Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 179 Timeline Ends

"It doesn't look very optimistic!"

The three meet again, and Della has already sensed what's going on inside Wanda and Doctor Doom's devices.

"Has the multi-universe been destroyed?"

Doctor Doom asked.

"It's almost, except for those universes in which molecular humans have been eliminated, all other universes have been annihilated.

Della can feel that there are less than 3,000 universes left in the entire multi-universe!

These are universes handled by three people!

And because of the destruction of most of the multi-universe, the timeline has come to an end!

Before long, these remaining universes will slowly merge into one!

Then it turns into Firework-!

"And those who surpassed the Protoss have already started!"

Under the shroud of the will of Della's gods, the rest of the universe is within Della's observation, and the direction of these universes has almost been seen by Della!

If no one stops them, these universes will soon turn to dust!

And Della has seen a large number of slaughtered gods in a single universe, those are the vanguards of the beyond gods, and the strongest is only the ivory king.

And beyond the powerhouses of the Protoss, they have already gone to find those real great gods.

Eternity, Infinite, Oblivion, Galactus, Level Single Universe, and multi-universe-level Celestials are all within the slaughter range beyond the Protoss!

In the remaining multi-universe, an unprecedented battle unfolds!

Even the Tribunal of Life is gone! The purpose is to stop the Transcendent Protoss from destroying the multi-universe!

But in the battles, the multi-universe coalition has been losing ground!

And the battlefield of the gods, the form is not optimistic.

"Victor, you and Wanda find a way to convert the energy of these molecular people into bombs! We will find an opportunity to throw this bomb into the lightless universe! Otherwise, we have almost no chance of winning this war. !

Della is ready to go to the battlefield of the gods!

The creation gods who are still abstract entities in the Court of Life must not die! Otherwise, Della will fight alone!

Although he won't die, he can't protect the people he wants to protect!

Hearing Della's words, Wanda and Doctor Doom nodded, the battle of the Almighty Universe Level is not something they can participate in!

After arranging Wanda and Doctor Destruction, Della rushed into the almighty universe!

The purpose is the place where the power fluctuations are the strongest in the entire universe!

At the moment, several abstract entity gods were all seriously injured! Lying on the ground, only the life court was left to resist.

"The Milky Way Starburst!

Seeing that the Tribunal of Life was about to be beheaded by someone who surpassed the Protoss, Della blasted the galaxy directly out!

The three ivory kings beyond the Protoss who besieged the Court of Life were pushed back a lot by Della's galactic explosion!

"Which Almighty True God was born recently?

Feel the power of Della's Almighty Universe Level and Della's life system!

An ivory king who surpassed the Protoss looked at Della.

"That's right!

Della also knows that the movement of his breakthrough is very big, and the Beyond Protoss must have noticed him.

"We just want to carry out our own experiments, and we have no intention of being an enemy of the Almighty True God. If you retreat now, we will not pursue it. Otherwise, even the Almighty True God can be sealed."

The tone of those who surpassed the Protoss was arrogant!

The Transcendent Protoss living in the lightless universe is not bound by time, space, energy, and all causal laws!

The laws of the entire Marvel universe cannot be applied to Beyond Protoss!

If you want to defeat the Transcendence Protoss, in addition to absolute strength, it is also absolute strength!

"Really? Then you try!"

Della's words fell, and the divine might of the Almighty God was released!

Except for the ivory king and the court of life that surpassed the Protoss, all the transcendent Protoss and cosmos gods present felt a huge amount of pressure!

"Life Court, we join forces!"

Della knows that facing three or four ivory kings, he is not necessarily an opponent. In order to avoid being sealed, he can only pull the life court together!

The Life Court also knew the current situation and agreed to Della without hesitation!

The battle of the Almighty Universe Level has officially broken out!

Della found that people who surpassed the Protoss were almost immune to all energy and law!

The only thing that can cause damage to Transcendence Protoss is a physical blow!

Powerful power fluctuations permeate the entire almighty universe!

The fighting speed of the six people is extremely fast!

It's easy to cross pocket latitudes, real latitudes and timelines!

In the entire timeline, there are six figures fighting each other!

Some saw their battles in the past, and some saw them battle in the future!

Those who watched the battle also had memories of the battle!

That's what they saw billions of years ago!

I didn't expect this battle to happen today!

Della took over the two ivory kings by himself, and suppressed each other the whole time!

The Court of Life also took over two ivory kings, but unlike Della, the Court of Life was pressed and beaten by the Transcendent God Race throughout!

"What a terrible power! 35

Several abstract entity creation gods watched the battle, and were stunned by the power displayed in this battle!

Not to mention that they are seriously injured now, even in their heyday, they are not qualified to participate in this battle!

"I didn't expect to be rescued by Della!"

Although eternity is an abstract entity of the universe, it also has its own emotions!

In the multi-universe he created, an Almighty God was born!

And the opponent's strength far exceeds the average Almighty Universe Level powerhouse!

Standing at the pinnacle of the entire almighty universe!

Incredibly strong!

It can be said that in the entire multi-universe, if there is no Della, then everyone except the goddess of death will die!

0.....For flowers.....

And the goddess of death will be the last one!

The battle between the two sides is fierce!

The armors of the two ivory kings were shattered by Della's attacks!

Della's Star Armor has long since been damaged beyond recognition!

"I didn't expect to surpass the Protoss, so powerful!

Della spat blood in her mouth!

The brilliance of the blood of God is crystal clear.

The universe, which was originally a ruin, has been restored to a lot of life because of Della's divine blood!

Some of the gods who were originally seriously injured have also recovered a lot under the fluctuation of Della's blood!

"Is this the power of the true God? A drop of blood can reshape the universe! And heal us!"

Many people looked at Della in shock!

They also know that true gods are rare!

But they never thought that a drop of the true God's blood could have such a powerful power!

The two ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss did not expect Della to be so powerful!


With one enemy and two, he even pressed them to fight!

And the life court on the other side is already very miserable!

The golden body is covered with blood, and the three faces representing fairness have also become bruised and bruised!

At the moment's court of life, there is no more deterrence!

In the original timeline, the Life Court was beaten to death by three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss!

Although there is one less person now, it can be seen that the life court is still difficult!

Was beaten badly!

With the ability of the court of life, you can only defeat one ivory king at most, and if you meet two, you will fall into the disadvantage, and your life will be in danger.

If it is three, it is basically certain to die!

Looking at the miserable appearance of the Court of Life, Della threw out a drop of his own blood!

Under the blessing of Della's blood, the aura of the Life Court gradually stabilized!

Although the injury is still serious, but at least not life-threatening!

"Although I don't understand why you surpassed the Protoss to do the experiment that everything will perish, but with me here, it is impossible for you to succeed!

Della does everything she can to stall the time!

As long as Doctor Doom successfully integrates the power of Molecular Humans and creates Molecular Human Bombs! There is a way to destroy this group of lunatics!

"The whole multi-universe is just our testing ground! Only if we want to, not if we can! 95

An ivory king looked at Della with murderous intent!

"Come to fight!"

Della's fighting spirit is high!

The Court of Life has been mortally wounded, and an ivory king is enough to deal with it!

In the face of such a powerful enemy as Della, Beyond the Protoss plans to fight three against one!

This is a configuration capable of slaughtering the Almighty Universe Level powerhouse!

Although I know that Della can't be killed! But the three ivory kings, even if they can't be killed! They can also be sealed!

The three ivory kings rushed over with Della!

A powerful force has made this newly restored universe crumbling! Next.

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