our universe, it would have its own Awareness! Maybe you will actually end up with this Vision.99

Della speaks out about her analysis!

Although Wanda thinks it makes sense.

But I just don't want to hear it!

"That is, you have experienced so much, and you have completely collapsed the direction of the sacred timeline!"9

Della added!

After Wanda of the Holy Timeline obtained the Book of Darkness, he began to practice!

In order to get the girl who can travel through parallel universes, Wanda interferes with the development of countless parallel universes!

This makes the direction of time no longer clear!

The ending is also regrettable! Wanda of the Holy Timeline was not occupied by Sithone, but chose to commit suicide!

Die at your own choice!

It can be said that Wanda of the Holy Timeline has a tragedy all his life!

Lost my parents, lost my brother, lost my lover, lost my own child, and finally self-destructed!

"Let's go, people in the Holy Timeline don't end well!"

Della shook her head, not wanting Wanda to see Divine Timeline's own tragedy!

"Where are we going next?

After the baptism of the sacred timeline, Wanda's anticipation for the multi-universe has dropped a lot!

"Let's find Infinite Gems!

Della's words confuse Wanda, Infinite Gems? Isn't that thing out of the universe and useless?

"The Infinite Gems I'm talking about are not those parallel imports! They are the orthodox Infinite Gems! They are transformed by Nemesis, the goddess of nemesis! Each one has the highest power in the multi-universe!

Della saw Wanda's doubts and explained it!

"There are still such Infinite Gems! What kind of power will there be when six such Infinite Gems are collected?"

Wanda didn't expect that Infinite Gems is also divided into strong and weak! And the gap is still so big! It spans two universe levels!.

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