Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 1 1 I was deprived of my inheritance right just after time travel.

Chapter 1: Being deprived of inheritance right after time travel

In Wushan Ling in early August, the scorching sun was baking the earth, and it was so hot that even the air became distorted.

Luo Ning, however, wore strict aristocratic clothing and walked along the smooth road paved with bluestones to the highest point of the manor - Wushan Fortress.

More than ten minutes ago, he was a game planner who was working overtime all night long to write a plan. Unexpectedly, he died unexpectedly and was reborn as a son of a noble from another world.

Before he even had time to digest the memory of his predecessor, he was watched by guards and headed to Wushan Fortress to face a trial against him.

Fortunately, the road was relatively long, so Luo Ning had time to digest some memories of his predecessor and figure out the current situation.

It turns out that this is an extraordinary world that looks similar to the early Middle Ages on earth, but actually contains fighting spirit and magic.

The predecessor he traveled through was named "Luoning Wushan". He was the eldest grandson of the Wushan Marquis family and had the right to inherit the position of Marquis.

But this is a person who grew up in a top aristocratic family. Not only did he not master any extraordinary power, he also indulged in banquets and dances, indulged in fine wine and women, and achieved nothing.

At the banquet the day before yesterday, my predecessor got extremely drunk and slept with a woman.

No one expected that the woman committed suicide the next day and wrote a suicide note accusing her predecessor, which became public knowledge for a while.

It stands to reason that the private lives of many nobles are very messy, and having sex with a woman at a banquet is not a big deal.

Even if an ordinary woman commits suicide, it is just suicide, and it is not a big deal.

But the bad thing is that this woman's identity is very unusual. She is the border Earl of Wushan Ridge and the youngest granddaughter of Earl Orson Hyde.

Today's Wushan Territory is very unstable due to internal and external troubles, and this border count not only has a prosperous family, but also assumes the important task of maintaining border security.

This led to the fact that although the border count was a vassal of the Marquis, once the relationship became tense, he would contribute little or even no effort in certain major matters, which would cause immeasurable harm to the Wushan Territory.

For this reason, the predecessor's father, who had just returned from a war, punched his predecessor when he heard about it. He wanted to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect to send him to heaven directly.

Recalling this, Luo Ning's heart became more and more sad and uneasy.

Will the Wushan Marquis Mansion sacrifice him for the sake of the stability of the territory and family?

Come to think of it, it’s very possible!

After all, his mother died young, his father did not care for him, his grandfather did not love him, and there was no power behind him to support him. Although his political status was high, his situation was very embarrassing.

"Why did we encounter such a difficult thing as soon as we traveled through time?"

Luo Ning felt helpless. He turned his head and looked around. The group of guards following him completely gave up the idea of ​​"could he escape".


The Marquis Mansion is very large, with countless rockeries, fountains, flowers and other landscapes, all of which demonstrate the splendor and heritage of the Wushan family.

Going up the wide stairs, a huge military fortress built entirely of white jade stands on the top of the hill, majestic yet heavy.

This is Wushan Fortress.

Luo Ning's heart was only shocked by this scene for a second or two, and then was replaced by anxiety.

What he is about to face is not only his father, Earl Wiggins, who sent his predecessor to the West with a punch, but also an angry representative of the Hyde family who came to ask for an explanation.

Both groups wanted to vent their anger on him. How could he, a newbie who had just traveled through time, bear such great anger?

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, the legendary golden finger appears quickly, rescue your master!"

As a lover of games and novels, he knows that every time traveler has a golden finger.

In a desperate situation, he could only pray this.

Perhaps in response to his call, a line of words flickered in his sight:

[Activate after obtaining the title]

Luo Ning was extremely happy when he saw this line of writing. He indeed had a golden finger.

But after seeing the content of this line clearly, the smile on his face froze, and the golden finger was still activated!

"How can a title... be so easy to obtain?"

Although his predecessor had the right to inherit, if he wanted to become the Marquis of Wushan Territory, he would first have to wait for his grandfather to die, and then wait for his father to pass away, and then it would be his turn to inherit.

To take a step back, after he graduates from the Extraordinary Academy, his father may make him a viscount or baron, but that will be next year, and there is still one year left.

Moreover, now Luoning not only has to face the wrath of Wiggins, but also faces the risk of being "sacrificially sacrificed". Where can he get a knighthood?

