Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 3 3 A system designed by myself

Chapter 3 A system designed by myself

What happens in the Wushan Fortress is bound to blow through the entire Wushan Territory like a storm in the next few days.

While people either ridiculed or lamented that Luo Ning had lost his inheritance rights, they would also adjust their attitude towards the Hyde family.

The identity of the border earl and the grandfather, the heir to the Wushan Territory, brought the already prestigious Hyde family to a higher level.

Luo Ning didn't care about the outside discussions and the criticism of him.

After sending Lulans out of Wushan Fortress, he returned to his small building without stopping, and first got familiar with the activated golden finger.

Following his call, five interfaces appeared in his field of vision.

Looking at the monthly sign-in, seven-day login, first deposit bonus, achievement tasks and attribute panel in front of him, Luo Ning fell into deep astonishment.

"Damn it, isn't this the system I designed?"

On Earth, he is a game planner, involved in the development and production of a card game. His main task is to design some systems in the game.

Luo Ning didn't expect that these things he worked overtime to make would actually travel with him and become his golden fingers.

He began to browse these interfaces one by one, starting with the monthly sign-in.

This interface is divided into four rows and seven columns, with a total of twenty-eight small grids, which corresponds to the rules of this world of twenty-eight days per month and seven days per week.

Luo Ning took a look. The rewards in the monthly sign-in cycle every seven days. The rewards for the first six days of the seven days are attribute points +1, and the seventh day is a heart-warming gift box.

In addition, there is a reminder at the bottom of the interface: Upgrading the title can increase the multiplier of the sign-in reward (currently there is no additional bonus)

Looking at this interface, Luo Ning felt helpless.

When he designed the check-in system, he designed it like this. He wanted to give players a little sweetness without giving too many resources, so he gave some gold coins on the first six days, and on the seventh day, he gave some gold coins plus some jade and packaged it into a gift bag. .

Thinking about it, this "heart-warming gift box" is probably something similar.

As for the subsequent increase, it was designed to be linked to VIP. For example, when you upgrade to VIP2, the sign-in reward is twice that of VIP1.

"If I had known when designing the sign-in system, I would have made the rewards richer, instead of being so fussy like now..."

With a little regret, Luo Ning looked at the second seven-day login interface. This reward was more generous than signing in:

Day 1: Reward a knight with gold qualification;

Day 2: Reward a classic gift pack;

Day 3: Reward a space ring with 10 cubic meters of storage space;

Day 4: Reward a premium gift package;

Day 5: Reward a high-quality weapon, the Flowing Flame Sword;

The precious magic scroll in which the monster signed a master-servant contract;

Day 7: Reward a light magician with the qualification of a great magician.

From a card game perspective, this seven-day login reward comes with two character cards and some development materials, which can help novices get through the early stages of the game;

From Luo Ning's perspective now, it just solves the problem of having no one under his command.

When he arrived in his own territory, he had to have some confidants, and the seven-day login gave him a solution.

But Luo Ning still felt unhappy.

"If I had known I should have put some of the cards with the strongest qualifications in!"

The levels of knights and magicians in this world are——

Nine knight levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, bronze, silver, gold, shooting star, silver moon, and scorching sun;

Nine levels of magician: junior, intermediate, advanced, great magician, chief magician, magician, great magician, magician, great magician

The best characters given in these seven days of login are only characters with level 7 Grand Mage qualifications.

Although the Great Mage was already considered a powerful person in this world, Luo Ning still regretted not putting in a better one.

If the two systems of monthly sign-in and seven-day login made Luo Ning regretful, then this generous first deposit gift made him very sad.

A fire-attribute knight with recharged Yang qualifications and a luxurious gift package.

Jiaoyang, that is the absolute top existence. At least when I was this big before, I had never seen any Jiaoyang-level transcendent with my own eyes.

Such a reward is absolutely luxurious, but the price to get it is not low!

Magic crystal is a precious magic material in this world.

A magic crystal is worth about 100 gold coins. If Luo Ning wants to get this Sun-qualified subordinate, he needs to spend

It's a small amount.

Luo Ning rummaged through his drawers and found that his pocket money only amounted to 23 gold coins.

“If I had known better, I should have lowered the conditions for the first deposit reward and just recharged it to one yuan!”

In this way, he only needs to consume one magic crystal to obtain this grand gift.

Alas, I regret it!

"Damn game planner!"

Luo Ning didn't know who he was scolding. He turned his attention to the achievement task interface.

