Chapter 6 Hidden Crisis

"Is this what my father gave me?"

By the light of the torch, Luo Ning looked at the several carriages parked in the manor's castle with a somewhat disappointed tone. ♦✎

In front of him, there was a war horse, plus six carriages containing grain and ten servants standing beside the carriages.

Seven horses, six carts, and ten servants.

Hallwart stood aside and introduced: "Master, this is a high-quality war horse. The price on the market can reach 100 gold coins! Although these six horses are not war horses, they are also of high quality. Each of them costs at least 20 gold coins. Ten gold coins.”

"The carriage contains two thousand kilograms of barley, five hundred kilograms of wheat, five hundred kilograms of flour, two hundred kilograms of dried meat, fifty kilograms of coarse salt and ten kilograms of fine salt. This food is enough for you, these nine elite soldiers, and your male servants. It’s been a year.”

"In addition, there are also daily necessities such as pots, tableware, cups, etc. Although there are not many, they are enough for your daily use."

Luo Ning chuckled. It was quite complete, but the portion was a bit small.

The barley and wheat are not peeled. Although the total weight is three thousand kilograms, how much can actually be eaten?

Lord Count, are you going to let him eat and go hungry for a year?

As for the nine elite soldiers...

Luo Ning glanced at the nine men standing beside the carriage who only had a sword and no armor. Look at their lifeless looks. Are these the elite soldiers of Wushan Fort?

What a liar!

On the other hand, the manservant standing nearby made Luo Ning feel good and energetic.

Oh, forget it...

Luo Ning shook his head secretly. He was not qualified to be picky now, so he should just accept whatever he had.

While comforting himself, he asked: "Besides these, is there anything else? Where is the hundred gold coins my grandfather gave me?"

He cares more about this. As long as he has money, he can buy what he needs.

Barley on the market costs 3 copper coins per catty, and he can only afford it if he buys three thousand catties.

"Here it is!"

Hallwart took out a black bag from his arms, and the sound of the money colliding was very pleasant to the ear.

"In addition to the 100 gold coins given by the Marquis, Lady Diane also gave 50 gold coins, saying that you will develop well there and remember to go home and take a look when you have time."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up.

Good guy, this stepmother in my predecessor is still okay, and she actually took the initiative to sponsor 50 gold coins.

Why should she sponsor me?

Luo Ning thought, isn't the other party worried that his rise will threaten her son's status?

In fact, Luo Ning was overly worried about this.

From Diane's perspective, it was questionable whether Luo Ning could survive in Hillwood Town, let alone rise or not.

Moreover, where can an ordinary person rise?

Therefore, in Diane's eyes, Luo Ning and her son were not on the same level, and there was no need for her to compete.

On the contrary, she did so. In the eyes of Marquis Rulans, she was really thinking about the future generations of the Osan family.

"Thank you to Diane for me!"

Luo Ning said casually and took the wallet from Hallwart's hand. The heavy feeling was really good.

Hallwart nodded and said, "In addition, Master, Master asked me to tell you something."


Luo Ning was a little surprised. He had asked Hallwater to bring a message to Wiggins, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually say something back to him.

"What did the count ask you to tell me?"

It seemed that the embarrassment of this sentence made it difficult for Hallwart to say it, so he said in a low voice: "The master said that after you get these things, you can leave Wushanpu early tomorrow morning."

Luo Ning: "..."

When Hallwart sent him the appointment letter before, Wiggins told him to leave within two days. New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆 now has the resources, and the other party directly asked him to leave tomorrow morning.

It seems that taking out such things may have made Wiggins unhappy.

Thinking of this, Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh.

"Hallwater, thank my father for me."

"Huh?" Hallwart was a little confused.

"Thanks for his tolerance and allowing me to stay one more night in the castle."

Hallwart smiled apologetically. He could hear a hint of sarcasm and provocation in this sentence, but he could understand Ronin, as a son, complaining about his father's attitude.

Luo Ning put the money bag away and pointed at the manservant whom he was more satisfied with. This guy was much more energetic than the nine elite soldiers.

"May I have your name?"

The male servant stepped forward and performed a standard servant's courtesy, "Your most loyal servant Chahar has met the master!"

"Hello, Chahar."

