Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 334: Seizing the Birthday Gift

When the soldiers saw him, they couldn't move any more: "Tihar, let us buy a glass of wine to quench our thirst."

The two Yu Hous pointed to a big tree and said with a smile: "Yang Tiha, isn't there a mark left by Zhou's deputy army in front of you? This place is safe and secure. Where can you find the strongman you mentioned?" After saying that, he didn't wait. Yang Zhi spoke, and the two of them entered the store first.

When all the sergeants saw it, they all looked at Yang Zhi.

Yang Zhi's face was ashen, but he still waved his hand and asked the sergeant to go into the store and rest. He turned around and complained to Xie Duguan: "I'm so ignorant this week. Instead of going to the village to rest, I rested in this outdoor hotel."

Xie Duguan leaned on his wooden staff and said, "Perhaps Zhou Liejun feels that the most dangerous place is the safest place." After saying that, he ignored Yang Zhi and walked away to the hotel.

Yang Zhi sighed and followed in.

In the restaurant, the two Yu Hous were already drinking, and Xie Duguan also sat on the table.

The sergeants filled three large seats, and their burdens were placed at their feet. Yang Zhi saw that the two Yuhous and Xie Duguan had all eaten wine, and he was also very thirsty. He said to Song Qing who was pretending to be the shopkeeper at the counter: "Shopkeeper, give each of my guys three bowls of good wine to quench their thirst."

Song Qing responded and said to Lai Yong'er, who was pretending to be a doctor of wine measurement: "Go and get some good wine."

Lai Yong'er responded, and after a while, he poured a triangle of wine, which was not hot, and asked three waiters to pour the wine. Everyone got a bowl, and before Yang Zhi could say anything, he drank it all in one gulp.

"Doctor, go get another drink."

Here, Yuhou Kuangli called out: "Shopkeeper, why don't I have good colored wine here?"

After Song Qing heard this, he quickly came over to apologize: "It's really my fault. This corner of wine is what I paid for the two brothers. Doctor, please change the wine for the two brothers."

After hearing this, Lai Yong'er hurriedly went to get a drink.

The wine with three large seats was served first, and everyone took two sips and drank again. The three waiters hurried to get the wine.

At this time, a man came in carrying an empty load and said, "Shopkeeper, bring me a load of wine."

Song Qing saw it and said, "Dalang, have this load been sold out?"

The big man said: "With the weather like this, this wine will naturally sell quickly. I will go to Anle Village in Qiantou later to sell another load."

Kuang Li saw it and said pointedly: "Some people are alarmist all day long."

Yang Zhi was frustrated and refused to answer.

After a while, the three large cups of wine served first. Here, Kuang Li shouted: "Why, the wine that came first was served last. What's the reason?"

I saw Lai Yonger flying up with wine to apologize, and quickly poured wine for Yang Zhi and the others. On three large seats, three waiters poured wine quickly.

Suddenly, there was a quarrel, causing everyone to look at the counter. But it turned out that Song Qing, who was pretending to be the shopkeeper, was scolding him: "Zhao Dalang, why did you mix two iron coins into the wine money? I spared you last time."

The man known as Zhao Dalang nodded and bowed, and bowed his hands: "Shopkeeper, it's all because of my lack of care that the dealer who bought the wine fooled me. Today's business is good, I'm patronizing the wine, I don't know how I let that damn tenant farmer fool me. Let's do it next time If I catch him, I have to beat him all the way."

As he said that, he took out two copper coins and replaced them with iron coins.

Song Qing scolded him again, and Zhao Dalang, with a smile on his face, picked up the burden and went out.

Passing by these seats, several sergeants made fun of them. Zhao Dalang was not upset, smiled and carried the load away. After everyone watched the play, they also picked up their wine and drank slowly.

Kuang Li raised the bowl and touched it with Lao Duguan. The three of them raised the bowl and drank it in one gulp. When Yang Zhi saw that the three people were ignoring him, he ignored them and drank from the bowl.

Putting down the bowl, Yang Zhi shouted: "Shopkeeper, I don't want any more wine. If you have any food, please bring it up. I'll cut it into dozens of kilograms of meat. I'll pay you back in one round."

"There is still some good yellow beef, and there are also pheasants and hares sent by the hunters. If you want snacks, there are also big steamed buns."

Yang Zhidao: "The meat is beef, and here is a chicken. Just serve the steamed buns, so that the guys like me can be full."

After saying that, I felt light-headed and tried to open my eyes to see, only to see the sergeant pretending to be a clerk looking at each other and falling to the ground.

Dr. Jiu pointed at Yang Zhi and said, "That's right! That's right!"

After that, he laughed and said, "It's done."

"Children, come and play with the treasures." With that said, he went outside and lowered the high wine flag. After a while, thirty or fifty people, together with the men who had just gone out to carry the burden, poured in from outside. They loaded the twenty-one loads of gold, jewelry and shells into the cart, covered them, and shouted: "Go."

The man carrying the burden shouted: "Slow down." He turned the sword in his hand and pointed at the sergeants who were making fun of him. In a short time, twelve or three people were stabbed to death.

The shopkeeper shouted: "Brother, why are you killing people randomly? Leave quickly." After saying that, he dragged the man away.

This murderous man is none other than [Fei Lian] Huangfu Xiong, and those pretending to be the shopkeeper are [Iron Fan] Song Qing, Dr. Jiu [Ghost Sees Sorrow] Lai Yong'er, needless to say.

Those who came in later were led by [Mao Tou Xing] Kong Ming and [Tiger Fighting General] Li Zhong. The two of them were lying in wait. If something went wrong, they would rush in and fight.

The wine served to the two Yu Hous at the front was newly brewed and pale in color, but the wine served at the back was good wine with color. The first two rounds were good wines without drugs. The wine served to the soldiers at the back was served first. When everyone let down their guard, they asked [Fei Lian] Huangfu Xiong to deliberately mix iron coins to attract Song Qing's reprimand. During this time, the wine with knockout drugs was poured into the bowls. After everyone finished watching the show, they drank the wine together, and then they could attack together. This was the strategy. Even the two villages in front of Huangnigang deliberately mentioned this hotel, just to dispel everyone's doubts. The strategy was advocated by Lai Yonger. This was called "stealing the birthday gift by strategy."

Let's not talk about Song Qing and his group, who robbed the birthday gift and went east.

However, in a valley 20 or 30 miles away from Huangnigang, there was also a group of soldiers who planned to rob the birthday gift. The leader was called [Golden Haired Hound] Shi Wei, another was called [Poison Fire Dragon] Yang Lie, and one was called [Life-Intercepting General] Deng Tianbao. The three of them and a man called [Iron Spear] Wang Dashou, the four heroes gathered three to five thousand people and settled in Yanshan.

It turned out that the four heroes of Yanshan had long coveted the birthday gift, and the three of them had come here last year. For this birthday gift, [Poison Fire Dragon] Yang Lie alone had been investigating here for more than half a year. When Song Qing and his group came, they had already been discovered by [Poison Fire Dragon] Yang Lie. Only [Iron Spear] Wang Dashou was left to guard the mountain stronghold, and the other three led seventy or eighty minions to ambush on one side, just waiting for Song Qing's group to pass by, and then they would be waiting for them to come.

The secret of this group of people was something that even Shi Qian and Duan Jingzhu had never discovered.

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