Chapter 5 Seeking Funding

"It's Luo Ning."

In the room, Lulans leaned on the bedside. He heard Luo Ning's voice and was a little surprised why his grandson was so attentive today. "Come to see me for anything?"

"Hey hey hey~"

Luo Ning came to the bedside with a smile, pretending to be embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I just learned about the situation in Shanlin Town. It's still quite poor and dangerous there. It's not safe for me to go there alone."

"Ahem!" Rulans coughed twice.

He had thought that the child had grown up before, but he did not expect that the child was still afraid of difficulties. This made Lulans a little unhappy: "So you are not going to go?"


Luo Ning was very determined: "Since I want to atone for my sins and do something for the family, I won't back down just because of this little danger!"

"Oh?" Lu Lansi's expression softened slightly.

Luo Ning chuckled, "But Grandpa, there were a lot of things that were difficult to do when I was alone."

He also pretended to be a daughter and shook Rulansi's old hand, "So I hope that the family can arrange some guards or elite soldiers for me, and then provide me with some gold coins to buy me some food and weapons and equipment."

"Grandpa doesn't want my eldest grandson to die before arriving in Shanlin Town. I want to come back to attend your birthday party this year!"


Lu Lansi laughed, first because Luo Ning was thinking about his birthday now, and secondly because of Luo Ning's growth. He didn't expect that this ignorant guy would take the initiative to think about the future and know how to ask for resources. .

He has determined that this child has really grown up.

"You also know that I have left family matters to your father for more than ten years. Now the transfer and distribution of guards are arranged by him and his knights. You can only go to your father for this matter. I am afraid that I will help you." I have nothing to do for you."

This kind of thing sounds like rejection.

Wiggins is so afraid of Rulans, so whether he will give him resources or not is still a matter of Rulans' words?

Luo Ning had no choice but to make a pitiful gesture: "After my mother died, my father has always hated me. Now if I ask him for resources, he will not only scold me, but maybe even beat me."

At this point, it's time to play some emotional cards. He cried and cried: "Grandpa taught me how to read, ride horses, and hunt, but now he is not even willing to support his grandson who is about to travel far away?"

"If it really doesn't work, even if I borrow it from my family, I will pay it back bit by bit later!"

Shame, is it important?

Of course that's important!

But it also depends on the occasion.

As the saying goes, children who cry are fed by milk, and Luo Ning will now play the role of a child who can cry.

As for the dispute between the Wushan family and the border earl family caused by him, he simply didn't think about it and pretended that it was not him.

Yes, those things were done by my predecessor. What does it have to do with him, Luo Ning?

Whether the old Marquis was angry or displeased, he just wanted to shamelessly come over today and ask for a little bit.

Fortunately, Lu Lansi, an old man who lived not long ago, was still very nostalgic. Especially when Luo Ning mentioned teaching literacy, teaching horse riding, and teaching hunting, he was deeply touched.

He had to admit that he had invested a lot of emotion in Luo Ning.

Now faced with the request of the grandson on whom he had placed endless hope, his heart softened again.

"Okay, okay, I agree."

Lulans said helplessly, then turned to look at the old butler who was waiting on the side.

"Most, you go tell Wiggins and ask him to support Ronin with one hundred gold coins in my name, and other supplies, such as food, guards, horses, etc., as a father, he must also express his gratitude, no matter what. Luo Ning is also his son, a child of my Wushan family."

"Okay, sir!" The old butler bowed and left the room to inform.

Luo Ning grinned, "Thank you grandpa for your support, I will definitely run Shanlin Town very well!"

"Then do your best!"

Lulans smiled and slowly lay down, "If you have time, remember to go back to the castle more often."

"I will."

Luo Ning knew that this was an eviction order. He stood up and helped Lu Lans pull a corner of the blanket to cover his chest, and then exited the room.

"This kid has really grown up."

Lulans looked at Luo Ning's leaving figure and sighed, "It's a pity that it's too late. It's a pity that he doesn't have the fighting spirit or magic."

As a pioneer in the Marquis Territory, Lulans naturally hopes that his family can become stronger and does not place any hope on outsiders.

It's a pity that when he was alive, those former followers would not have any thoughts, and even if they had thoughts, they would not act.

But when he dies, it won't be certain.

Let Brayton succeed and bind the Hyde family to the Osan family. This is the best choice.

As for Luo Ning, whether he is granted the title of Baron or is now being given 100 gold coins as a financial aid, it is nothing to Rulans.

He would be happy to see Luo Ning develop, but he would not be angry if Luo Ning still had no achievements.

On the other side, Luo Ning walked out of the old Marquis' house and looked at the peaceful garden in front of him, feeling refreshed.

100 gold coins, plus his own balance, totaled 128 gold coins, which was enough for him to purchase a lot of resources. At least he didn't have to worry about going hungry in a remote mountain town.

"Since grandpa has given the order, even if my cheap father doesn't want to, he will support it more or less, right?"

Luo Ning thought for a while and gave up the plan of going out to the market.

Firstly, it was getting dark, and secondly, he wanted to see what Wiggins would give him.

If the initial supplies are sufficient, he does not need to go out to purchase.

Not long after, in the luxurious living room, Wiggins' angry questioning made the crystal chandelier on the ceiling shake uneasily.

"What, let me give that guy resource support?"

"Father, is he confused? This Luo Ning has brought huge losses to the family. It's fine if we don't expel him from the family. Now he still asks me to support him?"

The rugged man took a big sip of beer and shouted angrily: "No way, I can't waste another grain of food or another soldier on him!"

"But Lord Earl, Lord Marquis said that Young Master Luo Ning is a bloodline of the Wushan family after all. How about you, Lord Earl, give me a little support?"

The old butler Most stood by and was very embarrassed. On one side was the Marquis' order, and on the other side was the Earl who had always had a bad temper. He did not dare to talk nonsense or talk too much.

"Just do what Father said."

At this time, the beautiful young woman sitting on the sofa nearby spoke.

Diane Hyde, this woman who is over 40 years old is still beautiful. Her long curly golden hair is casually draped on the sofa, making her reclining figure even more attractive.

"Father is right. No matter where Luo Ning goes, he will still be the bloodline and eldest grandson of our Wushan family. If something happens to him before he arrives in Shanlin Town, it will not be the same for both the Wushan family and the Hyde family. A good thing."

"He killed your niece!"

Wiggins looked at his wife displeased and said, "Thank you for speaking for him."

Hallwart stood aside and wiped his sweat. He had just been waiting for the master and his wife to separate before telling Wiggins what Ronin said. After all, he was referring to his ex-wife.

Now it seems that I can't wait any longer.

Hallwart considered it for a moment, then bowed and said cautiously: "Master, when I went to Master Luo Ning just now, he also wanted me to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

Wiggins said in a cold voice, why didn't he realize that his son talked so much before?

"He said, please give him a little support for the sake of his mother, Fatima Sari."

Hallwart automatically omitted some words, and it was indeed inappropriate to say them.

But just this sentence made Wiggins stunned for a moment, and a beautiful face could not help but appear in his mind. That was his Bai Yueguang, his first real lover.

"Humph, he will only move out of his mother!"

Diane didn't seem to care at all about the mention of her husband's ex-wife. She smiled gently: "Yes, I heard that you made a vow to take care of Luo Ning with all your strength."

"Then we have to see what kind of guy Luo Ning is!"

Wiggins took another sip of wine and said to Hallwart: "Just do what father said and give Ronin some support."

He paused and then said: "You don't need to give too much. You prepare it first, and I will confirm it later."

"Yes, sir." Hallwart responded with a smile.

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