Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 180 DellaVS Beyond the Protoss

Facing the three ivory kings at the same time, even today's Della feels a strong pressure!

If it weren't for the blessing of the true God personality, I'm afraid Della would not choose to confront the God Race head-to-head!

The reason why he beat the Protoss hard is to delay time on the one hand, and on the other hand, Della knows that he can't kill him, so he wants to verify his strength!

Three ivory kings, but the configuration of the court that can slaughter life, what could prove the strength better than this?

The battle of Della rushed forward with a high spirit against the three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss.

The four Almighty Universe Level battles far surpassed the previous battle!

Even the Court of Life and another ivory king were forced away from the main battlefield by powerful forces.

"Della Odinsen, although you are the Almighty True God, it is your worst decision to fight against the Transcendent Protoss!

During the battle, the ivory king who surpassed the Protoss wanted to disturb Della's state of mind with his words!


Della laughed disdainfully!

As an acquired existence, Della has not completely abandoned the complex emotions of "Three One Zero" being born as a human being!

There are things and people who care about, and this is also the point of conflict between Della and Transcendence Protoss.

In the face of the attack of the three ivory monarchs, Della also seemed a bit struggling!

This also shows that Della's strength is now more than the court of life!

During the battle, Della deliberately took the three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss away from the remaining universe!

Now that there are fewer universes, the faster the timeline is closing, this is not what Della wants to see!

Under Della's intentional guidance, the four soon came to the edge of the almighty universe!

The three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss also knew what Della was thinking, but they didn't care!

"I didn't expect such an Almighty True God to be born in this era!"

The first generation of the color god group watched Della and beyond the gods at war!

Della is beyond their expectations!

According to the vision of the first generation of the color gods, the multi-universe should be destroyed in the plan beyond the gods, and eternity will be severely damaged!

Only in this way can we lead to the first firmament that hides several cosmic epochs!

In fact, if there is no Della, the plan of the first-generation Color Tenjin group has been successfully implemented!

Facing the eternity of weakness, the first firmament did indeed appear, and was captured by the incarnations of several major cosmic entities in conjunction with the first generation of color gods!

"Let's go with the flow, we absolutely can't show up, or the first firmament will never show up!

A strong man said!

Although the appearance of Della exceeded their expectations, it also seemed more real!

And the current multi-universe is almost destroyed!

And the eternal abstract entity is also torn apart!

It is indeed in an unprecedented weakness.

And the rest of the universe, because of the end of the time line, will collide again slowly!

Once the timeline is complete! Then the seventh universe will officially be destroyed!

Neither Della nor those who surpassed the Protoss knew that he was actually a pawn of the first generation of Colored Gods!

At the moment, Della is dealing with the three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss!

This is the most thorough release of power since Della broke through the multi-universe level!

Both the divine power and the small universe have exploded to a peak state!

The evolution of the small universe, fighting is the fastest way!

The three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss became more and more frightened!

When faced with two ivory kings, Della can hold down!

Now facing the three ivory kings, Della can also draw a tie!

Over time, Della has gradually gained the upper hand.

Della can feel that his own small universe has made slow progress under the extreme burning!

You must know that Della's small universe has reached the pinnacle of the ninth sense!

At the moment, Della, has embarked on the extreme of the small universe! Omega's road!

"Is this the power of Almighty God?!"

The three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss felt threatened!

Della's strength has reached this point, and it can still slowly improve!

Although the magnitude is not large, it can't stand the opponent's continuous improvement!

From being evenly matched at the beginning, to now gradually falling behind, the three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss have refreshed their understanding of the Almighty God!

The law around Della has already started to integrate into the instinct!

As long as Della's small universe breaks through Omega, the law of the entire Marvel universe will be trampled underfoot by Della!

Become a toy in Della's hands!

Even existences like the Heart of the Universe will lose any threat to Della!

"What's the matter? The ivory king who surpassed the Protoss, is this only the strength?

Della punches an ivory king!

Then another whip leg! Kicked the space directly! Made another ivory king vomit blood and fly out!

At the moment, Della, facing the three ivory kings, has the absolute upper hand!

Powerful terror!

This battle was watched by all the great gods in existence. Della's strength shocked everyone!

"Della Odinsen's strength can be ranked in the top five in the entire almighty universe! 55

Annihilation looked at the power displayed by Della, and couldn't help but sigh!

Those who can fight against the current Della can only think of annihilation above all things, below all things, and two other almighty true gods!

"Almighty God! What an enviable realm!

Even the other great gods of the universe are envious of Della's current strength!

From the birth of the entire universe until now, there are not many Almighty True Gods!

Originally evenly matched Della and Transcendence Protoss, the style of painting has changed dramatically in a blink of an eye!

The three ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss were crushed and beaten by Della alone!

But Della knows that there are far more than four ivory kings beyond the Protoss!

At least five to ten ivory kings exist!

Otherwise, surpassing the Protoss will not dare to start the experiment of all things perishing. . . .

These five to ten ivory kings are the greatest confidence to surpass the Protoss!

The battlefield on Della's side has gained an advantage, but the battlefield on the side of the Court of Life is not optimistic!

The Court of Life was severely injured by several ivory kings who joined forces before, and even with the blessing of Della's divine blood, it did not return to its heyday!

Now even in the face of an ivory king, it is at stake!

Della made the last ivory king vomit blood and fly upside down on a big star!

Then teleported to the front of the Life Court!

Take over the last ivory king!

Della feels that the pressure of the three ivory kings is not strong enough!

Della needs enough pressure to break through the small universe!

"You have a good rest first, they handed it over to me!"

Hearing Della's words, complex emotions appeared on the three faces of the Court of Life!

I never thought that I would be rescued one day!

This also lets the Life Court know that the fifth special being in the almighty universe was born!

Although people who surpass the Protoss are immune to all laws and cause and effect, they are not immune to Della's fist!

The three ivory kings who were sent flying were very embarrassed!

Since the day they were born, when have they suffered such a big loss!

It was beaten like this!

"Come on, the third round!"

Della spread his hands and looked at the four ivory kings in front of him defiantly.

The faces of the four ivory kings who surpassed the Protoss sank in an instant!

When have they been provoked like this!

Almost in an instant, four 3.2 ivory kings rushed in front of Della!

Then came a violent energy storm!

Even the court of life can't stand it!

If it were its heyday, this little storm would definitely be nothing to the Court of Life!

But now the Life Court is seriously injured, and facing the energy storm of the five Almighty Universe Level fighting, he can't bear it!

Looking at the scene in front of him, all the existing gods above the multi-universe level were stunned!

They can't even beat the Ivory King! Not to mention the Ivory King!

The three ivory kings can directly kill the court of life in a short time!

But Della is now facing four ivory kings at the same time!

And it's not down!

Something that transcended the worries of the Protoss happened!

Even the four ivory kings can't take Della in a short time!

Della's power is beyond the imagination of the God Race!

And Della feels the pressure of the four ivory kings! The little universe has begun to progress slowly!.

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