Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 167: The Death of Sithone and Seth

Now Wanda's goal is to break through the Super Universe Level!

The barrier between multi-universe level and Super Universe Level is still very thick.

Although Wanda has reached the peak of the multi-universe level, Wanda has not felt the bottleneck for a long time!

This means that Wanda is still a little far from the strength of Super Universe Level!

But at the moment, Sithone is dying, and his strength has dropped to the mid-level of the multi-universe.

Seeing this scene, Ao Shutu and Gaea looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts!

The two cast magic at the same time, refining the dimensional heart in Sishorn!

Let the Heart of Dimension completely turn into the power of Sithone!

It is not so easy to refine the dimensional heart of a dimensional lord!

Not all dimensional lords have the dimensional heart by their side.

The refining of the Heart of Dimension has brought Sithone's power back to the peak of the multi-universe level, and the price is the collapse of this dimension!

"Do not!"

Sishorn naturally sensed the movements of Ao Shutu and Gaea, but he was powerless to resist.

I can only watch the Heart of Dimension being refined! Turned into my own power.

Without the blessing of the power of dimension, Sishorn is just an ancient god at the peak of the multi-universe level!

Sithone knew that Gaea and Oshutu wanted to destroy themselves completely.

Wanda also found that the power she absorbed became stronger!

Begin to concentrate on feeling the bottleneck of Super Universe Level.

Soon, Wanda felt the bottleneck of the Super Universe Level and launched an impact on the Super Universe Level with the soaring strength of Sithone plus 08!

"Blessed human beings."

Ao Shutu and Gaea have seen many outstanding human beings, but almost none have reached the level of Wanda!

Seeing that Wanda is about to break through, Ao Shutu and Gaea also feel that their efforts are not in vain!


Wanda successfully broke through to the Super Universe Level! Under the influence of Wanda, this dimension began to collapse.

"Let's go first! 35

The successful breakthrough Wanda opened his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he wiped out Sithone's existence from reality!

Without the power of dimension, Sishorn is not an immortal existence!

Sithone, god of the underworld, die!

Then the three hurried to the battlefield of Della and Set!

At the moment Seth has become embarrassed.

huge amounts of bruises all over the body.

And Della was wearing the Star Armor and holding the Star Sword, but she was not hurt!

But Della also felt the difficulty of Seth!

The opponent's Ability should not be too much!

The abilities related to snakes in myths and legends can be used by Seth!

The power of petrochemical light has caused a lot of trouble for Della!

But Seth was still weaker after all.

Seven heads have been drunk, Della has cut off four, and only three are still surviving.

But Seth knew, go on, that his own death was only a matter of time!

"Della Odinsen, let me go, I can sign a contract with you! I will no longer set foot in the real dimension in this life!

Seth really felt the breath of death!

This is the closest he has been to death since his birth.

"Sorry, I don't accept your peace talks! 95

The holy sword in Della's hand swung out again, and the sharp sword light cut off another head of Seth!

"If you want me to die, then don't live!

Seth is ruthless! He is ready to explode this dimension!

Not all dimensions are as special and indestructible as the dark dimension!

Seth directly blew the heart of the dimension, turning the entire dimension into his own power!

This one-time usage made Seth's power skyrocket again!

"Go to hell! 35

Set unleashes his own rotten light!

This is the power that can corrupt even time and space!

Della also knew that this was Seth's final blow.

"Open the sky!"

The divine power of the whole body and the small universe have been injected into the holy sword of stars!

The peak sword that was swung in hell is swung again!

Huge amounts of sword light directly shattered this space, bringing Settra back to the real dimension!

"I didn't expect to return to the real dimension again, it would be my own death!"

Looking at Della's sword, Seth knew that he was dead and could not fight back!

Then consciousness plunged into darkness!

Della's sword cut off Seth's body and soul together!

Zombie Set! Die!


At the end of the battle, the star armor on Della's body was turned into casual clothes again, and the holy sword was also put away.

The series of battles during this period made Della feel that his small universe has improved a little.

"His Royal Highness Della!

Chaos force was wrapped around Wanda's body, and soon came to where Della was.

"Set is dead!"

Ao Shutu and Gaea saw the snake heads scattered around for the first time.

Those snake heads have completely lost their vitality and turned into dead things.

Ao Shutu did not expect Della's strength to have reached such a level!

That's right, Ao Shutu knows Della and has been following Della for a while!

Because Agamotto told Ao Shutu that Della was the most likely existence he had ever seen to reach the Almighty Universe Level.

Originally, Ao Shutu didn't believe it, but now, seeing the Della that has surpassed her, Ao Shutu couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Maybe Della can really reach the Almighty Universe Level! Become a true god!

"You broke through?"

Della looked at Wanda and felt the surging Chaos force in Wanda's body.

"That's right! Thanks to Gaea and Ao Shutu for their help! 35

Wanda was also very excited that he finally caught up with Della.

"Thank you both for helping Wanda!

Della thanks Gaea and Ao Shutu.

"You're welcome, Sithone and Seth have always been our heartbreak, and our help is nothing if we can eliminate them.

Gaea is as gentle as ever, Atum has hope of recovery, and both Sithone and Set are dead, which makes Gaea feel more relaxed than ever.

"You're welcome, just treat it as a favor for a friend, Agomoto often mentions you to me.

Ao Shutu said that you are welcome.

Della also remembered who Ao Shutu was, a goddess who was the same goddess as Agamato.

Della is not too polite.

Wanda's breakthrough gave Della new ideas.

Maybe it's time to find Black Winter!

This is Della's own thought, the fastest way to jump in power, there is no one!

As long as you get the original Time Gem, Della can break through to the top of the Super Universe Level in the shortest time!

That is the pinnacle of the ninth sense.

The next time is to realize the power of Omega!

As long as she realizes the power of Omega, Della can enter the Almighty Universe Level!

For what comes next!

At this point in time, the seventh universe has been destroyed!

Although the experiment beyond the Protoss has not yet begun.

310 But as soon as Owen the Molecular Man appears, that long means that the day of destruction is not far away!

Not to mention that there is still the first firmament in the back coveting eternity!

These are the existence of the Almighty Universe Level!

The crowd soon returned to the Avengers multi-universe.

After saying goodbye to Gaea, Ao Shutu also returned to her own dimension.

Gaea, who has no heart, decides to live on Earth and help protect the universe by the way.

Della, on the other hand, took Wanda to find the planet devourer.

"His Royal Highness, are we going to find that black winter?"

Wanda knows that Black Winter has the original Time Gem that Della cares about.

"That's right!

Della said that the next goal is Black Winter!

Hearing Della's words, Wanda didn't know why, but was a little happy.

Since I met Della, Della has been helping Wanda.

Now that Wanda has broken through to the Super Universe Level, she can finally help Della in turn!

This made Wanda's mind active again!

"I will do my best to help you!

Wanda looked at Della seriously!

"Don't work so hard, you won't get to that point. Maybe you will surpass me in the future, and you will protect me."

Della looked at Wanda's serious look with a little warmth in her heart, and said with a smile.

"No problem, I will protect you! As long as I am here, no one will want to hurt you!

Although Wanda knew Della was joking, she still answered Della's joke very seriously.

Seeing this scene, Della also understood Wanda's thoughts, but Della has been single from the previous life to this life, and has never been in love.

Can only give Wanda a smile in response.

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