Chapter 2 Looking for a way out

After Lulans made his promise, a new round of debate began in the hall of Wushan Fortress.

It is mainly up to Wiggins and the Three Knights of Negan to finalize the compensation plan, and bargaining is naturally inevitable in the process.

From this moment on, no one wasted any time talking about Luo Ning, as if he had nothing to do with this matter.

"He is really a tool man."

Luo Ning muttered in a low voice. He listened to a few words of the argument in the hall at first, but then the soreness in his legs took away his attention.

The predecessor was surrounded by wine and sex every day, and his physical fitness was too poor and weak.

If possible, he really wanted to stand up and leave this hall.

But now is not the time.

Although he survived the crisis safely, he didn't know what kind of fate he would have later.

Generally speaking, nobles who have been deprived of their inheritance rights are either sent to other small cities to manage the family's property, or they are kept as pets in the castle. Of course, there are also more miserable cases where the nobles are deprived of their surnames and expelled from the family, or even die violently.

What fate awaits him?

"As long as it's not going to jail or being imprisoned, that's fine."

The argument lasted for more than an hour before Negan and the three knights left the fortress satisfied with the result.

If nothing else happens, officials from both parties will supplement the subsequent details and draw up a contract.

At this time, Luo Ning, who was kneeling on the ground with numb legs, cheered up.

After all the outsiders left, it was his turn next.

Wushan Fortress was quiet for a long time, and then Wiggins angrily grabbed the crystal cup at hand and threw it in front of Luo Ning, smashing it into pieces with a bang.

"It's because of you that the family paid such a heavy price!"

Luo Ning wanted to say that your son had already paid the price with his life, but he did not dare to say this.

The old Marquis on the high seat glanced at the son he couldn't stand, and asked coldly: "How can you be better than Luo Ning? Ahem..."

"The battlefield commander dared to disperse the attack without even knowing the enemy's strength. He also agreed to the request of Slant, who was in charge of logistics, to lead the charge. Is your mind full of horse manure?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and the old Marquis coughed violently.

Wiggins' temper was a little grumpy, but when faced with his father's criticism, he could only shrink his head in frustration, sit on the chair and remain silent.


Rulans sighed heavily after he calmed down. His ineffective son seemed to have not discovered the deeper meaning of Selina's suicide until now. His political sense was too dull.

If his eldest son Grimes was here, he wouldn't have these worries.

Lulans turned his gaze to Luo Ning, who was still kneeling. Perhaps out of boredom, he asked casually: "Luo Ning, my grandson, what do you think of this matter?"

He sighed again in his heart. The character of his eldest grandson was exactly the same as that of Wiggins when he was young.

No, it might as well be, at least Wiggins has mastered fighting spirit, and Luo Ning is just a mortal.

Hearing the Marquis asking him, Luo Ning raised his head.

Although he couldn't figure out why Lulans asked him such a question, he knew that the quality of the answer might affect his subsequent treatment.

"Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy!"

The predecessor's mind was not very bright, so he tried to be as unclear as possible.

"Although I can't remember what happened that night, Selena and I have always liked each other. If anything really happened, she wouldn't commit suicide. There is definitely a conspiracy behind this incident!"

Surprise flashed in Lu Lansi's eyes. Can his grandson still have such knowledge?

And at this time, shouldn't he, who had lost his inheritance rights, kneel down and cry bitterly, falling into endless regret and sorrow?

"Get up, my grandson, and tell me, what kind of conspiracy will it be?"

Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly, grinning in pain. The corporal punishment time was finally over.

He thought for a while and organized his words.

"Grandpa, I think someone should have assassinated Selina and then framed the blame on me, thus instigating the relationship between us and the Hyde family, making the Oshan Territory more uneasy and unstable, and ultimately achieving the purpose of splitting the Oshan Territory!"

In fact, he was more willing to say that this was a conspiracy of the Hyde family, but this level of understanding was relatively deep and not something that his predecessor could come up with, so he explained it in a shallower way.

But it was this shallow guess that made Lulans nod. "Having such a level of understanding shows that your mind is smarter than your father Wiggins."

Wiggins hesitated to speak. Is the old man confused? Is this stupid son smarter than him?

He also tried to drive a wedge between Haide and Wu Shan. In his opinion, this was clearly Luo Ning's nonsense.

"What you say makes sense."

Lulans smiled and motioned for Luo Ning to sit aside.

In fact, in his heart, he has begun to doubt whether Selina is a bloodline of the Hyde family.

However, there was no need for him to reveal his guess.

"It doesn't matter if you let Brayton inherit it. This little guy has given birth to the seeds of fighting spirit at the age of thirteen, and his future achievements will definitely be higher than yours. Coupled with the support of the Hyde family, our family can still sit firmly in the Wushan leader."

Luo Ning's expression changed, and he probably understood.

