Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 4 4 A Territory full of dangers

Chapter 4 A Territory full of dangers

Luo Ning thought for a long time before picking up a pen and writing a new surname on the appointment letter - Firestorm. ൠ

Fire and storm mean fierceness and vastness. The wind assists the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind to cause endless growth and destruction.

Luo Ning uses this word as his surname, which not only means that he has gained a new life, but also hopes that his journey in the future will be as fierce and unstoppable as the fire storm!

After all, they have become small lords of another world. Who doesn’t want to become a big lord?

"Please tell my father, butler, that I take 'Firestorm' as my surname. I hope that the Wushan Territory and my territory will be as prosperous as the wind blowing flames."

Hallwart nodded repeatedly, this is a good name.

"Don't worry, young master, I will convey your thoughts to the master!"

He felt that the infamous eldest grandson of the Marquis in front of him was different from before. Perhaps he had grown a lot after experiencing the sudden changes in the past two days.

A mature and stable family member is very important to the current Wushan collar. Even if this person is no longer named Wushan, his bloodline is still there.

No matter where he goes, the symbol of black eyes and silver hair belonging to the Oyama family is always there.

Luo Ning dried the writing on the appointment letter and put it back in the box.

He glanced at the map spread out on the table and thought that the housekeeper in front of him might know more, so he asked:

"I am about to become the baron of Hillwood Town, but I know nothing about it. Hallwater, do you know anything about Hillwood Town?"

As a housekeeper, Hallwart has much higher knowledge than ordinary domestic servants.

In addition, by being around Wiggins all year round, he will also be exposed to some information.

"Master Luo Ning, I do know a little bit about Shanlin Town."

He introduced: "Shanlin Town is located in the north of Wushan Territory. It is adjacent to the end of Wushan Warcraft Mountain Range to the west. It is surrounded by a large woodland and hills to the east and north. It is said that through them is the sea, and only the south can lead to it. The outside world, but there are rolling hills blocking the road and the traffic is not very good.”

Luo Ning frowned slightly. This place was really a remote area, and it seemed a bit dangerous.

"The monsters in the Wushan Mountains of Monsters won't attack Shanlin Town, right?" He was a little worried.

"It's possible, young master."

The butler said: "I remember that over the years, my master had successively arranged for barons or pioneer knights to take care of Hillwood Town, but they seemed to have died in the confrontation with the Warcraft that winter."

Luo Ning's face turned pale. Damn it, isn't this a dangerous place?

No wonder Wiggins said that those who had done meritorious service did not have much objection to the title of Baron of Hillwood Town.

This is a dangerous place with inconvenient transportation and probably not much oil and water. No one wants to be a fiefdom, right?

Hallwart saw Luo Ning's expression changing, knowing that his introduction had frightened him, so he quickly comforted him:

"Actually, Master, don't worry. Monsters are used to going down the mountain to look for food when it snows in winter and food is hard to find. Then you just need to live in the castle and go out less and you'll be fine."

Luo Ning showed a very bitter smile, "Thank you for your suggestion, I think it is very useful."

"Thank you for your affirmation."

Hallwart continued to introduce: "In fact, not only Warcraft, there are also some savage tribes in the mountains north of Shanlin Town that pose certain threats."

"More than twenty years ago, the Marquis sent people to encircle and suppress these savage tribes. Although we lost some guards and knights, we have already defeated those guys."

"What!" Luo Ning was shocked, "There is also a savage tribe??"

Forget about the Warcraft, what is this savage, a humanoid creature covered in long hair?

After Hallwater's introduction, Luo Ning had a certain understanding of the savage tribe in the woodland north of Shanlin Town.

The savage tribe is not savages, but the defeated soldiers who were chased by the marquis and fled into the mountains more than 20 years ago.

In the end, the Qing suppression troops went in and out of the mountains and forests many times, but failed to kill the opponents. ♦ൠ

Later, due to the remote location of Shanlin Town, insufficient supplies and other problems, it was shelved and was not completely cleared.

As time went by, those defeated soldiers absorbed some thieves, bandits, and other people who fled into the mountains, and gradually formed the current savage tribe.

It sounds scary, but the actual combat effectiveness is not very high, otherwise the mountain forest town without a lord would have been annexed by the savage tribe.

But Luo Ning was still very worried. He had to make some preparations to ensure his safety.

