After hearing this, Zhao Zhen suddenly realized that this was the reason why Gongsun Sheng was so obsessed with the birthday card. It was about the road, no wonder he was so concerned about it.

Zhao Zhen didn't blame him for this. If he were Gongsun Sheng, he would give it a try. Although Gongsun Sheng instigated Zhao Zhen to rob the birth plan, he didn't need to force him. After all, he still had a choice, Song Gongming from Luocao in Qingzhou.

Zhao Zhen said: "Except for the magic of cutting paper into soldiers, Mr. Gongsun has not taught you any other magic these days?"

Dong Laodao shook his head and said: "I am just a registered disciple. Other magic teachers do not teach me. The six ghosts collected in the peach wood gourd, the teacher taught me the method of refining. After worshiping for a period of time, the ghost energy was washed away. You can recite the Rebirth Mantra to save them and reincarnate them, or sacrifice them as soldiers and horses for the purpose of protecting the Tao. Master Gongsun proposed to save them. After all, there have been no ghosts in this world for a long time, and besides, it is best to avoid being accompanied by ghosts. Unless you are contaminated with Yin energy, the accumulation of Yin energy will inevitably suppress your own luck. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said: "You can take care of it." After saying that, ignoring Dong Laodao, Zhao Zhen entered the main hall, first offered a stick of incense, then picked up the paper soldier from the altar table, and practiced casting spells. Put it back again.

Zhao Zhen asked: "Old Taoist, have you been going to the papermaking workshop recently?"

"I've been here a few times, and Manager Cai Gang also tried to make new paper, and it's not even as good as the jade bamboo paper. The bookstore is very busy these days, and manager Cai is busy bringing artificial jade bamboo paper."

Zhao Zhen nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Old Taoist, do you know how to become a god?"

"Feng Shen?" Dong Laodao asked doubtfully.

Seeing Zhao Zhen pointing to the peach wood gourd on the altar table, Dong Laodao suddenly realized. He frowned and said, "Although it is said that 'the people are the masters of the gods', these ghosts are just not lucky enough and may not be able to hold the priesthood."

Zhao Zhen said: "I have also heard that gods listen to the voices of the people. The emperor can make gods. This has been done since ancient times. These ghosts cannot be gods who are famous in the world, why can't they be a land?"

"Having said that, if we list the familiar gods, they can only be divided into the following categories: The first category is people who serve as role models, either loyal, filial, or of high moral character. They are respected by everyone and worshiped by localities and countries. In this way, they become gods. The second type is the heroes who stabilize the country and govern the country. The third type is those who resist natural disasters and save the people from fire and water.”

"In ancient times, there were Shennong who tasted hundreds of herbs, Dayu who controlled floods, and later generations Guanhou and Qin Qiong. In addition, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and valleys all had gods. The local people worshiped the city gods and land gods in various places, and later they were enshrined by the government. These ghosts have become gods passed down from generation to generation. They have no achievements and have not contributed to the local people. I am afraid that the people will not sincerely worship them and forcibly enshrine them. If the people do not believe in them, they will wither and become unworthy. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said: "Yes, I thought it was simple. When Mr. Gongsun comes back, you can ask for advice."

Dong Laodao nodded.

During lunch, Zhao Zhen and Yu Baosi ate vegetarian pepper noodles in Lingguan Hall before saying goodbye and leaving.

In the next few days, Lu Fang and Guo Sheng still took Liu Guang and his son to visit everywhere. Although Zhao Zhen was concerned about Wu Yong and his party, due to the inconvenience of contact, he did not dare to inquire from time to time for fear of revealing the hidden treasure, so he had to suppress his thoughts. , practice martial arts every day and handle county affairs. After two days, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he took Yu Baosi and ran to Erlong Mountain to drink with Lu Zhishen and Guanghui.

Besides, Wu Yong and his party, after packing up, everyone mounted their horses, walked through the fog without taking the official road, quietly approached Huangnigang, chose a valley to hide, and sent Shi Qian and Duan Jingzhu to inquire about the news.

Seeing the serious expressions of everyone, Wu Yong said: "Brothers, this time I inquired about the birthday card. The high official did not order that the birthday card must be robbed. It is just that this batch of ill-gotten wealth cannot be sent to the old thief Cai Jing. If there is a chance, we just want to get a piece of the pie, even if we get nothing, it doesn’t matter.”

Lin Chong and others looked at each other, and Lin Chong stepped forward and asked: "Military advisor, the senior officials asked us to obey the military advisor's instructions. Naturally, we have no objection. But I don't know who else has the birthday plan besides me and others." , How far can we go to silence ourselves?"

Wu Yongdao: "After all, this matter is shady. Only a few of us and I have always known about it. Now the Qingzhou bandits led by Song Gongming have arranged a trap a few months ago, just waiting for the team escorting the birthday card to jump in. We also have arrangements, except The brothers and others have also arranged several taverns to wait for these people to come in. There is only one way to decide whether this will happen or not. This group of people cannot be allowed to point the finger at Liangshan County. "

Lin Chong asked: "Why is this?"