In the game, the main purpose of monthly sign-in and seven-day login is to attract retention, the first deposit bonus is to increase the payment rate of new areas, and the achievement mission system is to give players a goal to strive for.

At this time, the "Achievement Tasks" interface clearly displays five achievements:

[Famous all over the world]: The title is not only a symbol of status, but also a manifestation of strength. Please work hard to become a Viscount, rewards: attribute points +200, energy essence +400

[King of Killing]: Kill any unit alone, reward: attribute points +10, energy essence +20

[Prosperous Population]: The registered population of the territory reaches 3,000. Rewards: Attribute points +30, Energy Essence +60

[Siege City]: Own 1 city, reward: attribute points +200, energy essence +400

[Prosperous Wealth]: Get 500 gold coins at one time, reward: attribute points +20, energy essence +40

By completing tasks, Luo Ning basically determined his future development direction, which was to improve his strength, manage his territory, earn wealth, and then conquer cities and territories.

He moved his eyes to the last interface, which was the attribute panel of the game character. At this moment, his attributes were recorded:

【Name】: Luoning Wushan

[Title]: Baron

[Physique]: Demon Fighting Dual Cultivation (your two professional levels must be broken through at the same time)

[Affinity]: Wind, Fire (Super)

[Level]: Mortal (0/10)+

[Attribute points]: 1

[Energy Essence]: 0

After seeing the content on this interface clearly, especially after seeing the plus sign after the level, Luo Ning instantly became more energetic!

In this extraordinary world with fighting spirit and magic, Luo Ning naturally refuses to be ordinary.

This attribute panel brought him a way to get rid of the ordinary and enter the extraordinary - adding points.

This is what attribute points do.

After looking at it, Luo Ning felt better.

Now he just needs to find a place to develop stably and rely on the monthly sign-in system to become stronger.

"By the way, Shanlin Town!"

Luo Ning's eyes lit up. He remembered that Wiggins said when he was at Wushan Fortress that he would become the baron of Shanlin Town.

"I wonder where Shanlin Town is?"

Luo Ning hurriedly rummaged through the drawer and took out a rough map of Wushan Territory from the bottom.

As the map was spread out, a faint fishy smell hit my nostrils. This was the unique smell of parchment, and it was not pleasant at all.

Luo Ning searched for the location of Shanlin Town.

"Remote areas……"

Based on this clue, Luo Ning accurately found Shanlin Town in the northern part of the map.

"This location... looks pretty good?"

Shanlin Town is the northernmost town in Wushan Territory. Further north, there are no other cities except mountains.

"Then the whole north belongs to me, right?" Luo Ning thought happily.

Boom, boom, boom~

There was a knock on the door.

Luo Ning looked away from the map and cleared his throat, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing a butler's dress walked in and bowed politely to Luo Ning:

"Hallwater has met the young master!"

Although Luo Ning was deprived of his inheritance rights, he was still a bloodline of the Wushan family and was still a noble.

Hallwater is the steward of the Marquis Mansion. Although he has a certain status, he is still a domestic servant and is still respectful to his master without fault.

"What's the matter, Mr. Hallwart?"

The butler stepped forward, placed the box in his hand on Luo Ning's table, and said politely:

"Master, this is the appointment letter that the master just wrote. He asked me to bring it to you. And he asked me to tell you that he hopes you will leave for Shanlin Town within two days."

Luo Ning's eyebrows twitched. The father in his predecessor really wanted him to leave as soon as possible.

He opened the box and opened the appointment letter, which stated the appointment status.

"Hey, why doesn't my name have a surname?" Luo Ning asked.

He only saw the word "Luo Ning" in the name on the appointment letter. The surname "Wushan" was not written and was empty.

"The master said that you can have your own surname after you become independent. If you haven't thought about it, you don't have to fill it in. When you think about it, you can fill it in and inform him and register it."

Luo Ning laughed in his heart.

Good guy, this cheap dad actually took away his last name.

It is true that nobles can change their surnames, but this usually happens when one family and two forces are equally matched, so that it is easy for the outside world to distinguish.

However, even if they change their surnames, the two groups will still recognize each other as the same family for at least a few generations, and their bloodline will not change, nor will they deny it.

Wiggins is doing this just to vent his unhappiness to Luo Ning.

"This guy is really irritable and willful."

Luo Ning wasn't angry, since he had traveled through time and could have any surname. He would be more than happy to let him choose his own surname.

He thought for a while, placed the appointment letter on the table, then picked up a pen and wrote his last name.

new igh.𝑐𝑜𝑚

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