Perhaps from the beginning, the old Marquis knew what the Hyde family wanted.

The old Marquis didn't like Wiggins nor his predecessor, so after understanding the Hyde family's intentions, he followed the trend and abolished Luo Ning's inheritance rights.

Instead of waiting for the Wushan Territory to fall apart after his death, it would be better for the Hyde family to support it wholeheartedly. At least the owner of the Wushan Territory would still have the surname Wushan.

So from beginning to end, Lulans didn't show any anger towards Luo Ning, and he didn't even mean to blame him at all.

This made Luo Ning feel relieved. Maybe he could get some benefits by being deprived of his inheritance rights?

"Losing your inheritance might be a good thing for you."

Lulans continued: "Although you have no inheritance rights, you are still a child of my Wushan family. There is no problem in taking care of yourself in this castle."

Retirement care?

Luo Ning was still young and had finally traveled through time. He didn't want to live in this castle where he could see his head at a glance.

And being in the center of this whirlpool, his life might be lost, so it would be better for him to leave as soon as possible.

"Grandpa, I don't want to live in a castle!"

As soon as Luo Ning said this, Wiggins scolded him angrily, "Why, the family doesn't support you enough? Believe it or not, I will kick you out of the family!"

Lulansi asked with a smile, "Oh? Then what do you want to do?"

This sentence directly made Wiggins hold back the anger he was about to vent, making him feel very uncomfortable.

But it was the old man who didn't show any anger or blame from the beginning to the end that made Luo Ning feel like he had a chance to get some benefits.

Of course, it's not very good to ask for it straight away, he needs to put on a show with his words.

Luo Ning looked lonely, looking sad and regretful.

"Grandpa, and my father, because of my stupid mistakes that cost the family such a big price, I feel very guilty and remorseful from yesterday to now!"

As he spoke, Luo Ning wiped his eyes vigorously, and the discomfort caused two tears to ooze from the corners of his eyes.

"I don't want to be a waste who can only feed and drink the family. I want to make up for my mistakes. I want to take care of the family's industry. Even if I am a baron in a small town in a remote area, I am willing to go and make profits for the family!"

Without a title, Luo Ning is still a noble.

But with the title, he can activate the golden finger.

This is his real appeal.

"You actually want me to make you a baron?"

Wiggins was so angry that his beard almost exploded, "I asked you to manage the town. Do you have the ability?"

"Hahaha, cough cough cough..."

Lulans smiled and then started coughing. He was too tired today and his old illness made him very tired.

"It's rare that you have such thoughts, and your idea is not bad. Moreover, the fact that you can detect the conspiracy of Selena's death shows that your mind is not as stupid as I thought."

At this point, the old Marquis paused and said, "I can give you a chance."

He looked at his son and said, "Wiggins, just choose a small town in a remote area for Luo Ning and let him try his hand. Even if the management is poor, it doesn't matter."

The most important thing is that this can keep Luo Ning away from Wushan City, which is good for everyone.

Luo Ning laughed, and he was very happy to stay away from the center of the vortex.

"Thank you, grandpa. I will manage it well and live up to the family's gift!"

Wiggins' expression was not very good, "Father, you dote on him too much. This guy is just greedy for pleasure. After this war, those who have made meritorious services have not yet received rewards, but they have given land to Luo Ning first. This is inappropriate!" "

Rulans did not continue to say anything more on this topic, but stood up slowly on crutches and prepared to leave.

"My health is getting worse and worse. It is estimated that I will only be two or three years away from death. As the earl of Wushan City and the future successor of Wushan Territory, can you think more objectively about one thing?"

Wiggins shut his mouth. He didn't know why his father suddenly lost his temper with him.

But looking at his father who was getting thinner and thinner, he felt bitter in his heart.

A knight at the peak of the meteor star can live to be at least 110 years old, but Rulans is in extremely poor physical condition due to a serious injury thirty years ago, and is now approaching his limit at the age of 75.

"Okay father!"

Wiggins sighed, thought for a while, and said: "Then let Luo Ning be the baron of Hillwood Town and take care of Hillwood Town for us, so that those who have made meritorious services will not have too many objections."

Hillwood Town?

Luo Ning's ears perked up. He didn't have any information about Shanlin Town in his mind. He thought it was a remote place.

But what does Wiggins mean by this last sentence? Why don’t those who have made meritorious contributions have much opinion?

Lulans paused for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

"As you wish."

The old Marquis said and continued to leave the hall.

At this moment, Luo Ning laughed, because in his sight, the line of text changed:

[Acquired a title, the system is being activated...]

"Grandpa, let me help you!"

Luo Ning smiled and ran up. He was very grateful to this old man.

"Haha, you are a little more considerate than before."

At the same time, Rulans sighed in his heart, "If you had changed earlier, maybe I wouldn't have deprived you of your inheritance rights."

But it was too late.


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