Wu Yongdao: "I have discussed with the senior officials. The total number of Song Gongming's group is now only three to five thousand. This money can be used to recruit troops. He is weak now, and Liangshan County is close to here. I'm afraid he will deliberately take a detour to Liangshan." , causing misunderstandings. These taverns are just to confuse people and make them think that there are still people watching the property, so they don’t dare to stay. It’s better if we take the opportunity to rob a few loads of money.”

After everyone heard this, they nodded and settled down to ambush here.

Talking about this secret road, [Green Faced Beast] Yang Zhi, together with an old governor and two Yu Hou from Liang Zhongshu's mansion, supervised 21 loads of gold, jewelry and shells, and rushed all the way to Tokyo.

Knowing that the first day's journey required seventy or eighty soldiers to support him, and the weather was extremely hot and unbearable, Yang Zhi himself could not help but slack off. We have already agreed on this journey with Ming Dynasty. We will get up at five o'clock every day, go when it's cool in the morning, and rest when it's hot in the middle of the day. We only cover forty or fifty miles a day, so we can arrive before June 15th. Along the way, the leader of the army was none other than Zhou Jin, who had lost the battle with Yang Zhi.

This man lost a gun contest with Yang Zhi and injured his shoulder in an arrow contest. It took him three months to recover. Because his master [Vanguard] Suo Chao and Yang Zhi were both sitting on the same court, they admired each other's martial arts and gradually became friends. This Zhou Jin is like Suo Chao, impetuous, but respecting heroes. Seeing that his master was friends with Yang Zhi, he later became friends with Yang Zhi sincerely. When he heard about the birth plan, he volunteered and became an official commander of the army.

Coupled with the two plans in previous years, which destroyed the lives of many heroes in the forest, there are probably only a few heroes who dare to make plans for birthdays. Because of this, Yang Zhi believed that this birthday plan must be foolproof.

On the way, Yang Zhi was in high spirits. Yang Zhi thought to himself that even though he was assassinated, he was lucky enough to be favored by Liang Zhongshu, who gave him the post of military commander and entrusted him with important tasks. After returning from this trip, he would surely be able to make further progress. Seeing that the weather was hot and the sergeants had to work hard to carry the burden, Yang Zhi bought wine and meat along the way to kill all the sergeants. Everyone praised Yang Zhi for his benefits. The two Yuhou who accompanied him saw that Yang Zhi was loved by the sergeants. They both traveled hard every day. If they walked slowly, they would be angry with Yang Zhi. They could not help but say some slanderous words in Xie Duguan's ears on the way.

After walking for more than ten days in a row, there were fewer and fewer people, and every stop was a mountainous road. The daily accommodation is no longer regular, but fortunately I have been careful enough to leave signs of accommodation along the way.

On this day, everyone had traveled a long way, and when they saw the noon sign, they still couldn't see their head. All the troops were exhausted, and the two Yuhous accompanying Xie Duguan were far behind. Listening to the sergeants' complaints, Yang Zhi couldn't help but get angry. I looked up and saw that Huangnigang was in front of me. I was surprised. In previous years, many people had been ambushed here.

But seeing a green shade on the mountain surrounded by yellow sand, Yang Zhi urged everyone to move forward and rest after crossing Huangnigang. The soldiers had no choice but to suffer hardship and walk up the ridge. All the sergeants unloaded their burdens and rested under the shade of pine trees. Yang Zhi urged, and a brave sergeant said: "Tiha, it's not the brothers who are complaining. We are carrying such a heavy burden, and there are still two Yuhous together." Don’t worry, I’m really thirsty and hot. Let me wait for a while and wait for the three people behind me.”

Yang Zhi had no choice but to let everyone rest. When the next three people caught up, Yang Zhi scolded him vehemently, and Xie Du said, "Tiha, it's so hot that I can't walk."

Yang Zhidao: "Guan Guan, this place is called Huangnigang. In the past, Enxiang killed many green forest heroes here. I don't know what the situation will be this year, so how dare I stop here. Come down to Gangzi quickly. There will be people within seven or eight miles." , it’s not too late to rest then.”

The two Yu Hous heard this and said: "Yang Tixia, didn't someone in the first two villages say that there is a hotel for resting at the foot of this hill? Why don't you rest here before leaving?"

Yang Zhi scolded: "You two are so ignorant. Didn't I tell you that this place is haunted by strong men? If you don't go there early, what will you do here?"

After that, he ignored the two men and urged the sergeant to set off.

The sergeants could not delay, so they had to get up and walk down the hill.

When I came down from the hill, I saw a wine flag sticking out high in the woods. When I looked at it, I saw that it was the hotel mentioned by the banker - Choimi Restaurant.

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