"I have a golden finger but can't activate it. It's really unlucky that my mother opened the door for me. I'm so unlucky!"

He is really... suffering that he cannot express.

"Master Luo Ning, the adults are waiting for you inside!"

After the guards sent Luo Ning to the entrance of the fortress, they stood on both sides. The captain made an invitation gesture, indicating that Luo Ning should go in alone.

Standing under the five-meter-high gate of the fortress, Luo Ning felt deeply how insignificant he was. He raised his eyes and looked inside. At the end dozens of meters away, several figures could be vaguely seen.

Heavy and depressing.

"What's coming is coming, you can't avoid it!"

He took a deep breath and then stepped inside.

There were no guards standing guard on both sides of the castle hall corridor. It seemed that they did not want the quarrel inside to be spread.

"Maybe things are not as bad as you think."

Luo Ning comforted himself, and soon came to the end, and he could clearly see the five people here.

Directly in front of him, sitting on a high jade seat, was an old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. new

Seeing him, Luo Ning's heartbeat couldn't help but beat two points faster.

This old man is the founder of this castle, the master of Wushan Territory, the powerful Meteor Star Knight, and the Marquis of Alduin Kingdom, Rulans Wushan.

Luo Ning did not expect that this incident would alarm even the old Marquis who had not been involved in political affairs for more than ten years. It seemed that even the Marquis had to pay attention to his relationship with the Hyde family.

On the right hand side of the old Marquis stood a burly, rugged middle-aged man with a beard.

He is the second son of Marquis Rulans, the earl of Wushan City, the future heir of Wushan Territory, and the father of Luo Ning, Wiggins Wushan.

As the second son of the old Marquis, Wiggins should not have the right to inherit the title. It was his turn because his eldest brother Grimes died in battle thirty years ago, but he was obviously not ready.

The 52-year-old Wiggins is still just a senior knight, with little strength and unclear mind. In this chaotic era, he cannot suppress the vassals who are ready to move.

As the eldest son of Wiggins and the future second heir of Wushan Territory, he was an ordinary person who didn't even have extraordinary power.

Both heirs have this kind of virtue. The outside world will naturally feel that after the old Marquis died of illness, the understanding of Marquis Wushan gradually fell apart.

This is the source of the instability of Wushan collar.

Luo Ning quietly glanced at the three people on the other side. They were all wearing armor and carrying swords. They exuded a powerful aura, especially the golden-haired man in the middle, which made Luo Ning very uneasy.

If he admits correctly, this man is the knight who follows the Earl of the Border - Negan Golden Lion, a gold-level peak knight who is only one step away from rivaling the old Marquis in terms of combat power.

Seeing Luo Ning coming, the five people in the hall had different expressions.

The old marquis on the high seat was calm and expressionless, showing no anger or sadness;

The three representatives of the knights snorted coldly, glared with hatred, and their eyes were cannibalistic;

Only Wiggins roared angrily: "Damn you, why don't you kneel down!"

Luo Ning was startled by the sudden roar. Are senior knights from other worlds so loud?

Considering the opponent's punch that killed his predecessor, he could only surrender and kneel in the middle of the hall.


At this moment, a sneer came from above, and the representative of the Hyde family, the gold-level knight Negan Golden Lion, glanced at Wiggins disdainfully.

"The real master has arrived, and the Earl of Wushan City does not need to act in front of us. Miss Selina died because of Luo Ning, and the Wushan family must give us a satisfactory explanation for this matter, the Hyde family!"


The knight next to him echoed: "And this siege against the Black and Gold Brotherhood was due to your wrong command that led to the death of Baron Slant. You must pay the price for your mistake!"

"The eldest grandson and youngest granddaughter of the Hyde family both died because of your Wushan family. If this matter is not handled properly, it will only damage the friendship between our two families!"

In line with the principle of "my vassal's vassal is not my vassal", the three knights represented by Knight Negan were led by Earl Hyde. They did not give Wiggins any face at all, and directly started to spray, which was very embarrassing. A posture of fighting if the price is not paid.

Normally in this case, Wiggins would spray back even louder.

But at this moment, he couldn't refute, because he did make a mistake in his command during the battle to encircle and suppress the bandits.

His face turned red with anger and he had nowhere to vent his anger. He could only roar at Luo Ning again: "Damn it!"