"Mr. Butler, has the earl arranged any guards or elite family soldiers for me?"

Theoretically speaking, for children who leave home to start a business, their families will provide some resource support.

It’s just Wiggins, I can’t say for sure.


Hallwart hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, Master, but I didn't arrange any guards or elite soldiers."

Sure enough, his predecessor's father didn't give Luo Ning any surprises.

"What about money? Food? Horses?"

Hallwart still shook his head. It was obvious that Wiggins had no resources to support him.

"ok, I get it!"

Luo Ning looked very decadent and sat down on the chair.

If you want to be prepared, you must get material or financial support from others, especially money. With it, Luo Ning can go out and buy it.

He had to find a way to get some money.

"It looks like I can only ask for it shamelessly."

After making this decision, Luo Ning was ready to start acting.

He learned from his memory that Wiggins was very loving to his predecessor's mother, Fatima. If he had not died unexpectedly, he would not have had a stepmother named Diane Hyde.

"It seems that the earl doesn't regard me as his son at all. Has he forgotten the promise he made to my mother?"

Luo Ning looked sad, "He once promised my mother that he would protect the safety of me and my sister with his own life. But now, I am about to go to a dangerous place like Shanlin Town, but he doesn't even have a guard." You won’t even give me a single gold coin!”

"He clearly wants me to die in Shanlin Town!"

Ronin looked directly into Hallwart's eyes, until the latter avoided his eyes and did not dare to look at him, then he said in a tone that was one part crying, one part complaining, and one part angry:

"If something happens to me on the road or in my territory, I will definitely tell my mother in heaven that the man she loves so much turned out to be a cruel person who doesn't keep his promises!"

"I feel so unworthy of my mother!"

"Master, you...don't get excited yet."

Hallwart was a little in a hurry. He just came to deliver a letter of appointment, and he didn't expect such a scene to happen suddenly.

The earl's son, the baron of Shanlin Town, actually cried in front of him.

Nobleman, this is the first time that he has cried to one of his stewards.

He quickly made up an excuse to appease him: "Maybe, maybe the master was just too busy and forgot. I will remind him when I get back later."

Luo Ning touched the corners of his eyes and made a gesture of wiping away tears. In fact, his eyes were dry.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Butler, please convey my words to the Earl and ask him if he still remembers a woman named Fatima Sari."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Hallwart quickly agreed, then politely and hurriedly exited the room.

After seeing the butler leave, Luo Ning let out a long breath.

In just half a day, he had already acted in two scenes in a row. He felt quite tired even though he was not an actor.

Returning to the attribute panel, Luo Ning used the 1 attribute point he got from signing in today and added it to his level.

[Level]: Mortal (0/10) → (1/10)

In an instant, Luo Ning felt that the fatigue in his body disappeared, and at the same time, he felt that his physical and mental energy had been strengthened to a certain extent.

"The extra points in the mortal stage should be the process of getting rid of the weak constitution of my previous body."

He glanced at the other four interfaces with great satisfaction.

Signing in is automatic and does not require any action from him;

The seven-day login and achievement tasks are also completed automatically, but the rewards need to be collected manually.

Now he can collect the first day's reward and get a subordinate.

But now is not the time to collect rewards.

The sudden appearance of a stranger in the Marquis's residence will inevitably arouse others' suspicion.

Luo Ning didn't want this matter to be exposed.

"There's no rush, I'll collect it when I go out. The most important thing now is to make money!"

Where to get money from?

Ronin tapped his fingers on the table.

In the entire castle, there are only a few people who control the wealth-grandfather Marquis Rulans, father Earl Wiggins, stepmother Diane, and brother Breton.

Wiggins has asked the housekeeper Hallward to speak, and Diane may also be present.

So between these two people, Luo Ning doesn't need to make any decisions.

And his brother Brayton is not at home at the Chaozhou Academy in Wushan City at the moment, and only Rulans is left.

Having just been deprived of his inheritance rights and rewarded a baron as a favor, is it appropriate for Luo Ning to ask Rulans for resources and support?

Thin-skinned people might not want to go, but Luo Ning thought it didn't matter, he was a little thick-skinned.

Luo Ning followed his memory and rushed outside the old Marquis's small single-family building.

He could hear Lulans coughing inside, as well as the busy figures of several servants.


Luo Ning called out and then walked into the room.


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