Luo Ning nodded at the other party, "Follow Hallwart and ask him to help arrange accommodation for the night. Also, be prepared. We will set off after breakfast tomorrow morning."

"As you wish, my lord!" Chahar bowed in response and turned around to make arrangements.

Although Hillwood Town is not a good place, Chahar's dream is to become a steward of a great noble like Hallwater.

So when he heard that Hallwater was looking for a male servant to serve Ronin, he took the initiative to sign up.

He knew that although going to Shanlin Town was dangerous, it was also an opportunity.

Being a servant in Wushan Castle might lead a more stable life, but it would be too difficult to realize your dream.

"I hope Lord Baron can stand firm in Shanlin Town!"

Chahar prayed in his heart that only when his master was safe would he have the possibility to realize his ideal.

Ronin asked Hallwater to arrange accommodation for these guards and male servants, and then returned to his room with the money bag.

Now his deposits have reached 173 gold, 54 silver, and 18 copper, totaling more than 178 gold coins.

Coupled with invisible assets such as war horses, horses and carriages, Luo Ning's current worth may be more than that of some barons who are about to go bankrupt.

To be able to obtain these resources even though he was rejected by his father and deprived of his inheritance rights, to be honest, it was far beyond his expectations.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and I have to take everything I need to take with me!"

Luo Ning looked around the room. There were a lot of clothes and books stored here. These things belonged to him and could not be left behind.

Well, forget about the table, it's bad luck if it's too big, and there's no shortage of wood in the mountains, so I won't be able to build a few of them myself.

Oh, by the way, there is also a blanket, which comes in handy on the road.

Luo Ning became busy.

It was already dark, and except for the guards on duty and the slaves who had not finished their work, most of the people in Wushan Castle who could rest had basically rested.

In a long room, the nine guards who were selected to follow Luo Ning to Shanlin Town couldn't sleep.

Unlike Chahar, they did not go to Shanlin Town voluntarily, but were forcibly arranged. They were attached to Wushanbao and had no right to object.

"Oh, I feel so weak when I think about leaving Wushan City in two days!"

There was a guard lying on his side on the hay, his tone full of worry.

"I've heard that the mountain town is a dangerous place. I don't know how many people are eaten by monsters every year, and in that deep mountain forest, you can't even guarantee a meal a day. If you go there, you're waiting to die. "

"Yeah, I don't know what the adults think. Lord Luo Ning is going to be the lord of Shanlin Town. Why should he arrange a professional knight and let a few of us ordinary people escort him? It's not that he doesn't even care about Lord Luo Ning's safety. Do you value it?"

"Haha, don't you know that Luoning has been deprived of his inheritance rights, which is equivalent to being given up by the earl. Do you think the earl will arrange for knights to protect such a person?"

"Is there such a thing?"

In the longhouse, the nine guards chatted with each other. The more they chatted, the more desperate they became. The more they chatted, the more they felt that they were also abandoned people and that they would die in Shanlin Town.

Perhaps because they were immersed in this desperate atmosphere, two timid people began to sob softly. They did not want to die.

Finally, a big man suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Since no one wants to go to Shanlin Town, I think we should leave Na Luoning halfway and run away alone?"

It is a mortal sin for a servant to abandon his master.

When the man finished speaking, the long room fell into a deathly silence.

After a long while, someone finally asked timidly: "In this case, won't we be hunted down?"

"Haha, don't forget, that guy Hallwater just gave Luoning more than a hundred gold coins! With this money, where can we go?"

At the mention of this, everyone's eyes seemed to light up.

That's a full one hundred and fifty gold coins. These people couldn't earn so much money even if they worked as guards for a hundred years together.

"We, we want to steal Master Luo Ning's money? He is a noble!"

"What are you afraid of? There are many remote and uninhabited places on the way to Shanlin Town. If we do something there, who would know that we did it?"

"As for the rest of our lives, when we have so many gold coins, where can we not live?"

That person was encouraging. In fact, this idea had been swirling in his mind for a long time. What was missing was help.

Now he only needs to persuade these guards. As ordinary people, Luo Ning and Chahar have no power to resist when they do it.

When the time comes, you will have money, horses, and supplies, and it will be good to be a thief. Anyway, there are more and more thief groups in Wushan.

Under his instigation, the greed in other people's hearts became more and more turbulent, and the longhouse smelled of betrayal.


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