Luo Ning's heart sank to the bottom.

He did not expect that two of the Hyde family's grandchildren would die in one go, not to mention one granddaughter. Even the eldest grandson with the right to inherit would unexpectedly die in battle.

And it was still the fault of my predecessor’s father.

"You won't bring this blame on me, right?"

Luo Ning felt more and more uneasy. He was also the eldest grandson. Wouldn't he use his life to pay for that Slant's life?

The silence, depression, and suffocating atmosphere made Luo Ning breathless. He was just a newcomer to society who had just left school. How had he ever experienced such a battle?

But he knew that the person who decided whether he was safe or not was not his father, nor the three representatives of the Hyde family, but Rulansi Wushan, who sat on the high seat and remained silent.

The old Marquis once trained his predecessor as his successor - after all, his son was dead, so he could only place his hopes of revitalizing the family on his eldest grandson.

But the performance of his predecessor disappointed him, especially after he still failed to master extraordinary power in the past two years.

"Although death is inevitable in war, I am very sad about the death of Baron Slant. He was a brave boy!"

On the high seat, the old Marquis slowly opened his eyes and finally spoke.

"Please also ask Sir Negan to convey my sorrow and apology to Orson and Barrington."

After hearing this, Negan stood up and performed the knightly salute with one hand on his chest. It was obvious that his attitude towards Wiggins was completely different from that towards Marquis Rullance.

"Negan will definitely convey it, but..."

The old Marquis raised his hand, sighed heavily, and interrupted the other party's words.

"Speaking of which, Wushan and Hyde are still related by marriage, but we didn't expect such two unfortunate things to happen. Wiggins's fault is Slant's death in the battle, and we should compensate for it, but Selina..."

Having said this, he glanced at his grandson kneeling on the ground, and Luo Ning's heart rose to his throat at this moment.

Whether you can survive or not depends on the next sentence.

"The child Selena committed suicide, not directly at the hands of Ronin."

After hearing this, Luo Ning finally felt relieved.

With the words of the old Marquis, he knew that his life was finally saved.

As long as you can survive, that's okay.

But on the other side, Negan and the other three were anxious.

"Sir, although Miss Selina did not die directly in the hands of Luo Ning, she was insulted by him and died. You can't just say this!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and said with tears: "This parchment was written by Miss Selina herself. It records everything that happened after she was forcibly pulled into the room by Luo Ning! If this If there is no punishment, then we..."

"Don't worry."

Marquis Rulans interrupted Negan again.

"I just said that Selena did not die directly at the hands of Ronin, so I will not agree to your request for Ronin to pay for her life. But I did not say that I will not give an explanation to the Hyde family."

After hearing this, Negan, who was about to argue, stopped talking.

In fact, he also knew that it was impossible to directly ask the eldest grandson of the Marquis Mansion to pay for his life, but only in this way could they get what they wanted.

After being silent for a long time, Lu Lansi slowly spoke:

"Slant's death in battle caused the Hyde family to lose an outstanding eldest grandson. And his death and Selina's death can all be attributed to my Wushan family, so I will make a promise here."

Luo Ning held his breath and listened carefully to the next words. His fate depended on the arrangement of the old man sitting on the seat.

"I can commit."

Marquis of Rulans said solemnly: "In the future, in the third generation, my youngest grandson, Brayton Oshan, the son of Wiggins and Diane, will inherit the position of Marquis of Oshan Territory. As for Luo Ning... …”

He paused and glanced at Luo Ning, who had his head lowered, "Deprive Luo Ning Wushan of his inheritance rights!"

Although there is an inheritance system such as the eldest son and the eldest grandson, it can be abolished as long as they make a fatal mistake.

Luo Ning made a fatal mistake now, or he fell into a whirlpool of fatal mistakes.

As for depriving Luo Ning of his inheritance rights, can the relationship be improved? Even if an explanation is given?

that's for sure.

Because the mother of Brayton, who succeeded Ronin, had a surname of "Hyde", and she was the daughter of Orson Hyde.

In other words, Breton is the grandson of the border earl.

Luo Ning's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and he seemed to understand something at this moment.

Could Selina's suicide be to deprive him of his inheritance and pass it on to his half-brother Brayton?

The calculation behind this is really insidious.

"No, I have to find a way to leave the center of this vortex!"

Sign a contract tomorrow, available for investment

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